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Sundarbans Ecotourism Preferences and

spending patterns
This form aims to analyze tourist spending patterns and preferences for ecotourism
attractions in the Sundarbans and nearby areas.

1. What is your age group?

Mark only one oval.

Below 18






65 and above

2. What is your country of origin?

Mark only one oval.


3. What time of year did you visit the Sundarbans?

Mark only one oval.

Winter (December - February)

Summer (March - May)

Monsoon (June - September)

Autumn (October - November)

4. How many days did your Sundarbans trip last?

Mark only one oval.

1-2 days

3-4 days

5-7 days

More than 7 days

5. What was your primary mode of transportation within the Sundarbans?

Mark only one oval.



6. Which of the following ecotourism activities did you participate in during your visit
(select all that apply)?

Tick all that apply.

Tiger spotting
Nature walks/hiking
Boat tours through mangrove forests
Cultural performances

7. How much did you spend per person per day on your Sundarbans trip

Mark only one oval.

Below ₹1,000

₹1,000 - ₹2,000

₹2,000 - ₹3,000

₹3,000 - ₹5,000

More than ₹5,000

8. How important are sustainable practices (e.g., responsible waste management, use
of local guides) when choosing an ecotourism experience?

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5
9. When planning a Sundarbans trip, how important is the opportunity to experience the
local culture (e.g., food, music, traditions) in addition to wildlife viewing?

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

10. To enhance your Sundarbans ecotourism experience, which type of

accommodation would you prefer?

Mark only one oval.

Treehouse bungalow

Riverside eco-camp

Village homestay

Wildlife observation lodge

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