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Instructor: Dr.

Nivin Atef
FCIS – Ain Shams University
Offering Dept.: Software Engineering
Subject: User Interface Design
Academic year: 2019-2020
Exam: Final Exam
Duration: 2 hours
Year: (2nd Term) 4th undergraduate
Answer the following FOUR questions: (Total marks: 100)
Question 1 Marks: 30
Mark the following statements either true or false and correct the false ones
1- Direct manipulation interfaces depend less on linguistic skills than command line or menu/form
2- The System Model is how the system actually works.
3- In the Model-View-Controller Model, the controller listens for model changes and updates display.
4- Breadcrumbs is an example for showing the state of the view.
5- The Help menu isn’t in the right place can be revealed by a paper prototype.
6- Consistency is how an interface communicates nonverbally, telling you how to operate it.
7- To improve mouse efficiency you should make frequently-used targets small.
8- Command Languages are more learnable than Menu/form interfaces.
9-The facilitator should provide hints to the user as soon as the user appears troubled by the task and
10- Information scent of a link indicates how profitable it will be to follow the link to its destination.
11- From the implications of Fitt’s law that targets at screen edge are easy to hit.
12- To prevent description slips you should avoid very common action sequences that have identical
13- In User-Centered Design, the step of the user analysis is concerned by what does the user need to
14- Hand-sketch design seems less finished, and more open to suggestions and improvements.
15- From the recommendation in designing interfaces is to use white space for grouping, instead of
Question 2 Marks: 30
Choose the correct answer:
1. A persona is:
A. a member of the design team pretending to be a user
B. a user joining the design team to help with the design
C. a fictional person who represents a user
D. a user in a domain analysis diagram
2. Which of the following is from the roles of an observer?
A. Explain to the user how the interface works
B. Take notes of the critical incidents during the test
C. Provide the user with the tasks
D. None of the above

3- The …………… is the current state of the user’s interaction with the interface
A. View State B. System State C. Navigation State D. None of the above

4- From the design principles followed to increase efficiency:

A. Auto Complete B. Aggregation C. Anticipation D. All of the above

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5- The …………….. explain how eye creates a whole from parts
A. Gestalt Principles B. Simplicity C. Association principles D. None of the Above

6- All the following are advantages of paper prototypes except:

A. Easier to change
B. Slow to build
C. Focuses attention on big picture
D. No special designing skills are required.

7- ………… Consistency is the consistency with other applications on the same platform
A. Internal B. External C. Metaphoric D. None of the Above

8- With respect to the tone of error message, which of the following should not be used?
A. Be Precise B. Blame the user C. Give constructive help D. All of the Above

9- In the Model-View-Controller Model, the ……. Maintains the application State

A. Model B. View C. Controller D. Listener

10- …………… is concerned with how is whether the interface is easy to learn or not.
A. Usability B. Learnability C. Efficiency D. Safety

11. Which of the following are true about the use of widgets in user interfaces? (choose all good
A. Using widgets saves developmental efforts
B. Widgets may constrain a designer’s thinking.
C. Widgets encourage a direct manipulation interface rather than forms and menus
D. Widget reuse increases consistency among the applications on a platform

12. Which of the following is likely to be involved in a storyboard? (choose all good answers)
A. scenario B. user interface toolkit C. persona D. sketches
13. A prototype in the inner ring of the spiral model is: (choose all good answers)
A. Low-fidelity B. Early in the process C. Costly D. Slow to create
14. Which of the following are widely-accepted good practices in early stages of user interface
design? (choose all good answers)
A. Drawing by hand on paper
B. Coming up with ideas independently before group discussion
C. Getting feedback from users
15. Formative evaluation (choose all good answers)
A. is useful in the early stages of iterative design
B. is a key part of task analysis
C. is often used to measure efficiency of an expert user
D. finds usability problems

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Question 3 Marks: 25
A. Suppose visitors to your shopping site are consistently having trouble finding the checkout link
to buy what’s in their shopping cart. Five consultants each propose different solutions. Who
should you NOT hire? Justify your choices [5 Marks]
A. “Move the link to a different place on the page, making sure it’s outside the usual locus of
B. “Give the link more affordances for clicking. “
C. “Increase the link’s information scent.”
D. “Make the link’s URL longer, so that it’s more visible.”
E. “Add a help message to the home page of the web site explaining where the link can be

B. Suppose you’re a facilitator for a user test of a computer prototype. And After the test, the user
says, “I really felt like an idiot making all those mistakes. I hope you weren’t recording me with
that video camera”. What’s wrong with the previous situation, and what should you do to fix or
prevent the problem? [5 Marks]

C. “A colleague reported that he went to his car to drive to work. As he drove away, he realized
that he had forgotten his briefcase, so he turned around and went back. He stopped the car,
turned off the engine, and unbuckled his wristwatch. Yes, his wristwatch, instead of his seatbelt.
Analyze what is/are the slip(s) and lapse(s) happened. [5 Marks]

D. The given picture illustrates a control to adjust seats in several types of

cars. The control is in the shape of the seat itself: To move the front edge
of the seat higher, lift up on the front part of the button. To make the seat
back recline, move the button back. This is an example of “ …………..”.
Complete and Explain. [5 Marks]

E. A company has just designed a user interface that was a disaster. Here what did the company
engineers explained. [5 Marks]
All of us felt that OK and Cancel buttons in the lower right hand corner were boring. So
instead, if you click at the top of the dialog box, it closes as if you did “OK,” and if you
click at the bottom, it closes as if you clicked “Cancel.”
Explain what they did wrong. What design principle(s) did they violate?

Question 4 Marks: 15
A) In no more than 2 sentences, clarify each of the following concepts in user interface design:
i. The importance of “Metaphors” in User Interface Design. [2 Marks]
ii. Simplicity [2 Marks]

B) What is meant by prototype fidelity? Mention the different dimensions of fidelity. [3 Marks].

C) Consider the following steps for searching for “CNN Channel” in Google Chrome:
1. From the desktop, you will choose google chrome icon.
2. Google chrome will open, and you will move the cursor to the search box.
3. Type “CNN”, and Click the search button.

For the above scenario, create a keystroke level model and use the following estimated operator
times in seconds to get the total time to run the whole scenario. [8 Marks]

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Keystroke determined by typing speed: 0.28 sec.
Button press or release: 0.1 sec.
For all pointing tasks: 1.1 sec.
Homing: 0.4 sec.
Mental preparation: 1.2 sec.

With My Best Regards

Dr.Nivin Atef

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