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You already know what a supply zone, demand zone is, learned how to trace these elements
on the chart, so we can move forward in our learning with an advanced interpretation
involving breakouts / fakeouts,

Based on my trade system, more than 80% of the breakouts in the cryptocurrency are fake
and most traders lose your money entering in long positions in a resistance or entering in a
short positions on a support. So how do we identify these traps? How can I use them in my
1. Draw the fixed range volume in the period. Note the huge gap between the resistances.
2. Ask yourself: If there is an easy-to-pumped zone (gap), why not pump?
3. This is a fakeout! See how the price action works: big spikes and massive selling,
4. In these situations, a lot of bullish news is common. What should you do? Look to shorts!
Again, see the gap, easy pumping and the price doesn't break.
My trade system indicates that there are usually 4 or 5 fakeouts before the real breakout. This is
because of the liquidity whales need.
After the fifth test, the rupture was confirmed, so we can look to longs in the retest on the
green arrow.
Example of the breakout on a bearish trend.

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