CHE309 Report#2

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King Fahd University of Petroleum &

Minerals: Department of Chemical



EXPERIMENT: Heat Transfer by Conduction.


Date Experiment Performed: 11/02/2024.

Date Experiment Submitted: 26/02/2024.

Submitted to: Mr. ESAM FALLATAH

This research investigates the complex interactions involved in heat conduction and the
resistance inside metallic materials which is aiming to understand how material properties and
the area of surface affect heat transfer rates. Through challenging experimentation using four
different unit configurations, the study reveals significant variations in heat flow rates among
metallic compositions, highlighting differences in thermal conductivity.
Additionally, calculations of barrier resistance emphasize the role of material variations in
determining heat transfer efficiency. A comparison between theoretical predictions and
experimental results reveals discrepancies, particularly with Unit 3 showing a relative error that
exceeds 50% and this error expected to be human error from collecting the data.
This underscores the difficulties in precisely simulating events related to heat transfer and
emphasizes the importance of precise experimental techniques. The findings have implications
for engineering, stressing the need to optimize thermal management systems for energy
efficiency. Further research is necessary to deepen our understanding of heat conduction in
metallic materials and improve thermodynamic principles.
Our prime objective is to assess the resistance of various materials to thermal transfer and
investigate how variable regions affect the rate of heat transmission. The experiment is expected
to reveal variations in heat transfer rates among metallic materials, demonstrating the influence
of variable areas on heat flow. Comparison of theoretical predictions with experimental results
will assess model accuracy. Barrier resistance to heat transfer between metals will be observed.
Analysis of temperature gradients will clarify their impact on heat transfer rates. Steady-state
conditions will be confirmed as crucial for reliable measurements. Relationships between heat
input, temperature differentials, and heat transfer rates will be explored, and potential sources of
error identified for future refinement.

Experimental Methodology
The experiment begins by heating the opposite end of this conductive rod while concurrently
removing the heat entering the thermal sink towards the opposite end. Every aspect temp,
encompassing the coolant water on its input & output temps, has been recorded once the system
reaches steady state, which typically requires starting the equipment a couple of minutes prior to
the experiment. The flow rate of the measurement for the water cooler used in heating sinking is
determine the heat flux. The step-by-step procedure is as follows:

 Start with Unit 4, setting the power input to the max (750W). Record corresponding data
for column 4 in the Datasheet.
 Choose Option 4 via the Unit Selection.
 Change the thermostat Separator from 1 to 10 to keep track of the ambient temperature at
different spots within Unit 4.

 Establish a temperature recording for the water being cooled between the inlet and outlet
by setting the thermostat selection to 5 and adjusting the thermocouple selectors to four
and five, accordingly.
 A calibrated with graduated measurements and a timer are used to determine the cooler
water circulation speed.
 Note the required temperatures & streams of Units 1, 2, and 3 while ensuring that the
pump & thermistor selections are set appropriately.
 Unit 4’s electrical supply should be decreased to 500 Watts.
 Wait approximately after Unit 4 reaches its equilibrium state in forty minutes, repeat
procedures 2 through 5 again, recording data for column 4a in the Datasheet.

Heat transfer by conduction in metallic materials is a fundamental phenomenon with widespread
Applies throughout a range of disciplines, such as Material Science, Physical Sciences,
Technology. Understanding the intricacies of heat conduction and resistance is crucial for
optimizing thermal management systems, designing efficient heating, and cooling devices, and
advancing our knowledge of thermodynamic principles. In this experiment, we aim to investigate
heat transfer by conduction in metallic materials and evaluate two specific objectives: firstly, to
assess the barriers preventing the exchange of heat among various metals, and secondly, to study
the effect of variable area on the rate of heat transfer. By conducting this experiment and
analyzing the results, we seek to deepen our understanding of heat conduction mechanisms and
their practical implications. This study holds significance for enhancing energy efficiency,
improving material performance, and addressing challenges related to heat management in
various industries.

Figure 1: Diagram for Thermal Conduction System

Whenever thermal power moves from a zone of greater temperature to a location of cooler
temperatures inside a substance or among components in physical proximity, the basic method of
exchange of heat by conductance takes place. At a molecular scale, this process occurs as more
energetic molecules give energy to nearby molecules that have less power. Heat conduction in
metallic materials is mostly caused by "free" electron motion.
The mathematical explanation of heat transmission is provided by the law of Fourier, which
states that the coefficient of thermal conductivity (k) of a substance determines the coefficient of
proportionality between the quantity of heat transfer (q) and its temperature differential (dT/dx)
across it. This connection is articulated as:
q/A = -k(dT/dx)
 q/A is the heat flux (heat transfer per unit area)
 The substance's thermal resistance is denoted by k.
 dT/dx was a change in temperatures along the path of heat movement.
For In many real-world scenarios, heat transfer is taken for granted. However, in some cases,
such as in solids, thermal conductivity may vary with temperature. This variation can be
approximated by assuming a linear relationship between thermal conductivity and temperature:
K = K0 (1 + Tβ)

 K0 was the heat conduction measured at a standard temperature.
 β is a characteristics of the substance
In this experiment, the objective is to evaluate heat transfer by conduction in metallic materials
and investigate two specific aspects:
1. Barrier Resistance to Heat Transfer: When heat flows impediment to heat flow develops
among two hard surfaces that aren't metallurgically connected because there are few
interactions and lower-conductive fluids (the air) present. The barrier resistance is
defined by the temperature difference across the barrier (ΔTb) and the contact resistance
(1/hc). This resistance can be quantified using Fourier's law.
2. Impact of Changing Region on Thermal Transfer: When an insulating material's cross-
sectional area changes across its length, Fourier's law is modified to account for this
variation. The heat flux is calculated as the integral of thermal conductivity over the
cross-sectional area as a function of position (A(x)).
By conducting experiments and analyzing the data, we aim to gain insights into the complex
dynamics of heat conduction in metallic materials and validate theoretical principles governing
heat transfer phenomena.

Data Analysis & Results and Discussion

Unit # 1 2 3 4
Cold Water Flowrate
1.360 1.750 7.070 4.830

Cold Water T In (C) 19.30 19.30 22.50 22.50

Cold Water T Out (C) 22.40 22.20 26.40 28.10

T.1 332.1 317.3 98.90 81.00

T.2 217.7 213.3 89.80 77.10
T.3 140.0 133.2 80.70 73.00
T.4 136.1 123.9 73.20 69.40
T.5 131.1 115.8 66.50 65.30
T.6 127.6 109.1 60.80 61.70
T.7 105.9 91.90 55.70 57.90
T.8 86.60 77.10 50.90 54.00
T.9 69.10 63.10 45.90 50.20
T.10 53.40 47.90 41.90 46.40
Table 1: Log Sheet for the conduction units

Unit # 1 2 3 4

dT 3.100 3.010 3.911 5.590

m 14.01 18.01 7.048 4.716

C(p) 4.179 4.179 4.179 4.179

Q(x) 181.1 226.0 115.1 113.1

Table 2: Data calculation required.

Distance in
Thermocouple Inches cm
T.1 0.000 0
T.2 1.375 3.4925
T.3 3.000 7.62
T.4 4.750 12.065
T.5 6.500 16.51
T.6 8.250 20.955
T.7 11.250 28.575
T.8 13.000 33.02
T.9 14.750 37.465
T.10 16.750 42.545
Table 3: Position of Thermocouples for Units #1 & 2

135.2 131.1
140 127.6

120 105.9
100 86.6
T (C)

80 69.1

60 53.4



5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

X (cm)

Figure 2: Temperature vs positions in unit 1

140 133.2
120 108.4

100 90.9
T (c)

60 48.8



5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

X (cm)

Figure 3: Temperature vs positions in unit 2

Finding barrier temperature:
T b=¿ T b ,1−T b , 2∨¿

1 Tb
hc A Q

barrier barrier barrier barrier

Unit 1 1 2 Unit 1 1 2
Tb1 167.01 124.01 Tb1 168.0 101.1
Tb2 143.02 119.9 Tb2 138.0 102.0
Barrier temp 24.32 5 Barrier temp 29.0 0.8
Barrier resistance 1.5 0.2974 Barrier resistance 1.4 0.0

Unit 3&4


T (c)

Unit 3
Unit 4


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

X (cm)

Figure 4: Temperature vs positions for unit 3 and 4

theory unit 3: Q¿ 3.0 ×10−3 k

theory unit 4: Q ¿ 6.0 ×10−3 k

For finding Th and Tc Utilizing the formulas from the earlier Unit 3 & Unit 4 graphics, replace x with x =
0 for Th and x= 35.56 for Tc

Unit number 3 4
Th 150 125
Tc 14.8 36.41
Tavg 82.01 80.91
K 395.02 395.21
Exp.Q 70.01 199.21
Theo.Q 153.21 200
%Error 54.61% 0.68%

The noticed discrepancy in heat exchange rates among Units 1 and 2 highlights the intrinsic
variations in the conductivity of heat across different metals. Furthermore, because surface area
and heat transfer rate are proportionate, changes in surface area, whether deliberate or
unintentional, reduce heat duty. Furthermore, differences between the anticipated and real heat
duty levels could result from mistakes made by humans in experiments or loss of heat brought on
by inefficient apparatus. Particularly, airflow between or above units can behave as an insulator
medium with very little conductivity, which can cause a barrier to heat transmission. All of these
elements work together to make the thermodynamic events that are seen in the setting of the
experiment complex, which highlights the need for careful examination and understanding of
heat transport processes.

In summary, the experiment has shed important light on the transmission of heat in metals.
Through careful experimentation and analysis, we have observed variations in heat transfer rates
among different metals, highlighting differences in thermal conductivity. Additionally, the effect
of variable areas on heat transfer has been studied, demonstrating its impact on heat flow rates.
The evaluation of barrier resistance to heat transfer between metals has revealed the presence of
resistance arising from limited contact points and the presence of air or surrounding fluid. This
understanding is crucial for optimizing heat transfer processes in various applications.
Furthermore, our experimental findings have been compared with theoretical predictions based
on Fourier's law, allowing us to assess the accuracy of theoretical models. This comparison has
provided validation for the underlying principles governing heat conduction in metallic
materials. Overall, this experiment contributes to our understanding of heat transfer mechanisms
and their practical implications. By deepening our knowledge of heat conduction, we can
improve the design and efficiency of thermal management systems, enhance material
performance, and address challenges related to heat management in diverse industries. Moving
forward, further research and experimentation will continue to advance our understanding of heat
transfer phenomena and its applications.


Table 5: Notation

Sample Calculation:


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