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SUBJECT: Science
Topic(s) focus: LIGHT DATE:
MAX.MARKS: 20 TIME: 40 Mins




Assessment Objectives/Focuses: Science

AF1 I can explain how does light travels AF2 I can describe about reflection of light .
AF3 I can explain the concept refraction of light . AF4 I can describe the formation of shadows for
various objects and materials.
AF5 I can explain the factors affecting size of shadow AF6 I can compare the properties and uses of mirrors

(Use this space to comment on what you feel went well and how you are going to improve)
Q.NO or AF What went well? How would you improve on this question? What are your
next steps?

Teacher Feedback/Next Steps

Assessment Point Scale: New CWPS: New Target PS:

Teacher signature: Student signature: Date:

Q.1. Do as directed:
a) Tick the drawing with the correct shadow

b) Why is a shadow formed ?

c) Circle the material that makes the darkest shadow.

Opaque transparent translucent
d) Why don’t glass windowpanes make shadows

2.a)Describe how the light travels between the torch and mirror and how it is reflected
b) A reflection is when light ______________________a shiny surface

3.a) Tom wants to investigate how the distance of the object from the light affects the size of the
shadow. How will he do his investigation?

b)What two variables will he measure ?

c) Tom decides to use a line graph to display his results. Why does a line graph a better choice
than a bar chart ?
4. Class 6 are looking at shadow puppets .

a)Tick the picture that shows where the puppet, the light ,the screen, and the audience need
to be.

b) How is the shadow formed ?

c)Ceris thinks the puppet makes the shadows bigger by moving the puppet nearer the screen.
Dan thinks they are made bigger by moving the puppet away from the screen. Circle is who is
right .
Ceris Dan
d) Explain why the size of the shadow changes .
e) Class 6 do an investigation to find out who is right .Tick the equipment they need to do their

f)Here is the graph of their results .

Look at the graph above. What was the approximate length of the shadow when the object
was 35cm away from the light source?

g) Approximately, how far away from the light source was the object when the length of the
shadow was 25cm long?
h) Write a conclusion about what the line graph is showing using scientific vocabulary.

5.Differentiate between reflection and refraction .Draw the diagram for reflection and refraction
with examples .
Reflection Refraction
6. Write about the properties and uses of mirrors.
Mirror Properties Uses

Plane mirror

Convex Mirror


7.What will be the angle of reflection if the angle of incidence is 60o.Explain your answer with
scientific reason and the help of ray diagram ?

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