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Section A - MSC
Q1. Choose the correct answer (put a tick mark next to the correct answer:
1. A person develops virtues through:
a. Learning and practice
b. Accepting and tolerating delay.
c. Donating and helping the person who is in need.

2. What is Patience?
a. It helps us to understand someone else feelings.
b. It enables us to share an emotional experience which builds profound connections
between people, creating bond of understanding.
c. The capacity to accept and tolerate delay, trouble, and suffering without getting
upset or angry.

3. What is Multiculturism?
a. A situation involving people of different nationalities and culture.
b. A system of production and consumption governing a particular country or region.
c. None of the above.

4. This was needed for growing crops and to make travel easy.
a. Mountain
b. Forest
c. Flat land

Q2. Give one word answer:

a. A medium-sized settlement. Thousands of people live in, and they have a shopping
center and factories. ______________________

b. They leave their homes and go to the sea for just over 4 months-mid May to early
September and worked for 12-14 hours a day. ___________________

c. It is a modification to a person’s environment, situation, or mental condition.

d. It is the virtue that helps us to forget someone's mistakes and move on.

e. It refers to a water passage dug into the earth for irrigation. _____________________

f. It is a way of showing the relationship between several people within a family.


Q3: Match the following:

1. UNESCO Archaeological site
2. Idea about right and wrong Pearls
3. Saruq al Hadid Virtue ethics
4. Lulu or qama shah Aflaj irrigation system

Q4. Answer the following questions:

1. Explain the quote: ‘He who does not know his past cannot make the best of his
present and future, for it is from the past that we learn’.-Sheikh Zayed.


2. What is Settlement? What are the different types of Settlement?

3. A person’s character is made up of their head, hand, and heart. "What does this

4. What is Genealogy?
5. Why is forgiving others important?


6. Explain the difference between settled and nomadic lifestyle.

SECTION B – History & Geography
Q1. Fill in the blanks:
1. An _____________ is an imaginary line around the middle of a planet.

2. _______________________ is the method for determining and describing the

location of places on earth.

3. D-Day stands for ______________________________. It was a massive Allied

invasion on June 6, 1944.

4. ________________________ was a battle fought in the sky between the British and
German air forces in 1940.

5. In 1945, the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on ________________ and

_________________, Japan.

6. The invasion of Poland caused Britain and France to declare war on

____________________on 3 September.

Q2. Match the following:

1. Longitudes a. Normandy invasion

2. Latitudes b. 180 lines

3. 15° c. Battle of Kursk

4. Largest tank battle d. 360 lines

5. The largest amphibious assault e. 1 hour

Q3. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is the Battle of Stalingrad known as the turning point in WW2?

2. What are Time zones?

3. Name the important lines of latitude.

4. What was the significance of the Battle of Britain during WW2 in 1940?
Q4. Map Marking:

Find the latitude and longitude for each letter:

F: Latitude _______________ Longitude: _____________________
D: Latitude _______________ Longitude: _____________________
E: Latitude _______________ Longitude: _____________________

Find the location of each letter:

L: _________________________ K: _________________________
A: _________________________

Find the hour differences between each letter:

M to F: _______________ H to B: _______________
L to E: ________________ A to F: ________________

Q) If it is 9:00am in location E, what time is it in the following location:

B: ________________________
H: ________________________

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