CLC 12-Combined Final Capstone Proposal Ref

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CLC 12 - Final Capstone Proposal and Reflection

Name: Serena
Topic: Creating a quilt
Focus Area: Product creation
Inquiry Question: How can I learn the necessary skills to crochet and use this knowledge as a
means of giving back to my community?
Presentation Method: A slideshow to guide me and I will bring the quilt
Presentation Time & Date: June 3 at 2:00 pm

1) Capstone Project Summary:

In the box below, please type out a 200 – 300-word summary highlighting the key points and
information that you plan to present during your Capstone Project presentation.

During my presentation, there will be two major key points that I will highlight which are the blanket and
the slideshow. For the blanket, the main part are the granny squares which can be broken down into the
type of stitches that I used. I will be explaining what a granny square is and the different patterns that are
available then refer to the one I used. Then, I will talk about the type of stitches that I used to make the
granny squares and show them through the blanket. After I am done talking about the stitches, I will move
on to talking about the process I followed to stitch the squares together. From here, I will show both sides
of the blanket because despite me following the tutorial and it said it would be “invisible,” it wasn’t as one
side was visible. With this in mind, I will talk about the possible mistakes I made while stitching. Once I am
done talking about the quilt, I will quickly talk about the tutorials that I went through and the ones I
settled on. After I talk about the tutorials, I will move on to the common mistakes I made and what I could
have done to fix it. Even though I will be talking for the majority of the presentation, I will have my
presentation that has pictures and some words to guide me.

2) Core Competencies:
In the boxes below, explain how your project or the work we’ve done in CLC 12 Class demonstrates
your abilities and skills from each section of the Core Competencies. (You must choose at least two
points from each skill area of the core competencies.) *This was also done in your Capstone Draft
Proposal, so if the skills and abilities still apply and have not changed, then you can copy and paste
your answers in the Final Capstone Proposal*

Core Competency: How you demonstrate it in Capstone Project:

Personal Awareness & Self-determination:
Responsibility - Project demonstrates this core competency because I find myself
becoming easily motivated by wanting to learn and excel in this
new area that can be used for the future
- Since learning a new skill can be difficult, I will know when I need
help and ask my aunt for guidance

- My project will demonstrate this core competency because I am
learning a new skill, I understand that if I want to excel it will take
time and patience
- I find myself to be a very determined person and being able to
manage my time well so with this project, I will be able to follow
through with my deadlines despite any emotions that may stop
Social Responsibility Contributing to the community and caring for the environment:
- My community consists of my family and close friends, and I
recognize that gifts can help alleviate any distress they may face.
Through this project, it will be given to a friend or close family
member to help them feel better or “make their day.”

Solving problems in peaceful ways:

- When learning how to crochet for the first time, I am aware that
there are many issues that may arise. So, I will go to my aunt or
friends who know how to crochet.
- My project fits this core competency because I will be able to
recognize the different problems that I face and gather varying
perspectives on how to deal with the issues I face as I learn how
to crochet

Critical Thinking Question and investigate:

- By learning how to crochet, I will need to ensure that I am asking
my aunt the proper techniques on how to make a certain design.
Also, through YouTube tutorials, I will find videos with the designs
I am happy with to make a quilt that I can be proud of.
- My project follows this core competency because I will need to
ask my aunt questions and gather the “right” videos to ensure I
can be proud of the quilt I make

Develop and design:

- The purpose of my project is to learn how to crochet granny
squares/a quilt then give it to a close friend or family member.
Living in B.C. where the weather tends to fluctuate so it is either
too cold or hot, I am aware that this quilt cannot be too thick or
thin. So, the yarn that I will use will be a good thickness so it can
be used in the fall/winter and spring/summer. For this project, I
will be able to assess my progress by keeping track of how much
of the granny squares/quilt I have crocheted and keeping up with
certain deadlines that I will create.
- My project falls under this core competency because I am aware
of the purpose which is to learn how to crochet and benefit
someone from my community then be able to assess how far I
have come in crocheting the granny squares.

Creative Thinking Generating ideas:

- Using the influence of my aunt who had taught me how to knit
when I was a child and my friend who had learned how to knit for
her capstone project, I am able to make new ideas that will
connect with learning how to crochet. My goal is to crochet
granny squares that will be connected to make a quilt but, in the
future, I may find some inspiration to crochet smaller products
that can be attached to the quilt.
- My project follows this core competency because I can use my
environment, which is my aunt and friend, to make new ideas

Developing ideas:
- From the ideas I have created with the influence from my aunt
and friend, I will be able to evaluate them to figure out which
idea is the best for this project. Recognizing that I have no idea on
how to crochet, I will be starting with what should be a simple
project which are granny squares that can be connected to make
a quilt. Just like any other project or learning a new skill, I
understand that I must make a few mistakes to learn from them
to become better
- My project follows this core competency because I will continue
to work on this idea and once I begin my journey, I will accept the
fact that I must make mistakes to learn

Communication Connect and engage with others:

- Through learning how to crochet, I will have to listen to others
who have a better understanding in this area. Also, by gathering a
variety of sources which include tutorials from YouTube as well as
my aunt and friend, I will evaluate which is the best to guide me
in my journey to come to a conclusion
- This project follows this core competency because I will listen to a
variety of sources then decide which is the best for me

Explain/recount and reflect on experiences and accomplishments:

- In the next few months, I will think back on my journey and what
I experienced to create the quilt that will be given to a friend or
family member. Also, I will document as many steps along my
journey as much as possible to publish on my website. Then when
I am presenting my project, not only will I be able to present the
skills I have learned, but the outcome which is the quilt I will
- My project follows this core competency because I can reflect on
my journey and share my experiences

Personal & Cultural Identity Personal values and choices:

- One of my values are the connections I have with my family and
friends which has shaped who I am. For example, rather than
keeping the product of this project, it will go towards someone I
care about because I want to strengthen the bond I have with
them when I am aware that I won’t have as much time once I
finish this school year.
- This project connects with this core competency because I value
my family and friends, who will receive the quilt I crochet

Personal strengths and abilities:

- A few of my strengths are that I have a good work ethic and I can
be a fast learner. These strengths will benefit me in this project
because with a good work ethic, I will be able to keep up with my
deadlines. Being a fast learner will also help me in this project
because like knitting, crocheting can be time consuming so being
a fast learner will help quicken the process
- My project follows this core competency because the skills of
having a good work ethic and being a fast learner will bring me an
advantage with this project

3) Presentation preparation:
In the boxes below, answer the following questions: What will you require from your teacher, what will
you need to bring and what still needs to be completed between now and your Capstone presentation
a) What will you require from your teacher in order to do your Capstone presentation? (Ex: Laptop,
table, poster paper, projector, etc…)

For my presentation, I will require a laptop and a connection to the tv so I am able to showcase my
slideshow that will guide me.

b) What will you need to bring in order to do your Capstone presentation?

I will bring the finished product of my capstone project, which is the quilt, and a few supplies.

c) What still needs to be completed between now and your Capstone presentation day?

Between now and my presentation day, I will need to complete my slideshow.

4) References and explanation of sources:

Please paste all your current list of sources along with a brief explanation of what you used them for in
your research. All these sources should also be listed on your website on your References page.
Below is the video I followed to learn how to crochet for the first time and create the granny
The Nervous Knitter. (2024, January 30). How to Crochet the Easiest Granny Square Ever… [Video].

Now that I have completed crocheting the granny squares, I will follow the tutorial below to stitch
them together:
"The Easiest and Fastest Way to Join Granny Squares!" 25 July 2023,

Attached below is the video I will be using to crochet the heart granny squares:
VivCrochets. (2023, December 15). Crochet Heart Granny Square Tutorial & Free Written Pattern

After changing my mind about the design, attached below is the tutorial I used to crochet the stars.
Bo's Handmade Shop. (2023, October 5). Crochet star🌟 |easy and cute #crochet #star #diy
#handmade #christmas #christmasdecor [Video]. YouTube.

To stitch the squares together, I used the tutorial that is attached below:
B. Hooked Crochet. (2023, July 25). The Easiest and Fastest Way to Join Granny Squares! [Video].

Final Capstone Project Reflection Questions

(Please give specific detailed answers.)

1. In the process of completing your Capstone Project, what did you learn about your subject? What did
you learn about your skill set? What did you learn about yourself?
In regards to my subject which is crocheting, I learned that there are many types of stitches that are
similar, but they result in different patterns. With this in mind, it was very easy to confuse between
some of them. For example, the process of completing a slip stitch, half double crochet, double
crochet, and double treble crochet are similar but the product depends on how many times a yarn over
occurs so how many times I must pull through the certain amount of stitches. Throughout my journey
of learning to crochet, I learned that even though my skill set is very narrow, I was able to apply it
many times. For example, my previous knowledge of knitting had helped me with learning how to
crochet because these two processes are similar. Also, as I used to knit and play piano as a child, it
meant I had to use my hands for a long period of time and build muscle memory. I learned that this
would help me with crocheting because I got used to crocheting for a long time and once I got
comfortable, crocheting felt easy. Finally, throughout my project, I learned that I am great at time
management and staying motivated. My reasoning is that even though I only have one academic class
this semester, physics is still very difficult in both knowledge and work wise. So, I was able to stay on
top of managing assignments from this class, physics, and working on my project while I was
volunteering once a week.

2. How is your project relevant to you? How is it relevant to the school? How is it relevant to the
My project is relevant to me because not only am I able to use this skill to create gifts for family and friends,
but it can also bring me closer to my aunt who no longer lives in the same city as me when she had for the
majority of my life. Through learning how to crochet, I have another topic to discuss with my aunt and we can
talk about certain patterns and I am able to ask her for help. Learning how to crochet is relevant to school
because there is a crochet club and I can attend the meetings. Also, with crocheting, I had to learn to stay
patient and trust the process as I was not able to see the final product until I completed the pattern. This is
important for school because many times, especially when studying, it can feel repetitive and stressful
because it feels like it is not going anywhere. Yet, I trusted the process and it did pay off because I was able to
obtain satisfactory grades. So, crocheting is relevant to school because I learned to trust the process and keep
trying. Finally, crocheting is relevant to my community because I am a part of my community and crocheting
has made me happy and gave me time to relax when I would have not been able to because of my busy

3. What impact did your Capstone have on you?

My capstone has impacted me in two ways which is learning a physical and mental skill. The physical skill is
learning how to crochet as this helped me improve my muscle memory and I will be able to create gifts for
family and friends. The mental skill is that I have learned to trust the process and be patient which is
something I have struggled with the majority of my life. With my project, which was learning to crochet, I
decided to make a quilt that took longer than I expected because I didn’t take into account how long it would
take to stitch the squares together. Nevertheless, I stayed patient and continued to trust the process as I
stitched the squares together to make the final product. So, my capstone impacted me in a positive way
because not only did I learn a new skill, but it helped me improve as I learned to stay patient.

4. What aspects of your project are you most proud of?

For my project, I am most proud of stitching the squares together because before I started, I realized that
some of the squares were smaller than the others. So, I had to stretch these out to ensure the squares would
align. With my improvisation and stitching, I was able to fix this problem and I was happy with the outcome.

5. What was a difficulty you encountered while researching your Capstone project? How were you able to
overcome those obstacles?
A difficulty I encountered while researching was that there were many different videos and patterns when
looking for a tutorial on how to crochet a granny square, for example. To overcome this obstacle, I dedicated a
good hour or so watching and following the tutorials that I selected to figure out which one worked best for

6. What is the one thing you would have changed about your project if you could?
One thing I would change about my project is making less squares and therefore a smaller blanket. This means
I would be able to finish my project quicker and create another quilt or another project.

7. What advice would you offer to future Capstone students to help them with their Capstone journey?
A piece of advice I would offer to future students to aid them in their journey is to create and follow a
strict schedule. This way, not only was I able to finish my project early, I would have had time to fix any
major mistakes that would have caused or prohibited me from finishing the project.

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