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Golden Advice

for Mothers
Advice for
Sister Dr. Layla
Hamdan writes:
An important obligatory duty of mothers nowadays is to
raise their daughters on faith and modesty; the
fundamentals of Aqeedah, Qur'an, sunnah; and the
example of the righteous salaf (early generations of women
in Islam).

Teach them to love their homes, care for their family, and
manage their household in the best way possible; teach
them that cooking is an art and a key that brings joy to
hearts. Teach them to exercise moderation in spending.
Train them to be the refuge and the source of compassion
in their kingdom.

A mother's diligence in raising a daughter who cares about

her hijab, prayers, and manners, and who abstains from
needless intermingling with the opposite sex will greatly
facilitate the daughter’s growth into a righteous and pious
woman who zealously guards her femininity... This goes
hand in hand with teaching the girl to be a loving wife who
also takes time to care for her beauty and practice her

When a girl is raised upon the principles of Islam, she will,

Allah willing, enjoy all the blessings of Islam. A girl must not
be pressured to work and earn a living - as is prevalent in
our times. Rather, she should expect nancial support from
her husband and trust that she has a family willing to
sacri ce everything for her. That will enable her to become
a woman of resolve and a role model of a true believer who
hastens to do what pleases Allah and not the opposite,
Allah forbid.

One of the top priorities in raising children, in these times

speci cally, is teaching them to be proud of Islam and all its
symbols, rites, and values, and to courageously display
them; while despising anything that goes against Islam. The
concept of pride in Iman should be entrenched in the
hearts at an early age, as it forti es the child’s character
and makes him/her a zealous defender of rights and
denouncer of wrongs.

The girl raised in a meritious Islamic way will reject

unIslamic attire and denounce immodesty. She won’t feel
tempted to imitate such attire because she evaluates things
based on the parameter of obedience to Allah.

This in itself gives her immunity against the diseases of

feminism; as pride in Iman is the way to combat the sense
of inferiority and defeatism that opens the door to
destructive feminist ideas.

your biggest achievement is to raise a servant of Allah who
is pious, faithful, and a role model that represents Islam in
the best way; a servant of Allah with an esteemed status in
the hearts of the people, and for whom the believers pray.
Such believing women are a great victory for Islam and
evidence against the disbelievers.
o I earnestly encourage you to raise your children in
the footsteps of the Salaf, for it is the way to their
ultimate success.

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