Text Mining

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Literature review on text mining

The existing literature defines text mining as an extension to data mining, the process through which
structured and unstructured data is converted into useful information, identifying patterns and trends to
aid in decision making (Liu, 2019; Dorre et.al, 1999). It has gained a lot of popularity recently because of
the changing technological times, and how text mining helps businesses to remain updated with them
(Allahyari et.al, 2017). Text mining techniques help businesses in investigating opinions of target
markets and existing customers by enabling them to better understand what consumers feel about their
brand, competitor’s brands, marketing environment, marketing opportunities (Netzer et.al, 2012;
Ordenes et.al, 2014). Online reviews, open-ended questionnaires, emails, social media comments etc.
contain rich data which, if tapped, analyzed and evaluated to advantage, helps users to interpret and
understand marketplace behavior (Berger et.al, 2019). Text mining also helps customer-oriented
businesses to translate customer complaints into opportunities for innovations and improvements
(Joung et.al, 2018) and helps researchers to explore big data and filter only the useful information
(Antons et.al, 2020; Kobayashi et.al, 2017; Sun et.al, 2018).

Continuing to talk about its benefits, Jurui Zhang (2019) has utilized text-mining to investigate Airbnb’s
customer reviews posted online. As digital communication has taken over the world, businesses need to
update their knowledge about consumers, their behaviors and experiences through social media
platforms; hence, text mining enables users to “hear” the consumer effectively (Zhang, 2019). The data
collected was from Airbnb’s official website, a total of 1,026,988 reviews from 50,933 listings. The
number of positive reviews exceeded the number of negative reviews; 95.81% reviews had a minimum
of one positive word. Then using topic modelling, 15 popular topics posted in these online reviews were
identified and retained. The results show that the emotion identified in almost all the reviews was
positive. Text-mining and topic modelling helped better gain consumer insights, like the inclusion of
“patio and deck view”, “food in kitchen” and “sleep condition” brings forward that quality of stay is
important to customers and posting online reviews highlighting quality issues or praises could influence
the target market. This research opened new doors for future research: the finding that social words
correlated positively with positive reviews and adversely with negative reviews could become the basis
of future research to better understand consumer satisfaction and consumer delight (Zhang, 2019).
Similar research also used text mining to conclude that detailed product reviews listing the pros and
cons of a product, even when negative, increased product sales as customers became better informed of
the product (Ghose and G, 2011). Mostafa (2013) also analyzed a random sample of 3516 tweets to
evaluate consumer emotions towards brands like Nokia, IBM, TMobile. Hidden patterns became visible
in this study through the use of text-mining and it stresses on how text filtering and mining can aid
companies to better connect with its target market. Another research has highlighted using text mining
that comfort and quality in airlines contribute to customer satisfaction (Sezgen, 2019). (ErenSezgenKeith
J.Mason, 2019)

However, as existing literature has discussed, there are some limitations associated with text-mining.
After using TF-IDF, a form of text-mining, a research identified that text mining does not account for
tense changes, and treats same words with different tenses as separate words (Qaiser and Ali, 2018).
Text mining, if used with the right methods and approach, could benefit millions of businesses with
providing meaningful customer insights to better customer satisfaction and understand customer
Anindya Ghose, Panagiotis G. (2011). Estimating the Helpfulness and Economic Impact of Product
Reviews: Mining Text and Reviewer characteristics. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data
Engineering, 23(10), 1498-1512.

David Antons, E. G. (2020). The application of text mining methods in innovation research: current state,
evolution patterns, and development priorities. R&D Management, 50(3), 329-351.

ErenSezgenKeith J.Mason, R. (2019). Voice of airline passenger: A text mining approach to understand
customer satisfaction. Journal of Air Transport Management, 65-74.

Francisco V. Ordenes, B. T. (2014). Analyzing customer experience feedback using text mining: a
linguistics-based approach. Journal of Service Research, 17(3), 278-295.

Fresko, M., Netzer, O., Feldman, R., & Goldenberg, J. (2012). Mine Your Own Business: MarketStructure
Surveillance Through Text. Marketing Science, 31(3), 521-543.

Jochen Dorre, P. G. (1999). Text mining: finding nuggets in mountains of textual data. fifth ACM SIGKDD
international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining (pp. 398-401). New York:
Association for Computing Machinery.

Jonah Berger, A. H. (2019). Uniting the Tribes: Using Text. Journal of Marketing, 1-25.

Junegak Joung, K. J. (2018). Customer Complaints Analysis Using Text Mining and Outcome-Driven
Innovation Method for Market-Oriented Product Development. Sustainability, 1-14.

Liu, J.-W. (2019, February). Using big data database to construct new GFuzzy text mining and decision
algorithm for targeting and classifying customers. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 128,

Mehdi Allahyari, S. P. (2017). A Brief Survey of Text Mining: Classification, Clustering and Extraction
Techniques. Computation and Language.

Mostafa, M. M. (2013). More than words: Social networks’ text mining for consumer brand sentiments.
Expert Systems with Applications, 40(10), 4241-4251.

Shahzad Qaiser, R. A. (2018). Text Mining: Use of TF-IDF to Examine the Relevance of words to
documents. 181(1), 25-29.

Vladimer B kobayashi, S. T. (2017). Text Mining in Organizational Research. Sage Journal, 733-765.

Wencheng Sun, Z. C. (2018). Data Processing and Text Mining Technologies on Electronic Medical
Records: A Review. Journal of healthcare engineering, 9.

Zhang, J. (2019). What’s yours is mine: exploring customer voice on Airbnb using text-mining
approaches. Journal of consumer marketing, 36(5), 655-665.

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