College of Teacher Education: Technology For Teaching and Learning II

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Technology for Teaching and Learning II

Name: Zyhra Mae R. Vertudazo Date Started: May 5, 2024

Course & Section:BTLED 3A Date Submitted:May 9, 2024
Activity No. : 1 Rating:

OBE Framework

Instruction: In your own perception, discuss the given framework below in not less than 300
words. You may use separate sheet of paper if necessary.

This framework are divided into sections, institutional ILO, program ILO, course ILO and
the OBE. Institutional ILO, refers the overall learning objectives and expected results for
students. This is more focused and course-specific. Program ILO refers to the skills and
knowledge the students are expected to acquire upon the completion at the end of the entire
teacher education program. In short its in a broader perspective. Course ILO serves as a guide
for instructional strategy they help to ensure that the course content is aligned with the
program goals and that students are provided with the necessary knowledge and skills. While
OBE refers to what the students will be able to do, understand and know after by the end of the
course. It also provides solution for various learning barriers that a student may encounter.

They related to one another since they are all a part of an all-inclusive framework that
an educational institution uses to design and evaluate learning outcomes at various levels. In
curriculum design, instruction, and assessment, they guarantee alignment, and quality, which
eventually results in the accomplishment of intended educational outcomes. This process serves
as a guide for teachers to see where they could provide assistance to the needs of the students
and find solution to address the problem.
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity |
Professionalism | Spirituality

Overall, by providing clear learning outcomes, promoting active engagement, developing

critical thinking skills, and preparing them for future success. It creates a student-centered
learning environment that fosters holistic development and empowers students to become
lifelong learners.

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