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Technology for Teaching and Learning II

Name: Zyhra Mae R. Vertudazo Date Started: May 4, 2024

Course & Section:BTLED 3A Date Submitted: May 9, 2024
Activity No. : 4 Rating:

Then and Now

Instruction: Complete the table below by providing the difference in terms of teacher,
students and instruction then and now.

Note: Provide a short discussion on your answer.


Then Now
1. Teacher-centered 1. Student centered
2. Utilized traditional way of learning 2. Utilized various learning strategies
3. Teacher relied into printed materials 3. Technology integration like utilizing
multimedia platforms
4. Implements strict environment inside the 4. Teachers create an inclusive learning
classroom atmosphere
5. Teachers set expectation towards their 5. Teachers strive to encourage their
student that they will absorb all the students to actively participate in class.
information given without active engagement
Then Now
1. Passive learners 1. Teachers encourage them to actively
participate in class
2. Teacher centered 2. Student centered
3. Students relied into printed materials like 3. Students have wide access of educational
books and others resources through technology
4. Students take assessments primarily 4. Students take more on performance-based
consisted of tests and exams. activities
5. Students projects are done individually 5. Students project are done by group
creating a collaborative learning
Then Now
1. Teachers provides same instruction to all 1. Teachers recognized the students different
students needs and concerns
2. Students are assigned to memorize facts 2. Students needs to analyze and develop
and information critical thinking skills
3. Instructions are delivered through hand 3. Instructions are delivered in various media
written materials platforms
4. Students are expected to follow 4. Students are given the chance to express
instructions without questions their opinions
5. The delivery of instructions is sometimes 5. Faster delivery of information by the help
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity |
Professionalism | Spirituality

slow of social media platforms

Short Discussion:

There is a big difference between then and now as we undergoes significant changes
over time. In the past, education has been characterized as teacher centered wherein teachers
are the primary source of information, and students were passive learners. Also, the students
only relied in printed materials such as books, lectures and memorization. On the other hand, a
move in the direction of a more student-centered strategy has occurred recently. Education now
focuses on active learning, critical thinking and personalized instruction. Also, students can now
access wide range of information through technology. Moreover, in order to meet the varied
needs and learning preferences of their students, teachers work hard to create dynamic and
captivating learning environments.

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