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Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution AIT181-AIT281

WEEK 1: Ataturk's Principles and History

of Turkish Revolution and Basic Concepts

History: History is the study of the past, the knowledge

of the past acquired by investigation. Events occurring
before the invention of writing systems are considered
prehistory. "History" is an umbrella term that relates to
past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection,
organization, presentation, and interpretation of
information about these events. Historians place the past
in context using historical sources such as written
documents, oral accounts, ecological markers, and
material objects including art and artifacts.

M. Kemal Atatürk; “Writing history is as important as

making history.” He expressed concisely the importance
of the science of history and the necessity of being
scientific, saying that if the writer does not remain loyal
to the author, the unchanging truth may take a master that
will surprise humanity.
Aim of the Course:

* to give accurate information about the History of the

Republic of Turkey, The Turkish War of Independence,
Ataturk's principles and revolutions and Atatürkist

* to provide accurate information about threats against

Turkey, against Ataturk's Principles and History of
Turkish Revolution.

* to unite Turkish youth around national goals in line

with Atatürk's Principles and Revolutions and Atatürkist
thought an indivisible integrity within its country, nation
and state.

* to raise and strengthen Turkish youth in line with

Atatürkist thought.

Kemalism: The concept of “Kemalism” is a group of

ideas that constitute the basic idea of our state in terms
of the principles it contains. The concept of Atatürkist
thought, on the other hand, is a concept that was used
after his death and came to the fore with the multi-party
democratic life after 1946. In our opinion, both are
synonymous and are both used today.

Ataturkist thought, which expresses an all-out war of

independence waged by a nation against imperialism and
the occupying states, is a cultural nationalism based on
popular sovereignty, republic, democracy and
secularism, aiming to be fully independent in economy
and foreign policy, and rejecting racism.

This thought is not a frozen pattern and thought, but a

changing and developing dynamic one. It is a dynamic
thought that rejects scholastic thought and imitation and
has a continuous development at its core and does not
blindly adhere to any thought or ideology.

In short, it is a national ideology that came out of the

needs and realities of the Turkish Nation, it is open to
progress and innovation. This is the ideology that saved
the homeland from disintegration and raised a national
state from the ruins.
Basic Concepts Related to the History of Revolution

Revolution: It is the renewal of a nation's institutions in

the political, social and military fields by radically
changing them by the state and with reasonable methods.
It is not possible for the Revolution, which is not adopted
and supported by the society, to succeed. Revolution
aims to establish a more modern, more ideal order
instead of the revolving order. It is essential to remove
the old and replace it with the new one.

We can also say that the revolution is the establishment

of a modern order, especially the administrative, social
and economic institutions, by using force without
complying with the law; the collapse of the old system.

Insurrection: A insurrection is a large popular

movement that is carried out by using force and violence,
except for legitimate grounds, in order to destroy the
existing political, administrative and social structure and
the regime of a state. It cannot be defined as "revolution".
Because insurrection aims to destroy the existing order.
It does not aim to create a more modern order in place of
the destroyed.

Rebellion: It simply means disobedience, rebellion,

disobeying orders. It is the revolt of a certain group or
any organization in the society against the state in order
to achieve its limited purpose and target. A successful
rebellion with social support can turn into a revolution.

Government Coup; It is a movement against the

current power. It occurs when one of the official forces
under the command of the state, such as the army,
overthrows the existing government and seizes power.
Government coups overthrow only those in power; they
do not change the political, social, economic and cultural
structure of the society.

Reform: It means correction, improvement, renewal,

improvement. It is the task of reorganizing the
institutions that do not respond to the needs of the society
according to the conditions of the age. There is no
destroying the existing order or replacing it.

Evolution: It means finding perfection, being perfect,

maturing. Events move slowly in evolution. There is no
compulsion in evolution. Whether the developments are
suitable for the structure of the society affects the result.
If the developments are suitable for the structure of the
society, they are accepted, if they are not suitable they
are not accepted and disappear.

Westernization: Westernization is all of the activities

attempted to become a modern society. We see that
westernization was misunderstood in Ottoman period.
Those who misinterpret westernization have understood
westernization as Britishization and Frenchization. They
even claimed that the western civilization was a Christian
civilization and that Muslims would not be able to take
it. Atatürk pointed out, "we should adopt the western
civilization with an understanding away from imitation
and buy the ones suitable for our body".
Modernization: Modernization means reaching the
level of contemporary civilization and heading towards
advanced aims in science and technique. Cultures differ
and are the property of nations. However, modern
civilization is the common property of humanity.

Monarchy: It is a form of government where a ruler is

the head of state. This ruler may be an emperor, sultan,
prince, emir, count etc. What distinguishes a monarchy
from other forms of government is that the head of state
retains this authority throughout his life. It is the type of
regime in which a single person administers the state
without any restrictions.

Oligarchy: It is a form of management in which

sovereignty belongs to a certain person or family.
Generally, the ruling group is one of the leading groups
in the country, whether military, political or financial.
Oligarchy is the form of state in which a small minority
is effective in government. From this point of view, the
concept of oligarchy means that all institutions of the
state are under the control of a small minority.
Theocracy: It is a management style based on religion.
Theocracy is a system in which a kind of clergy is
responsible for state affairs and state affairs are based on
religious grounds.

Aristocracy: A form of political government in which

power is held by a privileged and often ancestral class of
society. It is a form of government in which economic,
social and political power is in the hands of the nobility.

Constitutional Monarchy: It is a form of government

in which the powers of the ruler are restricted by the
constitution and the parliament is elected by popular

Republic: It is the form of government in which the head

of government is elected for a certain period of time and
with certain powers by a delegation representing the
public legal personality.

Democracy: A form of government in which all

members and citizens have an equal right to shape
organization or state policy. Universities, employee and
employer organizations, and some non-governmental
organizations and institutions can also be governed by
democracy. Democracy has become the most widely
used state system today.

WEEK 2: The Path to Revolution Movements

Innovation Movements
in the Ottoman Empire and Efforts to Rescue the St
The Ottoman State was an empire that dominated three
continents of the world and was considered the only sup
er-state of its age. The state, as a
World Power, had reached a very high level in military,
political, social, economic and cultural aspects. Howeve
r, developments such as the Renaissance, the Reformati
on, the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution
led to great changes in Europe and Europe was born as
a new power. Developments in
Europe did not happen in the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoma
n Empire acting with the psychology of superiority over Europe suffered the firs
t blow in Vienna; but
it was indifferent to all kinds of developments, so it could not grasp the reasons
for the defeat. The main reason for this defeat was that the enemies of the Ottom
an Empire strengthened materially and spiritually; and developed especially in t
erms of civilization. Thus, the World Power of the New
Age entered into a rapid decline in the Modern
Age and faced collapse at the beginning of the 20th century.
1. The Tulip Age (1718-1730)
Until the 18th century, it
is difficult to talk about a planned and programmed refo
rm movement in the Ottoman Empire. Some statesmen
who saw the deterioration of the state prepared various r
eports on the measures to be taken to stop this trend. Ho
wever, efforts had not been successful.
The Tulipa Age was named after the tulip flowers, whi
ch were grown abundantly in Istanbul during the period
and spread their reputation all over the world.
The state turned to the west for the first time during this
period, and it was the first time to make a radical use of
Innovations made in this period;
* An embassy delegation was sent to France. The aim w
as to examine France's education, military and social ins
titutions. (First temporary ambassadors sent to Europe)
* The first Turkish printing house was established.
*produced (eg. Fountain of Ahmet III).
The negative side of this period is th
at statesmen lead a life
of luxury and wasted their money. The desired innovati
ons were not adopted by both the administrators and the
+Ottoman society, and westernization was perceived as
imitating the lifestyle of the west. After all, the Tulip A
ge ended with the outbreak of the Patrona Halil Rebelli
on in 1730.
2. Nizam-ı Cedit (Selim III Reforms)
ı Cedit means "new order". In a narrow sense, although
it means the new army established in the period of
Selim III; in
a broad sense, it refers to all the reform and efforts mad
e in the military, social, economic and administrative fie
lds during Selim III period. Selim III saw the liberation
of the state in the acquisition of western institutions.
Reforms made;
* The Nizam-ı Cedit army, which was trained in
Western style according to European methods, was esta
* Permanent ambassadors were sent to Europe.
* Innovations were made in administration, politics and
* Importance was attached to the printing and translatio
n of important books into Turkish to meet the needs of t
he army and navy. Medical instruments and books were
brought from Europe.
The reforms made in this period formed the infrastructu
re of the next period.
3. Sened-i İttifak - Mahmud II Period Reforms
Ottoman State authority was very weak. The Sened-
i İttifak agreement was signed by the notables who cam
e to Istanbul from various regions of the Empire to esta
blish the state authority (1808). For the first time
in the history of the Ottoman Empire, the sultan recogni
zed the power of the notables as
a power beyond his own authority.
Reforms made;
* Janissary House was removed.
* The Divan organization was abolished and various Mi
nistries were established instead.
* Students were sent to Europe for the first time.
* Primary education was made compulsory, and new sc
hools in technical education and medicine were opened.
* A translation room was established. This situation was a res
ult of diplomatic relations intensifying with the west.
* The first Ottoman Turkish official newspaper Takvim-
i Vekayi was published (July 25, 1831).
4. The Tanzimat period
This period begins with the announcement of the Tanzimat Ed
ict. This edict aims to ensure internal peace and integrity and t
o ensure external security with innovations and thus to preven
t the ongoing intervention of
western states. The supporters of Tanzimat attached great imp
ortance to the enactment of laws that would deem everyone eq
ual and regulate tax and military affairs.
Reforms made;
*Ottoman people were considered equal regardless of racial a
nd religious differences.
* Everyone was able to own property and this was secured by
the state.
* New regulations were made in military service.
Tanzimat edict is a significant act in that for the first time
in the Ottoman Empire, the sultan accepted that the power of l
aw was superior to his own power, despite his extensive powe
5. Islahat Edict
Islahat Edict can
be described as the continuation of the Tanzimat edict. The rig
hts and privileges given to non-
Muslims are further expanded.
* Non-
Muslims were given the right to enter military and civili
an schools and become civil servants.
* Non-
Muslims were given the right to acquire real estate.
* For the cases between non-Muslims and between non-
Muslims and Muslims, courts of secular character were

6. New Ottomans and the I. Constitutional Era

Western states continued to intervene in our internal aff
airs, using the situation of non-Muslims as
an excuse. In such an environment, intellectuals turned t
o search for new solutions to solve the problems of the
country. The most influential society among these is the
New Ottomans. The new Ottomans ensured the establis
hment of
a constitutional government. These were called Young
Ottomans, as their members were made up of young pe
ople. With the effect of the 93 War, this movement coul
d not progress and ceased to be a solution.
7. Ittihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti and II.
İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti is
a secret society established to ensure the unity of all ele
ments in the Ottoman Empire. Due to the problems of i
ndependence in the country, the sultan
had to declare the Second Constitutional Era. After the
proclamation of the Second Constitutional Monarchy, a
gain, the turmoil was not missing in Istanbul. Sultan
Abdülhamit, who was held responsible for the uprisings
, was deposed and Mehmet Reşat
V replaced him. In the Ottoman Empire after this throne
change the administration passed into the hands of the
Committee of Union and Progress (Ittihat ve Terakki Ce
miyeti). The chief of staff of the movement army was M
ustafa Kemal Pasha. Mustafa Kemal was making his
name known to the public for the first time in
a historical event by suppressing the rebellion.

WEEK 3: Intellectual Movements in the Ottoman Empire

1.Ottomanism: The word Ottoman is the name of a state, a new

political union. It means being Ottoman, being Turkish, Arabic, Greek,
Armenian, etc. collectively. It aimed to see all nations living within the
borders of the Ottoman Empire as equal before the law, regardless of
language, religion, race and sect, and to give them the right to represent
them. Thus, everyone will be equal before the laws, and no one will be
privileged based on his language, religion and ancestry. However, the
nationalist idea of the French Revolution, the Ottoman state structure
that could not respond to the needs of the age, and the states ready to
attack around the Ottoman Empire damaged this process. The idea of
Ottomanism lost its validity when minority states act to establish their
own nation-states.
2. Islamism (Pan Islamism = Ummahism):
According to this idea, the foundation of society is religion. Regardless
of nationality, all Muslims are brothers. This idea aims to make Islam
dominant in life in terms of belief, thought, morality, politics,
administration and law; It is to save Islamic countries from being
backward against the West by establishing unity and solidarity among
Muslims. Islamism became an ideological weapon used by the sultan
against the imperialism of the western powers and nationalist minority
movements that threatened the state. However, this thought was not
enough to save the state in the face of nationalist movements. During
the First World War, the struggle of the Arabs against the Ottomans
with nationalist feelings and cooperation with the British showed that
the idea of Islamism lost its validity.
3. Westernism: It is the current of ideas that argues that the advanced
technology and science of the West should be brought to the Ottoman
Empire in order to save the Ottoman Empire from the
collapse. Intellectuals who defended the idea of westernism said that
the superiority of the West was based on science. They defended
the necessity of marriage with a single woman, women's freedom, the
adoption of a western civil law, the closure of dervish lodges and all
madrasahs and the opening of western-style schools, the opening of
other schools similar to the medical school for girls, the removal of the
fez and the adoption of another headgear, the wearing of a turban and
a robe, the recognition only to the clergy, the establishment of a
national economy and the use of local goods. However, the Westerners
could not follow a consistent line of thought. Although the basic
principles of their views did not change, it was observed that they
changed their minds frequently in short periods. The troubled situations
that the country fell into, especially our land loss in the Balkans, caused
hostility towards all of Europe.
4. Turkism (Pan Turkism = Turanism):
It is the ideology of establishing a great Turkish State, uniting the Turks
in a country, a state and under a single flag. This movement gradually
developed with language, literature and history studies. Among the
well-known Turkists; Scientists and intellectuals such as Ziya Gökalp,
Yusuf Akçura, Ömer Seyfettin, M. Emin Yurdakul, Yahya Kemal,
Yakup Kadri and Kazım Nami, who are regarded as the founders of this
movement, can be counted. Turkism movement, which started as a
cultural movement, gradually gained a political content. Because the
state could only survive on the basis of a society whose language,
religion, race and ideal are one. Although the country entered World
War I to realize this idea, the course of the war showed that this was
impossible to realize. Upon this, Anatolian Turkism, which was based
on more realistic foundations, started to be defended and the foundation
was prepared for the Anatolian Nationalism, which manifested itself
with the War of Independence.
*All of these intellectual movements had one aim and it was to rescue
the state from collapse.

WEEK 4: External Events Occurring in the Disintegration Process of the Ottoman Emp

1.Tripoli War (1911-1912):

In the early 20th century, Italy took action to capture Tripoli and Benghazi, the last Ottoman l
ands in
North Africa. These lands were extremely important to Italy. Because his country was mount
ainous, he saw it as a wheat warehouse and a market for his industry. For this reason,
he declared war on September 29 and landed soldiers on the shores of
Tripoli. Since the Ottoman Empire was not strong enough to protect the region,
it could not send an army and navy to the region. As
a matter of fact, the Ottoman State had to demand peace after the Balkan Wars broke out. The
reupon, the Ushi Agreement was signed in 1912.
* With the loss of Tripoli, the last piece of land of the Ottoman Empire in
North Africa was lost.
* This war is important as
Mustafa Kemal's first actual struggle against colonialism and imperialism.

Figure 1. Mustafa Kemal with his friends in Tripoli (Trablusgarp 1912)

2. Balkan Wars (1912-1913)

Reasons of Balkan wars are; Nationalism movement that emerged with the French Revolutio
n, the emergence of the weakness of the Ottoman Empire with the Tripoli war and alliance be
tween the Balkan States under the leadership of Bulgaria.
Balkan War I: Serbia, Montenegro, Greece and Bulgaria united with each other to drive the
Ottomans out of the Balkans at the instigation of Russia. Montenegro declared war on the Ott
oman Empire. The Ottoman State was defeated on all fronts. The London Agreement (1913)
was signed at the London Conference held at the end of the First Balkan War. As
a result, Macedonia and Thessaloniki were ceded to the Balkan states. Albania's independenc
e was confirmed.
Balkan War II: The Balkan States had
a dispute over sharing the lands they took from the Ottomans. Bulgaria's attempt to get more
shares disturbed other states. War against Bulgaria had been started. The Ottoman Empire too
k advantage of this situation and took back Eastern Thrace. At the end of Balkan War II, agre
ements were made with the Balkan states in order to determine our borders and protect the ri
ghts of Turks living in Western Thrace.
.Treaty of Istanbul (1913): It was signed by the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. Edirne,
Kırklareli remained in the Ottomans. The rights of the Turks living in Bulgaria were guarante
of Athens (1913): It was signed by the Ottoman Empire and Greece. Western Thrace, Crete a
nd Aegean Islands were left to Greece. The Meriç River was accepted as the border. Minority
status was given to Turks in Greece.
3.İstanbul Treaty (1914): It was signed by the Ottoman Empire and Serbia.
Since there is no common border with Serbia, the rights of the Turks and Muslims who stay i
n Serbia are guaranteed with the treaty.
4.Bucharest Treaty (1913): It is
a treaty signed by the Balkan States. With this agreement, the borders between Romania, Gre
ece, Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro were determined.
General Results of the Balkan Wars:
* The domination of the Ottoman State in the Aegean Islands and the Balkans came to an end
* The current Turkish-Bulgarian land border was drawn.
* The problem of Western Thrace Turks, which has continued until today, has emerged.
* The view of Ottomanism lost its influence and was replaced by Turkism.
* At the end of the Balkan Wars, Turkish migrations started to Anatolia.

WEEK 5: World war I, Its Causes and Consequences

World war I (1914-

1918): The World War I, which affected a large part of the world cou
ntries, has a great importance in Turkish history. The main reason of
World War I
is the competition of colonial states to share the world. The biggest co
mpetition was between Germany and England.
Causes of the war
* Economic competition between the UK and Germany arising from t
he search for raw materials and markets.
* France wanted to take back the region with rich iron and steel depos
its lost to Germany.
* Nationalism trend.
* Blocking and armament caused by the colonial race.
Triple Alliance States are Germany, Austria-
Hungary and Italy. The Triple Entente States are England, France and
The Beginning and Spread of War
By 1914, all of the great European states saw war as
a means of achieving their goals. The assassination of Franz
Ferdinand, the heir of the Austro-
Hungarian Empire, by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo in
1914 was the spark of
a war to redraw the world map. Upon this incident, the Austro-
Hungarian Empire declared war on Serbia. With Germany entering th
e war against France and Russia, the war has literally started.
The Ottoman Empire at the Beginning of the War
At the beginning of the 20th century, the world was divided into two
poles and the Ottoman state did not want to be alone in this environm
ent. The Entente States (England,
France and Russia) did not take the Ottoman Empire with them,
but they did not want it to enter the opposite block. The Ottoman Emp
ire was a cake to be shared after the war for the Entente States. These
developments necessarily brought the Ottoman Empire closer to Ger
many. On August 2, 1914, a secret alliance was signed with Germany.

Reasons of the Ottoman Empire to Participate in the War;

* To reclaim previously lost lands such as Macedonia,
Western Thrace, Tripoli, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
* To realize the Pan-Turkism (Turanism) ideal.
* To restore the old power of the Ottoman Empire.
* The hypocritical policy of
Britain and France against the Ottoman Empire.
Germany's Aims to Put the Ottoman Empire into War;
* Taking advantage of the strategic position of the Ottoman Empire.
* Taking advantage of the caliphate position of the Ottoman sultan to
revolt Muslims living in the British colonial regions.
* By keeping the Straits under their control, to prevent the assistance t
hat can be made to Russia.
* Disconnecting the British from their colonies by seizing the Suez Ca
The Entry of the Ottoman Empire to the War
Despite the alliance the Ottoman Empire signed by hey cortana Germ
he declared neutrality. However, two German warships, Goben and B
restlav, pursued by the British navy, took refuge in Ottoman lands on
11 August 1914. However, Ottoman statesmen bought these ships and
changed their names as
Yavuz and Midilli and declared that they joined to the Ottoman navy.
Upon this incident, Britain,
France and Russia declared war on the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman
State has officially entered the war.
Fronts fought by the Ottoman Empire
With the Ottoman Empire entering the war, the war spread over a wid
e area. The Ottoman Empire had to fight in many fronts. They fought
with Romania and Bulgaria in the Black Sea region, the Russians in th
e Caucasus, and the British
in the Suez. In addition, while the Ottoman Empire established a great
Turan (Turkism) empire by passing through the Caucasus or Iran to
Central Asia; Ottoman influence was to be reestablished over Egypt,
Palestine and Syria. Fronts fought by the Ottoman Empire are Caucasi
an Front (Kafkas Cephesi), Canal Front, Palestine-
Syrian Front, Iraqi Front and Çanakkale Front.
Front: Çanakkale Wars, one of the heroic epics of the glorious Turkis
h history, has a special importance in the First
World War. The aims of Entente powers to open this front were openi
ng a new front in the Balkans and grabbing the Germans, ending the
Ottoman Empire by seizing Istanbul and the straits, ending the war in
a short time and bringing the neutral Balkan States, which have not
yet participated in the war, into the war on their side.
Nearly half a million enemy soldiers; 400 thousand British and 80 tho
usand French, about 350 thousand Turkish soldiers participated in the
Gallipoli Wars. The enemy gave nearly 50 thousand casualties and ca
ptives. Although there are information in the books that the loss of the
enemy together with the wounded is 200-
250 thousand and that of the Turkish army is about 300 thousand, it is
of course not possible to say that these figures are exact.
During the battles here,
Mustafa Kemal gave the following order to his soldiers. "I order you t
o die, not to attack".
Results of the Çanakkale Wars;
* The duration of World War I extended at least two years.
* Mustafa
Kemal showed himself and became the leader of the Turkish national
struggle in the future.
* The Bolshevik Revolution broke out in Russia and the collapse of th
e Russian Tsarism accelerated.
* Half a million people died.
* Çanakkale victory instilled faith and confidence in the Turkish Nati
on and later played an important role
in the formation of the National Forces in Anatolia.
* The loss of thousands of educated young people in the Gallipoli Wa
rs has also negatively affected the socio-
political structure of the country in the future.

WEEK 6: World war I and Treaties

*While the First World War was going on, the Entente States (England, France, Russia) signed
secret agreements among themselves, guaranteeing the Ottoman regions that each state wanted
to acquire in line with their own interests. They are; Istanbul Treaty, London Treaty, Sykes-
Picot Agreement and St. Jean De Maurienne Agreement.
*By the end of 1917, conditions changed a lot. With Russia's withdrawal from the war,
U.S.A and Greece's participation in the war, the publication of Wilson's principles and the
early end of the war, the issue of territory sharing was discussed again at the Paris Peace
*Towards the end of the war, the US entering the war on the side of the Allies changed the
course of the war. During the long war, Austria-Hungary, Germany
and Bulgaria were tired. On the other hand, the Entente States suffered great losses especially
in 1915 Çanakkale Wars and other fronts.
*The US President W. Wilson, who emerged in an environment where all states wanted peace,
published the principles named after him in order to ensure world peace.
Wilson Principles (8 January, 1918)
Aim: *To have a voice in the European continent economically and politically,
*To ensure long-term peace and establish an international peace organization,
*To prevent colonialism and to take advantage of this idea in Europe preventing the
formation of a great power against itself in the future.
The most important provisions of 14 Wilson Principles, which is known in history as “14
principles” are:
1. Land will not be taken from the defeated states and war compensation will not be required.
2. There will be no secret agreements between states.
3. An international institution will be established under the name of the “League of Nations”.
4. Minorities should be given the right to self-determination.
5. In the Ottoman state, where Turks are in the majority, Turks should be dominant. ( This
wasn’t followed and Anatolia was occupied in some places.)
Mondros Armistice Treaty (30 October 1918)
The Ottoman state took action to sign a ceasefire agreement with the Entente states. The
Ottoman Empire withdrew from the war and Armistice of Mondros was signed. According to
this; The Ottoman State will cut off its relations with its allies, Istanbul and Çanakkale Straits
will be opened to all kinds of commercial ships and The Ottoman army will be demobilized
and its weapons will be collected and handed over to the Entente States, and much more clauses
in favour of Entente States.
As a result of Mondros Armistice Treaty;
* The Ottoman state was virtually destroyed.
* The occupations started with Mondros caused the War of Independence to begin.
*The Entente States began to occupy a large part of the country. British occupied Mosul,
Antep, Urfa and Marash. French occupied Adana and Mersin. Italians occupied Antalya,
Konya, Muğla and Alanya.

The Results of World War I

*The world map has been redrawn.
*Europe has weakened economically. In contrast, England, U.S.A. and Japan were the states
that profited most from the war.
*Central empires collapsed. (Such as the Ottoman Empire, Austria - Hungarian Empire,
Russian Empire)
*New states were established. (Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Middle Eastern
*New regimes emerged. (Communism in Russia, Fascism in Italy, Nazism in Germany)
*Colonialism is not over; It continued under the name "mandate".

WEEK 7: National Struggle Period

After World War I ended, the Entente States began to occupy a large part of the country.
British occupied Mosul, Antep, Urfa and Marash.
French occupied Adana and Mersin. Italians occupied Antalya, Konya,
Muğla and Alanya. The first de facto resistance against the occupations was against the Frenc
h in Hatay
in December 1918. Then Greeks claimed that the Greek people in Izmir were more than the T
urks and Greece occupied Izmir on 15 May 1919. Journalist Hasan
Tahsin was the first to shoot the Greeks. Thereupon, the Greeks embarked on
a massacre in Izmir and its surroundings.
Hasan Tahsin (1888-1919)

Admiral Bristol Report (11 October 1919)

No Entente State reacted to the attacks and persecution of the Greeks during the occupation o
f Izmir. At the request of the Ottoman Empire, an investigation commission consisting of
French and Italian generals was formed under the presidency of the American Admiral Bristo
l to investigate the murders committed by the Greeks. This commission prepared the followin
g report:
1.The responsibility for the events belongs to the Greeks.
2. It is out of question for Izmir and its region to join Greece according to the nationality prin
ciple. Because the Turkish majority is dominant in these places.
3. Greek soldiers must withdraw immediately and send Allied forces instead.
4. The responsibility of the killing in Western Anatolia belongs to the Greeks.
The importance of this report : Thus, the justification of the Turkish National Struggle was e
xpressed by an international delegation for the first time. The report is important as the first i
nternational document to show the justification of the Turkish people.

Societies Established Before the War of Independence

In the face of the occupation of our country and the loss of our nation's independence, the Tur
kish people went through a national awakening under the leadership of the state administrator
s, intellectuals, and those who held the economic power in the cities and towns. On the other
hand, Istanbul Government made no attempt to save the country; moreover prevented the atte
mpts to save the country. Those seeking salvation pioneered regional organization against inv
asions by establishing societies.
National Movement (Kuva-yi Milliye):
It is
an organization that emerged from uniting the resistance movements in various regions. Ther
e were every Turkish citizen who could hold a gun and be army members. It is
a regional movement and it is not
an orderly and disciplined army. They were effective in suppressing internal revolts and stopp
ing the Greek advance. They protected Turkish villages from the pressure of Greek and Arme
nian gangs. By strengthening the hope and determination of the Turkish Nation for salvation,
they ensured the awakening of national consciousness.
1.Associations in favor of the National Struggle (Beneficial Societies):
The aim of Beneficial Societies was to protect the rights and freedoms of the Turkish nation.
It was founded by the patriotic Turks as a result of the invasions of
Anatolia and the indifference of the Ottoman administration against these occupations. The c
oncepts of Conservation (protection), Defense (defense) and Homeland are mainly used in th
e names of these societies. For example, İzmir Defense of Rights Association and Trabzon Co
nservation Law Society. They tried to realize the struggle for National independence and free
dom in all Anatolia and Thrace. The feeling of “Turkishness” is
at the forefront in these societies. They tried to attract the world public attention to the Turkis
h people. They fought against minorities and the Entente states. They tried to announce their r
ightfulness through the media.

2. Enemy Societies to the National Being (Harmful Societies):

These pro-
Sultanate and Caliphate societies argued that the Ottoman Empire had to be under the auspice
s of the great powers in order to survive. They generally acted with the support of the Entente
States. For example, Teali Islamic Society and Wilson Principles Society.

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WEEK 9: Mustafa Kemal Pasha's Arrival to Samsun and Subsequent Developments

1. Mustafa Kemal Pasha's Arrival to Samsun (19 May 1919)

With the Mondros Armistice Treaty signed after the First World War, the Ottoman army was
disbanded and many officers and civil servants had to leave their duties. The strategic regions
of Anatolia were started to be occupied based on the relevant articles of the armistice.

When the Mondros Armistice was signed, M. Kemal Pasha was fighting on the Syrian front.
He came to Istanbul on 13 November 1918. Until May 19, when he would move to Samsun,
he had been involved in various activities for about 6 months. He met with his close comrades
in Istanbul and agreed with his friends to save his hometown. M. Kemal Pasha also met with
government officials and the sultan.

M. Kemal did not lose his trust in his state and the Turkish nation at a time when everyone was
desperate for salvation. He saw salvation in our own power, not under the auspices of another
state. Ever since he was a student, he was sensitive to country problems. As a matter of fact,
when M. Kemal Pasha realized that it was impossible to save the homeland from Istanbul, he
decided to move to Anatolia.
An official duty he would take while crossing to Anatolia would undoubtedly facilitate the
works he was thinking of. The occupation forces appealed to the Istanbul government to end
the chaos that arose in the Eastern Black Sea region in early 1919. The Istanbul government
appointed M. Kemal Pasha as the 9th Army Inspector to ensure order in the region. Powers
given to M. Kemal Pasha were kept very wide, and he was given the authority to order military
and civilian positions in his area.

Note: The real aim of M. Kemal Pasha was; starting the national struggle in Anatolia,
establishing a new, independent Turkish state based on national sovereignty. With the
arrival of M. Kemal Pasha to Samsun on May 19, 1919, the national struggle actually

2. Havza Circular (28 May 1919)

After staying in Samsun for about a week, Mustafa Kemal transferred his headquarters to82 /
Havza, a district of Samsun. Mustafa Kemal Pasha sent a circular from Havza to all military
and civilian authorities in the country. He wanted all military and civilian authorities to; protest
occupations and hold rallies (public meetings), send effective telegrams to Istanbul, not to treat
minorities badly in the rallies to be held and establish national societies all over Anatolia.

The circular took effect immediately, and meetings were held in many parts of the country. In
that respect, Havza Circular is important that;

* It is the first attempt of M. Kemal Pasha to raise the awareness of national resistance.

* It enabled the Turkish Nation to form national unity.

* It has been understood that the people were ready for the National Struggle.

The Allied Powers put pressure on the Istanbul government upon these developments and they
wanted Mustafa Kemal to be brought back to Istanbul. However, M. Kemal Pasha did not obey
this call and went to Amasya.

3. Amasya Circular (22 June 1919)

M. Kemal Pasha issued an important circular from Amasya addressing the whole nation. He
stated: The integrity of the homeland and the nation's independence are in danger; Istanbul
government does not fulfill its duty and responsibility and this makes our nation seem like it
doesn't exist; The nation's determination and decision will save the nation's independence; It is
imperative to establish a national council that can make the nation's voice heard to the whole
world; A national congress will be gathered in Sivas, the safest place in Anatolia in all respects
and no military and civil organizations will be dissolved.

Importance and Results:

* The reason, method and purpose of the War of Independence were stated for the first time in
the Amasya Circular.

* The first step was taken towards the establishment of the new Turkish state.

* The Circular was a call to the Turkish people for their sovereignty and independence.

* The concepts of national sovereignty and state were mentioned for the first time.

* Upon the realization of Mustafa Kemal Pasha's real purpose, he was dismissed by the Istanbul

The day Mustafa Kemal resigned from military service, with his aides. July 8, 1919.

4. Erzurum Congress (23 July - 7 August 1919)

Erzurum Congress was organized by the Eastern Provinces Defense of Rights Association. M.
Kemal Pasha received the great support of Kazım Karabekir Pasha, the Commander of the 15th
Corps, after leaving his military and official duty unwillingly. He was appointed chairman of
the board of directors of Eastern Provinces Defense of Rights Association (Şark Vilayetleri
Müdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti).

The Purpose of Erzurum Congress was to take measures against the Armenian danger in
Eastern Anatolia and to ensure the security of the Turkish people in the region in all aspects.

Decisions of Erzurum Congress:

* The homeland is a whole within national borders, it cannot be divided.

* The nation will defend its rights to the fullest against all kinds of foreign invasion and

* If the Istanbul Government cannot ensure the independence of the country and the nation, a
temporary government will be established in Anatolia. This government will be elected by the
national congress.

* It is essential to make the Kuva-yi Milliye (National Movement) effective and the national
will dominant.

* Mandate and patronage are not acceptable.

* Christian minorities cannot be given privileges that spoil our political unity and social

* Efforts will be made to convene the National Assembly immediately and to ensure that the
work done by the government is controlled by the parliament.

Importance and Results:

* It was a regional congress. However, it was national in terms of the decisions it makes.

* It was the first time that national borders are mentioned.

* The national sovereignty unconditionally was decided to be realized.

* The new Turkish State was decided to be established.

* Mandate and patronage were rejected for the first time in this congress.

5. Sivas Congress (4-11 September 1919)

Sivas Congress is a national congress. Its aim was to accelerate the national struggle throughout
the whole country, to oppose occupations and occupying states, to gather the dispersed forces
together, to spread the decisions taken and to be taken throughout the country. Ali Galip Bey,
who was appointed as the Governor of Elazig by the Istanbul Government, took action to
prevent the gathering of Sivas Congress and to arrest M. Kemal. But it was prevented and M.
Kemal was elected as the congress president by getting the majority of the votes.

Decisions of Sivas Congress:

* The decisions made at Erzurum Congress are accepted as they are and are attributed to the
whole nation.

* All societies in Anatolia and Thrace are united under one heading.

* The mandate and patronage are definitely rejected.

* A newspaper will be published; thus, the harmful propaganda of Istanbul press will be
neutralized through the media.

Importance and Results:

* It is a national congress in terms of its meeting and decisions.

* By gathering the national societies under one roof, it ensured that the War of Independence
and the National Forces were governed by one hand.

* M. Kemal Pasha became the national leader.

* The idea of mandate had been put to an end.

* It caused a change of government in Istanbul. This change of government is the first major
success of the National Struggle.

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WEEK 10: Occupation of Istanbul and Ottoman Parliament

1.Amasya Meeting (20-22 October 1919)

The Committee of Representation and the Istanbul Government held a meeting in Amasya
in 1919. The aim of the Committee of Representation, which was represented by M. Kemal,
was to impose its legal existence and the decisions of Sivas Congress on the Istanbul
Government and to make the will of the nation dominant. The aim of the Istanbul Government
was to increase its authority in Anatolia, to break the resistance in Anatolia and to save time.


* Anatolian and Rumelia Defense of Rights and the Committee of Representation would be
recognized by the Istanbul Government.

* It was decided to hold general elections and to convene the Ottoman Parliament.

* The Istanbul Government would not sign any international agreement without the knowledge
of the Committee of Representation. Mandate and patronage would not be accepted.

Importance and results;

1. Istanbul Government recognized both the existence of the Committee of Representation

(officially and legally) and the decisions of the Sivas Congress.

2. The activities of the Committee of Representation became legitimate.

3. The Istanbul government obeyed only the decisions about elections and the convening of the
parliament among the protocol decisions.

4. The acceptance of a free election was a victory in itself.

5. General elections were held throughout the country. The Allied Powers did not interfere in
the elections, thinking that the sultan's supporters would win.

6. Public support and belief in M. Kemal increased even more.

2. The arrival of the Committee of Representation (Temsil Kurulu) to Ankara (27

December 1919)

Mustafa Kemal and the Committee of Representation came to Ankara on 27 December

1919 to closely monitor the work of the Parliament. The reasons for Ankara to be chosen as
the center were as follows:

* Due to its proximity to Istanbul, developments could be followed more easily,

*Being in the center of Anatolia and close to the fronts,

*Being the most reliable and middle point of Anatolia as a geographical location,
*Ease of communication and transportation,

*The location to be able to control the Western Front and communicate with the National

*It was not occupied and was away from occupation,

*Strong national organization in Ankara.

From now on, Ankara would be the center of national struggle and national sovereignty. It
was reported to all societies and commanders that the Representation Committee would
continue its duty in Ankara. The Committee of Representation started publishing the İrade-i
Milliye newspaper (which was established in Sivas) under the name of Hakimiyet-i Milliye in

3. The Gathering of the Ottoman Parliament and the National Oath (Misak-i Milli)-(12
January - 16 March 1920)

M. Kemal could not go to Istanbul for security reasons. For this reason, he held a meeting
in Ankara with the pro-national struggle deputies who would attend the meeting of the
Parliament in Istanbul. In this meeting, some principle decisions were taken in order to be
accepted by the Parliament such as; ensuring the acceptance of National Oath and electing M.
Kemal as the chairman of the parliament. The last Ottoman Parliament convened in İstanbul
on January 12, 1920. The decisions of National Oath were accepted on 28 January 1920.

National Oath Decisions;

* The places with the majority of Turks and Muslims where were not occupied on the day of
the signing of the Mondros Armistice on 30 October 1918 cannot be torn apart.

* The situation of Arab countries that were under occupation until the same day should be
determined according to the decision of the Arab people in the region

* The situation of Western Thrace should be determined according to the free vote of the

* If the security of Istanbul and Marmara is ensured, the Straits can be kept open to international
trade ships.
* In order to ensure our national and economic development, we must be a fully independent
and free country like any other state. Therefore, we are against constraints that will limit our
development. (With this statement, the abolishment of capitulations was mentioned for the
first time.)

(Capitulation is the economic and social privileges that a state grants to other states based on
an agreement. It is the commercial activity permit given by the Muslim rulers to European
merchants. During the Ottoman period, for the first time in the Ottoman period, the Venetian
State was given the right to have an ambassador in Istanbul, and political capitulation was
given. However, this should not mean that the capitulations were an Ottoman system.
Capitulations are a set of commercial and social privileges applied in many European societies,
as well as in other Anatolian societies before the Ottoman Empire.)

Note: Since the majority of the deputies were subordinate to the sultanate, decisions regarding
national sovereignty could not be taken at the meeting.

Importance and results;

1. With the National Oath, the national and indivisible borders of the new Turkish state were

2. With the National Oath, the most basic rights of the Turkish people were demanded.

3. The Allied Powers officially occupied Istanbul on March 16, 1920 and dissolved the

4. These developments paved the way for the opening of the Turkish Grand National
Assembly. The Chairman of the Comittee of Representation, M. Kemal, issued a statement on
March 19, 1920 and declared that "a new assembly will be opened in Ankara”.

4. Occupation of Istanbul by the Entente States

The National Oath decisions were met with reaction from the Entente states. As a result,
Istanbul was officially occupied by the Entente states on March 16 and the Ottoman Parliament
was closed. However, a statement was issued on behalf of the occupation forces in order to
reduce the reactions. It was announced that their main purpose was not to take Istanbul from
the Turks, but if the turmoil in Anatolia continued, they would review their decisions. Upon
this declaration of the occupation forces, Mustafa Kemal sent a circular to governors,
commanders and national societies the same day. With this circular, it was announced that
Istanbul was occupied by force and that false statements to be published should not be respected
in order not to cause any chaos. After the occupation of Istanbul and Ottoman Parliament by
the Allied Powers, many deputies went to Ankara to join the national struggle.

The occupation of Istanbul brought along some beneficial results in terms of the War of
Independence along with its negative consequences. Because, with the circular M. Kemal sent
to all pr ovinces and corps on March 19, 1920, he declared that an assembly with "extraordinary
powers" would convene in Ankara and that members of the Parliament can also participate in
this assembly.

Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution


WEEK 11: Establishment of the Turkish Grand National

Assembly, Its Structure and Activities

1. Opening of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (23

April 1920
There were revolts in various parts of the country by those
who did not want a new assembly to be opened. On Friday, 23
April 1920, with prayers and sacrifices, in accordance with the
understanding of that day; Turkish Grand National Assembly
was opened in Ankara with a program where national and
religious elements were predominant. On April 24, Mustafa
Kemal was elected the first president of the Turkish Grand
National Assembly. On the same day, M. Kemal submitted a
motion to the parliament on the establishment of the
government. Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM)
accepted the motion and took the following important

* There is no power or position over the Turkish Grand

National Assembly (TBMM).

*The assembly is the will of the nation.

*It is necessary to form a government.

*Legislative and executive functions belong to the Turkish

Grand National Assembly (TBMM).

*The Board of Deputies to be elected from the Assembly,

handles government affairs.
*When the Sultan and the Caliph are freed from the oppression
they are in, they take their status in accordance with the law to
be arranged by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

Note: The legal function of the Committee of Representation

elected at the Sivas Congress ended when the Turkish Grand
National Assembly was opened on April 23, 1920.

Importance of Turkish Grand National Assembly


* National sovereignty was realized for the first time.

* A new Turkish state was established but was not named yet.

* Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) made decisions

about the future of the country and the nation.

* National powers were gathered under one roof.

Qualifications of Turkish Grand National Assembly

* It is a constituent assembly with extraordinary powers.

* It is national in nature (our first assembly established under

the name of Turk), and it has based its sovereignty on the

* It has a democratic character and elects its members.

* It is based on the principle of unity of powers. (It has

gathered the legislative, executive and judicial powers). The
most important reason for this is; It is the need for urgent
decisions in the country under occupation.

* The parliamentary government system has been adopted.

* The Turkish Grand National Assembly is a polyphonic

democratic assembly. It is possible to come across people with
all kinds of ideas in the assembly.

* The main purpose of the Turkish Grand National Assembly

is to realize the National Oath.

Structure of Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM);

The Turkish Grand National Assembly, whose number of

members was 390 according to the latest research, had never
been able to convene with the full number of members. The
reason for this was that some of the members were possible and
permanent soldiers on the front, while others helped to carry
out government affairs as civil servants. The Turkish Grand
National Assembly (TBMM) consisted of young members and
the average age was 43. They were mainly chosen from
professional groups such as military, lawyers, administrators,
doctors, teachers, journalists and clergymen. Deputies, who
could not receive their salary, which was appreciated as 100
TL, for a long time, donated some of them to meet the budget
deficit when they started to receive salary. Even though the
deputies came together for the same purpose, there were
members from various stream of thoughts in the Assembly.

2. Revolts Against Turkish Grand National Assembly


There were revolts started directly by the Istanbul

Government. They aimed to destroy the national forces and
sometimes were supported by the British.

There were also mutual revolts of the Istanbul

Government and the Occupation Forces together. The
common purpose of these revolts was to divide the people into
two by causing confusion in Anatolia and to eliminate the
Turkish Grand National Assembly. These revolts were
suppressed by National forces (Kuva-yı Milliye).

Minorities within the country also revolted. (Minority

revolts) These were Armenian revolts in Eastern Anatolia and
Pontus revolts in the Eastern Black Sea Region.

In addition, those who did not want to join the regular

army started a revolt.
The reasons for the revolts against Turkish Grand National

* Continuation of the people's loyalty to the Caliph and Sultan.

* The Entente States, especially Britain, who wanted to wear

down the Turkish national independence movement.

* Blunting the national consciousness of the people.

* The desire to make Turkish Grand National Assembly an

unauthorized body.

* The separatist attitudes of some groups that lived within

Ottoman rule without losing their identity.

Measures Taken by the Turkish Grand National Assembly

Against the Revolts;

* Those who opposed the national struggle were declared

* The Law of Treason to the Fatherland (Hıyanet-i Vataniye)
was enacted. (In order to eliminate disputes over the authority
of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and to punish those
who cooperate with the enemy.)

* Independence Courts were established to punish the traitors,

suppress the revolts and ensure safety and security.

* All official communications with Istanbul were interrupted.

Results of the Revolts:

1. Trust in Turkish Grand National Assembly increased.

2. The Turkish Grand National Assembly used its human and

material power to suppress the revolts.

3. The final victory in the War of Independence was delayed

due to these rebellions.

4. They caused loss of human, material and time.

3. 1921 Constitution (Fundamental Organization Law) -

(Teşkilat-ı Esasiye Kanunu)
After the opening of the Turkish Grand National
Assembly, a constitution was needed to regulate the
establishment and work of the Parliament and the Government.
Mustafa Kemal prepared a draft covering political, social,
administrative and military views. This draft, which he
submitted to the Turkish Grand National Assembly on
September 18, formed the basis of the new constitution. This
draft was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly on
20 January 1921. This was the First Constitution.
(Fundamental Organization Law)

The basic provisions of the Fundamental Organization Law

were as follows;

*Sovereignty belongs to the nation unconditionally.

*Executive power and legislation gather in the Turkish Grand

National Assembly, which is the only and true representative
of the nation.

*Turkey is managed by Turkish Grand National Assembly


*Turkey’s government is " Turkish Grand National Assembly

Note: The Constitution of 1921 adopted the system of national
sovereignty, supremacy of the assembly, union of powers, and
parliamentary government. Some articles were later added to
the 1921 Constitution. The most important of these is the article
"The regime of the state is the Republic" with the declaration
of the Republic.

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WEEK 12: Treaty of Sèvres, Establishment of the Regular Army and the War of

1.Treaty of Sèvres (10 August 1920)

The Treaty of Sèvres was signed on 10 August 1920 by the Ottoman government and the
Entente states. In this treaty, there were some provisions such as Turkey's borders, the condition
of the Straits, minority rights, the establishment of the desired Armenia and Kurdistan in
Anatolia along with political, military and economic provisions.

Some Treaty Provisions;

*Straits would be left under the management of an international commission that the Ottoman
Empire is not a part of, and the straits would be open to the ships of all states even during war.

*Capitulations would continue in the heaviest way. (This article was included in the agreement
in order to destroy the economic independence of the Ottoman state.)

*The number of soldiers of the Ottoman Empire would not exceed 50,000 and they would not
be able to use heavy weapons.

*Armenian and Kurdish states would be established in Eastern Anatolia.

*According to this treaty, the Entente states shared some cities in Anatolia among themselves.

*For example, Izmir was left to Greece.

* Istanbul and a small part of the interior of Anatolia would be left to the Turks.

*If the Ottoman State did not comply with the peace conditions and did not respect minority
rights, Istanbul would be taken away.

Importance and Results;

1. The treaty actually ended the Ottoman Empire.

2. The Turkish Grand National Assembly deemed those who accepted, signed and approved
Treaty of Sevres traitors.

3. The Treaty of Sevres is a treaty that remained on paper with the victory of the War of
Independence under the leadership of M. Kemal and was never implemented.

The Turkish Grand National Assembly informed the relevant states that it did not recognize
this treaty and started the "War of Independence" period with regular armies.

2. Establishment of the Regular Army

National forces (Kuva-yı Milliye) were formed to prevent occupations in Anatolia. These
forces defended various regions and people and the struggle for independence began. Although
enemy occupations were delayed in this way by National forces, there were some problems
such as; acting independently on their own, not being a disciplined union, being dispersed
troops and not fully performing orders from the center. Due to the problems given above, a
regular army was needed and finally it was decided to abolish National Forces (Kuvay-i
Milliye) and establish a regular army.

3. War of Independence

The Eastern Front (Doğu cephesi)

Kazım Karabekir Pasha

Armenians attacked in Eastern Anatolia to establish an independent Armenian state. The

Turkish army under the command of Kazım Karabekir Pasha in Erzurum counterattacked. His
army saved Kars from occupation and many heavy weapons and ammunition were seized from
the Armenian army. The Turkish Grand National Assembly Government offered peace to the
Armenians, but, Armenia trusting the imperialist states did not accept the Turkish peace offer.
Upon this, the Turkish military continued its operation and captured all of Armenia. Finally
Armenians had to ask for a peace treaty.

Gyumri Peace Treaty (3 December 1920)

* Armenians evacuated the places they occupied.

* Armenians rejected the Treaty of Sevres and recognized the National Oath.

* Eastern Anatolia, a part of Ardahan, Kars, Oltu were left to the Turkish Grand National

Importance and results;

* It is the first military and political success of the Turkish Grand National Assembly in the
international arena.

* The clashes on the east front stopped and the troops started to be shifted to the west front.

* The power and authority of the Turkish Grand National Assembly increased.

Note: Armenians were the first nation to recognize the Turkish Grand National Assembly in
an official agreement and the first to reject the Treaty of Sevres.
The Southern Front (Güney cephesi)

According to Mondros Armistice Treaty, the British occupied Mosul, Antep, Urfa and
Maraş (Southeast of Turkey); The French occupied Adana and Mersin (South of Turkey).
However, the French cooperated with the Armenians and occupied Maraş, Urfa and Antep and
persecuted the people in the places they occupied. In a short time, national fronts were
established by National foces (Kuvay-i Milliye) against the Armenians and the French. As a
result, Maraş, Urfa and Antep were liberated from the occupation. In this struggle totally 6000
soldiers died and Antep took the title of ‘Gazi’(veteran), Maraş took the title of ‘Kahraman’
(hero) and Urfa took the title of ‘Şanlı’ (glorious). (Gaziantep-Kahramanmaraş-Şanlıurfa).
Since the French realized that it would not be possible to take away the homeland of the Turks,
they left the region by signing the Treaty of Ankara with the Turkish Grand National Assembly
on 20 October 1921.

Note: The most important difference that distinguishes the southern front from other fronts is
that the region was liberated by the National forces without the contribution of the regular

The Treaty of Ankara (20 October 1921)

It was signed by the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the French. The most discussed
topic in the talks was M. Kemal's non-compromise from the National Oath and the French
insistence on capitulations and minorities. Decisions were as follows;

* The Southern Front was closed.

* The French accepted the National Oath.

* The French agreed to withdraw from the land they occupied.

* Hatay was left to the mandate of France. The current Syrian border was determined. However,
some privileges (language, culture etc.) of the Turks in the region would continue.

With the Treaty of Ankara, the TBMM government had achieved a great political victory.
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WEEK 13: Western Front in War of Independence, I. İnönü War and II. İnönü War

1.Western Front in War of Independence

Greeks occupied Izmir and some regions in the west. In order to defend İzmir and these
regions, regular army established instead of the National Forces fought against the Greeks on
the western front.

2. I. İnönü War (6-10 January 1921)

The Greeks attacked various regions in the West. The aim of Greeks by this war was; to
have the Turkish Grand National Assembly accept Treaty of Sevres and to give an end the
national struggle by reaching Ankara. On the western front, a regular army was established
under the command of İsmet Bey and gained victory. The regular army of the Turkish Grand
National Assembly gave great hope by defeating the Greeks .

Importance and Results;

* This war is the first military success of the regular army established by the Turkish Grand
National Assembly on the western front.

* The National forces (Kuva-yı Milliye) was completely replaced by the regular army and
participation in the regular army increased.

* The power and authority of the Turkish Grand National Assembly increased.

* Colonel İsmet Bey was promoted to Generalship after this success.

* The Entente states organized the London Conference to reconsider the Treaty of Sevres and
invited Turkish Grand National Assembly to this conference.

* Turkish Grand National Assembly was legally recognized by being invited to the London

* A friendship treaty was signed by TBMM and Afghanistan on March 1, 1921. Afghanistan
became the first Islamic state to recognize the existence of the Turkish Grand National

* Treaty of Moscow was signed by Russia and Turkish Grand National Assembly.

*The first constitution of the new Turkish state came into force with the Fundamental
Organization Law (Teşkilat-ı Esasiye Kanunu) adopted on 20 January 1921.

*The Turkish National Anthem was accepted on March 12, 1921 by the Turkish Grand
National Assembly. The author of our Turkish National Anthem is Mehmet Akif Ersoy.

Mehmet Akif Ersoy

London Conference (23 February - 12 March 1921)

Italy and France called the Turkish Grand National Assembly to the conference. Istanbul
government was also invited to this conference. The aim of the Entente States was to make the
two governments be against each other and impose the articles in the Treaty of Sevres.
Although the Turkish Grand National Assembly knew that it would not get a result from this
conference, it attended the conference for the following reasons;

* To ensure that the Entente States officially recognized the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

* To prove that Turkish Grand National Assembly was in favor of peace.

* To show that Turkish Grand National Assembly was the true representative of the Turkish

* To announce Assembly’s just cause and the National Oath to the world.

Importance of London Conference;

* The existence of the Turkish Grand National Assembly was legally recognized for the first
time by the Entente States.

* The National Oath was announced to the whole world.

* The differences of opinion among the Entente States deepened further.

Treaty of Moscow (16 March 1921)

* Soviet Russia recognized the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the National Oath.

* Batumi was left to Russia. Thus, our present eastern border was drawn to a great extent.

* All agreements between the Ottoman and Tsarist Russia were deemed invalid.

* Soviet Russia agreed to abolish the capitulations.

Importance of Treaty of Moscow;

* Soviet Russia is the first European state to officially recognize the existence of the Turkish
Grand National Assembly.

* The National Oath (Misak-ı Milli) was recognized for the first time by a European State.

* Our eastern border was secured.

3. II. İnönü War (23 March - 1 April 1921)

II. İnönü War is one of the critical and among the most important victories of the War of
Independence. The Entente states, which failed to achieve results from the London Conference,
supported the Greek army to attack again in order to have the Turkish Grand National
Assembly accept the Treaty of Sevres. Under the command of İsmet Bey, the Turkish army
managed to defeat the Greeks for the second time.

Importance and Results;

*Trust in the Turkish Grand National Assembly increased.

* France put an end to its occupation in Zonguldak and resumed negotiations with Ankara.

* Britain lost its trust in Greeks and released some of the Turkish prisoners in Malta.

* The troops in the north and south of the west front were combined and İsmet Pasha was
appointed as commander.

* Italians started to leave Anatolia.

Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution AIT181-AIT281

WEEK 14: (Western Front ) Kutahya - Eskisehir Wars and The Battle of Sakarya

1. Battles of Kütahya–Eskişehir (10-24July 1921)

Battles of Kütahya-Eskişehir was fought between July 10 and July 24, 1921 when the
Greek Army defeated the Turkish troops commanded by İsmet Pasha in defence of the line of
Afyonkarahisar (present day name), Kütahya, Eskişehir on the west. The Greek Army managed
to break through the Turkish resistance and occupied the towns of Afyon and later Kütahya
and Eskişehir. Reasons for Turkish Army's failure was that the army was still in the
establishment phase and the Greek army was superior in number and material compared to the
Turkish forces.

Results of Battles of Kütahya–Eskişehir;

* Afyon, Kütahya and Eskişehir were occupied by Greece.

* Trust in Turkish Grand National Assembly was shaken, but temporarily.

* The advancement of Greece towards Ankara raised the issue of moving the Turkish Assembly
to Kayseri, but this idea was rejected.

* Mustafa Kemal Pasha was given the authority of the Commander in chief by Turkish Grand
National Assembly.

Note: Mustafa Kemal Pasha, who resigned from his military service on 8 July 1919 before the
Erzurum Congress, returned to the military profession with this authority (Commander in
chief) given by the Turkish Assembly.

Mustafa Kemal's Becoming the Commander in chief and the National Obligations
(Tekalif-i Milliye)

After the Turkish army was defeated by the Greeks in the west, M. Kemal was asked to
take over the army. M. Kemal prepared a law proposal on August 4, 1921 and submitted it to
the Assembly and National Obligations Orders were accepted. The Assembly aimed to
mobilize the Turkish army and the country's resources quickly under one order and command
with these orders. According to this law;

* A commission would be established in each district and this commission would collect the
goods specified in the orders and send them to the front.

* Each family would prepare underwear, a pair of socks and a pair of çarık (a kind of Turkish
shoe) and deliver them to the commission.

* 40% of the agricultural products would be taken from the villagers to meet the needs of the

* Merchants and people would give 40% of all kinds of fabric and all kinds of materials used
in shoe production to these commissions.

* Those who had vehicles would make 100 km military transportation with their vehicles once
a month.

* Any weapon people own that could be useful to the army would be delivered to the
commissions within ten days.

* Unclaimed property would be confiscated for the army's need.

* Blacksmiths, founders and carpenters would be under the command of the army.

* 40% of the fuel, oil and all kinds of materials belonging to transportation vehicles, which
public, traders and transporters own, would be seized on condition that the price is paid later.

* Independence Courts would be established in order to eliminate the problems that may arise
in the implementation of these orders and to ensure authority.

During the implementation of these orders, the Turkish Nation made unprecedented sacrifices
in the world. Due to this practice, it was possible for the army's needs to be completed in a
short time in the great war to stop the enemy army advancing in Turkish land.

2. The Battle of Sakarya (23 August - 13 September 1921)

The Battle of Sakarya was an important war on the western front of the Turkish War of
Independence. The battle went on for 21 days close to the banks of the Sakarya River and the
battle line stretched over 62 miles (100 km). This very violent war ended with the victory of
the Turkish army. The military genius, courage, knowledge and experience of the Commander
in chief Mustafa Kemal Pasha, his application of the most perfect tactic of the defense war and
his comrades’ efforts in the Turkish army, Mehmetçik's shielding his chest ignoring death led
the Turkish nation to success.

Importance and Results;

* As a result of the Battle of Sakarya, one third of the Greek army was destroyed and its
capability to attack the enemy was broken.

* The trust of the Turkish nation in the Commander in chief M. Kemal and army increased.
The Turkish land would be saved now.

* The Turkish Grand National Assembly gave Mustafa Kemal Pasha the title of Gazi and the
rank of Marshal.

* The Turkish army lost many of its officers. For this reason, this great war can also be called
"Officers’ Battle".

* The disagreement between the Entente powers surfaced and the block fell apart.
* The ceasefire and peace proposals suggested by the Entente states were rejected by the
Turkish Grand National Assembly.

* On 13 October 1921, the Treaty of Kars was signed by Soviet Russia on behalf of the
Caucasian Republics (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia). With this treaty, our eastern border
today have become definite.

* Italy left Anatolia completely.

* On 20 October 1921, the Treaty of Ankara was signed by France and the Turkish Grand
National Assembly. Our Southern Front was officially closed. Thus France gave up its
ambitions on Turkey and the Western block disintegrated. The desire of the Turkish Nation to
live independently, the National Oath and the National Government in Ankara were accepted
by a western state that signed the Treaty of Sevres.

* By having an agreement with England on October 23, 1921, it was ensured that the Turkish
prisoners in Malta and the British prisoners detained in Anatolia were replaced.

* A friendship treaty was signed with Ukraine on January 2, 1922.

Battle of Sakarya, gave rise to significant results in Turkey's domestic and foreign policy. The
leadership of Mustafa Kemal Pasha in Turkey became indisputable. In foreign policy, France
and the UK Government accepted that the Turkish Assembly is the only sovereign power in
3 "It is all of the activities attempted to become a modern society. It is also called "Britishization" and adopting western civilization." What does this definition refer to?

A) Republic

B) Theocracy

C) Westernization

D) Monarchy

E) Aristocracy
"A form of government in which all members and citizens have an equal right to shape organization or state policy." What does this definition refer to?

A) Monarchy

B) Theocracy

C) Democracy

D) Aristocracy

E) Oligarchy
5- An embassy delegation was sent to France. The aim was to examine France's education, military and social institutions." In which period first temporary ambassadors were sent to Europe?

A) The Tanzimat period

1. Constitutional Era

The Tulip Age


D) Selim III Reforms

E) Mahmud II Reforms
6 "The first Ottoman Turkish official newspaper Takvim-iVekayi was published (July 25, 1831)." In which period was the first Ottoman Turkish official newspaper published?

A) The Tanzimat period

Mahmud II Reforms

The Tulip Age

D) Selim IIl Reforms

E) I.Constitutional Era
7- In which edict were Ottoman people considered equal regardless of racial and religious differences?

O A) Selim III Reforms

The Tanzimat edict


© I.Constitutional Era

The Tulip Age

E) Mahmud II Reforms
8- In which period were Non-Muslims given the right to enter military and civilian schools and to acquire real estate?

A) The Tulip Age

B) Islahat Edict

C) Selim III Reforms

D) 1.Constitutional Era

E) Mahmud || Reforms
9 "It means being Ottoman, being Turkish, Arabic, Greek, Armenian, etc. collectively. It aimed to see all nations living within the borders ofthe Ottoman Empire as equal before the law, regardless of
language, religion, race and sect, and to give them the right to represent them."Which intellectual movement is it in Ottoman Empire?
A) Islamism

B) Ottomanism

C) Westernism

D) Turkism

E) Kemalism
10 "The foundation of society is religion. Regardless of nationality, all Muslims are brothers. This idea aims to make Islam dominant in life in terms of belief, thought, morality, politics, administration
and law." Which intellectual movement is it in Ottoman Empire?

A) Islamism

B) Ottomanism

C) Westernism

0 D) Turkism

O E) Kemalism
11 -
"It is the current of ideas that argues that the advanced technology and science of the West should be brought to the Ottoman Empire in order to save the Ottoman Empire from the collapse."
Which intellectual movement is it in Ottoman Empire?

A) Islamism

B) Ottomanism

C) Westernism

D) Turkism

E) Kemalism
11 -
"It is the current of ideas that argues that the advanced technology and science of the West should be brought to the Ottoman Empire in order to save the Ottoman Empire from the collapse."
Which intellectual movement is it in Ottoman Empire?

A) Islamism

B) Ottomanism

C) Westernism

D) Turkism

E) Kemalism
12 "It is the ideology of establishing a great Turkish State, uniting the Turks in a country, a state and under a single flag." Which intellectual movement is it in Ottoman Empire?
A) Ottomanism

B) Turkism

C) Islamism

D) Westernism

E) Panslavism
13- Which of the below is the reason of Balkan Wars?

Nationalism movement and alliance between the Balkan States under the leadership of Bulgaria.


The competition of colonial states to share the world.


Italy wanted to capture Tripoli and Benghazi.

Germany wanted to ally with Ottoman State.


E) Economic competition between the UK and Germany.

14 At the end of which war Albania's independence was confirmed?

A) Tripoli War

B) World War II

C) Balkan Wars

D) World War!

E) Independence War
15 - "The Balkan States had a dispute over sharing the lands they took from the Ottomans. Bulgaria's attempt to get more shares disturbed other states. War against Bulgaria had been started." is the
main reason of War.

A) Tripoli War

B) World War II

C) Balkan War II

D) World War I

E) Independence War
16 Ideologically a secularist and nationalist, Atatürk's policies and theories became known as

A) Ataturkist thought

B) Nazism

C) Centralism

D) Fundamentalism

E) Colonialism
17 The competition in the field of colonialism constituted the main reason of the First World War. Accordingly, which of the following was more effective in the beginning of World War I?
A) Cultural conflicts

B) Military organizations

C) Social interactions

D) Religious beliefs

E) Economic interests
19 Which of the following is not among the reasons of Ottoman State participating in World War I?

A) To restore the old power of the Ottoman Empire.

B) To reclaim previously lost lands such as Macedonia, Western Thrace, Tripoli, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

To establish a new, modern state.

D) To realize the Pan-Turkism (Turanism) ideal.

E) The hypocritical policy of Britain and France against the Ottoman Empire.
21 - Which of the following is not included among the results of the Mondros Armistice Treaty?

A) A large part of the country and Istanbul and the Straits were occupied by the Entente States

B) The virtual end of the Ottoman Empire

C) Beginning of local resistance

OD) Occupation of various regions of Anatolia

E) Leaving Tripoli to the Italians

22 Which of the following is not one of the results of World War I?

A) The world map has been redrawn.

B) Colonialism is not over; It continued under the name "mandate".

O ) New regimes emerged.

D) The formation of Entente States and Alliance States

E) Central empires collapsed.

23 Towards the end of the World War I, Austria-Hungary, Germany and Bulgaria were tired and the Entente States suffered great losses. At that time what changed the course of the war?
A) Russia entered the war

B) Italy withdrew from the war

The Entente States signed secret agreements among themselves

D) US entered the war

E) Germany entered the war

24 What was the importance of Admiral Bristol Report for Turkish people?

A) Ottoman state took back all of the regions it lost in Europe.

B) A new Ottoman regime emerged.

O O Ottoman Empire gained its great power again.

D) It was the first international document to show the justification of the Turkish people.

E) Ottomans became strong economically.

25 - Greeks claimed that the Greek people in Izmir were more than the Turks and Greece occupied Izmir on 15 May 1919. Who was the first to shoot the Greeks in Izmir?
A) Admiral Bristol

B) Cevat Pasha

C) M.Kemal Ataturk

D) Journalist Hasan Tahsin

E) Sutcu Imam
3 "It is all of the activities attempted to become a modern society. It is also called "Britishization" and adopting western civilization." What does this definition refer to?

A) Republic

B) Theocracy

C) Westernization

D) Monarchy

E) Aristocracy
"A form of government in which all members and citizens have an equal right to shape organization or state policy." What does this definition refer to?

A) Monarchy

B) Theocracy

C) Democracy

D) Aristocracy

E) Oligarchy
5- An embassy delegation was sent to France. The aim was to examine France's education, military and social institutions." In which period first temporary ambassadors were sent to Europe?

A) The Tanzimat period

1. Constitutional Era

The Tulip Age


D) Selim III Reforms

E) Mahmud II Reforms
6 "The first Ottoman Turkish official newspaper Takvim-iVekayi was published (July 25, 1831)." In which period was the first Ottoman Turkish official newspaper published?

A) The Tanzimat period

Mahmud II Reforms

The Tulip Age

D) Selim IIl Reforms

E) I.Constitutional Era
7- In which edict were Ottoman people considered equal regardless of racial and religious differences?

O A) Selim III Reforms

The Tanzimat edict


© I.Constitutional Era

The Tulip Age

E) Mahmud II Reforms
8- In which period were Non-Muslims given the right to enter military and civilian schools and to acquire real estate?

A) The Tulip Age

B) Islahat Edict

C) Selim III Reforms

D) 1.Constitutional Era

E) Mahmud || Reforms
9 "It means being Ottoman, being Turkish, Arabic, Greek, Armenian, etc. collectively. It aimed to see all nations living within the borders ofthe Ottoman Empire as equal before the law, regardless of
language, religion, race and sect, and to give them the right to represent them."Which intellectual movement is it in Ottoman Empire?
A) Islamism

B) Ottomanism

C) Westernism

D) Turkism

E) Kemalism
10 "The foundation of society is religion. Regardless of nationality, all Muslims are brothers. This idea aims to make Islam dominant in life in terms of belief, thought, morality, politics, administration
and law." Which intellectual movement is it in Ottoman Empire?

A) Islamism

B) Ottomanism

C) Westernism

0 D) Turkism

O E) Kemalism
11 -
"It is the current of ideas that argues that the advanced technology and science of the West should be brought to the Ottoman Empire in order to save the Ottoman Empire from the collapse."
Which intellectual movement is it in Ottoman Empire?

A) Islamism

B) Ottomanism

C) Westernism

D) Turkism

E) Kemalism
11 -
"It is the current of ideas that argues that the advanced technology and science of the West should be brought to the Ottoman Empire in order to save the Ottoman Empire from the collapse."
Which intellectual movement is it in Ottoman Empire?

A) Islamism

B) Ottomanism

C) Westernism

D) Turkism

E) Kemalism
12 "It is the ideology of establishing a great Turkish State, uniting the Turks in a country, a state and under a single flag." Which intellectual movement is it in Ottoman Empire?
A) Ottomanism

B) Turkism

C) Islamism

D) Westernism

E) Panslavism
13- Which of the below is the reason of Balkan Wars?

Nationalism movement and alliance between the Balkan States under the leadership of Bulgaria.


The competition of colonial states to share the world.


Italy wanted to capture Tripoli and Benghazi.

Germany wanted to ally with Ottoman State.


E) Economic competition between the UK and Germany.

14 At the end of which war Albania's independence was confirmed?

A) Tripoli War

B) World War II

C) Balkan Wars

D) World War!

E) Independence War
15 - "The Balkan States had a dispute over sharing the lands they took from the Ottomans. Bulgaria's attempt to get more shares disturbed other states. War against Bulgaria had been started." is the
main reason of War.

A) Tripoli War

B) World War II

C) Balkan War II

D) World War I

E) Independence War
16 Ideologically a secularist and nationalist, Atatürk's policies and theories became known as

A) Ataturkist thought

B) Nazism

C) Centralism

D) Fundamentalism

E) Colonialism
17 The competition in the field of colonialism constituted the main reason of the First World War. Accordingly, which of the following was more effective in the beginning of World War I?
A) Cultural conflicts

B) Military organizations

C) Social interactions

D) Religious beliefs

E) Economic interests
19 Which of the following is not among the reasons of Ottoman State participating in World War I?

A) To restore the old power of the Ottoman Empire.

B) To reclaim previously lost lands such as Macedonia, Western Thrace, Tripoli, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

To establish a new, modern state.

D) To realize the Pan-Turkism (Turanism) ideal.

E) The hypocritical policy of Britain and France against the Ottoman Empire.
21 - Which of the following is not included among the results of the Mondros Armistice Treaty?

A) A large part of the country and Istanbul and the Straits were occupied by the Entente States

B) The virtual end of the Ottoman Empire

C) Beginning of local resistance

OD) Occupation of various regions of Anatolia

E) Leaving Tripoli to the Italians

22 Which of the following is not one of the results of World War I?

A) The world map has been redrawn.

B) Colonialism is not over; It continued under the name "mandate".

O ) New regimes emerged.

D) The formation of Entente States and Alliance States

E) Central empires collapsed.

23 Towards the end of the World War I, Austria-Hungary, Germany and Bulgaria were tired and the Entente States suffered great losses. At that time what changed the course of the war?
A) Russia entered the war

B) Italy withdrew from the war

The Entente States signed secret agreements among themselves

D) US entered the war

E) Germany entered the war

24 What was the importance of Admiral Bristol Report for Turkish people?

A) Ottoman state took back all of the regions it lost in Europe.

B) A new Ottoman regime emerged.

O O Ottoman Empire gained its great power again.

D) It was the first international document to show the justification of the Turkish people.

E) Ottomans became strong economically.

25 - Greeks claimed that the Greek people in Izmir were more than the Turks and Greece occupied Izmir on 15 May 1919. Who was the first to shoot the Greeks in Izmir?
A) Admiral Bristol

B) Cevat Pasha

C) M.Kemal Ataturk

D) Journalist Hasan Tahsin

E) Sutcu Imam
3 "It is all of the activities attempted to become a modern society. It is also called "Britishization" and adopting western civilization." What does this definition refer to?

A) Republic

B) Theocracy

C) Westernization

D) Monarchy

E) Aristocracy
"A form of government in which all members and citizens have an equal right to shape organization or state policy." What does this definition refer to?

A) Monarchy

B) Theocracy

C) Democracy

D) Aristocracy

E) Oligarchy
5- An embassy delegation was sent to France. The aim was to examine France's education, military and social institutions." In which period first temporary ambassadors were sent to Europe?

A) The Tanzimat period

1. Constitutional Era

The Tulip Age


D) Selim III Reforms

E) Mahmud II Reforms
6 "The first Ottoman Turkish official newspaper Takvim-iVekayi was published (July 25, 1831)." In which period was the first Ottoman Turkish official newspaper published?

A) The Tanzimat period

Mahmud II Reforms

The Tulip Age

D) Selim IIl Reforms

E) I.Constitutional Era
7- In which edict were Ottoman people considered equal regardless of racial and religious differences?

O A) Selim III Reforms

The Tanzimat edict


© I.Constitutional Era

The Tulip Age

E) Mahmud II Reforms
8- In which period were Non-Muslims given the right to enter military and civilian schools and to acquire real estate?

A) The Tulip Age

B) Islahat Edict

C) Selim III Reforms

D) 1.Constitutional Era

E) Mahmud || Reforms
9 "It means being Ottoman, being Turkish, Arabic, Greek, Armenian, etc. collectively. It aimed to see all nations living within the borders ofthe Ottoman Empire as equal before the law, regardless of
language, religion, race and sect, and to give them the right to represent them."Which intellectual movement is it in Ottoman Empire?
A) Islamism

B) Ottomanism

C) Westernism

D) Turkism

E) Kemalism
10 "The foundation of society is religion. Regardless of nationality, all Muslims are brothers. This idea aims to make Islam dominant in life in terms of belief, thought, morality, politics, administration
and law." Which intellectual movement is it in Ottoman Empire?

A) Islamism

B) Ottomanism

C) Westernism

0 D) Turkism

O E) Kemalism
12 "It is the ideology of establishing a great Turkish State, uniting the Turks in a country, a state and under a single flag." Which intellectual movement is it in Ottoman Empire?
A) Ottomanism

B) Turkism

C) Islamism

D) Westernism

E) Panslavism
13- Which of the below is the reason of Balkan Wars?

Nationalism movement and alliance between the Balkan States under the leadership of Bulgaria.


The competition of colonial states to share the world.


Italy wanted to capture Tripoli and Benghazi.

Germany wanted to ally with Ottoman State.


E) Economic competition between the UK and Germany.

14 At the end of which war Albania's independence was confirmed?

A) Tripoli War

B) World War II

C) Balkan Wars

D) World War!

E) Independence War
16 Ideologically a secularist and nationalist, Atatürk's policies and theories became known as

A) Ataturkist thought

B) Nazism

C) Centralism

D) Fundamentalism

E) Colonialism
22 Which of the following is not one of the results of World War I?

A) The world map has been redrawn.

B) Colonialism is not over; It continued under the name "mandate".

O ) New regimes emerged.

D) The formation of Entente States and Alliance States

E) Central empires collapsed.

24 What was the importance of Admiral Bristol Report for Turkish people?

A) Ottoman state took back all of the regions it lost in Europe.

B) A new Ottoman regime emerged.

O O Ottoman Empire gained its great power again.

D) It was the first international document to show the justification of the Turkish people.

E) Ottomans became strong economically.

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