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An investigation on the performance of soya beans applied cattle manure. With a particular

reference to germination percentage, growth rate in terms of stem height and yields in terms of

mass of grains from 25/10/2017 to 20/02/2018 at Mabhikwa High School.

Name : Guidance

Surname : Ndlovu

Candidate Number : 5011

Centre Number : 040169

School : Mabhikwa High School

Year : 2017-2018

A project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of A level crop science (6049) in

Lupane: Zimbabwe

November 2018.

I, Ndlovu Guidance ,declare that the work l present in this research project is my original work

and l have acknowledged all the sources l used .I affirm that this piece of work have not

previously been submitted in support of the award of A level crop science or any other course

Ndlovu Guidance Signature__________________________ Date______________________


MR. K.L .Mlopo Signature_____________________________ Date____________________


The School Head Signature______________________ Date_______________


The project is based on the performance of soya beans applied with cattle manure compared

with compound D fertilizer .with a particular reference to germination percentage, growth rate in

terms of stem height and yields in terms of mass of grains from 25/10/2017 to 20/02/2018 at

Mabhikwa High School. There is physical count and calculation of germination percentage of

soya beans two weeks after planting for both treatments. The researcher will measure and record

the stem height of soya beans plants from two weeks after planting up to flowering stage for both

treatments. Objective three is to weigh and record yield of soya beans for both treatments after

harvesting. The researcher is aiming to encourage small scale farmers in Lupane to use cattle

manure since it contain all the nutrients for the plant to grow. It also improve soil PH hence

improve water holding capacity. The nutrients which are found are: nitrogen, phosphorus and


The researcher is going to acknowledge the friends and the teacher for helping to carry out the

project and offered suggestion to strengthen my project. The researcher would like to dedicate

this project to the incoming a level agriculture students to rely on cattle manure since it contain

all the nutrients. The researcher will state the challenges faced by the researcher during this

research project also even the effect of temperature. The researcher will encourage the small

scale farmers to use cattle manure since it is a cultural method. The researcher will indicate the

chapters in the table of contents with their pages. This project is undertaken by an “A” level

candidate at Mabhikwa High School in Lupane District. Lupane is located in natural region 4

along Bulawayo Victoria Falls highway at172, 5km peg. The school is sited on the left hand side

of the highway road to Victoria Falls. Soya beans contain vitamins A, B, D and E and high

quantities of minerals as well as iron. In soya beans we obtain protein and fats. The researcher’s

aim is to reduce nitrogen fixation when a readily available nitrogen source such as manure is

applied. They can utilize the phosphorus and potassium applied with the manure. Manure can

correct the temperature for the plant to grow.

Plant population must be controlled through appropriate spacing between width (1m) and

between lengths (6m). The researcher used the following spacing; inter row spacing of 45cm and

in row spacing of 25cm. Soya beans in these areas must be planted early so that the crop enjoys

the best of the warm days and a long photo period. Availability of irrigation water to take the

crop across mid-season dry spells also ensures good yields. Soya beans are sensitive to drought

at flowering. A dry spell at this period result in flowers dropping down, reducing the number of

pods formed. Another critical period is at the pod fill stage. Again dry spells will reduce the pod

filling, resulting in low yields.

Soya beans is known as Glycine max and a number of soil conditions can affect soya beans, seed

placement, germination and emergence. Ideally a well-drained soil is needed to enhance soya

beans yield. Loose, aerated soil increase water holding capacity and allows air to reach roots for

nitrogen fixing to occur in the nodules.

However, the researcher will objectively use several methods in collecting data. Firstly, the

candidate will measure and compare germination percentage by counting the number of plants

emerged, then dividing by the number of seeds sown and expressing the digits as percentage.

The researcher will mansion the books which support cattle manure. The researcher used

different tools in different objectives for this research project to be successful for instance

researcher used the axe for making the pegs.


My appreciation is expressed to my friend Ukuthula who helped me in measuring the stem

height of soya beans plants and also on calculation of results for both treatments .The researcher

like to thank Promise for removing weeds around my beds during my absence . Furthermore the

researcher like to express his regard to Mr. Mlopo who offered suggestion to strengthen my



The researcher would like to dedicate this project to the incoming A level Crop science students

at Mabhikwa High School to rely on cattle manure since it improves the drainage and improve

water holding capacity.




Declaration form (i)

Abstract (ii-iii)

Acknowledgement (iv)

Dedication (v)

Table of contents (vi-vii)


Introduction/background (1-2)

Statement of problems (3)

Aims (4)

Objectives (5)

Hypothesis (6)

Justification of the study (7)

Limitation (8)

Delimitation (9)


Literature review (10-11)


Materials and methodology (12)

Experimental design (13-15)

Data collection (16-18)

Data analysis (19)


Results (20-26)


Results analysis/discussion (27)

Summary/Conclusion (28)

Recommendation (29)

Further research (30)

Reference (31)

Evidence of practical (32-34)


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