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FEMS Microbiology Reviews 46 (1987) 269-280 269

Published by Elsevier

FER 0073S

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Responses of lactic acid bacteria to oxygen *

Seamus Condon

Department of Food Microbiology, University College, Cork, Republic of Ireland

Key words: Lactic acid bacteria; Oxygen

1. S U M M A R Y 2. I N T R O D U C T I O N

A small number of flavoprotein oxidase en- In this paper the term Lactic Acid Bacteria
zymes are responsible for the direct interaction of (LAB) is interpreted in the traditional way i.e. the
lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with oxygen; hydrogen four genera Streptococcus ( S.), Leuconostoc
peroxide or water are produced in these reactions. ( Leuc.), Pediococcus ( P.) and Lactobacillus ( L.).
In some cultures exposed to oxygen, hydrogen The group includes some strict anaerobes but the
peroxide accumulates to inhibitory levels. majority of strains investigated are aerotolerant to
Through these oxidase enzymes and N A D H some degree, and often completely so. With very
peroxidase, 02 and H202 can accept electrons few exceptions, LAB react to 02 and the conse-
from sugar metabolism, and thus have a sparing quences of such reactions may be beneficial or
effect on the use of metabolic intermediates, such detrimental. LAB generally grow satisfactorily in
as pyruvate or acetaldehyde, as electron acceptors. the absence of 02 , and in its presence some are
Consequently, sugar metabolism in aerated cul- inhibited partially or completely. Consequently, it
tures of LAB can be substantially different from is quite usual to consider that the normal growth
that in unaerated cultures. Energy and biomass metabolism of LAB is anaerobic and that
yields, end-products of sugar metabolism and the metabolism in the presence of O 2 is somewhat
range of substrates which can be metabolised are aberrant.
Lactic acid bacteria exhibit an inducible oxida-
tive stress response when exposed to sublethal 3. E N Z Y M A T I C R E A C T I O N S OF LACTIC
levels of H202. This response protects them if ACID BACTERIA WITH OXYGEN
they are subsequently exposed to lethal concentra-
tions of H202. The effect appears to be related to In general, LAB remove O z from solution, often
other stress responses such as heat-shock and is at substantial rates when their environment con-
similar, in some but not all respects, to that previ- tains a substrate which they can oxidise. The
ously reported for enteric bacteria. oxidation-reduction reactions involve a transfer
of 1, 2 or 4 electrons to the dioxygen molecule as
* Presented at the Second Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria follows:
- - Genetics, Metabolism and Applications, 22-25 Septem-
ber 1987, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 02 + l e - ~ O 2
02 + 2 e - + 2H + --* H 2 0 2
Correspondence to: S. Condon, Department of Food Microbi-
ology, University College, Cork, Republic of Ireland. O 2 + 4 e - + 4H + ~ 2 H 2 0

0168-6445/87/$03.50 © 1987 Federation of European Microbiological Societies


The superoxide anion ( 0 2 ) is short-lived as it is The N A D H : H 2 0 oxidase (Table 1) is cyto-

dismuted, spontaneously or through superoxide plasmic and is also widespread in LAB [7-17].
dismutase (SOD) or high intracellular Mn 2+, to The enzyme has been purified from L. plantarum
the more stable H202. N o enzyme has been identi- [9], S. faecalis [10,17] and Leuc. mesenteroides
[15]. The enzyme from S. faecalis has a molecular

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fied in LAB which produces 0 2 as an end-prod-
uct but it is a possible intermediate compound in mass of 51 k D a and probably consists of a single
the formation of H202 or H20. The enzymes of polypeptide chain with one F A D prosthetic group
LAB catalysing reactions with O 2 which have been [17]. The Leuc. mesenteroides enzyme has a molec-
identified, all produce H 2 0 2 o r H 2 0 as end prod- ular mass of 104 k D a and probably exists as a
ucts (Table 1). They are principally pyridine dimer with one F A D group per subunit [15]. The
nucleotide oxidases but also pyruvate oxidase and enzyme from L. plantarum was estimated to have
a-glycerophosphate oxidase. a molecular mass of approximately 170 k D a with
two molecules of F A D per enzyme molecule [9].
3.1. Reduced pyridine nucleotide oxidases Neither O 2 nor H202 were detected as inter-
mediates in the oxidation of N A D H by the S.
Possession on an N A D H oxidase appears to be faecalis oxidase, although Fukui [9] detected H202
a universal property of LAB. Three types have as an end-product of N A D H oxidation by an
been reported. The first two are non-haem enzyme preparation disrupted with 2 M urea.
flavoproteins, one of which catalyses the reduction The third N A D H oxidase is quite rare in LAB;
of 02 to H202, the other the reduction of 02 to it was observed in some LAB grown aerobically in
H 2 0 . In many reports of N A D H oxidases in LAB, media containing haematin. The enzyme is associ-
the assay system used was the oxidation of N A D H ated with the membrane fraction and is thought to
and the product was not measured. The difficulty form part of a rudimentary electron transport
in distinguishing between H 2 0 and H202 forming chain which reduced O 2 to water and promotes a
enzymes is further exacerbated by the presence of weak proton extrusion [18]. This system is
an N A D H peroxidase in m a n y extracts, as the widespread among strains of S. faecalis [19], but
activity of a H 2 0 2 forming N A D H oxidase plus has only been observed in a few strains of other
that of excess N A D H peroxidase is similar to the LAB [20].
activity of H 2 0 forming N A D H oxidase. The N A D H oxidases described above have a
The N A D H : H 2 0 2 oxidase (Table 1) was first pronounced preference for N A D H rather than
reported in S. faecalis by Dolin [1,2] and its N A D P H . A non-haem protein with N A D P H
presence in m a n y LAB has since been confirmed oxidase activity has been detected in Peptostrepto-
[3-8]. The enzyme is cytoplasmic, is rather unsta- coccus anaerobius a strict anaerobe; this enzyme
ble and has not been purified. catalyses the formation of 0 2 - and H 2 0 2 from O 2

Table 1
Reactions involving molecular oxygen or oxygen metabolites catalysed by enzymes of lactic acid bacteria

1. N A D H + H + + 02 NADH : H202 oxidase)N A D + + H 202

2. 2 N A D H + 2H + + 02 NADH : H20 oxidase)2 N A D + + 2 H 2 0

3. pyruvate + phosphate + 02 pyruvateoxidme acetylphosphate + CO 2 + H 202

4. a-glycerophosphate + 02 oxidase a-glycerophosphate mnyaroxyacetone
. . . . . .pnospnate
. . .+ H 202

5. 2 0 2 + 2 H + super°xidedismutase)H202 + 0 2
6. N A D H + H + + H 202 NADH peroxidase)2H 20

TPP = thiamine pyrophosphate; FAD = flavin adenine dinucleotide.


[21]. It is presumed that 0 2 is an intermediate in of HzO 2 [35]. Hyperbaric 0 2 o r agents which

HzO 2 formation. increase 02 uptake such as plumbagin un-
doubtedly promote extensive O 2 production
3.2. Pyruvate oxidase which can be dismuted to HzO 2 by SOD (Table

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1), or high internal manganese concentrations
Pyruvate oxidase which catalyses a direct reac- [36,37]. However, there is little convincing evi-
tion of pyruvate with molecular 02 (Table 1) was dence as yet that H202 accumulation in LAB,
first demonstrated in L. delbrueckii [22] and since growing under ordinary aerobic conditions, occurs
then in a few other lactobacilli [3,5,14,23] in S. via O 2 in any substantial way. These bacteria lack
mutans [24] and in P. halophilus [25]. The enzyme many of the cellular components which promote
is cytoplasmic and was purified by Hager et al. the generation of O 2 radicals from O 2 [38]. Only
[22] who showed that it contained FAD. Pyruvate 17% of the 02 utilised during N A D H oxidation by
oxidase in cell-free extracts of L. plantarum did cell-free extracts of S. faecalis (in which SOD was
not produce O2- as an intermediate [26]. inhibited by a specific antibody) could be attri-
buted to O 2 formation [35]. Another report indi-
3.3. a-Glycerophosphate oxidase cated that only 6% of the O 2 metabolised by
whole cells of S. mutans (with low SOD activity)
The reaction catalysed by a-glycerophosphate was converted to 0 2 [7]. It was expected that
oxidase (Table 1) occurs in those LAB which N A D H oxidases might be a likely source of 0 2
utilise glycerol as an O2-dependent growth sub- formation [35], but O 2 production was not de-
strate. They include enterococci [27-29], lactoba- tected during N A D H oxidation by a purified
cilli [3; M.G. Murphy and S. Condon, unpub- N A D H : HzO oxidase from S. faecalis [17]. In
lished data] and P. pentosaceus [30]. The enzyme addition O 2 production was not observed during
has been partially purified; it is cytoplasmic and 02 reduction by cell-free extracts of L. plantarum
contains FAD [28,29]. with NADH, N A D P H or pyruvate [26]. Some
other oxidase of LAB such as N A D H : HzO z
oxidase may release O~- as an intermediate, but at
4. A C C U M U L A T I O N OF HzO 2 A N D O T H E R present the only convincing evidence for such an
POSSIBLE TOXIC 02 METABOLITES enzyme is that from Peptostreptococcus anaerobius
[21]. The widespread distribution of SOD (or
Hydrogen peroxide is a product of some non-enzymatic manganese dismutation system)
flavoprotein oxidases of LAB with O z and it may among LAB [35-37,39] does not fit comfortably
accumulate in aerobic cultures of many strains with these observations. It has been suggested that
[reviewed in 31]. Work at this laboratory estab- SOD may have other physiological functions be-
lished that about half of 20 Group N streptococci sides dismutation of O2 [40], but it is also possi-
[8] and several lactobacitli [32] were inhibited by ble that even low levels of 0 2 are so reactive that
HzO 2 accumulation during aerobic growth. Other an active dismutation system is an important
reports clearly demonstrate that accumulation to safeguard in aerobic environments.
auto-inhibitory levels during exposure to 02 is In this context also is the question of whether
widespread, but not universal among LAB the inhibition of LAB which coincides with H202
[4,7,27,33,34; J.B. Smart and T.D. Thomas, un- accumulation is caused directly by H202 or indi-
published data). Accumulation of HzO 2 is due to rectly by a metabolite of HzO 2. Inhibition of LAB
greater overall activity of systems that produce by aeration at normal atmospheric pressures is
H202 than those which eliminate it. The H202 invariably prevented by catalase [reviewed in
forming oxidases are undoubtedly the principal 31;6,7,41,42]. However, it has been suggested that
mechanisms for the production of H202 in the H202 can react with O 2 to form hydroxyl radical
LAB. It has been suggested that dismutation of ( O H . ) and that the latter is the direct inhibitor of
0 2 may also be a physiologically important source Oz-sensitive cells [43]. Although the feasibility is

not universally accepted [40] formation of O H . N A D H : OSCN--oxidoreductase which reduces

from H202 and O 2- under physiological condi- O S C N - to the inert S C N - [49].
tions has been demonstrated [44]. As already men- Accumulation of H202 in aerobic cultures in
tioned, the rate of production of O 2 by LAB is LAB results from a greater capacity to form H202
probably low under normal aeration conditions. If

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than to break it down. A flavoprotein N A D H
O H . is the direct toxic O 2 metabolite, it would peroxidase (Table 1) first reported by Dolin [2,50]
have to be effective at concentrations much lower and which is widespread among LAB [3-5,12,14,
than those of H202, which accumulates in aera- 47,51,52; J.B. Smart and T.D. Thomas, unpub-
tion-inhibited cultures of LAB. Some years ago lished data] is probably mainly responsible for
work at our laboratory showed that H 2 0 : added H202 breakdown.
to sterilised milk, at the concentrations which The enzyme purified from S. faecalis contained
inhibited Group N streptococci, clearly inhibited FAD [2]. It was not possible to separate the
acid production by unaerated milk cultures of the peroxidase from N A D H oxidase in some LAB
same bacteria [45]. Addition of mannitol, a known [5,12, J.B. Smart and T.D. Thomas, unpublished
scavenger of O H . [43], failed to relieve aeration data]. In L. plantarum cultures N A D H peroxidase
inhibition of an S. lactis strain whereas catalase was induced by O 2 [14] and catabolite repressed
did [46]. At least for Group N streptococci, there- by glucose [53,54]. Other enzymes which reduce
fore, direct inhibition by H202 rather than O H . H202 have been found in a few strains of LAB.
remains the most likely explanation for O 2 sensi- Both non-haem catalases termed pseudo-catalases
tivity. and haem-catalases have been reported [reviewed
The inhibitory effects of H202 on LAB may be in 31]. The latter enzymes require aerobic growth
potentiated in natural environments, such as milk in the presence of haematin as only the apoen-
or saliva; concentrations which are not of them- zyme is made by the LAB [55].
selves inhibitory, may become so, because of the
presence of lactoperoxidase and thiocyanate. Hy-
drogen peroxide produced by oral [47], mastitic 5. A E R A T I O N - I N D U C E D CHANGES IN
[41], or Group N [48] streptococci may oxidise S U G A R METABOLISM
thiocyanate to hypothiocyanite in a reaction cata-
lysed by lactoperoxidase as follows: When growing in the absence of 02 , LAB rely
SCN- + H202 lactoperoxidase)OSCN- + H20 mainly on lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), acetalde-
hyde dehydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase,
Further oxidation products formed in the pres- to regenerate NAD + needed for the dehydrogena-
ence of excess hydrogen peroxide (O2SCN- and tion reactions of sugar metabolism. In the pres-
O3SCN- ) may also be involved in the inhibition ence of O 2, however, N A D H oxidases and N A D H
caused by the lactoperoxidase-thiocyanate-H202 peroxidases are alternative mechanisms of N A D +
system but most attention has been focussed on regeneration. These mechanisms can have a spar-
O S C N - [reviewed in 49]. The mode of action of ing effect on pyruvate, acetyl-CoA and acetalde-
hypothiocyanite is complex and not fully under- hyde and can alter the fermentation end-product
stood. The overall effect on LAB is generally spectrum.
bacteriostatic whereas m a n y Gram-negative
bacteria are rapidly killed in its presence. A num- 5.1. Response of the heterolactic leuconostocs to
ber of different physiological effects have been aeration
noted, principally leakage of K + and amino acids,
inhibition of uptake of carbohydrates, lactate and The end-products of anaerobic glucose fermen-
amino acids and the inhibition of specific glycoly- tation by leuconostocs are mainly lactate, ethanol
sis enzymes such as aldolase, hexokinase and and CO2, but acetate is largely substituted for
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. ethanol during aerobic growth (Fig. 1; [16, 54-58]).
Streptococci resistant to hypothiocyanite have an Strains which are missing N A D H oxidase (occur-

Glucose glucose (Fig. 1). The molar growth yield of Leuc.

mesenteroides (NADH oxidase-positive) growing
aerobically on glucose is approximately double
that obtained during anaerobic growth [16]. In

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addition, growth rates on glucose in the presence
of O~ are much faster than in its absence [16,56],
6-~lucomte indicating that the rate of ATP formation from
~ ~ 0 or H202 Acetate sugars is a growth-rate-limiting step in these
bacteria. The R N A / D N A and RNA/protein
ratios of Leuc. mesenteroides cells grown aerobi-
cally or anaerobically on glucose are similar, which
CO2 P indicates that the macromolecular composition of
AcetYl phospl~te these bacteria does not change, even though the
," NAD+'~'H20or H202 growth rate is faster in the presence of 02 [M.
~.~p O'Keeffe and S. Condon, unpublished data].
,~NAI~'-O2 Oxygen is not the only electron acceptor which
-2ADP Acet ~CoA
stimulates leuconostocs growing on glucose.
",2ATP ,--NAI~I Growth of several strains are also stimulated by
C°ASH~ ,~. NAD+ other exogenous substrates of dehydrogenase en-
PYruv~te Acetoldehyde zymes, such as pyruvate or acetaldehyde. Citrate
also stimulates some strains, presumably, because
N~/) ÷ it serves as a source of additional pyruvate [59].

mcmte Ethanol 5.2. 02-induced alterations in pyruvate transforma-

Fig. 1. Heterolactate pathway of glucose dissimilation. tion in lactic acid bacteria classified as homo-

ring naturally or constructed by mutation) form The EMP pathway of sugar metabolism is used
lactate, ethanol and CO 2 in the presence or ab- by streptococci, pediococci and some lactobacilli.
sence of 02 [16]. The ethanol branch of the hetero- In unaerated (not necessarily strictly anaerobic)
lactic (phosphoketolase) pathway is needed to re- cultures, with excess glucose as substrate, most of
generate NAD + for dehydrogenation of glucose- the pyruvate is converted to lactate to reoxidise
6-phosphate and 6-phosphogluconate. The regu- NADH. Many of these bacteria have the genetic
lation of synthesis of the enzymes concerned with capacity to make products other than lactate from
the alternative routes of acetylphosphate metabo- pyruvate, such as acetate, CO2, formate, ethanol,
lism is ideally organised to take advantage of the acetoin, diacetyl and 2,3-butanediol [see Figs. 2-4]
presence or absence of 02. When O2 is available and their accumulation can be demonstrated by
the specific activities of N A D H oxidase and varying the conditions of sugar utilisation. For
acetate kinase are high and those of phosphate example, several lactic streptococci accumulate
acetyl transferase and alcohol dehydrogenase are substantial amounts of formate, ethanol and
low, thus facilitating acetate synthesis and high acetate and correspondingly less lactate when
energy phosphate conservation. In the absence of grown in glucose- or lactose-limited unaerated
O 2 the leuconostocs respond with greater amounts chemostat cultures, whereas with excess sugar the
of phosphate acetyl transferase and alcohol dehy- same cultures are homolactic. The production of
drogenase and less N A D H oxidase and acetate products other than lactate in the sugar-limited
kinase activities [16]. cultures is attributed to relatively low intracellular
The switch from ethanol to acetate synthesis levels of fructose-l,6-bisphosphate (FBP), an
doubles the amount of ATP that is formed from essential activator of lactate dehydrogenase in

these strains [60]. The presence of 0 2 often has ing and FBP levels were low. However, some oral
significant effects on the metabolism of pyruvate streptococci accumulate these end-products even
in these and other LAB. when glucose is in excess in strictly anaerobic
conditions. Washed cell suspensions of anaerobic
5.2.1. Pyruvate to lactate transformation glucose cultures of S. mutans accumulated sub-

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Accumulation of products other than lactate stantial amounts of formate, acetate and ethanol,
from sugars by homofermentative LAB requires as well as lactate, under strictly anaerobic condi-
an alternative mechanism to lactate dehydro- tions from excess glucose or galactose. The fer-
genase (LDH) to oxidise NADH, or an alternative mentation became much more homolactic in the
source of pyruvate which does not involve reduc- presence of O 2, but the FBP levels were similar in
tion of N A D +. Most LAB have the capacity to the presence or absence of O 2 [63,64]. In chem-
oxidise N A D H with O 2 through the N A D H ostat cultures with limiting glucose, S. mutans and
o x i d a s e / N A D H peroxidase system(s), which are S. sanguis accumulated very little lactate. In the
often induced by 02 [6,11,14,47,61; J.B. Smart absence of O 2, formate, acetate and ethanol were
and T.D. Thomas, unpublished data], or H202 produced in a 2 : 1 : 1 ratio. A gradual increase in
[14; M. Tangney and S. Condon, unpublished the aeration level led to a gradual increase in
data]. These enzymes may also be repressed dur- acetate and a decrease in formate and ethanol [65].
ing growth in the presence of excess glucose The main reason for these effects is the extreme
[6,14,53]. The L D H has to compete with the sensitivity of pyruvate formate-lyase to O z
N A D H o x i d a s e / N A D H peroxidase enzymes for [63,64,66-68]. Cells of S. mutans exposed to 02
N A D H in aerobically growing cells and in some for 2 min lost 94% of their activity [63]. The levels
strains the concentration of L D H may be reduced, of pyruvate formate-lyase and its inhibitor
though rarely by substantial amounts (J.B. Smart glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate are thought to play
and T.D. Thomas, unpublished data). A more key roles in regulating pyruvate metabolism in
significant effect in determining the fate of pyru- oral streptococci under anaerobic conditions
vate in some LAB under aerobic conditions, may [63,64,69].
be the intracellular levels of FBP. In experiments
with Staphylococcus epidermidis, low intracellular 5.2.3. The pyruvate dehydrogenase pathway to
levels of FBP correlated closely with acetate pro- acetate, ethanol and CO 2
duction in aerobically growing cells, or aerobic This pathway (Fig. 2) differs from the pyruvate
incubation of resting cells in glucose; in anaerobic formate-lyase pathway only in the first step, the
conditions high FBP levels correlated with lactate pyruvate dehydrogenase step, in which pyruvate is
formation [62]. However, other factors besides FBP decarboxylated to form acetyl CoA with the
levels are involved in determining whether pyru- reduction of NAD +. This enzyme has been dem-
vate is converted to lactate or to other metabolites onstrated in several Group N streptococci [70,71;
(see below). J.B. Smart and T.D. Thomas, unpublished data].
It probably co-exists with pyruvate formate-lyase
5.2.2. The pyruvate formate-lyase pathway to for- in many LAB. Pyruvate dehydrogenase is not sen-
mate, acetate and ethanol sitive to 02 and it is present at greater concentra-
This pathway (Fig. 2) appears to be a major tions in aerobic than in anaerobic cultures (J.B.
alternative pathway to the L D H pathway in many Smart and Thomas, T.D. unpublished data). In
homofermentative LAB growing under anaerobic the absence of 02, L D H and pyruvate formate-
conditions. The end-products are formate, ethanol lyase have a distinct advantage over pyruvate
and acetate. The operation of this pathway varies dehydrogenase in competition for pyruvate as the
among LAB. Thomas et al. [60] found that most latter enzyme involves reduction of N A D +. How-
Group N streptococci produced formate, acetate ever, in the presence of O 2, N A D H can be
and ethanol from glucose or lactose in unaerated reoxidised with the N A D H oxidase/peroxidase
chemostat cultures only when the sugar was limit- system(s), which makes catalysis of pyruvate to

P /~P AlP
Pyruv~e b~T~p~
~ Pyru~te• ~ TPPN ,- AcetYl~hate - ~ J' , ~:emte
02 %o2 c~
Fig. 3. Pyruvateoxidasepathway.

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halophilus [25] is an alternative mechanism to
pyruvate dehydrogenase/phosphate acetyl trans-
"~ ~tYl C.~ ~ - t~l]q ferase for the formation of acetyl phosphate in
aerobically growing cells. Pyruvate oxidase has
not been observed in Group N streptococci [8;
J.B. Smart and T.D. Thomas, unpublished data].
In L. plantarum, this activity is induced by aera-
tion and catabolite repressed by glucose [14,53].
Aoemld~'~le ~etyl~ohote

5.2.5. Transformation of pyruvate to acetoin, 2,3-

butanediol and diacetyl
These C4 end-products of sugar metabolism
(Fig. 4) are found in cultures of some LAB and
Ethanol ~tm~
their synthesis is affected by 02 availability. The
Fig. 2. Pyruvate formate-lyase and pyruvate dehydrogenase ability to make some C4 compounds, demon-
pathways a, pyruvate formate-lyase; b, pyruvate dehydro- strated by incubating cell suspensions, or cell-free
genase; c, acetaldehyde dehydrogenase; d, alcohol dehydro-
genase; e, phosphateacetyltransferase, f, acetate kinase. extracts, with pyruvate is fairly widespread among
LAB [20,70,71,77-79]. However, accumulation to
any substantial extent in growing cultures of LAB
requires special circumstances.
acetyl CoA and CO 2 more favourable, especially
In general, when C4 compounds accumulate in
since pyruvate formate-lyase is O2-sensitive.
growing cultures pyruvate, or an alternative source
The acetyl CoA formed in aerobically metabo-
of pyruvate such as citrate, is available in addition
lising cells is more likely to be converted to acetate
to the fermentable sugar [54,78,80-83]. Neverthe-
via acetyl phosphate than to ethanol via acetalde-
hyde. The ethanol branch dehydrogenase enzymes
require N A D H and are in competition with
N A D H oxidase/peroxidase, whereas acetyl CoA
converted to acetate results in ATP synthesis. Some
Group N streptococci which have the pyruvate
formate-lyase [67] and the pyruvate dehydro-
Hydrox 7ethyl-TPP HydroxyethyI-TPP
genase [70,71] pathways,, and other homolactic
LAB which have not yet been checked for these ~ruvate~ 2,3-Butmedlol ~tYl CoA
activities, accumulate lactate, formate, acetate and a-Acetoloctote dlocetYl
ethanol when metabolising sugars anaerobically,
and lactate, acetate and CO 2 when O 2 is available b
[41,72-76; J.B. Smart and T.D. Thomas, unpub-
lished data].
5.2.4. The pyruvate oxidase pathway to acetate and Fig. 4. Acetoin, diacetyl and 2,3-butanediol pathways, a, ~-
co2 acetolactate synthase; b, a-acetolactate decarboxylase; c,
This pathway (Fig. 3) observed in a few species diacetyl synthase; d, diacetyl reductase; e, 2,3-butanediol
of lactobacilli [3,5,14,22,23], S. mutans [24] and P. dehydrogenase.

less, C4 compounds have been observed occasion- metabolise substrates such as glycerol, mannitol,
ally in cultures of some streptococci growing in a sorbitol and lactate that they do not utilise in the
sugar-based medium without additional pyruvate absence of O 2 [reviewed in 31]. In our laboratory,
[41,73,79,84,85]. Since two molecules of pyruvate the Oz-dependent utilisation of lactate by L.
are needed in such cultures to make one C4 com- plantarum has been of particular interest [53,89].

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pound, oxidation of two N A D H molecules is a The probable pathway is via dehydrogenation of
prerequisite for synthesis. lactate to pyruvate followed by oxidation to acetyl
Accumulation is, therefore, more likely in the phosphate with pyruvate oxidase and finally con-
presence rather than the absence of 02. A survey version of acetyl phosphate to acetate with synthe-
of Group N streptococci [79] revealed that the sis of ATP. The dehydrogenation step may involve
related strains S. lactis C2, AC2 and 712 pro- both NAD-dependent and NAD-independent
duced significant quantities of acetoin in aerobic LDHs; the latter but not the former was induced
culture, but not in the absence of 02 . Accumu- by aeration as was also pyruvate oxidase, N A D H
lation was greatest in a chemically defined peroxidase and N A D H oxidase. The oxidases,
medium, with galactose rather than glucose or peroxidase and acetate kinase were all repressed
lactose as the sugar and with catalase to eliminate by glucose [53].
H 2 0 z. The level of a-acetolactate synthase was When L. plantarum is growing aerobically in a
2-4-fold higher in aerobically than in anaerobi- glucose broth, D- and L-lactates are the only major
cally grown cells. H202 added intermittently at end-products during active growth, i.e. when the
sublethal levels to anaerobic cultures stimulated cells have low levels of lactate oxidising enzymes.
acetoin production. Diacetyl or 2,3-butanediol did When the glucose level decreases the lactate oxida-
not accumulate in growing cultures, but the latter tion pathway is derepressed and now acetate rather
was produced from pyruvate by resting cell sus- than lactate accumulates. Finally, on prolonged
pensions, grown without but not with aeration. incubation when the glucose is exhausted, the
lactate is converted to acetate and thus allows L.
plantarum to continue growing, albeit slowly, when
6. ADVANTAGES OF AEROBIC METABO- O 2 is available, but not in its absence [14,53,54].

The metabolism of sugars to acetate rather than 7. OXIDATION STRESS RESPONSE

lactate doubles the amount of ATP formed through
substrate level phosphorylation. Those LAB hav- Some recent work indicates that LAB are simi-
ing an Oz-insensitive mechanism of acetate lar to other organisms that have been investigated,
synthesis, should be able to benefit from the avail- in that they respond to sublethal concentrations of
ability of the extra ATP during growth in the HzO 2 by inducing a protective system which helps
presence of 02, by greater biomass yields and them survive normally lethal levels of HzO 2. In
possibly faster growth rates. Such increases have enteric bacteria the protective system consists of a
been mentioned above when dealing with the het- set of 'stress proteins' which somehow protect the
erolactic leuconostocs. It is not surprising that cells against HzO 2 damage but also against damage
some homolactic bacteria also benefit from the in other stressful environments e.g. high tempera-
presence of Oz; yields of biomass during aeration tures (heat shock response) and a variety of chem-
are often greater than in the absence of Oz. The ical oxidants [90,91]. Two Group N streptococci
effects are particularly noticeable at low con- exposed to a sublethal (0.5 mm) level of H202
centrations of sugar [41,52,86-88]. Growth rates survived a challenge with a lethal concentration (5
of some homolactic LAB are faster in the presence mm) at substantially greater rates than cultures
of 02 than in its absence, especially if catalase is which were not first exposed to the sublethal
present to eliminate any HzO 2 formed [8,32]. concentration. The HzOz-activated cells were also
Aerobic growth also allows some LAB to much more resistant to lethal temperatures (e.g.

55 ° C). Unlike the enteric bacteria, the protective its effect on their growth and metabolism. Appl. Micro-
system was also induced when anaerobically grow- biol. 19, 602-612.
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tion of the protective system by 02 is unlikely to tation sugar on hydrogen peroxide accumulation by
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were induced during the period of 02 activation superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. J. Bacteriol. 154,
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sublethal temperature (heat shock), suggesting that [8] Fitzgerald, F.M. (1983) Aerobic Metabolism of Group N
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