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Celine and Her Adventure

Hello,im Celine,I am 16 years old. “silver girl” that’s how people say my name.Thats
because I have a silver hair and a grey eyes . I have three best friends. The firstone is Fretta, a
yellow-haired girl with amber eyes that look beautiful. Fretta is a cheerful and lovely girl.
Then there is Vincent. He has black hair with red eyes that seem to hypnotize you. He is a
calm and cold person. The last one is Shane. He has blonde hair and amazing blue eyes. He is
such a brave and fearless person
We all love adventure. Let alone go out exploring the outdoors.
One day, we went together to a forest for a picnic. We had fun and explored the forest
together. Then, I saw a beautiful butterfly and tried to chase it. Unfortunately, I lost it and
rushed back to the picnic area…
I was surprised because no one was there.
"Where are all of them??"
I also tried to look for them all into the forest. I've been looking for almost a hour but couldn't
find any sign. And it seems, I got lost. I kept trying to look for them, until I saw a familiar
"Isn't this Vincent's watch?" I said
The watch is located in front of a large cave that looks very quiet and scary. I gather all my
courage and enter it, hoping that they are in there.I walked until I see a light
I was amazed and astonished by what I saw. I have never seen a place like this on Earth.
There are many mystical plants and animals that I have never seen before. LIKE IN A
I saw a very beautiful white bird and tried to follow it. The bird took me to a very large and
magnificent palace. I then entered the palace. There, I saw my friends there with a very
beautiful woman at a banquet.
They screamed and headed straight for me.
"Where are you guys from?? I was looking for you" I said
"They entered and got lost in my world just like you. Then I hosted them," said a beautiful
woman I didn't recognize.
"Your du-world?" I asked in surprise
"Yes, I am the queen and leader of this world," said the woman.
We talked long enough that I learned from the queen that the way to Return to my original
world was to sacrifice one life to offer to nature.
"We came together and we have to come back together, we can definitely think of another
way. If ther is no other thing we could do, then let me-" said Vincent
“ARE YOU CRAZY??!! Are we just going to continue to wait and contemplate??!! UNTIL
WHEN?? do you want to grow old here?? Fretta, you want to go home right?” cut Shane
“hiks…hikss….. I miss my family…let's just go home…” Fretta cried while sobbing
“Hufttt…. what Vincent said is true. Your majesty, is there no other way to come back? we
can't possibly sacrifice one of us or live forever here”
"Actually there is one other way ... but this method is practically impossible, because no one
has survived, namely by going back to the cave where we first came."
“OH YEAH!! How can we don’t think about going to that cave. HAHAHAHA..let's go there
immediately and return to our world." said Shane.
“Huh, did you think it would be that easy?” Vincent replied
“Yeah, getting out of this world won't be as easy as getting in here. You must retrieve the
diamond that is on the head of a dragon in the cave, to open the gate to your world.”
"But we didn't see all of that when we came here.." said Fretta
"Hmm.. don't you remember that this world and our world are in different dimensions."
I answer..
We all agree to accept the risk.
The Queen can only support our choice and provide adequate assistance in the form of food,
flying carriages, and weapons.
We also started our journey using the flying train to get to the cave.
When we arrived at the cave, we went into the cave.
“shttt…. look, it seems to be the dragon the queen said. He seems to be in a deep sleep. Take
the diamond carefully so as not to wake him up.” I said
Shein managed to take the gem. But unfortunately, he woke up the sleeping dragon.
“Fretta, catch!!” Shein threw it at fretta who then threw it at me. The dragon's eyes went
straight to me and it went running towards me.
Swish… luckily Vincent immediately came and swing his sword.
"Go towards the gate, I'll take care of this." said Vincent
I immediately ran to the gate and opened it. Coinciding with the opening of the gate, the
ground began to shake and the rocks began to crumble
"Come on Celine, we have to get out of here !!" Fretta shouted
“Hurryyy!!, this cave will soon be destroyed!” shein added
“B- but…”
"Go, I'll catch up" said Vincent
We ran quickly without looking back.
Arriving outside the cave, at the same time, the entrance to the grotto was covered with rocks.
We immediately realized that Vincent was not with us… feeling sad, happy, and relieved, all
mixed together.
Yeah, that was the last time we met Vincent. And strangely enough, no one on earth except
the three of us remembered him. Everything about him disappeared without a trace. It was
like he never existed in this world..


Story by:
Neva Sela
Siti Amaliyah
(-) Rizqullah syafaat

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