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School : SMA Negeri 1 Jember

Subject : English
Grade/Semester : XI/2
Topic : For example and Such as
Language Skills : Reading,Writing and Speaking
Time Allocation : 4 x 45 Minutes

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya
2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli
(gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsive dan pro-aktif
dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan
dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan social dan alam serta
dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.
3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
procedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahu nya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,
kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkai penyebab fenomena dan
kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian yang
spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.
4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan
mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.


Basic Competence Indicators
3.8. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan 3.8.1.Identifying the
unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional social function,
lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan text structure,
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait and the laguage
pemberian contoh sesuai dengan konteks features of
penggunaannya (Perhatikan penggunaan unsur sentences that
kebahasaan for example, such as). use for
example, such
as, etc.

3.8.2. Completing the

sentences to
understand the
use of for
example , such
as, etc.

3.8.3Applying the
features of for
example, such
as, the

4.8.Menyusunteksinteraksitransaksionallisandantulis 4.8.1.Rearranging the

yang melibatkantindakanmemberi jumbled

danmemintainformasiterkaitpemberiancontoh, dialogues
consisting of for
denganmemperhatikanfungsisosial, strukturteks,
example, such
danunsurkebahasaan yang benardansesuai
as, etc.into a
konteks penggunaanya.
good order.

4.8.2.Constructing a
dialogue using
for example,
such as, etc.

4.8.3. Performing the

dialogues that
have been
constructed in
front of the

1. By giving some sentences, the students are able to identify the social function, text
structure, and the language features of sentences that use for example,such as,
2. By giving some incomplete sentences, the students are able to complete the sentences
in order to understand the use of for example,such as, etc. correctly.
3. By giving some sentences, the students are able to apply the language features of for
example, such as, etc.correctly.
4. By giving thejumbled sentences, the students are able to rearrange the jumbled
sentences of a dialogue consisting of for example,such as, etc. correctly.
5. By giving the instruction, the students are able to constructa dialogue usingfor
example, such as, etc. correctly.
6. Without carrying the script, the students are able to perform thedialogues that have
been constructedin front of the class fluently and accurately.


 The materials about for example, such as, etc.(Look at Appendix 1)

 Approach: Scientific approach
The syntaxes: 1. Observing
2. Questioning
3. Experimenting
4. Associating
5. Communicating
 Method : Discussion and presentation


Meeting 1
Activities Description Time
Pre- a. The teacher greets the students. 10’
Activities b. The teacher asks students to pray together.
c. The teacher checks the students’ attendance.
d. The teacher asks to the students about the
previous lesson (review).
e. The teacher shows two pictures about
kitchen tools and kinds of transportation.
Picture 1:

Picture 2:

f. The teacher gives some leading questions to

the students related to the topic will be
1. Do you know what picture is it?
2. Have you ever found these tools in your
3. What about the second picture?what
kind of picture is it?
4. Can you find public transportation in
this picture?
5. Can you give me example?
g. The teacher states today’s lesson, learning
objectives and the assessment.

Main Observing 70’

Activities The teacher shows the video about for
example, such as, etc.

The teacher asks sudents to arise at least one
question related to the video have been
a. The teacher explains the material about the
topic being discussed on the power point
b. The teacher asks students to work in pairs.
c. The teacher distributes the worksheets to
d. The teacher asks students to do Task 1, in
order to identify the social function, text
structure, and language features of the
dialogues that use for example and such as.
e. The teacher asks students to do Task 2, in
order to understand the use of for example
and such as.
f. The teacher asks students to do task 3, in
order to apply the language features of for
example and such as.
g. The teacher asks students to swap their
works to their friends in order to discuss the
results of their works.
h. The teacher gives students Reading
Comprehension Test.
i. The teacher and students discuss the results
of the test together with the whole class by
Post a. The teacher and students draw conclusion 10’
Activities about today’s lesson by question and
b. The teacher gives feedback about today’s
learning activities:
1. Thank you very much for your participation.
2. You did a good job today, I’m very happy
with your activity in the class.
3. How about you, did you enjoy my class?
c. The teacher states the topic for the next
d. The teacher closes the meeting.

Meeting 2
Activities Description Time
Pre- a. The teacher greets the students. 10’
Activities b. The teacher asks students to pray together.
c. The teacher checks the students’ attendance.
d. The teacher asks to the students about the
previous lesson (review)by showing a simple
dialogue consisting for example, such as, etc. in
power point slide.
 Diana : Where did you go last week, John?
John : I went to Bogor last week
Diana : What did you do there?
John : I visited Taman Safari.
Diana : What about the weather? Didn’t
you feel the weather was so hot
John : No, I didn’t. The weather was cool
andcomfortable over there. I could
feel thebreeze on my face, it was so
Diana : Did you saw any animals there?
John : Yes, I did. I saw many animals
there, such as elephants,
crocodiles, lions, and many others.
The green sight was everywhere I
saw. It was a very nice place to
e. The teacher asks some leading questions to the
1. What about you?
2. Did you go somewhere last weekend?
3. What did you see there?
4. Did you hear something?
5. Did you smell something typical or
f. The teacher states today’s lesson, learning
objectives and the assessment.

Main Associating 70’

Activities a. The teacher gives a short review about the
previous materials on the power point slides.
b. The teacher asks students to work in pairs.
c. The teacher distributes the worksheets to
d. The teacher asks students to do Task 4, in
order to rearrange the jumbled sentences of a
dialogueconsisting offor example,such as,
e. The teacher and students discuss the results
together with the whole class.
f. The teacher asks students to construct a
simple dialogue using for example,such as, least consist of 5 sentences.
The teacher asks students to perform their
dialogues that have been constructed with
their pairs in front of the class.
Post a. The teacher and students draw conclusion 10’
Activities about today’s lesson by question and answer.
b. The teacher gives feedback about today’s
learning activities:
1. Thank you very much for your participation.
2. You did a good job today, I’m very happy with
your activity in the class.
3. How about you, did you enjoy my class?
c. The teacher states the topic for the next
d. The teacher closes the meeting.

G. Media and Resources

 Power point slides
 LCD Projector
 Students’ worksheet
a. The English book “ Be Smart in English 2 For Grade XI of Senior High
b. The English book “Pathway To English 2 For Senior High School XI”.

1. Scoring Techniques:
 Attitude : Observation
 Knowledge : Written test
 Skills : Product of writingand students’ performance.
2. Scoring Instruments(enclosed)

1. Asking the students to summarize their difficulties related to the topic discussed
2. Suggesting the students to ask for their friends who have understood about the topic.
3. Giving worksheet to the students who still do not understand about the learning

Giving more material related to the topic to strengthen and enrich the knowledge of the
students who have achieved the learning objectives.

Jember, April 21st, 2019


Hasanah Arista Devi, S.Pd.

The English Teacher, Supervisor,

Inneke Farastuti, S.Pd.,M.Pd. Drs. Annur Rofiq, M.Pd.

The Headmaster,

Drs. Eddy Prayitno, M.Pd.

NIP. 19650414 199003 1 009

Appendix 1


For Meeting 1:
Look at the pictures carefully!
Picture 1: Kitchen Tools

Picture 2: Kinds of transportation

Leading Questions:
1. Do you know what picture is it?
2. Have you ever found these tools in your kitchen?
3. What about the second picture?what kind of picture is it?
4. Can you find public transportation in this picture?
5. Can you give me example?

For Meeting 2:
Pay attention to the following dialogue.
Diana: Where did you go last week, John?
John : I went to Bogor last week
Diana: What did you do there?
John : I visited Taman Safari.
Diana: What about the weather? Didn’t you feel the weather was so hot there?
John: No, I didn’t. The weather was cool a comfortable over there. I could feel thebreeze
on my face, it was so relaxing.
Diana: Did you saw any animals there?
John : Yes, I did. I saw many animals there, such as elephants, crocodiles, lions, and
many others. The green sight was everywhere I saw. It was a very nice place to

Leading Questions:
1. What about you?
2. Did you go somewhere last weekend?
3. What did you see there?
4. Did you hear something?
5. Did you smell something typical or unusual?

For example, for instance, such as, e.g.
 There are several phrases that are commonly used in giving example.
 They are: for example, for instance, such as, e.g.(e.g. stands for exempli gratia (Latin))
 The social fuction of these phrases is to introduce the example/ examples we mention.
 These phrases essentially have the same meaning, but they are not used in the same way.
 For our purposes, let's break them up into 2 groups: phrases used within a
sentence and phrases used to begin a new sentence.

1. Phrases Used Within A Sentence

Each phrase can be used within a sentence when it is followed by a list of items
which elaborate on or show examples for the main idea of the sentence.

Complete sentence + comma + phrases + list of items/nouns

Here are examples:

I can play quite a few musical instruments, for example, the flute, the
guitar, and the piano.

I can play quite a few musical instruments, for instance, the flute, the
guitar, and the piano.

I can play quite a few musical instruments,e.g., the flute, the guitar,
and the piano.

I can play quite a few musical instruments, such as, the flute, the
guitar, and the piano.
The phrase such as can be used in the middle of a sentence without any commas, if such
as are necessary and essential to the meaning of the sentence. If you take out those words,
the meaning will change.
Subject + phrases + nouns

Take a look at these examples:

Car companies such as Toyota and Ford manufacture their automobiles

in many different countries around the world.

Car companies manufacture their automobiles in many different

countries around the world.

What do these sentences mean?

1. The first sentence means: that ONLY Toyota and Ford companies manufacture their
automobiles in many different countries around the world.
2. The second sentence means: ALL car companies manufacture their automobiles in
many different countries around the world. This is not true because some companies
produce their cars in just one or two countries.

Therefore, the phrase such as Toyota and Ford is necessary. If these words are
necessary, do not use commas.

2. Phrases Used to Begin A New Sentence

Usually only for example and for instance can begin new sentences. Each can begin a
new sentence when the phrase is preceeded by a full stop and followed by a comma and
complete idea or sentence (not a list of items).
Sentence + full stop + for example/for instance + comma + sentence

Take a look on these examples:

My father loves going to restaurants which serve exotic
foods. For example, last week he went to a restaurant which
serves deep-fried rattlesnake.

My father loves going to restaurants which serve exotic

foods. For instance, last week he went to a restaurant which
serves deep-fried rattlesnake.

Appendix 2

Task 1
Read the dialogue then answer the following questions.
Teacher : Students, we are going to discuss vertebrate. I am sure everyone has
already known about vertebrate. Can someone mention what is meant
by vertebrate?
Student 1 : Vertebrate is animal that has spine. There are many examples, such
as birds, fish, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles.
Teacher : Very good. Can you give example for each?
Student 2 : All right, there are many kinds of salt water fish, for examples shark,
tuna, whale and so on.
Teacher : What about fresh water fish? Can you give me example?
Students 3 : Well, the most famous example is fresh water cat fish.

1. Where does the dialogue happen?
2. What is the purpose of the text?
3. Is the dialogue consisting for example and such as?
4. What is the meaning of for example and such us in the dialogue?
5. What information do you find from the dialogue?

Task 2
Complete the sentences of the dialogue by using for example, such as, for instance, or
Peni :Youarereally fit,Jhon. What doyoudotostayhealthy?
Jhon :Well, Iexercisealotandavoidliquor aswell asfastfood.(1)..................,Igojogging
every morning,playbadmintontwiceaweek, every
TuesdayafternoonandThursday evening.
Peni :What liqour andfastfooddon’t youconsume?
Jhon :Idon’t drink liquors,
(2).....................,gin,vodka,rum,whiskey,tequila,brandy,wine, ale,
lager, andcider. Ialsodonoteatfastfood,(3)......................:burger,pizza,
kebab,hotdog, instantnoodle,spaghetti,donut,andsandwich.
Peni :Seriously?
Jhon :Sure
Peni :Howdoyouspend yourspare time?
Jhon :I domyhobbies,(4)......................,fishing,travelling,hiking,andtaking
Peni :Super!Howdoyouentertainyourself?
Jhon :Oh,Iwatch TVandlisten tomusic.
Peni :What TVprogramsdoyouprefertowatch?
Jhon :Iwatch some local news,
Peni :Wow! Andwhat music doyoulisten?
Jhon :Ilisten tolocal music,(6).....................:dangdut,degung,keroncong,andtarling.

Task 3
The following sentences use the phrases in this lesson. If the correct language features
of for example, such as, etc. are applied correctly, put a check(√)next to it. If it is
incorrect, fix it.
1. When I go camping, I bring lots of things. For example, a fishing road, matches, and a
sleeping bag.
2. There have been many leaders in history who have tried to rule the entire world. For
instance, Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great.
3. Do you have any hobbies, e. g., collecting stamps or baseball cards?
4. Food, such as, pizza and hamburgers are not really junk food, they contain a lot of
protein and vitamins.
5. Heesun has met many famous people. For example: one time she met Jacques Chiraq.

Reading Comprehension Test

Choose the best answer of the following questions by crossing a, b, c, d, or e.
1. VitaminCisfound incolorfulvegetables,...,bellpeppershavealotofvitaminC.
a. Example
b. Forexample
c. Suchas
d. Like
e. Namely
2. Thatsumofmoneyistocover costs andaccomodation
a. Such as
b. Saying
c. For instance
d. Namely
e. As an example
3. TheeuroisofficiallyusedbytheinstitutionsoftheEuropianUnion andfourother European
a. Such as
b. For example
c. For instance
d. Like
e. As well as
4. Malayisspokenbyhundredofmillionpeopleacross theStrait ofMalacca........ thecoasts
of theMalayPeninsulaofMalaysiaandtheeasterncoasts ofSumaterainIndonesia.
a. Like
b. As well as
c. Including
d. Example
e. Namely
5. Officescaneasily becomemore environmentally-friendly,by.......using
a. For example
b. As well as
c. Including
d. Namely
e. Like
6. “VitaminAisafatsolubalevitamin, andtherefore,needs tobeconsumedwithfatinorder
Choosethemost appropriatesentencewhich bestgiveexample.
a. There aremany highvitaminAfoods, thereforecarrots,fish,andtropicalfruits.
b. There aremany highvitamin Afoods, thatiscarrots, fish,andtropical fruits.
c. There aremany highvitaminAfoods, butcarrots,fish,andtropicalfruits.
d. TherearemanyhighvitaminAfoods,forexamplecarrots,fish,
e. There aremany highvitaminAfoods, exceptcarrots,fish,andtropicalfruits.
7. Childrenareinadynamicstateofgrowth,andarethereforemore
susceptibletoenvironmental threatsthanadults.Many vitalfunctions.....
a. Such astheimmunesystemarenotfullydevelopedatbirth.
b. Forexample theimmune systemarenotfully developed atbirth.
c. Forinstancetheimmunesystemarenotfully developedatbirth.
d. Such as,theimmunesystemarenotfullydevelopedatbirth.
e. Like, theimmunesystemarenotfullydevelopedatbirth
8. ......,nicotineisastimulanttopoorsleep quality.
a. Such ascaffeine
b. Namely caffeine
c. Likecaffeine
d. Includingcaffeine
e. Especiallycaffeine
9. ......., forexample,apes, panthers,sheep,whales,anddolphins.
a. Mammalincludesanyvariouswarm-bloodedvertebrateanimals
b. Poultry isatermforanykindofdomesticated bird
c. There aremorre species ofinsects thanallother landanimals puttogether
d. Invertebratesdon’t haveaninternalskeletonmade ofbone
e. Crustaceans have several pairs oflegs
10. Ballgamesareanyform ofgame orsport which featureaballaspartofplay. These include
a. Baseball,tennis,squash,andvolleyball
b. Bowling, swimming,fencing, andweightlifting
c. Cricket,archery,chess, andcycling
d. Football,skating,canoe,andclimbing
e. Jogging,boxing,javelin,andracing.

For meeting 2
Task 4
Rearrange the jumbled dialogues below into a good order.
1. Evelin : I like those kinds of fruits, because it contains vitamin C.
2. Evelin : I am going to Surabaya to visit my uncle.
3. Evelin : O.K. Mark. I think I have to go now. See you!
4. Mark : What about you Evelin. Where will you go with your ransel?
5. Mark : Hi, Evelin. I am trying to find some fruits, such as apple, banana, mango, and
6. Mark : Surabaya! Oh…it was my hometown. I have ever been there for two years. I
sold some books there, e.g. story books, mathematics books, novels, comics, etc.
7. Evelin : Hi. Mark. What are you doing there?
8. Mark : See you!
Writing Test
Construct a simple dialogue consisting for example, such as, pair, at least consist of
5 sentences.

Speaking Test
Perform the dilogues you have been constructed in front of the class.


Task 1
Read the dialogue then answer the following questions.
1. In the classroom
2. To check students understanding about vertebrate
3. Yes, it is.
4. To introduce some examples of something mentioned.
5. The dialogue happens in the classroom between teacher and students. The dialogue using
phrases for example and such as to introduce some example of something mentioned.

Task 2
Complete the sentences of t dialogue by using for example, such as, for instance, or e.g.
1. For example
2. Such as
3. For instance
4. E.g.
5. Such as
6. For instance
Task 3
The following sentences use the phrases in this lesson. If the correct language features of
for example, such as, etc. are applied correctly, put a check next to it. if it is incorrect, fix
1.When I go camping, I bring lots of things, for example, a fishing road, matches, and a
sleeping bag.
2. There have been many leaders in history who have tried to rule the entire world, for
instance, Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great.
3. Do you have any hobbies, e. g., collecting stamps or baseball cards? Correct
4. Food, such as, pizza and hamburgers are not really junk food, they contain a lot of protein
and vitamins. (no commas are necessary)
5. Heesun has met many famous people. For example: one time she met Jacques Chiraq.
(There must be a comma after for example—not a colon!)

Reading ComprehensionTest
1. c
2. e
3. e
4. a
5. c
6. d
7. c
8. c
9. a
10. a

Task 4
Rearrange the jumbled dialogues below into a good order.
- 7-5-1-4-2-6-3-8

Writing Test
Construct a dialoge consising for example, such as, etc. in pair. At least consist of 5
Key Answer
Adam : HelliRina, what are you doing?
Rina : Hi Adam, I am writing my report.
Adam : What kind of report you are writing?
Rina : I am writing about my journey to Australia.
Adam : Amazing. Can you tell me about Australia?
Rina : I went to Australia last holiday. There are many interesting place there such
as Opera House in Sydney, Currumbin Sanctuary and Gold Coast in Brisbane.
Adam : It is sound great. What did you find in Currumbin Sanctuary?
Rina : There are much kind of animals such as Koala, Kangaroo, and Red Panda.
Adam : Wow…I hope I can go there next holiday.
Rina : I hope so. It will be memorable.

Speaking Test
Perform the dialogue hat have been constructed in front of the class.
The students will perform the dialogue in pair.
Appendix 3

1. Pictures: will be given to the students in the pre-activities in order to motivate them.
Picture 1: Kitchen tools


Picture 2:kind of transportation

(Taken from:
2.Videos: will be given to the students in the main activities, especially in observing session.

(Taken from:
Appendix 4

1. Attitude Assessment
Observation Checklist
Class :
Semester :
N Character scored
Day/Date Name of students Score
o Confidence Creative

Assessment criteria:
A : Very good
B : Enough
C : Less

2. Knowledge Assessment
a. Grids of Knowledge Assessment
Basic Competence Material Indicators Form of Total
3.8 Menerapkanfungsiso For 3.8.1.Identifying  Read the
sial, strukturteks, example, the social dialogue and
danunsurkebahasaan such as, function, text answer the
teksinteraksitransaks etc. structure, and following
ionallisandantulis the laguage questions.
yang features of
melibatkantindakan sentences
memberidanmemint that use for
ainformasiterkaitpe example,
mberiancontohsesuai such as, etc.
3.8.2. Completing  Complete the 6
the sentences sentences to
to understand understand
the use of for the use of for
for example, such
example , example, such
such as, etc. as, etc.
3.8.3 Applying the  The following
language sentences use 5
features of the phrases in
for example, this lesson. If
such as, etc. the correct
in the language
sentences. features of for
example, such
as, etc. are
correctly, put
a check next
to it. if it is
incorrect, fix

b. Assessment Rubrics
Task 1
a. Criteria Correct answer : 20
Incorrect answer: 0
b. Scoring achieved scores
final scores= X 100 %
maximum scores

Task 2
a. Criteria Correct answer : 16.6
Incorrect answer: 0
b. Scoring achieved scores
final scores= X 100 %
maximum scores

Task 3
a. Criteria Correct answer : 20
Incorrect answer: 0
b. Scoring achieved scores
final scores= X 100 %
maximum scores

Reading Comprehension Test

a. Criteria Correct answer : 10
Incorrect answer: 0
b. Scoring achieved scores
final scores= X 100 %
maximum scores

3.Skills Assessment
a. Grids of Skills Assessment
Basic Competence Material Indicators Form of question
4.8. Menyusun teks For 4.8.1.Rearranging the  Rearranging the jumbled
interaksi transaksional example, jumbled dialogues consisting of
lisan dan tulis yang such as, dialogues for example, such as,
melibatkan tindakan etc. consisting of for etc. into a good order.
memberi dan meminta example, such
informasi terkait as, etc. into a
pemberian contoh, good order.
dengan memperhatikan
4.8.2.Constructing a
fungsi sosial, struktur  Construct a dialogue
dialogue using
teks, dan unsur using for example, such
for example,
kebahasaan yang benar as, etc.
such as, etc.
dan sesuai konteks
penggunaanya 4.8.3. Performing the
dialogues that  Perform the dialogues
have been that have been
constructed in constructed in front of
front of the the class.

b. Assessment Rubrics
1. Task 4
a. Criteria Correct answer : 12.5
Incorrect answer: 0
b.Scoring achieved scores
final scores= X 100 %
maximum scores

2. Writing Skill
Aspects Score

1 2 3 4 5 6

Organization Incohere Weak Inadequate Adequately Generally Well

nt organization organization organized well organized

Development Undevel Not Not Developed Generally Well

oped developed developed Explain and well developed
No Little or no Does not illustrates developed Clearly
details relevant explain some key Explain explain
details develop key ideas and and
ideas illustrates illustrates
most key key ideas

Language Limited Limited or Limited or Adequate Demonstra Strong

syntax or inappropriat inappropriate facility in tes some syntactic
inapprop e word word choice the use of syntactic variety
riate choice language variety
word Facility in
choice use of

Mechanics Serious Serious Accumulatio Some errors Generally few errors

and errors in n of errors in in few errors in
persistent mechanics, mechanics, mechanics, in mechanics,
writing usage, usage, usage mechanics, usage
error sentence sentence usage
structure or structure
word choice

(Taken from:

Maximum score = number of aspect x number assessed

=4 x 6
= 24
Value = Score obtained x 100
Maximum score

3. Speaking Skill
Scoring Aspects Criteria score
Pronunciation Almost perfect/there are some mistakes but do not change 4
the meaning.
There are some mistakes and change the meaning. 3
Many mistakes and change the meaning. 2
Almost wrong at all and change the meaning 1
Intonation Almost perfect/there are some mistakes but do not change 4
the meaning.
There are some mistakes and change the meaning. 3
Many mistakes and change the meaning. 2
Almost wrong at all and change the meaning 1
Fluency Fluently 4
Fluently enough 3
Less fluently 2
Unfluently 1
Accuracy Accurate 4
Accurate enough 3
Less Accurate 2
Unaccurate 1

Maximum score = number of aspect x number assessed

= 16
Value = Score obtained x 100
Maximum score

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