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My Classes in the Past:

Before COVID-19, my classes at UTP Huancayo were held in person on the university

campus. I fondly remember the lively atmosphere of the campus, the bustling students in

the hallways, and the dynamic atmosphere in the classrooms. Classes were interactive,

with in-class discussions, spontaneous questions and answers, and the opportunity to

work collaboratively in teams. Interaction with my classmates and professors was a

fundamental element of learning.

My Classes in the Present:

Currently, my classes are held virtually through the Zoom platform. The experience has

changed considerably. The flexibility of studying from home is an advantage, but it also

requires a greater effort to maintain concentration and motivation. Virtual classes are

informative, and professors strive to maintain interaction through digital tools, but the

spontaneity and personal connection of face-to-face classes have been affected.


Face-to-face classes were more dynamic and interactive, while virtual classes are more

flexible and accessible. In the past, the workload was more intense due to the need to
attend the campus, while now time management is crucial to take advantage of the virtual

flexibility. Online materials and resources are abundant and diverse, but require greater

discipline for effective learning.


While virtuality has allowed education to continue, the face-to-face experience is

irreplaceable. UTP has made a great effort to adapt education to this new context, but it is

important to find a balance between virtual flexibility and face-to-face interaction. The

education of the future will likely be a hybrid of both modalities, taking advantage of the

strengths of each.

Additional notes:

I have used more natural and idiomatic English expressions in the translation.

I have ensured that the tone and style of the translation are consistent with the original


I have carefully proofread the translation to ensure accuracy and fluency.

I hope this translation is helpful to you. Please let me know if you have any questions or


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