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Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality


Technology for Teaching and Learning II

Name: Maria Cristina Gomez Date Started: May 04,2024

Course & Section: BTLED-D Date Submitted:
Activity No. : 4 Rating:

Then and Now

Instruction: Complete the table below by providing the difference in terms of teacher,
students and instruction then and now.

Note: Provide a short discussion on your answer.


Then Now
1.Teachers had a more authoritative role, 1. Teachers take on the role of facilitators,
primarily delivering lectures and guiding students' learning and providing
disseminating information. support.
2. Teachers were seen as the primary 2. Teachers focus on student-centered
source of knowledge. learning.
3. Teachers mostly use traditional teaching 3. Teachers can integrate synchronous and
methods. asynchronous to the students.

4. Teachers followed a set curriculum, often 4. Teachers adapt instruction to meet

relying on textbooks and standardized individual student needs, incorporating
materials. different strategies and resources.
5. Instruction was centered around the 5. Teachers mostly delivered a lesson
teacher's expertise and control over the through different online platforms.
Then Now
1. Students were expected to listen and 1. Students are actively engaged in their
absorb information from the teacher. learning, taking ownership of their
education and contributing to the learning
2. Students had limited freedom in their 2. Students have more choice in their
learning, following instructions and learning to make a progress.
completing assigned tasks.
3. Students were primarily consumers of 3. Students can access through a wide
knowledge, memorizing information. range of platform in learning process.
4. Learning was often individualistic, with 4. Students can collaborate with their peers
limited collaboration and peer interaction. and instructor through online platforms.
5. Students were assigned fixed roles with 5. Students have more opportunities to
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

little flexibility for exploration or choice. explore various ways in learning because of
technology integration.
Then Now
1. Instruction relied heavily on lectures and 1. Instruction incorporates a variety of
direct instruction from the teacher. strategies, such as technology integration
and hands-on experiences.
2. Instructional materials were primarily 2. Instructional materials include
print-based, such as textbooks and multimedia resources, digital tools, online
worksheets. platforms, and interactive content.
3. Teachers had limited access to 3. Teachers have access to a wide range of
instructional resources beyond textbooks instructional resources, including online
and library materials. platforms and educational apps.
4. Instruction was primarily delivered by the 4. Instruction is tailored to meet individual
teacher, with little student input or choice. student needs, with differentiation
strategies to accommodate diverse
learning styles, abilities, and interests.
5. Instruction followed a uniform pace, with 5. Instruction allows for flexible pacing.
little differentiation to accommodate
individual student needs.

Short Discussion:

The roles of teachers, students, and instructions have been changed through changing
their approaches towards student-centered learning, active involvement, and personalized
approaches. With the limited opportunities for student's participation or engagement in the
learning process, the traditional model focused on teacher-student transfer of knowledge in
which the teachers are responsible for delivering information and instructing students.
However, the modern approach shows that the student-centered approach allows the
students to gain learning by themselves through critical thinking and applying information in
real world but the teachers are always available for guidance during the learning process.
Instruction has been changed in order to develop better learning outcomes and cater to
students' needs through the incorporation of various techniques, resources, and

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