Essence of Administrative Law

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Title: The Form, Nature, and Essence of Administrative Law in Uganda


- Welcome and introduce the topic of administrative law in Uganda.

- Highlight the importance of administrative law in ensuring good governance, accountability, and
protection of citizens' rights.

- Provide an overview of the structure of the presentation.

I. Understanding Administrative Law:

A. Definition and Scope:

- Define administrative law as the body of law that governs the activities of administrative agencies and
the relationship between these agencies and the citizens.

- Explain that administrative law covers various aspects, including decision-making, rule-making,
enforcement, and dispute resolution.

B. Sources of Administrative Law in Uganda:

- Discuss the primary sources of administrative law in Uganda, such as the Constitution, statutes,
regulations, and case law.

- Explain how international conventions and treaties may also influence administrative law in Uganda.

II. Form of Administrative Law in Uganda:

A. Constitutional Framework:

- Discuss the provisions in the Ugandan Constitution that relate to administrative law, such as the
separation of powers, fundamental rights, and principles of good governance.

- Explain how these constitutional provisions shape the form and operation of administrative law in

B. Statutory Framework:

- Highlight key statutes that govern administrative law in Uganda, such as the Administrative
Procedures Act, Access to Information Act, and the Inspectorate of Government Act.

- Discuss the role of these statutes in regulating administrative actions, ensuring transparency, and
providing remedies for citizens.
III. Nature of Administrative Law in Uganda:

A. Administrative Agencies:

- Discuss the various administrative agencies in Uganda, such as ministries, commissions, boards, and
regulatory bodies.

- Explain their functions, powers, and responsibilities in implementing government policies and
delivering public services.

B. Administrative Decision-Making:

- Explain the process of administrative decision-making in Uganda, including the principles of natural
justice, fairness, and due process.

- Discuss the role of administrative tribunals and judicial review in ensuring the legality and fairness of
administrative decisions.

C. Accountability and Judicial Review:

- Highlight the mechanisms for holding administrative agencies accountable, such as the Inspectorate
of Government, ombudsman, and courts.

- Discuss the concept of judicial review and its role in reviewing administrative actions for legality,
procedural fairness, and reasonableness.

IV. Essence of Administrative Law in Uganda:

A. Protection of Citizens' Rights:

- Emphasize how administrative law in Uganda safeguards citizens' rights by providing avenues for
redress, access to information, and participation in decision-making processes.

- Discuss the importance of administrative law in promoting transparency, accountability, and the rule
of law.

B. Good Governance and Efficiency:

- Explain how administrative law promotes good governance by establishing clear procedures,
standards, and safeguards in administrative actions.

- Discuss how administrative law contributes to the efficient and effective delivery of public services
and the implementation of government policies.

- Summarize the key points discussed in the presentation.

- Reinforce the significance of administrative law in Uganda for ensuring good governance, protecting
citizens' rights, and promoting accountability.

- Encourage further exploration and engagement with administrative law in Uganda through research,
legal education, and public awareness.

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