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‫هذه األسئلة من المحتمل إنها تجي لونق أو شورت الرجاء عدم اإلعتماد على هذا الملف و إني أبرئ

ذمتي من كل شخص أعتمد عليه‬

.‫جميع الحقوق تعود إلى هيثم بن أحمد طالب تقنية المعلومات أقوى طالب في الجامعة يخسون الطب‬

What are the advantages of Using Formal Project Management?

▪ Better control of financial, physical, and human resources.
▪ Improved customer relations.
▪ Shorter development times.
▪ Lower costs.
▪ Higher quality and increased reliability.
▪ Higher profit margins.
▪ Improved productivity.
▪ Better internal coordination.
▪ Higher worker morale (less stress).
What is a Project?
Project is “a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result."

What is a Program?
Program : A group of related projects.

What are The Triple Constraint ?

▪ Scope goals: What work will be done?
▪ Time goals: How long should it take to complete?
▪ Cost goals: What should it cost?
What is Project Management?
Project management the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to
meet project requirements.

Draw the diagram of Project Management Framework?

What is PMO ?
Project Management Office (PMO) : is an organizational group responsible for coordinating the
project management function throughout an organization.

Possible goals include:

▪ Collect, organize, and integrate project data for the entire organization.
▪ Develop and maintain templates for project documents.
‫هذه األسئلة من المحتمل إنها تجي لونق أو شورت الرجاء عدم اإلعتماد على هذا الملف و إني أبرئ ذمتي من كل شخص أعتمد عليه‬
.‫جميع الحقوق تعود إلى هيثم بن أحمد طالب تقنية المعلومات أقوى طالب في الجامعة يخسون الطب‬

What are Project Stakeholders ?

Stakeholders are the people involved in or affected by project activities.

Stakeholders include:

• ▪ Project sponsor
• ▪ Project manager
• ▪ Project team
• ▪ Support staff
• ▪ Customers
• ▪ Users
• ▪ Suppliers
• ▪ Opponents to the project
What are Project Management Tools and Techniques ?
Project management tools and techniques assist project managers and their teams in various aspects
of project management.

Specific tools and techniques include:

• ▪ Project charters, scope statements, and WBS (scope).

• ▪ Gantt charts, network diagrams, critical path analyses, critical chain scheduling (time).
• ▪ Cost estimates and earned value management (cost).

What are a Project Success factors?

1. Executive support
2. User involvement
3. Experienced project manager
4. Clear business objectives
5. Minimized scope
6. Standard software infrastructure
7. Firm basic requirements
8. Formal methodology
9. Reliable estimates
10. Other, such as small milestones, proper planning, competent staff, and ownership
Fifteen Project Management Job Functions ? – ‫مو مهمة مره بس يمكن تجي اختياري‬
▪ Define scope of project. ▪ Estimate time ▪ Evaluate project ▪ Identify ▪ Secure needed
requirements. requirements. interdependencies. resources.
▪ Identify stakeholders, ▪ Develop initial project ▪ Identify and ▪ Identify and track ▪ Manage the change
decisionmakers, and escalation management flow chart. evaluate risks. critical milestones. control process.
▪ Develop detailed task list ▪ Identify required ▪ Prepare ▪ Participate in ▪ Report project status.
resources and budget. contingency plan. project phase review.
‫هذه األسئلة من المحتمل إنها تجي لونق أو شورت الرجاء عدم اإلعتماد على هذا الملف و إني أبرئ ذمتي من كل شخص أعتمد عليه‬
.‫جميع الحقوق تعود إلى هيثم بن أحمد طالب تقنية المعلومات أقوى طالب في الجامعة يخسون الطب‬

What Are The Suggested Skills for Project Managers ?

• ▪ Communication skills: Listens, persuades.
• ▪ Organizational skills: Plans, sets goals, analyzes.
• ▪ Team-building skills: Shows empathy, motivates,promotes esprit de corps.
• ▪ Leadership skills: Sets examples, provides vision(big picture), delegates, positive, energetic.
• ▪ Coping skills: Flexible, creative, patient, persistent.
• ▪ Technology skills: Experience, project knowledge.

Effective and Ineffective Project Managers ?

Effective Project Managers Ineffective Project Managers
• Leadership by example • Sets bad example
• Visionary • Not self-assured
• Technically competent • Lacks technical expertise
• Decisive • Poor communicator
• Good communicator • Poor motivator
• Good motivator
• Stands up to upper management when necessary
• Supports team members
• Encourages new ideas
What are Systems View of Project Management ?
Systems Approach emerged in the 1950s to describe a holistic and analytical approach to solving
complex problems.

▪ Three parts include:

• ▪ Systems philosophy: View things as systems, which are interacting components that work
within an environment to fulfill some purpose.
• ▪ Systems analysis: Problem-solving approach.
• ▪ Systems management: Address business, technological, and organizational issues before
making changes to systems.

What are the three-sphere model for systems Management ?

Business – Technology – Organization

Write about Frames of Organizations ?

Structural frame: Focuses on roles and responsibilities, Human resources frame: Focuses on providing harmony between needs
coordination, and control. of the organization and needs of people.
Political frame: Assumes organizations are coalitions composed of Symbolic frame: Focuses on symbols and meanings related to events.
varied individuals and interest groups.
‫هذه األسئلة من المحتمل إنها تجي لونق أو شورت الرجاء عدم اإلعتماد على هذا الملف و إني أبرئ ذمتي من كل شخص أعتمد عليه‬
.‫جميع الحقوق تعود إلى هيثم بن أحمد طالب تقنية المعلومات أقوى طالب في الجامعة يخسون الطب‬

What is organizational culture ?

Organizational culture is a set of shared assumptions, values, and behaviors that characterize the
functioning of an organization.

What are The Ten Characteristics of Organizational Culture ?

▪ Member identity
▪ Group emphasis
▪ People focus
▪ Unit integration
▪ Control
▪ Risk tolerance
▪ Reward criteria
▪ Conflict tolerance
▪ Means-ends orientation
▪ Open-systems focus
What are Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle ?
project life cycle is a collection of project phases.

deliverable is a product or service produced or provided as part of a project.

‫يمكن يجي سؤال أكبر و تكملة لإلجابة في الصفحة اللي بعدها‬

▪ In the early phases of a project life cycle:

1. ▪ Resource needs are usually lowest.

2. ▪ The level of uncertainty (risk) is highest.
3. ▪ Project stakeholders have the greatest opportunity to influence the project.

▪ In the middle phases of a project life cycle:

1. ▪ The certainty of completing a project increases.

2. ▪ More resources are needed.

▪ In the final phase of a project life cycle:

1. ▪ The focus is on ensuring that project requirements were met.

2. ▪ The sponsor approves completion of the project.

Draw The PLC vs the SDLC ?

‫هذه األسئلة من المحتمل إنها تجي لونق أو شورت الرجاء عدم اإلعتماد على هذا الملف و إني أبرئ ذمتي من كل شخص أعتمد عليه‬
.‫جميع الحقوق تعود إلى هيثم بن أحمد طالب تقنية المعلومات أقوى طالب في الجامعة يخسون الطب‬

What is Project Integration Management?

Project integration management involves coordinating all the other project management
knowledge areas throughout a project’s life cycle.

List all the Project Integration Management Processes ?

▪ Develop the project charter: Work with stakeholders to create the document that
formally authorizes a project—the charter.
▪ Develop the preliminary project scope statement: Work with stakeholders, especially
users of the project’s products, services, or results, to develop the high-level scope
requirements and create a preliminary project scope statement.
▪ Develop the project management plan: Coordinate all planning efforts to create a
consistent, coherent document—the project management plan.
▪ Direct and manage project execution: Carry out the project management plan by
performing the activities included in it.
▪ Monitor and control the project work: Oversee project work to meet the performance
objectives of the project.
▪ Perform integrated change control: Coordinate changes that affect the project’s
deliverables and organizational process assets.
▪ Close the project: Finalize all project activities to formally close the project.
The Key to Overall Project Success: Good Project Integration Management ?
▪ Coordinating ▪ Focus on the big picture ▪ Make final decision ▪ Communicate

Strategic Planning and Project Selection ?

Strategic planning involves determining long-term objectives, predicting future trends, and
projecting the need for new products and services.
▪ Organizations often perform a SWOT analysis:
▪ Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

Project Charters ‫? مكون من‬

title and date Manager summary Budget Objectives Roles , Sign-off Comments
Name schedule Responsibilities Section Section
What is Stakeholder Analysis ?
stakeholder analysis documents important information about stakeholders such as:

• ▪ Stakeholders’ names and organizations.

• ▪ Their roles on the project.
• ▪ Unique facts about each stakeholder.
‫هذه األسئلة من المحتمل إنها تجي لونق أو شورت الرجاء عدم اإلعتماد على هذا الملف و إني أبرئ ذمتي من كل شخص أعتمد عليه‬
.‫جميع الحقوق تعود إلى هيثم بن أحمد طالب تقنية المعلومات أقوى طالب في الجامعة يخسون الطب‬

What is Project Charters? Write the List Input for Developing a Project Charter.
Project charter is a document that formally recognizes the existence of a project and provides
direction on the project’s objectives and management.

▪ Contract: includes much of the information needed for creating a good project charter
▪ Statement of work: describe business need for the project, summary of the requirements
and characteristics of the products or services, and organizational information
▪ Enterprise environmental factors: organization’s structure, culture, infrastructure, human
resources, personnel policies, marketplace conditions, stakeholder risk tolerances, industry
risk information.
▪ Organizational process assets information: formal and informal plan, policies, procedures,
guidelines, information systems, financial systems, management systems, historical info.
Explain about Project Management Plan with common elements ?
Project management plan is a document used to coordinate all project planning documents and help
guide a project’s execution and control

▪ Introduction or overview of the project.

▪ Description of how the project is organized.
▪ Management and technical processes used on the project.
▪ Work to be done, schedule, and budget information.
What is Project Scope Management?
Project scope management includes the processes involved in defining and controlling what is or is
not included in a project.

What are Project Scope Management Processes ?

▪ Scope planning: Deciding how the scope will be defined, verified, and controlled.
▪ Scope definition: Reviewing the project charter and preliminary scope statement and adding more
information as requirements are developed and change requests are approved.
▪ Creating the WBS: Subdividing the major project deliverables into smaller, more manageable
▪ Scope verification: Formalizing acceptance of the project scope.
▪ Scope control: Controlling changes to project scope

What is Milestones ?
Milestone is a significant event that normally has no duration.

What is Network Diagrams ?

Network diagram is a schematic display of the logical relationships among, or sequencing of, project
‫هذه األسئلة من المحتمل إنها تجي لونق أو شورت الرجاء عدم اإلعتماد على هذا الملف و إني أبرئ ذمتي من كل شخص أعتمد عليه‬
.‫جميع الحقوق تعود إلى هيثم بن أحمد طالب تقنية المعلومات أقوى طالب في الجامعة يخسون الطب‬

What are Project Time Management Processes ?

▪ Activity definition: Identifying the specific activities that the project team members and
stakeholders must perform to produce the project deliverables.
▪ Activity sequencing: Identifying and documenting the relationships between project activities.
▪ Activity resource estimating: Estimating how many resources a project team should use to
perform project activities.
▪ Activity duration estimating: Estimating the number of work periods that are needed to complete
individual activities.
▪ Schedule development: Analyzing activity sequences, activity resource estimates, and activity
duration estimates to create the project schedule.
▪ Schedule control: Controlling and managing changes to the project schedule
What are the Activity Duration Estimating ?
1. ▪ Duration includes the actual amount of time worked on an activity plus the elapsed time.
2. ▪ Effort is the number of workdays or work hours required to complete a task

What is Gantt Charts ?

Gantt charts provide a standard format for displaying project schedule information by listing project
activities and their corresponding start and finish dates in a calendar format.

▪ Symbols include:

• ▪ Black diamonds: Milestones

• ▪ Thick black bars: Summary tasks
• ▪ Lighter horizontal bars: Durations of tasks
• ▪ Arrows: Dependencies between tasks
What are Critical Path Method (CPM) ?
▪ CPM is a network diagramming technique used to predict total project duration.

• ▪ A critical path for a project is the series of activities that determines the earliest time by
which the project can be completed.
• ▪ Slack or float is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying a succeeding
activity or the project finish date.
• ▪ Develop a good network diagram.
• ▪ Add the duration estimates for all activities on each path through the network diagram.
• ▪ The longest path is the critical path.
‫هذه األسئلة من المحتمل إنها تجي لونق أو شورت الرجاء عدم اإلعتماد على هذا الملف و إني أبرئ ذمتي من كل شخص أعتمد عليه‬
.‫جميع الحقوق تعود إلى هيثم بن أحمد طالب تقنية المعلومات أقوى طالب في الجامعة يخسون الطب‬

What are Arrow Diagramming Method(ADM) ?

• ▪ Also called activity-on-arrow (AOA) network diagram.
• ▪ Activities are represented by arrows.
• ▪ Nodes or circles are the starting and ending points of activities.
• ▪ Can only show finish-to-start dependencies.

What is Cost and Project Cost Management?

▪ Cost is a resource sacrificed or foregone to achieve a specific objective.

▪ Project cost management includes the processes required to ensure that the project is completed
within an approved budget

Describe about the Project Cost Management Processes ?

▪ Cost estimating: Developing an approximation or estimate of the costs of the resources needed to
complete a project.
▪ Cost budgeting: Allocating the overall cost estimate to individual work items to establish a
baseline for measuring performance.
▪ Cost control: Controlling changes to the project budget.
What are Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) Parameters include ?
Barry Boehm helped develop the COCOMO models for estimating software development costs.

▪ Function points: Technology independent assessments of the functions involved in developing a

▪ Source Lines of Code (SLOC): A human written line of code that is not a blank line or comment.
What is Earned Value Management (EVM) ?
▪ EVM is a project performance measurement technique that integrates scope, time, and cost data.

What Is Quality?
quality as “the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements”

Other experts define quality based on:

▪ Conformance to requirements: The project’s processes and products meet written specifications.
▪ Fitness for use: A product can be used as it was intended.
What Is Project Quality Management And Processes ?
Project quality management ensures the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken.

▪ Quality planning: Identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and how to
satisfy them.
▪ Quality assurance: Periodically evaluating overall project performance to ensure the project will
satisfy the relevant quality standards.
▪ Quality control: Monitoring specific project results to ensure that they comply with the relevant
quality standards
‫هذه األسئلة من المحتمل إنها تجي لونق أو شورت الرجاء عدم اإلعتماد على هذا الملف و إني أبرئ ذمتي من كل شخص أعتمد عليه‬
.‫جميع الحقوق تعود إلى هيثم بن أحمد طالب تقنية المعلومات أقوى طالب في الجامعة يخسون الطب‬

What is Design of Experiments ?

Design of experiments is a quality planning technique that helps identify which variables have the
most influence on the overall outcome of a process.

What are Scope Aspects of IT Projects ?

▪ Functionality is the degree to which a system performs its intended function.
▪ Features are the system’s special characteristics that appeal to users.
▪ System outputs are the screens and reports the system generates.
▪ Performance addresses how well a product or service performs the customer’s intended use.
▪ Reliability is the ability of a product or service to perform as expected under normal conditions.
▪ Maintainability addresses the ease of performing maintenance on a product.
What are Quality Assurance ?
Quality assurance includes all the activities related to satisfying the relevant quality standards for a

• ▪ Benchmarking generates ideas for quality improvements by comparing specific project

practices or product characteristics to those of other projects or products within or outside
the performing organization.
• ▪ quality audit is a structured review of specific quality management activities that help
identify lessons learned that could improve performance on current or future projects

List Down all The Five Types Cost Categories Related to Quality ?
▪ Prevention cost: Cost of planning and executing a project so it is error-free or within an acceptable
error range.
▪ Appraisal cost: Cost of evaluating processes and their outputs to ensure quality.
▪ Internal failure cost: Cost incurred to correct an identified defect before the customer receives the
▪ External failure cost: Cost that relates to all errors not detected and corrected before delivery to
the customer.
▪ Measurement and test equipment costs: Capital cost of equipment used to perform prevention
and appraisal activities.
What are Maturity Models ?
Maturity models are frameworks for helping organizations improve their processes and systems.

What are The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) ?

▪ Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie-Mellon University

• ▪ a set of recommended practices for a set of key process areas specific

• ▪ guidance as to how an organization can best control its processes
• ▪ path for helping organizations evolve their current software processes
‫هذه األسئلة من المحتمل إنها تجي لونق أو شورت الرجاء عدم اإلعتماد على هذا الملف و إني أبرئ ذمتي من كل شخص أعتمد عليه‬
.‫جميع الحقوق تعود إلى هيثم بن أحمد طالب تقنية المعلومات أقوى طالب في الجامعة يخسون الطب‬

What are Levels of Software Process Maturity and draw ?

Level 1: Initial : Characterized by an immature software organization in which the software process
is ad hoc and often reactive to crises.
Level 2: Repeatable : Basic policies, processes, and controls for managing a software project are in
place. Previous project successes can be repeated by other project teams on other projects.
Level 3: Defined : Software engineering and management processes are documented and
standardized throughout the organization and become the organizations standard process.
Level 4: Managed : Quantitative metrics for measuring and assessing productivity and quality are
established for both software products and processes which are characterized as being quantifiable
and predictable.
Level 5: Optimizing : At the highest level of software process maturity, the whole organization is
focused on continuous process improvement.

What is CMMI and what can help ?

CMMI model provides a structured view of process improvement across an organization.

CMMI can help:

▪ integrate traditionally separate organizations

▪ set process improvement goals and priorities
▪ provide guidance for quality processes
▪ provide a yardstick for appraising current practices
What is Project Human Resource Management?
Human Resource Management : Making the most effective use of the people involved with a project.

▪ Human resource planning: Identifying and documenting project roles, responsibilities, and
reporting relationships.
▪ Acquiring the project team: Getting the needed personnel assigned to and working on the project.
▪ Developing the project team: Building individual and group skills to enhance project performance.
▪ Managing the project team: Tracking team member performance, motivating team members,
providing timely feedback, resolving issues and conflicts, and coordinating changes to help enhance
project performance
‫هذه األسئلة من المحتمل إنها تجي لونق أو شورت الرجاء عدم اإلعتماد على هذا الملف و إني أبرئ ذمتي من كل شخص أعتمد عليه‬
.‫جميع الحقوق تعود إلى هيثم بن أحمد طالب تقنية المعلومات أقوى طالب في الجامعة يخسون الطب‬

What is Organizational Planning ?

Organizational Planning : Involves identifying and documenting project roles, responsibilities, and
reporting relationships.

▪ Project organizational charts

▪ Staffing management plans
▪ Responsibility assignment matrixes
▪ Resource histograms

List Tools and Techniques for Managing Project Teams ?

▪ Observation and conversation
▪ Project performance appraisals
▪ Conflict management
▪ Issue logs
Describe about the Project Communications Management Processes ?
Communications planning: Determining the information and communications needs of the
Information distribution: Making needed information available to project stakeholders in a timely
manner and in a useful format.
Performance Reporting: Performance reporting keeps stakeholders informed about how resources
are being used to achieve project objectives.
Managing Stakeholders: Project managers must understand and work with various stakeholders.
There is a need to devise a way to identify and resolve issues.
Using E-Mail Effectively ?
▪ Make sure that e-mail is an appropriate medium for what you want to communicate.
▪ Be sure to send the e-mail to the right people.
▪ Use meaningful subject lines.
Describe about the Project Risk Management Processes ?
▪ Risk management planning: Deciding how to approach and plan the risk management activities for
the project.
▪ Risk identification: Determining which risks are likely to affect a project and documenting the
characteristics of each.
▪ Qualitative risk analysis: Prioritizing risks based on their probability and impact of occurrence.
▪ Quantitative risk analysis: Numerically estimating the effects of risks on project objectives.
▪ Risk response planning: Taking steps to enhance opportunities and reduce threats to meeting
project objectives.
▪ Risk monitoring and control: Monitoring identified and residual risks, identifying new risks,
carrying out risk response plans, and evaluating the effectiveness of risk strategies throughout the
life of the project.
‫هذه األسئلة من المحتمل إنها تجي لونق أو شورت الرجاء عدم اإلعتماد على هذا الملف و إني أبرئ ذمتي من كل شخص أعتمد عليه‬
.‫جميع الحقوق تعود إلى هيثم بن أحمد طالب تقنية المعلومات أقوى طالب في الجامعة يخسون الطب‬

What is Risk Breakdown Structure ?

risk breakdown structure is a hierarchy of potential risk categories for a project.

What is Procurement ?
Procurement means acquiring goods and/or services from an outside source.

What is Project Procurement Management ?

Project procurement management: Acquiring goods and services for a project from outside the
performing organization.

Describe about the Project Procurement Management ?

▪ Planning purchases and acquisitions: Determining what to procure, when, and how.
▪ Planning contracting: Describing requirements for the products or services desired from the
procurement and identifying potential sources or sellers (contractors, suppliers, or providers who
provide goods and services to other organizations).
▪ Requesting seller responses: Obtaining information, quotes, bids, offers, or proposals from sellers,
as appropriate.
▪ Selecting sellers: Choosing from among potential suppliers through a process of evaluating
potential sellers and negotiating the contract.
▪ Administering the contract: Managing the relationship with the selected seller.
▪ Closing the contract: Completing and settling each contract, including resolving any open items.

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