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Angel: Hello guys, how are you?

Diego: Hi guys, very well, and you?

Alessandra: Good guys

Angel: I'm glad guys, have you ever slept in a tent in the middle of nature?

Diego: Yes! Once, my friends and I went on a mountain hike and camped for two days. It
was an incredible experience. Sleeping under the stars and listening to the sounds of the
forest was truly magical.

Alessandra: I've never camped! I would love to do it someday. It must be very relaxing to
be away from the noise and pollution of the city.

Diego: Have you ever bought something online that you later regretted buying?

Angel: Yes! Once I bought a pair of shoes online that looked amazing in the picture, but
when they arrived they were too big and of poor quality. I had to return them and it was a
very annoying process.

Alessandra: I've never bought anything online! I'm afraid that things won't be as they look
in the photos or that I'll be scammed. I prefer to go to the store and see the products in

Angel: Have you ever had a bad experience on a trip?

Alessandra: Yes! Once I went to a hotel that looked very nice in the photos, but when I
arrived, the room was small and dirty, the air conditioning didn't work, and the staff was
very rude. It was a horrible experience.

Diego: I've never had a bad experience on a trip! I always plan my trips very carefully and
read reviews of hotels and restaurants before booking.

Alessandra: Have you ever talked to a celebrity?

Diego: Yes! Once I met a famous actor at a party. He was very kind and gave me an

Angel: I've never talked to a celebrity! I would love to meet my favorite actor someday.

Diego: Have you ever won a contest?

Alessandra: Yes! Once I won a short story writing contest. I received a cash prize and my
story was published in a magazine.
Angel: I've never won a contest! I would love to win a music contest someday.

Alessandra: Have you ever eaten something unusual?

Diego: Yes! Once I tried fried worms at a street market in Thailand. They weren't bad, but
they had a bit of a strange taste.

Angel: I've never eaten anything unusual! I'm a little disgusted by the idea of eating insects
or other exotic animals.

Alessandra: Well, these are just some of our unusual experiences! I'm sure we have many
more stories to tell.

Diego: Yes, and I hope we can continue to have many more unusual experiences together
in the future!

Angel: See you later guys

Alessandra: Goodbye guys

Diego: Goodbye guys.

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