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Movement in and out of the cell

Diffusion: it's the net movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area
of lower concentration. Its a passive transport, which means the molecules don't need
energy to move, it's a natural process

Factors that affect the rate of diffusion.

Temperature, the higher the temperature, the more kinetic energy the particles will have, so
they will move faster, making diffusion happen a lot faster
Surface area, the greater the surface area of the membrane, the faster the diffusion, you can
think about it like there are more entry and exit areas for the molecules to move.
Concentration Gradient, the greater the difference between the concentration of a substance
in two different areas, the faster diffusion will be

Osmosis:it's the diffusion of water molecules from an area of higher water potential to an
area of lower water potential through a partially permeable membrane. It's a passive form of
Water goes where there is less water and more solute

More water outside an animal cell, water will continuously enter the cell, until it explodes
More water inside an animal cell, water will continuously leave the cell, until it shrinks

More water outside a plant cell, water will continuously enter the cell, but only the vacuole
and cytoplasm will swell because of the strong cell wall
More water inside a plant cell, water will continuously leave the cell, but the cell will remain
the same.

Active Transport: It's the movement of molecules and ions through a partially permeable
membrane against a concentration gradient, in other words, from an area of low
concentration to an area of high concentration.
Special transport proteins pick up the molecules from outside the cell and push them inside
the cell.

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