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Jl. Raya Sagalaherang Ds. Dayeuhkolot - Subang 41282 Telp. (0260) 7481974
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Nama : ......................................... Tanggal : .........................................

Kelas : XI Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Guru Mata Pelajaran : Bagus Walindra Putra, S.Pd

In order to answer number 1 to 5, please answer the following questions based on the text below!

October 14th, 2016

To my teacher:

If I had not had you as my teacher in year 11, my life would have been incredibly different. I’m not
saying it would be worse-but you opened my heart again to what I have been dreaming so far. You
took a kid from Papua, an isolated place in Indonesia, and made him be brave to see the world and
believe on his dream.

I never forget one lesson where you told us about your dreams for your future when you where our
age. I think you were meant to be talking only about English, but it changed, and kind of became a
life study. You told us about your regrets and your successes and it started to make me realize that
anything is really possible for everyone.

You have changed me radically on my way of learning, I wouldn’t be where I am today without
you. Your encouragement and persistence in all of your classes have taught me that I am who I am,
and to get to the top, it’s all down to me. I am capable, but I will take hard work and lost of

Thank you,
Nickelo Anjelo (Graduated).

1. Who is Nickelo Anjelo?
2. When was the letter written?
3. What lesson was never forgotten by the writer?
4. What is the impact had in the writer after his teacher told him about his regret?
5. Who is the recipient?

In order to answer number 6 to 10, please answer the following questions based on the text

Cell Phone
A cell phone is a great gadget in this modern world. What is a cell phone? A cell phone is
actually a radio in certain way. Like a radio, by a cell phone we can communicate to other people
in real time. Million people use cell phone for their communication. Even nowadays, people use
cell phones to communicate in voice, written and data. Alexander Graham Bell is the person who
make great change in the way people communicate to each other. He invented a telephone in 1876.
While wireless radio was formally known in 1894 presented by Guglielmo Marconi. By these two

Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT) TP. 2023/2024 SMAS Terpadu Rahmatika Sagalaherang
technologies, then a cell phone was born. However do you know how actually cell phones work?

This short explanation on how a cell phone work is really wonderful. A cell phone or in
long term “cellular telephone’ works by transmitting signals of radio to towers of cellular. The
towers are networked to a central switching station. The connection usually uses wire, fiber optic-
cables,or microwave.Then the central switching station which handles calls in certain given area is
directed connected to the wire-based telephone system. Cellulars are pick up by the towers and
relayed to another cellular telephone user or the user of wire-based telephone network.
the towers vary in the capacity and capability to receive signals. Some can receive the signal from
short distance and the others can receive more distance. However, there are usually more than one
tower in certain given area so that the system can handle the increasing telephone traffic.

6. What is the text about?

7. What the main idea of paragraph three?
8. What is cell phone according to the text?
9. How does telephone celluler work?
10. Who is the founder cellular telephone?

Choose the best answer by circling (O) A,B,C,D, or E to execute number 16 to 25

16. Many species of wildlife are becoming extinct, __________ the rainforests are being
A. therefore
B. since
C. so
D. Consequently
E. As
17. __________ logging provides jobs and profits, the government is reluctant to control it.
A. So
B. Consequently
C. Due to
D. Since
E. Thanks to
18. Hemp can be used to make paper, __________ it could reduce the need for logging.
A. therefore
B. so
C. due to
D. Because
E. Thus
19. Hemp was grown throughout history __________ its versatility; it can be used to make
many different things.
A. due to
B. because
C. since
D. as a result
E. For
20. Hemp is related to the marijuana plant; __________, it is illegal in many countries.
A. so
B. because
C. due to
D. Owing to
E. as a result
21. Hemp cannot be used to produce marijuana, __________ its low THC content.
A. because
B. as
C. because of
D. Consequently
E. Since
Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT) TP. 2023/2024 SMAS Terpadu Rahmatika Sagalaherang
22. Marijuana is less toxic than alcohol or tobacco. __________, some people believe it
should be legalized.
A. So
B. Therefore
C. Due to
D. Because
E. As
23. __________ Canada has legalized hemp farming, we can expect to see pulp and paper
produced from hemp very soon.
A. Therefore
B. Due to
C. So
D. As
E. Consequently
24. Janice got home late. She missed her TV program.
Use the cause or effect transition to relate those sentence!
A. Due to
B. Because
C. Therefore
D. Consequently
E. So

25. Alvin missed the bus. He woke up late.

Use the cause or effect transition to relate those sentence!
A. Due to
B. Because
C. Therefore
D. Consequently
E. Since

Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT) TP. 2023/2024 SMAS Terpadu Rahmatika Sagalaherang

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