Climate Change by Tanisha

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Is climate change the biggest threat to humanity?

By Tanisha
Climate change is like an enormous, threatening asteroid coming closer to our world every day. It
happens because people are careless and pollute. Imagine a world where the town is drenched in
smoke, water flooding the entire village and the home you grew up in, destroyed!
Firstly, climate change is causing many beautiful places to flood. Earth is getting warmer, and it’s
causing problems with our environment and ocean. Trees are getting cut down, so our coral reef is
dying. The icecaps are melting, because of the intense heat and it’s making the sea level rise and it’s
making towns flood. For example, in Jakarta, it is said it will sink in 2050 because it is the capital city,
and it has the most amount of people in Indonesia. The people are using littering and using a lot of
space, causing it to unfortunately flood. Imagine you are coming home from school and you can’t find
your home because it is gone!
Secondly, this catastrophe is leading to bushfires and droughts. Imagine coming home to see a fire
crackling in the forest you were planning to go camping for months but you cannot go. The fire would
have demolished the forest. Imagine you are taking a stroll in the park, and you needed water
desperately, but you didn’t have water. You would go home to find no source of portable water. There
would be a drought and no drinkable water would be present. It would be a tremendous situation and
no way out of it.
Something we can do to stop this unacceptable mess is don’t pollute and don’t cut trees. Have you
ever wondered where all the rubbish goes if you don’t put it in the bin? It goes to the sea, and the poor
animals can suffocate, if the rubbish gets into the sea. They might think it’s food, eat it and choke. The
rubbish could even trap them! Another disaster is, it will make the air dirtier, and it will be harder to
breathe. Who has wondered what is paper made out of? Trees. It is horrible to cut trees because, trees
give us oxygen and we need oxygen to breathe. We breathe in oxygen, and we breathe out carbon
dioxide. Trees breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. Do not waste any paper and recycle
your trash!
To conclude, climate change is the biggest threat to humanity because, places are flooding, bushfires
and droughts are forming and it will be harder to breathe. There is few ways you can stop this: don’t
litter, don’t waste paper and take care of plants by watering them and NOT plucking them.

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