dri MD/: /maɪnd

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A: Hello VY.I’m ÁNH. Nice to meet you.

V:Hi ÁNH. Nice to meet you too. How are you ?

A: I’m good , thank you.And you?
V: I’m fine thanks.
A: Well , I didn’t have time to ask last time.What are your future plans?
V : I’ve always dreamed /driːmd/ of becoming a teacher. I love working with kids and helping them learn.
A: That’s great! What age group would you like to teach?
V: I think I’d enjoy teaching middle school students. They’re curious /ˈkjʊə.ri.əs /and full of energy
A: Nice choice! Do you have any specific /spəˈsɪf.ɪk/ subjects /ˈsʌb.dʒekt/ in mind /maɪnd/?
V: Yes, I’m passionate /ˈpæʃ.ən.ət/ about science /ˈsaɪ.əns/, so I’d love to teach biology /baɪˈɒl.ə.dʒi/.
A: Sounds rewarding /rɪˈwɔː.dɪŋ/!
V: And you, what are your future plans?
A: I’ve always dreamed of becoming a doctor and healing people.
V: That’s wonderful! What kind of doctor do you aspire /əˈspaɪər/ to be?
A: I’m leaning towards /təˈwɔːdz/ becoming a pediatrician. /ˌpiː.di.əˈtrɪʃ.ən/
V: That's a noble /ˈnəʊ.bəl/ goal /ɡəʊl! Being a doctor is a very rewarding/ rɪˈwɔː.dɪŋ/ career /kəˈrɪər/,
but it's also a lot of hard work.
A: I know But I'm not afraid of hard work.
V: If you're passionate/ˈpæʃ.ən.ət/ about helping people and you're willing to work hard, then you can be
a great doctor.
A: Thanks for your encouragement /ɪnˈkʌr.ɪdʒ.mənt.
V: Well, it’s been nice talking to you. Hope to see you again soon.

A: It’s been great seeing you again. Goodbye.

V: Bye . See you later.

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