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Grade Level: Grade 12


- Define Martial Law form of government

- Identify the history behind the promulgation of Martial law in the Philippines

- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Martial law in the Philippines

Learning within and across curriculum:


1) Social Studies: Studying the political landscape under Martial Law in relation to
the Philippine history curriculum

2) Legal Studies: Understanding the legal implications of Martial Law and its impact
on human rights

3) Economics: Exploring the economic consequences of Martial Law on the

Philippine economy


1) English: Analyzing primary sources related to Martial Law for a language and
literature perspective

2) Science: Investigating the psychological effects of Martial Law on individuals for a

scientific approach

3) Arts: Expressing the emotions and experiences of the Martial Law period through
visual arts and performances

Review Motivation:

- Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

- Instructional Materials: Images of Martial Law era

Engaging Activity 1: Debate on the pros and cons of Martial Law

Engaging Activity 2: Virtual field trip to historical sites related to Martial Law

Engaging Activity 3: Music and lyrics analysis of protest songs during Martial Law

Activity 1: Martial Law Debate

- Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Research materials on Martial Law

Significance: Critical thinking and argumentation skills


1) Divide students into two groups - proponents and opponents of Martial Law

2) Research and prepare arguments for a debate

3) Conduct a structured debate with each side presenting their case


- Argumentation - 20 pts.

- Evidence and Research - 15 pts.

- Rebuttal - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What are the main arguments for Martial Law?

2) How did Martial Law impact human rights in the Philippines?

3) Evaluate the effectiveness of the opposing side's arguments.

Activity 2: Martial Law Timeline Project

- Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Art supplies, historical timeline resources

Significance: Visual representation of Martial Law history


1) Create a timeline of key events during the Martial Law period

2) Include images, text, and significant dates

3) Present the timeline to the class for discussion


- Accuracy of Events - 20 pts.

- Creativity - 15 pts.

- Presentation - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What were the major turning points during the Martial Law era?

2) How did Martial Law affect different sectors of society?

3) Discuss the significance of creating a visual timeline for historical events.

Inclusive Activity 3: Martial Law Reflection Journal

- Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Materials: None

Significance: Personal reflection on the impact of Martial Law


1) Write journal entries reflecting on the lessons learned about Martial Law

2) Consider the perspectives of different individuals during that time

3) Share insights and reflections with a partner or the class


- Depth of Reflection - 20 pts.

- Personal Connection - 15 pts.

- Presentation of Insights - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) How did learning about Martial Law change your understanding of Philippine

2) Reflect on a personal connection or experience related to Martial Law.

3) Discuss the importance of reflecting on challenging historical periods like Martial



Activity 1 - Students demonstrated strong critical thinking skills and engagement

during the debate, showcasing their ability to argue their points effectively.

Activity 2 - The timeline projects provided a visual representation of historical events,

enhancing students' understanding of the Martial Law period.

Activity 3 - Students showed introspection and empathy in their reflection journals,

connecting the lessons of Martial Law to their own experiences.


The objective of understanding Martial Law in the Philippines encompasses

exploring its historical context, implications on governance, and weighing the
benefits and drawbacks of such a government system. Further readings on the
subject can deepen students' grasp of the complexities surrounding Martial Law.

Supporting Material 1: "Understanding Martial Law

Supporting Material 2: "Martial Law Regimes


Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Task 1: Research and present a case study on a specific event during Martial Law
and its implications on society

Task 2: Create a multimedia project showcasing the different perspectives on Martial

Law through interviews, historical footage, and analysis.


Teaching Strategy: Direct Instruction

Instructional Materials: Rubrics, assessment sheets

Question 1: Explain the characteristics of Martial Law and its effects on civil

Question 2: Analyze the political motivations behind the declaration of Martial Law
in the Philippines.

Question 3: Evaluate the long-term impact of Martial Law on Philippine society.


Question 1: Compare and contrast the implementation of Martial Law in different

countries and its effects on governance.

Answer 1: This question requires students to analyze the broader historical context
of Martial Law and its implications on various political systems.
Question 2: Create a hypothetical scenario where Martial Law is declared in the
present day. Discuss the potential consequences and challenges.

Answer 2: Encourages students to apply their knowledge of Martial Law to current

events and think critically about its relevance in modern society.

Question 3: Debate the necessity of Martial Law as a form of government

intervention in times of crisis.

Answer 3: Promotes critical thinking and argumentation skills in assessing the

ethical and practical considerations of Martial Law.


1) Write an opinion piece on the effectiveness of Martial Law as a government tool in

addressing social unrest.

2) Conduct interviews with family members or community members who lived

through the Martial Law period and reflect on their experiences.

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