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Jennifer Hilario Beced 2

Long quiz
Reading Visual Arts

1. In your own words, Why is it important to consider the child’s psychomotor ability in selecting
an art activity and standards for assessment?

- Considering a child's psychomotor ability in selecting an art activity is crucial because it ensures that
the activity is developmentally appropriate. This can help the child engage more fully and enjoy the
process, leading to better skill development. Imagine how exciting it would be to see a child's confidence
soar as they successfully complete an art project designed just for their abilities.
2. Why is it important to consider the child’s cognitive ability, experiences, emotions, interests,
and wishes in choosing an art activity? Can it affect the performance of the learner and the quality of
work? Explain your answer

- A child's cognitive ability, experiences, emotions, interests, and wishes play a significant role in their
engagement and performance in art activities. Tailoring activities to these aspects can make learning
more meaningful and enjoyable for the child, fostering a deeper connection with the subject matter.

3. What makes an art activity “directed” such as directed drawing or painting?

- An art activity is considered "directed" when it follows specific instructions or guidelines to achieve a
predetermined outcome. Directed activities, such as guided drawing or painting, can be beneficial for
teaching specific techniques and skills.

4. What makes an activity promote “ artistic behavior?

- An activity promotes "artistic behavior" when it encourages exploration, experimentation, and
personal expression without rigid instructions. This kind of environment nurtures creativity and allows
children to develop their individual artistic voice.

5. Differentiate the creative process from the artistic process.

- The creative process involves generating new ideas, problem-solving, and thinking outside the box,
while the artistic process focuses on the technical skills and methods used to bring those ideas to

6. What is the best way to conduct a performance assessment in class? Self-assessment, peer
assessment, or teacher assessment?

- The best way to conduct a performance assessment in class often depends on the goals of the
assessment. Self-assessment fosters reflection and personal growth, peer assessment encourages
collaboration and feedback, and teacher assessment provides expert evaluation and guidance.
7. What are the benefits of art assessment?
- Art assessment benefits students by providing feedback on their progress, helping them set goals, and
encouraging self-reflection. It also helps teachers understand student needs and tailor instruction

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