Provingthe Fundamental Theoremof Calculusthrough Critical Race Theory

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Alexander Ohnemus

No Professor

Mathematics/Group Theory/Calculus

9 December 2022

Proving the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus through Critical Race Theory

The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus is true because integration is the inverse operation

of derivation. In the real world when something is derived from something else it means it leaves

from something else. When something integrates into something else it becomes part of

something else. Therefore integration is the opposite of derivation, and an integral is the same as

an antiderivative. An example could be populations. Racial Europeans are the derivative of every

other racial population. Thus, when populations integrate, racial European characteristics are the

most recessive. However, a strong enough acquired mutation could potentially turn any

individual into a part of the Racial European population. Mutations only derive other races into

Racial Europeans and not the other way around. This can be extended to critical race theory

proving the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Racial Europeans no longer have genes to mutate

back. The concrete example of the integration and of populations may not match the abstract

mathematical concepts exactly because of entropy. Entropy causes the illusion of time,

randomness, and the difference between the abstract and the concrete.

The fundamental theorem of calculus has a formula. "In brief, it

states that any function that is continuous (see continuity) over an

interval has an antiderivative (a function whose rate of change, or

derivative, equals the function) on that interval. Further, the

definite integral of such a function over an interval a < x < b is the


difference F(b) − F(a), where F is an antiderivative of the function.

This particularly elegant theorem shows the inverse function

relationship of the derivative and the integral and serves as the

backbone of the physical sciences"(Britannica 2022). As noted

previously in this essay, the fundamental theorem of calculus is that

the inverse operation of deriving is integration. Therefore,

integration of a function would reverse the effect of deriving it. The

fundamental theorem of calculus is stated to be the backbone of

physical sciences. Biology is a physical science. Therefore the

deriving of one population from another is modeled by the

fundamental theorem of calculus.

The mathematical definition of derivative differs from other definitions. "derivative, in

mathematics, the rate of change of a function with respect to a variable ''(Britannica 2022). With

that being the case a function could model a number of real life occurrences. In science the real

life occurrences could pertain to systems. Systems have many variables. "In general, scientists

observe changing systems (dynamical systems) to obtain the rate of change of some variable of

interest, incorporate this information into some differential equation, and use integration

techniques to obtain a function that can be used to predict the behavior of the original system

under diverse conditions''(Britannica 2022). Populations may be examples of dynamical systems.

A population is a system. Populations change so they are dynamic.

Literature may exist to be more direct on the population example. "We recast the problem

as a more general one in dynamical systems theory, providing simple criteria for open-ended

evolution based on two hallmark features: unbounded evolution and innovation"(Adams 2017).

Derivatives are in biological literature connected to evolution. Populations evolve so that they

can be part of derivatives. Having to model such a complicated act may be difficult. The concrete

can only be made so abstract.

A variable of interest is important for population change. "variable of interest, in an

experimental study, a changing quantity that is measured"(Britannica 2022). A variable of

interest could be racial characteristics of a population. A variable of interest is paid special

attention to. In a developing study a variable of interest is chosen.

Perhaps in the modeling of the development of racial characteristics the partial derivative

will be the changing phenotypes into that of the modern day populations. "partial derivative, In

differential calculus, the derivative of a function of several variables with respect to change in

just one of its variables"(Britannica 2022). Differential calculus will likely be utilized to model

phenotype change in population divergence. The diverging of a population is what causes the

difference of phenotypes. Perhaps the only changing variable capable of being modeled is the


A derivative is something that has been derived. A derivative is "a chemical substance

related structurally to another substance and theoretically derivable from it"(Merriam-Webster).

The definition of derivative in chemistry is most likely related to that in mathematics. Chemistry

is a physical science. The verb derive should be examined. To derive is "to obtain (a chemical

substance) actually or theoretically from a parent substance"(Merriam-Webster). A population

could count as a chemical substance. One population could come from another. The more

concrete the more difficult it would be to model in abstract.

The term integral deserves investigation for this essay. "An integral in mathematics is

either a numerical value equal to the area under the graph of a function for some interval or a

new function, the derivative of which is the original function (indefinite integral)"(Britannica

2022). As such an antiderivative and an integral can do the same job. An integral is the inverse of

a derivative. This could go on for greater proof.

The term integral has a non mathematical meaning as well. An integral is "formed as a

unit with another part"(Merriam-Webster). Therefore, a population could be a unit of another. To

integrate a population would be to undo a derivation. It would be to put a population back


The three human races exist. "Using gene frequency data for 62 protein loci and 23 blood

group loci, we studied the genetic relationship of the three major races of man, Caucasoid,

Negroid, and Mongoloid. Genetic distance data indicate that Caucasoid and Mongoloid are

somewhat closer to each other than to Negroid"(Nei 1982). The Caucasoid contain Europeans.

The Negroid are the Africans. The Mongoloid are the Asians. Each has a different phenotype.

The populations all originated from Africa. "Surprisingly, the European individuals did not form

an independent clade, but branched within the East Asians"(Yoshio 2014). Europeans may be an

offshoot of Asians. This may give way to the belief that Caucasoids are the most recent of the

three major races of man. The other two races are the Mongoloids and the Negroids. "Europeans

Are Genetically More Homogeneous. Compared with the aborigines of other continents,

Europeans are more homogeneous"(Cavalli-Sforza 1993). If Europeans have their own clade it

makes sense that they are more homogeneous. Europeans may be derived from other

populations. The fundamental theorem of calculus, therefore, explains why their characteristics

are so recessive when mixing with other races. "CLADES: A classification-based machine

learning method for species delimitation from population genetic data"(Pei 2018). Clades are

used by automated machines in determining population differences. An automated machine may


have determined that Europeans do not form their own clade. Machines are not as faulty as

humans when it comes to error at times.

As derivation goes on, a function approaches zero because the derivative of a constant is

zero, therefore, that could model the negative effects of inbreeding. "An analysis of the world

literature on the children of first cousin marriages reveals that the depression of survival in

offspring followed from birth (including late miscarriages; at about six months gestation or later)

to a median age of 10 years is constant (4.4% ± 4.6) across a wide range of values for population

prereproductive mortality. There is thus no evidence for the action of conditional lethals. On the

basis of these data, it is calculated that the average human is heterozygous for only 1.4 lethal

equivalents capable of acting over this portion of the life cycle. The implications of these results

are discussed in the context of genetic counseling, and the biomedical significance of variation in

DNA''(Bittles 1994). The negative effects of inbreeding may be almost self evident. However,

racism is still a large problem in the world. Prejudice is hard wired into human behavior.

Humans are all bound to possess racial prejudices as human evolution used to be dictated

through group evolutionary strategy before modern cosmopolitan civilization.

Humans naturally have survival instincts. Some human populations are derivatives of

others, as such, there may be mixed feelings of desiring not to become diseased by inbreeding

yet also to uphold group evolutionary strategy(prejudice). "Prejudice Is Hard-wired Into The

Human Brain, Says ASU Study"(Arizona State University 2005). Critical Race Theory is

definite in that white supremacy is the greatest issue. White privilege and white supremacy are so

great compared to prejudices from other groups. The causcioids evolved to be individualistic

giving them more economic success yet they harm the other races by their group evolutionary

strategy. Thus, they may begin to survive the effects of inbreeding through integration with other

groups. Yet, racism is still a problem yet with possible solutions.

White privilege is almost undeniable because people want to become white so

badly."There are pockets of society that deny the existence of race problems, mostly a few

privileged whites. The ultimate test for these people would be to check if they would be willing

to become black"(Gosha 2021). Perhaps white privilege is part of evolution. The derivation of

the white population may have given them a special privilege. The rest of the populations are

less privileged. "Critical race theory developed in the 1970s as an effort by activists and legal

scholars to understand why the U.S. civil rights movement had lost momentum and was in

danger of being reversed. Their approach emphasized general and systemic features of the legal

system that served to perpetuate race-based oppression and white privilege"(Britannica 2022). If

a movement was developed to combat white supremacy it most likely exists. Plus the white

supremacist power struction is probably the biggest source of prejudice out of any race. "Critical

race theory is an intellectual movement and a framework of legal analysis according to which (1)

race is a culturally invented category used to oppress people of color and (2) the law and legal

institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and

maintain social, political, and economic inequalities between white and nonwhite

people"(Britannica 2022). Critical Race Theory states that white supremacy is the greatest

problem as far as racial prejudice. The whites are Causcioids. The Europeans are a derivative of

the Asian population (the Mongoloids). The Mongoloids are derived from the Negroids.

Therefore, evolution set the stage for white privilege. Evolution was dictated by social

movements and determined the social construct of race.


A chance exists that all humans could be genetically engineered to become causcioids.

"Genes responsible for diversity of human skin colors identified"(University of Pennsylvania

2017). Plus the statistics from the previous source by Gosha. Perhaps statistics should be cited to

highlight white privilege. "This statistic shows the forecasted market value of skin lightening

products worldwide from 2017 to 2027. In 2017, the global skin lightening market value

amounted to about 4.8 billion U.S. dollars, and is forecasted to reach some 8.9 billion U.S.

dollars by 2027"(Statista Research Department). A positive trend exists for the purchase of skin

lightening products. Therefore, the desire for white privilege is high. The white race is

privileged. Evolution created the framework for white privilege by making the Causcioids the

last race to evolve through the conditions. Thereby by validating critical race theory.

Since Statista is affiliated with Harvard Business School it is probably a reputable source.

"Statista is a statistics portal that integrates thousands of diverse topics of data and facts from a

wide range of sources onto a single platform. Sources of information include market research,

trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases"(HBS). If an Ivy league

university is affiliated with a source then the source is probably reputable. Plus Statistica is at a

market risk for being incorrect. Statista has skin in the game.

Why is something so concrete so difficult to abstract? "entropy , Measure of a system’s

energy that is unavailable for work, or of the degree of a system’s disorder"(Drake 2022).

Entropy is at least partially why something in theory is not always in practice. The factor of

chance in life is due to entropy. Randomness is attributable to entropy.

As such, the fundamental theorem of calculus is provable by critical race theory because

the Racial Europeans are a derivative of the other races. Upon race mixing, the Racial European

characteristics are recessive. Plus, racial Europeans evolved to be privileged showcasing the

social construct of race.

(group theory) A theorem which proves that, given critical race theory, Europeans

evolved to be socially privileged by being privileged derivations of all other races in meritocracy

through individualism, and all other forms of systemic racism, and being recessive to all other

races upon genetic integration, thus being a real life example of the fundamental Theorem of

Calculus by presenting the inverse relationship of integration and derivatives.


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