Past and Future of Trypanosomatids High-Throughput Phenotypic Screening

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PERSPECTIVE Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol.

117: e210402, 2022 1|17

Past and future of trypanosomatids high-throughput

phenotypic screening
Rafael Ferreira Dantas1, Eduardo Caio Torres dos Santos2, Floriano Paes Silva Junior1/+
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Laboratório de Bioquímica Experimental de Computacional de Fármacos,
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Laboratório de Bioquímica de Tripanosomatídeos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

Diseases caused by trypanosomatid parasites affect millions of people mainly living in developing countries. Novel drugs
are highly needed since there are no vaccines and available treatment has several limitations, such as resistance, low efficacy,
and high toxicity. The drug discovery process is often analogous to finding a needle in the haystack. In the last decades a so-
called rational drug design paradigm, heavily dependent on computational approaches, has promised to deliver new drugs in
a more cost-effective way. Paradoxically however, the mainstay of these computational methods is data-driven, meaning they
need activity data for new compounds to be generated and available in databases. Therefore, high-throughput screening (HTS)
of compounds still is a much-needed exercise in drug discovery to fuel other rational approaches. In trypanosomatids, due to
the scarcity of validated molecular targets and biological complexity of these parasites, phenotypic screening has become an
essential tool for the discovery of new bioactive compounds. In this article we discuss the perspectives of phenotypic HTS for
trypanosomatid drug discovery with emphasis on the role of image-based, high-content methods. We also propose an ideal
cascade of assays for the identification of new drug candidates for clinical development using leishmaniasis as an example.

Key words: trypanosomatids - phenotypic - high-content screening - bioimaging - drug discovery

Trypanosomatids and neglected tropical diseases proliferate by binary fission. After several replication
- Trypanosomatids (Euglenozoa: Kinetoplastea) are a cycles, they evolve into trypomastigotes that disrupt the
group of protozoan obligatory parasites.(1,2) Most mem- cell and reach the bloodstream, allowing them to invade
bers of this group are monoxenous (single host parasites) other cells in the organism or be taken up by another
and infect invertebrates.(3) However, some dixenous triatomine bug, continuing the parasite life cycle.(6)
(parasites with two intermediate hosts) species act as Trypanosoma cruzi infection is responsible for the
etiological agents of neglected tropical diseases, such as clinical outcomes of Chagas disease ranging from no ap-
Chagas disease (Trypanosoma cruzi), African trypano- parent symptoms to severe and potentially deadly cardio-
somiasis (T. brucei) and human leishmaniasis (more vascular and/or gastrointestinal manifestations.(7) This
than 20 species).(2,3,4) Here, we will mainly focus on the variability has been associated with factors related to
T. cruzi and species from the Leishmania genus. both host and parasite.(8) One possible explanation may
Recent estimates suggest that 6 to 7 million people be derived from parasites’ genetic background. These
worldwide may be infected with T. cruzi, maily in Latin parasites show a high genetic variability being assembled
America, and 75 million are at risk of infection.(5) The into seven distinct genetic groups, or discrete typing
classic route of transmission to humans is through he- units (DTU): TcI-VI and TcBat.(9) All of them can infect
matophagous triatomine bugs infected with the parasite. humans and their frequency varies depending on the geo-
This occurs during or right after the blood meal when graphic location.(8,9) The link between T. cruzi genotype
the insect defecates on host skin. Its feces contain the and the clinical manifestations (or drug susceptibility)
metacyclic trypomastigote evolutionary form of T. cruzi of Chagas disease has been proposed but has not been
which is able to penetrate the skin through the wound proved yet.(6,7,9) So far, there is no vaccine available and
bite, other skin lesions or mucous membranes. Once only two drugs, benznidazole (1) and nifurtimox (2), are
inside the host, the parasites infect numerous types of clinically used. Nonetheless, they have several limita-
cells, especially those from the reticuloendothelial sys- tions, such as long treatment regimes, undesirable side
tem, muscular and nervous cells. After the infection, effects (e.g., nausea, severe dermatitis and peripheral
the parasites differentiate into amastigote forms which neuropathies) and clinical failure is not uncommon.(6)
The trypanosomatids from the Leishmania genus are
the causal agents of one of the most devastating infec-
tious diseases of our time: leishmaniasis.(10) This disease
affects millions of people worldwide and it is estimated
that more than 1 billion are at risk of infection.(4) Leish-
doi: 10.1590/0074-02760210402 maniasis is encountered in three main clinical forms: cu-
Financial support: CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, FAPEG, FIOCRUZ. taneous (CL), visceral or kala-azar (VL) and mucocuta-
ECTS and FPSJr are CNPq research fellows and FAPERJ CNE fellowships recipients. neous (MCL). The former is the most common while VL
+ Corresponding author:
 0000-0003-4560-1291.
the most severe (fatal in more than 95 % of cases if left
Received 20 December 2021 untreated) and MCL the most disabling.(11) Each form is
Accepted 28 December 2021 elicited by a group of Leishmania species which include:

online |
2|17 Rafael Ferreira Dantas et al.

L. major, L. tropica, L. braziliensis, L. amazonensis, L. have been developed using more automated technolo-
guyanensis for CL, L. donovani and L. infantum (also gies such as, microplate readers, flow cytometers and
known as L. chagasi) for VL and L. braziliensis, L. pan- high-content microscopes (discussed in the next section)
amensis and L. amazonensis for MCL.(12) Regardless of (12,19,27)
(Fig. 2). The most common methods rely on fluo-
the species, in most cases the parasites are transmitted rometric, luminescence or colorimetric readouts to mea-
to humans by the bite of infected female phlebotomine sure parasites viability/growth in microplate readers,
sand flies. During the blood meal, the insect’s saliva and which are available in many laboratories. Trypanoso-
the metacyclic promastigote form of the parasite are in- matids viability has been mainly assessed by measuring
oculated into the host. The latter induces a phagocytic parasites ATP(28,29,30,31) content and/or by measuring the
response which allows the parasite to enter the macro- metabolic reduction of redox probes, such as tetrazolium
phage (or other mononuclear phagocytic cells) and form salts (MTT/XTT/MTS)(32,33,34) and resazurin.(35,36,37) The
the parasitophorous vacuole. Inside this compartiment, number of parasites has also been indirectly obtained
it differentiates into proliferating amastigote forms. Part by SYBR Green,(38,39) a fluorescent nuclear probe. Some
of these infected cells can be taken up by the insect in assays use transgenic parasites carrying fluorescent
another blood meal helping to maintain the parasite life reporter genes (e.g., GFP(40,41,42) and mCherry(43)) or re-
cycle. In the human host, the continuous proliferation porter enzymes (e.g., beta-galactosidase,(41,44,45,46) beta-
of amastigotes eventually leads to cell disruption and lactamase,(47,48) luciferase(49,50,51,52)) whose activities can
consequently release of the parasites, allowing them to be readily detected in the presence of their substrates.
infect other cells.(13,14) Although plate-reader-based assays represent a ma-
Leishmania infection is responsible for the clinical jor advance in trypanosomatid drug discovery, they also
features of leishmaniasis. For VL, the most fatal form of show some important drawbacks. Firstly, they perform
this disease, they include persistent irregular fever, sple- whole-well readouts which give no information re-
nomegaly, pancytopenia, hepatomegaly, and hyperpig- garding the number of host cells and parasites or their
mentation of the skin (hence the name kala-azar which distribution.(53) Some of them are also prone to assay
can be translated as “black fever”). The CL form is not interference. For instance, coloured compounds may
life-threatening but can lead to significant cosmetic affect the readout of colorimetric assays.(54) Special at-
morbidity due to the scars that arise after the healing of tention should also be paid to hits coming from enzyme
chronic skin lesions.(15,16) In turn, MCL is mainly charac- reporter-based assays since, theoretically, compounds
terised by the presence of ulcers in the nasal septum, lips may interfere with enzyme activity (or its substrate) and
and palate. As for VL, this form may lead to death if not vice-versa, generating spurious results.(44,53,54) Moreover,
treated rapidly.(16) Currently, there is no vaccine avail- many assays were developed to test compounds against
able, and the pharmacological treatments rely on a few promastigotes(12,30,32,33,55) and axenic amastigotes (i.e.,
drugs: pentavalent antimonials [e.g., meglumine antimo- amastigotes that are growth in culture media that simu-
niate (3)], amphotericin B (4), pentamidine (5), paromo- late intracellular conditions)(29,53,56) evolutionary forms.
mycin (6) and miltefosine (7) (Fig. 1). In most cases, the Though promastigotes are easy to handle and can be
treatment is very broad and does not take into the ac- obtained in large amounts, which is desirable for HTS
count the peculiarities of each species. These drugs also campaigns, they represent the vector-transmitted form
have some major drawbacks, such as high cost, signifi- of the parasite life cycle which is not directly involved in
cant toxicity, must be administered via parenteral route disease development.(38,57,58) In turn, axenic amastigotes
[except miltefosine (7)] and may induce resistance.(10) share more similarities with the intracellular forms,
thus being more biologically relevant, and they have
Phenotypic-based assays in trypanosomatid drug
already been proved to be useful in library screening.
discovery - The limitations of the current anti-trypano- (29,53)
Nonetheless, phenotypic assays based on both pro-
somatid agents demand the search for new pharmaco-
mastigotes and axenic amastigotes fail to some extent to
logical alternatives. In this context, phenotypic-based
identify active compounds (or reproduce their potency)
assays play a pivotal role in trypanosomatid drug dis-
on parasite intracellular forms and may generate false
covery.(17,18,19) Most traditional methods use manual mi-
positives.(29,59,60) In part, this is because these methods
croscopy techniques (e.g., giemsa staining(20,21,22,23)) to
are unable to mimic the complex interaction between
evaluate the effect of a given compound on the number
the parasite and the host cell.(29) Additionally, in order to
(amastigotes) or presence/motility (promastigotes) of the
exert its antiparasitic activity, a compound must over-
parasites.(12,24) For instance, during a typical assay using
come some obstacles before reaching its targets which
intracellular amastigote forms, a microscope operator
include transpassing several cellular membranes and
visually counts the number of host cells (100-500 per
coping with pH changes.(53,61,62)
sample(25)) and intracellular parasites. From this analy-
Therefore, even lacking the throughput of plate-
sis it is possible to calculate the percentage of infected
reader-based assays, the intracellular amastigote-based
cells (infection ratio), as well the average number of
assays are still considered the gold standard for trypano-
parasites per cell, which are used as metrics to measure
somatid drug discovery.(27,29)
compound antiparasitic activity.(20,21,22,25,26) As expected,
these methods are semi-quantitative, have low through- High content screening in trypanosomatid drug dis-
put and are prone to human errors. In an attempt to covery - In the late 90’s, a new generation of automated
overcome these limitations, several phenotypic assays fluorescent microscopes emerged in the phenotypic
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 117, 2022 3|17

Fig. 1: clinical drugs used in the treatment of Chagas disease and leishmaniasis.

Fig. 2: main phenotypic assays used in trypanosomatid drug discovery.

drug discovery scenario.(63) This technology, also known in microplates, are incubated with test compounds (one
as high-content screening (HCS), automatically extracts or multiple concentrations for dose-response curves),
multiparametric data, at a single-cell level, from fluores- stained with one(67,68,69,70) or more(58,71,72,73,74) fluorescent
cent microscopy images acquired in a high-throughput probes and their images captured in a HCS system cou-
mode.(63,64) HCS systems offer individual, spatial and pled with a 10x,(75,76) 20x (most cases(60,73,77,78)) or 40x(67,75)
temporal information which can be applied in different objective lens (Fig. 3A). Image analysis is performed
stages of the drug discovery pipeline.(65,66) Thus, HCS- using a custom pipeline in a proprietary (e.g., Operetta
based assays have been employed in a wide range of ap- Imaging System Harmony Software, PerkinElmer(77,79))
plications.(66) In the context of trypanosomatid drug dis- or free software (e.g., Cellprofiler(58,80)). From this analy-
covery, most reports use HCS technology to evaluate the sis, it is possible to obtain a few metrics used to measure
effect of test compounds on intracellular amastigotes (Ta- compound antiparasitic activity, such as the number of
ble). In these assays, host cells and parasites, distributed amastigotes per cell and the percentage of infected cells.
4|17 Rafael Ferreira Dantas et al.

Fig. 3: a single-probe HCS-based intracellular amastigote assay typically used in the search for new anti-Trypanosoma cruzi drugs. (A) Initially,
the host infected cells treated with test compounds are stained with a fluorescente DNA-binding probe and their images captured by a HCS
system. (B) During image analysis, cells and parasites are segmented individually and counted. From this it is possible to calculate at least two
metrics related to compounds anti-trypanosomatid activity: number of amastigotes per cell and the percentage of infected cells (infection ratio).
In addition, compounds cytotoxicity can be estimated from cells nuclei count.

Additionally, an estimation of compounds’ cyto- sources (Table). Most T. cruzi screenings measured the
toxicity can be obtained in the same assay by counting antiparasitic activity of compounds in muscle cells in-
the number of host cells (i.e., their nuclei)(69,77,81,82) (Fig. fected with amastigote forms.(27,60,69,71,84-89) They repre-
3B). In contrast to visual scoring, HCS-based assays are sent a particularly good model for compound screening
highly objective, accurate and faster, which make them since the pathology described in the chronic phase of
an ideal tool for screening campaigns.(25) Therefore, in- Chagas disease is mainly related to the presence of T.
tracellular amastigote-based assays performed in HCS cruzi in these cells and they have a high susceptibility to
systems can become the new gold standard in trypanoso- infection in vitro.(69) Some reports show that compound
matid phenotypic screening by combining the necessary activity may vary between different cell types suggest-
biological complexity of microscope-based assays with ing the presence of specific host-parasite interactions.
the high-throughput of microplate readers. (27,90)
Therefore, it is suggested that a given hit should be
A variety of trypanosomatid species and/or strains tested against multiple cell models to confirm its poten-
have been interrogated in HCS-based assays (Table). Most tial anti-T. cruzi activity.(27)
of the studies with Trypanosoma spp. were carried out For Leishmania spp., HCS-based drug screening has
with strains of T. cruzi from different DTUs. Likewise, been carried out with macrophages or macrophage-like
many strains of both dermatropic and viscerotropic Leish- cells: primary murine bone-marrow derived macro-
mania species have been investigated. In most cases, they phages (BMDM) and human acute monocytic leukemia
consist of laboratory strains which are easily cultivated in cells (THP-1), a commercial cell line. Macrophages are
vitro. Nonetheless, the solely use of these strains demand disease-relevant models since they exert a dual role in
caution since they may differ from clinical isolates in leishmaniasis being at the same time the final host cell
terms of genotype and phenotype (e.g., drug resistance). for parasite proliferation and the effector cell that con-
Therefore, it is advisable to confirm hit compounds tributes to clean the infection.(91) Most assays use THP-1
on a panel of clinical isolates and groups of representative cells instead of primary cells due to several technical
strains (e.g., for each DTU).(17,18,67,70,83) and logistic advantages of the former, such as lower cost,
The selection of a disease-relevant cell host model at ease of cultivation, applicability to large screening cam-
the initial stages of the drug discovery pipeline is crucial paigns and less ethical restriction.(77,92) However, they
to reduce the attrition rates with later steps. The HCS- require external chemical stimuli for monocyte to mac-
based methods proposed so far for trypanosomatids were rophage transformation and show much less biological
developed using primary cells or commercial cell lines relevance.(76,92) In this context, it is advisable to test the
from human or other organisms (murine and primate) compounds in primary cells whenever possible.(53,92)
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 117, 2022 5|17

Different methods have been proposed to quantify the kDNA,(80) pharmacophores vacuoles,(76) cytoskeleton(71))
number of trypanosomatid amastigotes inside the host Certain features, such as those related to morphology
cell in HCS-based assays (Table). A common approach (e.g., area, shape) may be altered in the presence of the
consists of using a single DNA-binding fluorescent probe compound, giving a more detailed description of its
(e.g., Draq5) to stain both cells (nuclei and/or cytoplasm) antiparasitic and/or cytotoxicity activities.(71,76,80) Some-
and parasites (DNA spots composed of kDNA and/or times the alterations are not necessarily associated with
nuclear DNA)(67,68,69,73,83,87,93-95) (Fig. 3). In this strategy, all morphological changes or be detectable by the probes
objects necessary for calculating the antiparasitic activ- available. In this case, the use of stains that are sensitive
ity of a test compound are contained in the same image. to parasite/cell metabolic activity may be useful as they
During analysis, cell nuclei and parasite DNA spots are are not constrained to a specific mechanism. As listed in
distinguished by size and counted. Cell boundaries can be Table, only two dyes have been successfully employed
revealed from probes “leakage” into the cytoplasm and/ to detect viable trypanosomatids in HCS-based assays:
or inferred by computational tools, allowing the determi- CFDA-SE(80) (bloodstream T. brucei) and CellTracker
nation of the number of parasites per each cell.(67,82,95,96) Orange CMRA(78) (promastigote and amastigote of L.
These methods are simple, but they may underestimate mexicana). In contrast, there are several viability assays,
parasitaemia when parasites are located at the same place such as those designed for plate-readers (previously
or near a cell’s nucleus, as well as detect non-specific discussed in the text), that could be used as orthogonal
stained spots due to the accumulation of host cell RNA methods for this kind of analysis.
in the cytosol.(25,69,77,78) Moreover, they generally require
Successful examples of HCS-based assays in trypano-
cell fixation making it impossible to monitor live cells
somatid screening campaigns - Table shows several ex-
over time which could inform the time-course of drug ac-
amples of HCS-based methods in trypanosomatid drug
tion.(97) The use of computer algorithms to delineate cell
discovery. Some of them helped to reveal the antiparasitic
boundaries based on nucleus position may also be prone
activity of compounds in screening campaigns (Fig. 4).
to errors since they often consider that the nucleus is lo-
Bernatchez and colleagues,(85) for instance, performed a
cated at the centre of each cell.(82,96) This may not be true
specially for primary cells once their morphology is not primary screen of 7,680 compounds with confirmed clini-
as homogeneous as that observed for cell lineages.(58,77) cal safety (ReFRAME library) on cells infected with T.
Therefore, some authors have proposed more elaborated cruzi amastigotes using a HCS-based assay. This tech-
assays using multiple fluorescent probes, cells/parasites nique allowed the identification of seven molecules with
carrying reporter genes or immunostaining to better de- potent antiparasitic activity (EC50 values: 0.44 to 480 nM)
fine each image object. The former strategy includes, per and high selectivity index (≥ 10). One of the most prom-
instance, the combination of a DNA binding probe (e.g., ising compounds for drug development was 348U87 (8)
DAPI) to detect the parasite and another probe to stain (EC50: 0.63 nM and selectivity index: 1294), a small mol-
the whole host cell or its cytoplasm (e.g., CellMaskTM ecule with antiherpetic properties. Apart from primary
dyes).(58,78,79,98,99) Recently, transgenic parasites expressing screening, HCS technology has also been used in orthog-
reporter genes (e.g., GFP and mCherry) have also been onal/secondary assays.(60,68,84) Peña and colleagues(60) em-
employed in HCS-based assays and represent a useful ployed an interdisciplinary approach to detect potential
way to facilitate their identification in the images and re- anti-trypanosomatid agents in a 1.8 mi proprietary com-
duce assay cost.(12,60,74,75,84,97,100) However, this approach has pounds (GlaxoSmithKline) library. The primary screen-
some important drawbacks. One of them is that the para- ing was carried out with microplate-based fluorometric
site carrying this gene is no longer wild-type, which may assays using axenic (L. donovani) and intracellular (T.
affect its drug response and its interaction with the host cruzi) amastigotes, as well as bloodstream (T. brucei) par-
cell.(12,58,100) Moreover, the technique used to incorporate it asite forms. The resulting hits followed different paths in
into the parasite must be performed for each new species the drug discovery pipeline according to the species which
or strain (e.g., a clinical isolate).(58) Another approach con- included both experimental (e.g., cytotoxicity assay) and
sists in using immunostaining to detect the parasite,(75) the computational (e.g., physicochemical filters) steps. For T.
host cell(71) or both.(77) In this technique, one or more (e.g., cruzi and L. donovani HCS-based assays were also used
immune serum(75)) antibodies directly bind to parasites/ to select active compounds against intracellular amasti-
cell antigen(s), whereas a fluorescent-conjugated second- gotes. By the end of the pipeline, three sets (or “boxes’) of
ary antibody binds to the antigen-antibody complex al- compounds with antiparasitic activity and low cytotoxic-
lowing its detection. This strategy allows the use of the ity were assembled: Leish-BOX (n = 192), Chagas-BOX
same image analysis protocol regardless of the parasite (n = 222) and HAT-BOX (n = 192), which are provided as
strain though it tends to be more time-consuming.(77) an open source for lead discovery programmes.
Apart from infection-related metrics, HCS-based as- Though most assays use only one combination of
says may also provide other valuable information about parasite and host cell types, there are some exceptions.
the effect of test compounds on the parasite-host interac- (27,77,83,89)
Franco and colleagues,(27) for instance, conducted
tion. Depending on the probe(s) used to stain the biologi- a primary screening consisting of four parallel HCS-based
cal sample it is possible to extract and quantify a variety assays, one per host cell lineage. In each assay, 1,280
of phenotypic features from image objects, including pharmacologically active compounds (LOPAC library,
whole organisms (i.e., host cells(53) and parasites(60)) Sigma-Aldrich) were tested against cells infected with
and/or subcellular compartments (e.g., cell nuclei,(89) intracellular amastigotes of T. cruzi Y-H10 strain, yield-
6|17 Rafael Ferreira Dantas et al.

Fig. 4: compounds with anti-trypanosomatid activity identified in screening campaigns that used HCS-based assays.

ing 82 unique hits. The compounds that were active in developed in the same study. These results suggested
at least three cell lineages (n = 11) had their EC50 values that pyronaridine (10) may be a promising starting point
calculated, which in most cases were at low micromolar for drug development. Phan and colleagues(95) also ob-
range or lower. One of these compounds, FPL 64176 (9), tained antiparasitic compounds with in vitro and in vivo
a Ca2+ activator, was active on all four cell lines models activity against L. donovani and T. brucei. A primary
and showed a similar potency (2.2 - 3.0 μM) across three screening of 1,742 commercial bioactive compounds
parasite strains (Y-H10, Sylvio X10/1 and CL Brener), (MedChem Express) was performed with a HCS-based
as well as good selectivity indexes (57.7, 35.4 and > 90, assay using cells infected with intracellular amastigotes
respectively) in U2OS cells. of L. donovani. This technique revealed 20 molecules
A few reports have also validated the in vitro activ- with high antileishmanial activity and low cytotoxicity.
ity of test compounds on in vivo disease models.(87,88,95) Some of them were identified as inhibitors of the mam-
Ekins and colleagues(87) measured the anti-trypanosoma- malian target of rapamycin (mTOR)/phosphoinositide
tid activity of commercial compounds combining com- 3-kinase (PI3K) (mTOR/PI3K) signaling pathway and
putational and experimental techniques. Initially, they had their EC50 values determined (0.14 - 13.44 μM). The
trained bayesian machine learning models to identify three most potent molecules (NVP-BGT226 (11), dac-
compounds with potential anti-T. cruzi in vitro activity. tolisib (12) and Torin2 (13)) were tested in vivo using a
These models were then used to screen approximately mouse model infected with L. donovani. They all inhib-
7,200 small molecules available in different chemical li- ited parasitaemia in mice, especially NVP-BGT226 (11)
braries (mostly from commercial sources). The 97 virtual (54 % inhibition). This compound also showed anti-T.
hits with the highest scores were evaluated in a HCS- brucei in vitro activity (resazurin-based assay) and re-
based assay that measured their antiparasitic activity and duced parasitaemia in a T. brucei infected mice model
host cell toxicity. Dose-response curves revealed that five suggesting a broad anti-trypanosomatid effect. How-
of them had an EC50 lower than 1 μM. Later, they had ever, further studies may be necessary to increase their
their in vivo efficacy determined using an acute Chagas selectivity as mTOR and kinetoplastid TORs show high
mouse model. One of these compounds, pyronaridine structural similarities and mTOR/PI3K inhibitors have
(10) (antimalarial drug), had never been tested in a mouse already shown toxicity in clinical trials.
model and showed a high efficacy (85.2 %) when com- An HCS-centered ideal assay cascade for antileish-
pared to benznidazole (1) (100%). Some potential targets manial phenotypic drug screening - In screening cam-
were predicted for this compound using different compu- paigns, it is important to balance reliability and pragma-
tational resources, including the T. cruzi pathway model tism (Fig. 5). Therefore, the use of L. amazonensis as a
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 117, 2022 7|17

sary to use more clinically relevant Leishmania species,

as well as to determine the CC50 in primary uninfected
cells, before going to in vivo assays.
Final remarks - As discussed here, automated, im-
age-based screening approaches known as HCS, have
already made a major impact in trypanosomatid drug
discovery and hold the promise to keep occupying an
important space in the field for the years to come. This is
so because HCS has several advantages over non image-
based HTS including acquisition of multidimensional
(2D and 3D) data, multiplexing capacity and multipara-
metric analysis for phenotypic scoring.
Even with the technological advantages of HCS, it´s
key for the success of a trypanosomatid drug screening
campaign to use carefully standardised reagents and op-
timised assays parameters. Compound-parasite incuba-
tion times and the sequential cell and compound seeding
schemes have already been demonstrated as crucial fac-
tors that can be responsible for apparent lack of activity
of compounds in a particular assay setup.(107) Moreover,
as a high-throughput experimental method, HCS pres-
ents a number of intrinsic challenges such as: experi-
mental design errors, high cost and availability of mate-
rials (cells, proteins, compounds, etc.); compounds and
reagents-related issues (incorrect structures, mixtures
and salts, inconsistent batches, poor solubility); and oth-
er technical problems (pipetting errors and mechanical
failures, temperature gradients, position effects, subop-
timal readings). For instance, frequent hitter compounds
(aggregators, interferers, etc.) may lead to false positives
in screening campaigns and failure to validate initial hits
on secondary assays.(108,109)
A better understanding of the host/parasite interaction
and the disease itself is essential if we are to be able to
design better and more predictive phenotypic assays. For
instance, there are still unanswered questions regarding
cell dormancy in T. cruzi: do we need assays targeting
Fig. 5: HCS-centered ideal assay cascade for antileishmanial pheno- replicating and non-replicating forms of parasites?
typic drug screening. A combination of phenotypic and target-based
drug discovery approaches should lead to better
chances of identifying compounds with the potential
starting point is suggested, due to its rapid growth and to satisfy the target product profile (TPP) of diseases
high infectivity rate. Ideally, the reporter gene is integrat- caused by trypanosomatids. Additionally, the integra-
tion of machine learning and other AI or computa-
ed into the parasite’s DNA, to reduce some interference,
tional modeling techniques should help to make the
such as variation in the number of plasmids per cell, or
most efficient use of resources.
even the lack of it. In the hit discovery step, the use of
Finally, incorporating newly developed assays into the
cell lines such as J774 or THP-1 is acceptable to reduce phenotypic screening cascade is an exciting perspective
the number of animals. However, at later stages, primary to the field. Exploration of novel genetic editing methods,
cells are recommended.(92) Still considering pragmatism, such as CRISPR/Cas9,(110) allows creation of dual or even
the first round using only one concentration reduces re- triple reporter systems for in vitro and in vivo multimodal
sources and improves yield. Here, we adopted the limit imaging.(110,111) These parasite cell lines enable efficient in
of 10 µM, as recommended as a hit criterion by an expert vivo localisation and phenotyping, expanding the toolbox
panel.(106) Another relevant point is to keep cells untreat- for trypanosomatid drug discovery.
ed for up to 24 hours after infection, to ensure complete
transformation of promastigotes into amastigotes. Other- AUTHORS’ CONTRIBUTION
wise, the compounds can act on any remaining target of FPSJr designed the manuscript, wrote the abstract, final
the promastigote. An advantage of the HCS is the possi- remarks and reviewed the first draft; RFD wrote the first draft
bility of obtaining cytotoxicity data together with the IC50 and reviewed the HCS-based assays used in trypanosomatid
determination, allowing the disposal of toxic candidates drug discovery; ECTS wrote the assay cascade session and re-
early in the process. At later stages, it becomes neces- viewed the first draft.

HCS-based assays employed in trypanosomatid drug discovery

Genus Species Strains Evolutionary forms Reporter Host cell Main measurements Assay principle Screened compounds Pipeline step References

13,486 compounds from

Parasite nuclear DNA
T. brucei brucei three commercial libraries
and kDNA detected by
(wild type and genetically Laboratory strain: (Prestwick Chemical (80)
Trypanosoma Bloodstream None - kDNA/nucleus ratio Hoescht 33342 while Primary screening
engineered kDNA- Lister 427 Library, Screen-Well PKE
viable parasites by
independent cell line)(101) library and BioAscent 12,000
diverse chemical libraries)
Screening: Parasites DNA
spots and cell nucleus
Number of host cells detected by Draq5
(lethal cytotoxicity while cell cytoplasm by
Human induced
Rafael Ferreira Dantas et al.

evaluation), number cTNT immunostaining; Primary screening

Intracellular pluripotent stem cell- 4 compounds with known (71)
T. cruzi Laboratory strain: Y None of amastigotes per Cytotoxicity assay: Cell (dose-response) and
amastigotes derived cardiomyocytes anti-trypanosomatid activity
cell, infection ratio and nucleus, cytoskeleton and cytotoxicity assay
sublethal cytotoxicity- mitochondria detected
related parameters by DAPI, Phalloidin-488
and MitoTracker™ Red,
Number of host cells Primary screening
Escherichia coli Parasites DNA spots as
(cytotoxicity evaluation), (dose-response) and
Laboratory strain: Intracellular beta-galactosidase Rat cardiomyocytes well as cell nucleus and 20 compounds with known (69)
number of amastigotes cytotoxicity evaluation
Tulahuen amastigotes gene (44) (H9c2) cytoplasm detected by anti-trypanosomatid activity
per cell and percentage of performed in the same
infected cells per well assay
741 compounds (FDA-
Parasites DNA spots and approved and with biological
Number of amastigotes cell nucleus detected with activity) from a in-house
Laboratory strain: Intracellular Mouse embryo fibroblast Primary screening and (79)
None per cell and number of Hoescht 33342 while library and 685 compounds
Tulahuen amastigotes (3T3) dose-response assay
infected cells per well cell cytoplasm with HCS from a pilot collection of
CellMask Green™ Medicines for Malaria
Venture Malaria Box
Primary screening and
cytotoxicity evaluation
performed in the same
assay. A similar method
Number of host cells Parasites DNA spots and was used to generate the
(cytotoxicity evaluation), cell nucleus detected with dose-response curves
Laboratory strain: Intracellular Mouse embryo fibroblast 24,993 compounds optimised (72)
None number of amastigotes Hoescht 33342 while and for further profiling
Tulahuen amastigotes (3T3) for lead-like properties
per cell and number of cell cytoplasm with HCS of selectively active
infected cells per well CellMask Green™ compounds. Protocol
based on a previous
report (79). A wash-off
assay was also carried
out by HCS.
Primary screeninging
and replication assay
(amastigotes): parasites
DNA spots as well
Number of host cells as cell nucleus and Primary screening
Laboratory strains: (cytotoxicity evaluation), cytoplasm detected (dose-response) and
Silvio X10/7 number of amastigotes by Hoechst 33342; cytotoxic evaluation
subclone A1, Y, CL Brener strain per cell, number of Proliferation assay : EdU performed in the same
M6241 Clone 6, carrying a gene Cercopithecus aethiops amastigotes per well, incorporation by parasites assay. Replication and (73)
Trypanosoma and intracellular 3 trypanocidal drugs
ERA Clone 2, reporter (red-shifted kidney cell (Vero) percentage of infected (trypomastigotes and proliferation assays
PAH179 Clone 5, luciferase (102)) cells and percentage amastigotes) and cell were also carried out
Tula Clone 2 and of EdU (nucleoside nucleus detected by using a HCS system.
CL Brener. analog) positive cells and Click-iT Plus EdU Alexa- Protocol based on a
parasites Fluor 488 Imaging Kit. previous report (94).
Trypomastigote flagellum
was also detected by
immunostaining (anti-
PFR1 antibody)
Genus Species Strains Evolutionary forms Reporter Host cell Main measurements Assay principle Screened compounds Pipeline step References

Number of host cells

Parasites DNA spots as Primary screening
(cytotoxicity evaluation),
Intracellular Human osteosarcoma well as cell nucleus and (dose-response) and (100)
Not declared None number of amastigotes 2 trypanocidal drugs
amastigotes cells (U2OS) cytoplasm detected by cytotoxicity evaluation
per cell and infection
Draq5 in the same assay
Laboratory Primary screening
Parasites DNA spots as
strains: Dm28c, Y, Number of amastigotes 8 lead/clinical compounds (dose-response)
Intracellular Human osteosarcoma well as cell nucleus and (70)
ARMA13 cl1, ERA None per cell and infection with anti-trypanosomatid and time-kill assay.
amastigotes cells (U2OS) cytoplasm detected by
cl2, 92-80 cl2, CL ratio activity Protocols based on a
Brener and Tulahuen previous report (100).
Primary screening
Number of host cells 39 commercial compounds
Parasites DNA spots as (dose-response) and
(cytotoxicity evaluation), selected from a virtual
Intracellular Human osteosarcoma well as cell nucleus and cytotoxicity evaluation (81)
Laboratory strain: Y None number of amastigotes screening of the ChemBridge
amastigotes cells (U2OS) cytoplasm detected by performed in the same
per cell and infection chemical database (1 M
Draq5 assay. Protocol based on
ratio compounds)
a previous report (70).
Primary screening and
Human osteosarcoma
cytotoxicity evaluation
cells (U2OS), human
Number of host cells performed in the same
Laboratory strains: acute monocytic Parasites DNA spots as
(cytotoxicity evaluation), 1,280 compounds from assay using Y-H10
Y-H10, Sylvio Intracellular leukemia (THP-1) cells, well as cells nucleus and (27)
None number of amastigotes LOPAC library (Sigma- strain. Similar method
X10/1 and CL amastigotes Cercopithecus aethiops cytoplasm detected by
per cell and infection Aldrich) was employed to
Brener kidney cell (Vero) and Draq5
ratio dose-response curves.
rat skeletal myoblast
Protocol based on a
(L6) cells
previous report (93)
Primary screening
Parasites DNA spots as (dose-response) and
Number of host cells 24 novel compounds derived
Intracellular Human osteosarcoma well as cells nucleus and cytotoxicity evaluation (93)
Laboratory strains: Y None (cytotoxicity evaluation) from farnesyltransferase
amastigotes cells (U2OS) cytoplasm detected by performed in the same
and infection ratio inhibitors
Draq5 assay . Protocol based
on a previous report (70)),
Parasites DNA spots and
Number of amastigotes
Intracellular Murine fibroblasts (NIH cells nucleus detected 21 treatment groups from an (25)
Laboratory strains: Y None per cell and percentage of Primary screening
amastigotes 3T3) expressing GFP by DAPI while cell body on-going study
infected cells
detected by GFP

Primary screening and

Number of host cells cytotoxicity evaluation
(cytotoxicity evaluation) performed in the same
Parasites DNA spots and
Laboratory strain: Intracellular Mouse myoblasts and infection level 7,680 compounds from assay. A similar method (85)
Trypanosoma None cells nucleus detected
CA-I/72 amastigotes (C2C12) (number of amastigotes ReFRAME library was used to generate the
per cell as determined by dose-response curves.
nuclei counting) Protocol based on
previous reports(86,87,100)
Primary screening
Number of host cells
(dose-response) and
(cytotoxicity evaluation) Parasites DNA spots and
Laboratory strains: Intracellular Mouse myoblasts cytotoxic evaluation (86)
None and infection level cells nucleus detected Gallinamide A and 15 analogs
CA-I/72 amastigotes (C2C12) performed in the same
(number of amastigotes by DAPI
assay. Protocol based on
per cell)
a previous report(87)
Primary screening and
cytotoxicity evaluation
Number of host cells Parasites DNA spots and
Laboratory strain: Intracellular Mouse myoblasts 97 commercial compounds performed in the same (87)
None (cytotoxicity evaluation) cell nucleus detected
CA-I/72 amastigotes (C2C12) selected by virtual screening assay. A similar method
and infection ratio by DAPI
was used to generate the
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 117, 2022

dose-response curves
Genus Species Strains Evolutionary forms Reporter Host cell Main measurements Assay principle Screened compounds Pipeline step References

Primary screening and

cytotoxicity evaluation
14,080 commercial performed in the
Number of host cells
Parasites DNA spots as compounds from NIH same assay. Similar
(cytotoxicity evaluation),
Laboratory strain: Intracellular Cercopithecus aethiops well as cells nucleus and (clinical collection) and methods were used to (94)
None number of amastigotes
Silvio X10/7 A1 amastigotes kidney cells (Vero) cytoplasm detected by Selleck-Chem (FDA- dose-response, cell
per cell and percentage of
Hoechst 33342 approved drug library) replication, static-cidal
infected cells
libraries and rate-of-kill assays.
Protocols based on
previous reports(25,53,69,89).
Primary screening and
Bovine embryo skeletal Number of host cells cytotoxicity evaluation
Laboratory strains: 909 clinical compounds
Intracellular muscle (BESM) and (cytotoxicity evaluation) Parasites kDNA and cell performed in the same (89)
CA-I/72, PSD-1 and None library from Iconix
10|17 Rafael Ferreira Dantas et al.

amastigotes human hepatoma (Huh-7) and kDNA/host nuclei nucleus detected by DAPI assay. A similar method
Sylvio X10/7 Biosciences
cells ratio was used to generate the
dose-response curves
Primary screening and
Number of host cells Parasites DNA spots and cytotoxicity evaluation
(cytotoxicity evaluation), cell nucleus detected by performed in the same
180,329 compounds
Laboratory strain: Intracellular Mouse myoblasts infection ratio and DAPI, cell body inferred assay. A similar method (88)
None from GNF Academic
CA-I/72 amastigotes (C2C12) area of infection (area by aggregating parasites was used to generate the
Collaboration Library
of kinetoplastids/total DNA spots and cell dose-response curves.
nuclei) nucleus image objects Protocols based on a
previous report (89)
Number of host cells Orthogonal assay
Parasites DNA spots as
Escherichia coli (cytotoxicity evaluation), 2,310 compounds from (screening and
Laboratory strain: Intracellular Rat cardiomyocytes well as cell nucleus and (60)
β-galactosidase number of amastigotes GlaxoSmithKline HTS cytotoxicity evaluation).
Tulahuen amastigotes (H9c2) cytoplasm detected by
gene (44) per cell and infection screening collection Protocol based on a
ratio previous report (69)
Number of host cells Parasite kDNA and cell
(cytotoxic evaluation), nucleus detected by
Secondary assay
Laboratory strain: Intracellular Peritoneal mouse number of amastigotes Hoechst 33342. Parasites (97)
eGFP 2 anti-trypanosomatid drugs (dose-response and
STIB980 clone 1 amastigotes macrophages per image and fold also identified by GFP
cytotoxicity evaluation)
change in parasite staining in live imaging
numbers per hour assay

Secondary assay
Number of host cells Parasites DNA spots as (screening and
Escherichia coli
Laboratory strain: Intracellular Rat cardiomyocytes (cytotoxicity evaluation), well as cell nucleus and 3,598 compounds from cytotoxicity evaluation) (84)
Trypanosoma β-galactosidase
Tulahuen amastigotes (H9c2) number of amastigotes per cytoplasm detected by Calibr Diversity Library and dose-response
gene (44)
cell and infection ratio Draq5 assay. Protocol based on
previous reports(60,69)
Cells nucleus detected by
Laboratory strain: Intracellular Monkey kidney epithelial Number of intracellular Primary screening (104)
GFP(103) DAPI and amastigotes by 4 phenothiazinium dyes
Talahuen amastigotes (LLCMK2) cells amastigotes per well (dose-response)
GFP staining
Parasites DNA spots and
Number of amastigotes Primary screening and
cell nucleus detected by 472 compounds from Davis
Laboratory strain Intracellular Mouse embryo per cell and number dose-response assay. (98)
None Hoescht 33342 while open access natural product-
Tulahuen amastigotes fibroblasts (3T3) of infected host cells Protocol based on a
cell cytoplasm by HCS based library
per well previous report (79))
CellMask Green™
Laboratory strains:
L. donovani Primary screening and
(MHOM/ cytotoxicity evaluation
IN/1980/DD8), Number of host cells Parasites DNA spots as performed in the same
L. donovani, L.
L. amazonensis Intracellular Human acute monocytic (cytotoxicity evaluation), well as cell nucleus and 1,280 compounds from assay. A similar method (83)
Leishmania amazonensis and L. None
(MHOM/BR/1977/ amastigotes leukemia (THP-1) cells number of amastigotes cytoplasm detected by LOPAC library was used to generate the
LTB0016) and per cell and infection ratio Draq5 dose-response curves.
L. braziliensis Protocol based on a
(MHOM/BR/1975/ previous report (82)
Genus Species Strains Evolutionary forms Reporter Host cell Main measurements Assay principle Screened compounds Pipeline step References

Cell nucleus and

cytoplasm detected by
DAPI while amastigotes
by GFP staining. In the Primary screening
Laboratory Number of amastigotes
proliferation assay the (dose-response) and
strain: MHOM/ Intracellular (53) Human acute monocytic per cell, infection ratio (74)
L. donovani GFP incorporation of EdU in 2 antileishmanial drugs proliferation assay.
SD/62/1SCL2D, amastigotes leukemia cells (THP-1) and number of parasites
newly synthetized DNA Protocol based on
LdBOB labeled with EdU
was measured using previous reports(53,60))
Click-iT™ Plus Alexa
Fluor™ 647 Picolyl Azide
Primary screening and
Parasites kDNA and
Number of host cells cytotoxicity evaluation
Laboratory strain: cell nucleus detected by 909 bioactive compounds
Intracellular Human acute monocytic (cytotoxicity evaluation) performed in the same (96)
L. donovani MHOM/SD/62/1S- None DAPI. Cell boundary was library from Iconix
amastigotes leukemia (THP-1) cells and number of assay. A similar method
cl2D delineated around the Biosciences
amastigotes per cell was used to generate the
nucleus object.
dose-response curves
Laboratory strains:
L. donovani
Parasites DNA spots and
ET/67/HU3), L.
cell nucleus detected by Primary screening
L. donovani, L. amazonensis Number of host cells
Draq5. Individual cells (dose-response) and
amazonensis, L. (MHOM/BR/73/ Intracellular Human acute monocytic (cytotoxicity evaluation), (82)
None were segmented after a 4 antileishmanial drugs cytotoxicity evaluation
braziliensis, M2269), L. amastigotes leukemia cells (THP-1) number of amastigotes per
series of computational performed in the same
L. major braziliensis cell and infection ratio
tasks that use the nucleus assay
as a seed point
2903) and L. major

Laboratory strains:
L. donovani
Parasites DNA spots as
Intracellular Human acute monocytic well as cell nucleus and 124 compounds from TimTec Hit confirmation assay (68)
Leishmania L. donovani and L. major ET/67/HU3 None Infection ratio
amastigotes leukemia cells (THP-1) cytoplasm detected by library (dose-response)
) and L. major
Cell nucleus and body Primary screening and
Number of host cells
detected by DAPI and cytotoxicity evaluation
Laboratory strain: (cytotoxicity evaluation),
Intracellular Aequorea victoria Human acute monocytic HCS Cellmask™ Deep 15,659 diverse compounds performed in the same (53)
L. donovani MHOM/SD/62/1S- number of amastigotes
amastigotes eGFP leukemia cells (THP-1) Red, respectively. library assay. A similar method
CL2D (LdBOB) per cell and number of
Parasites detected by was used to generate the
infected cells
GFP staining dose-response curves
Primary screening and
cytotoxicity evaluation
Parasites DNA spots and
Laboratory strain: Number of host cells performed in the same
Primary murine cells nucleus detected
LRV1-containing L. MHOM/ Intracellular (cytotoxicity evaluation) 1,520 compounds from assay. A similar method (57)
None bone-marrow derived by DAPI while cell
guyanensis BR/75/M4147 amastigotes and number of Prestwick Chemical Library was used to generate the
macrophages cytoskeleton (cytosol) by
amastigotes per cell dose-response curves.
Protocol based on a
previous report (76)
Laboratory strains:
L. infantum
(MHOM/MA/67/ Parasites DNA spots and Primary screening
Primary murine Number of amastigotes
L. infantum and L. ITMAP-263) and Intracellular cells nucleus detected by (dose-response). (58)
None bone-marrow derived per cell and percentage of 1 antileishmanial drug
amazonensis L. amazonensis amastigotes DAPI while cell body by Protocol based on
macrophages infected cells
(MHOM/ CellMask™ Deep Red previous reports(53,57,82,96)
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 117, 2022 11|17
Genus Species Strains Evolutionary forms Reporter Host cell Main measurements Assay principle Screened compounds Pipeline step References

L. donovani assay:
parasites DNA spots and
cell nucleus detected by
L. donovani : Number of
Hoescht 33342 while cell
host cells (cytotoxicity
body by HCS CellMask™
evaluation), number of Primary screening and
Blue. Parasites detected
amastigotes per cell and cytotoxicity evaluation
by immunostaining using
Laboratory strains: percentage of infected cells; performed in the same
hamster (infected with L.
L. donovani L. amazonensis: Number assay (L.donovani and
donovani) immune serum
(MHOM/SD/62/1S- Primary murine of amastigotes, number L. amazonensis). A
L. donovani and L. Intracellular mCherry (L. and secondary antibody 188 compounds from (75)
CL2D) and L. bone-marrow derived of total host cells (TM, similar method was
amazonensis amastigotes amazonensis) anti-hamster conjugated Leish-Box
amazonensis macrophages nucleus counting), number used to generate the
with Alexa Fluor 488; L.
(MPRO/BR/1972/ of healthy host cells (HM, dose-response curves
amazonensis assay: cell
M1841) based on nucleus size and (L. donovani). Protocol
nucleus, parasitophorous
12|17 Rafael Ferreira Dantas et al.

intensity features), number based on a previous

vacuoles and parasites
of parasitophorous vacuoles report (76)
detected by Hoescht
(PV), viability index
33342, LysoTracker Green
(HM/TM) and PV/HM ratio
DND-26 and mCherry
staining, respectively

Laboratory strains:
L. major (MHOM/
Cell nucleus detected
SU/73/5ASKH), L.
by DAPI while
donovani (BPK190),
Number of host cells cell cytoplasm and
L. infantum Primary screening
(cytotoxicity evaluation), parasites detected by
(MHOM Primary murine 6 immunostimulatory (dose-response) and
L. major, L. donovani and Intracellular number of amastigotes immunostaining using (77)
Leishmania /FR/91/LEM None bone-marrow derived EhPIb-compounds cytotoxicity evaluation
L. infantum amastigotes per well, number of mouse anti-Hsp9 primary
2259, belonging to macrophages performed in the same
amastigotes per cell and antibody and anti-mouse
zymodeme MON-1 assay
infection ratio secondary antibody
clone 3511) and
conjugated with Alexa
L. braziliensis
Fluor 647
PER005 cl.2)

Number of amastigotes,
number of total host cells
Cell nucleus,
(TM, nucleus counting), Primary screening and
parasitophorous vacuoles 60 compounds with
number of healthy host cells cytotoxicity evaluation
Primary murine and parasites detected established or potential
LV79 (MPRO/ Intracellular (HM, based on nucleus performed in the same (76)
L. amazonensis DsRed2(105) bone-marrow derived by Hoescht 33342, leishmanicidal, antifungal or
BR/1972/M1841) amastigotes size and intensity features), assay. A similar method
macrophages LysoTracker Green DND- antimicrobial and cytotoxic
number of parasitophorous was used to generate the
26 and DsRed2 staining, activities
vacuoles (PV), viability dose-response curves
index (HM/TM) and
PV/HM ratio
Parasites detected by
Number of host cells
CellTrackerTM Primary screening
(cytotoxicity evaluation),
MNYC/BZ/62/ Orange CMRA while (dose-response) and
Intracellular Human acute monocytic average number of (78)
L. mexicana M379 None cell body and nucleus 3 antileishmanial drugs cytotoxicity evaluation
amastigotes leukemia cells (THP-1) amastigotes per cell and
detected by CellTrackerTM performed in the same
frequency distribution of
Green CMFDA and assay
intracellular amastigotes
DAPI, respectively
Recent clinical
isolates sensitive
and resistant
to pentavalent
antimonials Parasites DNA spots as Primary screening
(SSG):SSG- Intracellular Human acute monocytic Number of amastigotes well as cells nucleus and 130 compounds from Leish- (dose-response). (67)
L. donovani None
sensitive (MHOM/ amastigotes leukemia cells (THP-1) per cell and infection ratio cytoplasm detected by box (GSK) Protocol based on
NP/03/BPK282/0 Draq5 previous reports(53,60)
clone 4) and SSG-
resistant (MHOM/
clone 18)
Genus Species Strains Evolutionary forms Reporter Host cell Main measurements Assay principle Screened compounds Pipeline step References

Primary screening and

cytotoxicity evaluation
Number of host cells Parasites DNA spots as performed in the same
Laboratory strain:
Intracellular Human acute monocytic (cytotoxicity evaluation), well as cell nucleus and 1,742 bioactive compounds assay. A similar method (95)
L. donovani MHOM/SD/62/1S- None
amastigotes leukemia cells (THP-1) number of amastigotes per cytoplasm detected by from MedChem Express was used to generate the
cell and infection ratio Draq5 dose-response curves.
Protocol based on a
previous report (82)
Secondary screening
Number of host cells Cell nucleus and and dose-response
Laboratory strain: 32,200 compounds from
Intracellular Aequorea victoria Human acute monocytic (cytotoxicity evaluation), cytoplasm detected by assay (also cytotoxicity (60)
L. donovani MHOM/SD/62/1S- GlaxoSmithKline HTS
amastigotes eGFP leukemia cells (THP-1) number of amastigotes per DAPI while parasites by evaluation). Protocol
CL2D, LdBOB screening collection
cell and infection ratio GFP staining based on previous

Secondary screening
and cytotoxicity
evaluation performed
Number of host cells Cell nucleus and
Laboratory strain: 1,392 compounds from in the same assay. A
Intracellular Aequorea victoria Human acute monocytic (cytotoxicity evaluation), cytoplasm detected by (84)
Leishmania L. donovani MHOM/SD/62/1S- Diversity Library from similar method was
amastigotes eGFP leukemia cells (THP-1) number of amastigotes per DAPI while parasites by
CL2D, LdBOB Calibr used to generate the
cell and infection ratio GFP staining
dose-response curves.
Protocol based on
previous reports(60,74))
Parasites DNA spots
Number of amastigotes
detected by SYBR green Primary screening and
per cell and number of 472 natural product-derived
Laboratory strain: Intracellular Human acute monocytic while cell body and dose-response assay. (98)
L. donovani None infected cells normalized library from Davis open
MHOM/IN/80 DD8 amastigotes leukemia cells (THP-1) nucleus by CellMask™ Protocol based on a
to the positive and access
Deep Red and SYBR previous report (99)
negative controls
green, respectively
Parasites DNA spots
Number of amastigotes
detected by SYBR green
per cell and number of 400 compounds from
Laboratory strain: Intracellular Human acute monocytic while cell body and Primary screening and (99)
L. donovani None infected cells normalized Medicines for Malaria
MHOM/IN/80 DD8 amastigotes leukemia cells (THP-1) nucleus by CellMask™ dose-response assay
to the positive and Venture Pathogen Box
Deep Red and SYBR
negative controls
green, respectively

CFDA-SE - 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester, CMFDA - 5-chloromethylfluorescein diacetate, cTNT - cardiac troponin-T, DAPI - 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, EdU - 5-ethynyl-2-deoxyuri-
dine, GFP - Green fluorescent protein, GNF - Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation, Hsp90 - 90 kDa heat shock protein, HTS - High throughput screening, kDNA - Kinetoplast DNA, LOPAC - Library
of Pharmacologically Active Compounds, LRV1 - Leishmania RNA virus 1, PFR1 - paraflagellar rod protein 1, ReFRAME - Repurposing, Focused Rescue, and Accelerated Medchem.
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 117, 2022 13|17
14|17 Rafael Ferreira Dantas et al.

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