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the graph provides the details of the three major issues that residents reported in seven cities of

the UK in 2008.
It is shown that health services, and education and training are clearly the biggest issues in all
cities. However, air pollution was not really a concern for the majority of residents, with
Manchester having the highest ratio at around 15 %.
According to the figures, health services were the dominant problem, with it being the major
issue in five out of seven, although, Belfast and Cardiff had the highest percentages at almost
60%. In addition, there is no significant difference in the graphs for education and training, all
exceeding 50 %, except for Manchester and Newcastle with both approximately 45%.
To sum up, people in urban areas are concerned most about health services and education
training, although the former was more serious in some cities while the residents were troubled
by the latter in other cities. Interestingly, air pollution remained the least significant problem in
every city.

Most people agree and support the death penalty for populations who committed violent cases
against society. However, there are some people who disagree with this punishment from the
government nowadays. In this writing, I will provide the advantages and disadvantages of this
punishment and also provide my opinion on this policy for people who committed severe cases
in society.
The first advantage of using the death penalty against criminals is this policy can protect the
populations of their country from committing crimes again by criminals. The second benefit of
adopting this policy is reducing the budget for maintaining prisoners. For example, if culprits
commit violent crimes against people who are innocent, they must be arrested in jail. However,
when time passes on, the guilt for committing crimes may be diminished. As a result, they can
get out of jail and commit other violations against the public. Therefore, adopting the death
penalty for culprits will help decrease the number of culprits killing innocent folks.
On the contrary, There are some disadvantages of using this measure against convicts as well.
Firstly, nowadays, the public usually thinks that taking this measure against convicts is cruel and
mean in the modern world because killing prisoners is not different from killing innocent crowds.
For instance, policemen use their guns for shooting and killing criminals on purpose instead of
arresting them for doing mistakes.
In conclusion, operating this measure in real life provides both benefits and drawbacks to
society. Nevertheless, I think that the government should decide to take this measure case by
case because some cases are not severe enough to take this penalty for punishing them.

Many people believe that death penalty is necessary to keep security system
efficient in the society. While there are some negative aspects of capital
punishment, I agree with the view that without it we will become more
vulnerable to violence.
Death penalty can be considered unsuitable punishment for several reasons.
The strongest argument is that we have no rights to kill other humans. Right to
live is the basic right of any human being, and no one can infringe this right,
irrespective of the person’s deeds. Moreover, innocent people can face wrongful
execution. Such unfair sentences take away lives of innocent people and make
other citizens lose faith in law and justice. And besides, sometimes criminals
repent of their acts. In this case they should be given a second chance to
improve themselves.

However, I believe that capital punishment is necessary in the society. Firstly, it

is an effective deterrent of major crimes. The best method to prevent a person
from committing crime is to show the consequences of his or her actions. For
example, the government of Pakistan has controlled the rate of terrorism by
enforcing death penalties for the members of terrorist organisations. Secondly,
the governments spend large sums of national budget on maintenance of
prisoners. Instead, this money can be used for the development of the society
and welfare of the people.

To sum up, although capital punishment has some disadvantages, I think that it
proves to be the best way of controlling criminals, lessening governmental
expenses and preventing other people from doing crimes.

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