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PUB 210: Nigerian Economy Course Outline

I. Concept of Economic Structure

 -Overview of the Nigerian Economy

II. The Nigerian Agricultural Sector

 Meaning and scope of Agriculture

 Importance of the Agricultural Sector in Nigeria.

 The role of Agriculture in Economic Development

 Agriculture and Employment

 Challenges and Prospects of the Nigerian Agricultural Sector.

III. The Nigerian Industrial sector

 Concept and importance of industry

 Necessity and significance of Industrialization

 The challenges and prospects of industrialization in Nigeria

IV. Development planning in Nigeria before and after Independence

a. The rolling plans

b. The 1st National Development Plan ( 1962 - 1968)

c. The 2nd National Development Plan ( 1970 - 1974)

d. The 3rd National Development Plan ( 1975 - 1980)

e. The 4th National Development Plan ( 1981 - 1985)

f. Some achievement of National Development Plans

g. General problems advanced with low performance of National Development


V. Infrastructure and service sector

 Transport subsector

 Finance subsector :- The financial Institution: Bank and Non- Bank

 Trade and commerce sector: International trade, meaning of international

trade, reasons.

a. Advantages and Disadvantages of international trade

b. Barriers in international trade, Import and Export

VI. Monetization Policy:

 Meaning,

 Rationale,

 Scope and specification,

 Gains and challenges of monetization policy

VII. -National Income and Expenditure:-

 Government Revenue in Nigeria:

 Sources of revenue generation

 Improving revenue generation base

VIII. Government Expenditure in Nigeria

 Need for government expenditure

 Classification of government expenditure

 Determination of government expenditure

 Effects of government expenditure in Nigeria

IX. Growth and Investment opportunities in Nigeria

a. Tax concession:

 Tax Relief,

 Tax Holiday,
b. Corporate Income Tax:

 Tax - Free Dividends

c. Tariff concession:

 Custom Duties

 Problems of Growth and Investment

X. The use of policy measures:

A. Fiscal policy measures:

 Meaning of Fiscal policy

 objectives of Fiscal policy

B. Monetary policy measures:

 Meaning of monetary policy

 Objectives of monetary policy

 Instruments or tools of monetary policy

 Implementation of monetary policy

XI. Unemployment in the Nigeria Economy

 Causes of Urban Unemployment in Nigeria

 Wage Rate

 Institutional factors contributing to Urban unemployment

 Effects of Unemployment in Nigeria

 Possible remedy for unemployment in Nigeria.

XII. Relationship of the Sectors

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