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Self-assembly of aromatic amino acids: a

molecular dynamics study†
Cite this: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,
2018, 20, 30525 a
Sahin Uyaver, Helen W. Hernandez *b and M. Gokhan Habiboglua

The self assembly processes of aromatic amino acids, phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan have been
simulated and were observed to form fibril-like aggregates linked to certain rare diseases and instances
of biological membrane disruption. Pure systems and their mixtures were studied systematically at
constant temperatures and free energy landscapes were produced describing the height and the
number of assembled monomers associated with lower energy structures. Consistent with some
previous work, aromatic amino acid monomers display a tendency to arrange with a four-fold
symmetry. The occurrence of this and other ordered structures increases at higher temperatures.
Received 7th October 2018, At lower temperatures our binary mixture simulations indicate that increasing tryptophan content drives
Accepted 27th November 2018 the assembly process away from the formation of distinct nanostructures and toward disordered
DOI: 10.1039/c8cp06239k aggregates which is in line with experimental observations of pure tryptophan solutions. This work
provides molecular level insight to a variety of different physical phenomena relevant to fields including human disease.

Introduction fibrils (both synthesized and isolated from mice with PKU)
exhibit the histological characteristics of amyloid plaques.4
Amino acids are used as biological building blocks for proteins This work has led to a new paradigm of understanding of
and they are involved in complex metabolic cycles in the body PKU and has spurred on a considerable amount of related
under normal conditions. In some instances, the body is not research for this rare disease and others.
able to correctly metabolize an amino acid, and the conse- In our previous simulation work, we were the first to observe
quences can be quite severe. When this occurs with an aromatic the formation of individual phenylalanine molecules into a
amino acid, phenylalanine (PHE), the result is a disease called tubular structure with a four-fold symmetry by using the OPLS
phenylketonuria (PKU).1–3 Phenylketonuria is a rare disease (Optimized Potentials for Liquid Simulation) force field.5 Our
occurring in less than 20 000 individuals in the US. Like many simulation result showed a four-fold tube in which hydrophilic
rare diseases, there is a distinct lack of economic incentive to termini were internal to the structure with hydrophobic rings
perform fundamental research and/or embark on expensive external exposed to water. As noted in a recent review,6 the
drug discovery efforts that would result in a treatment with a structure we described was initially quite surprising as typically
very limited market. If left untreated, this disease progresses the hydrophobic regions would be expected to be buried to
until the individual has severe mental retardation and usually reduce exposure to water molecules. However, the existence
demands intensive care. For a long time the source of this of these assemblies has been confirmed by Do et al. who
mental deterioration was unknown and assumed to be asso- used ion mobility electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
ciated with excess phenylalanine molecules competing for (IM-ESI-MS) to observe both the mass to charge ratios and the
passage through the blood brain barrier and preventing other cross sectional areas of phenylalanine oligomers. These values
compounds from doing so in the required amounts. In 2009, aligned very well with our model and provides experimental
Adler-Abramovich et al. demonstrated that individual phenyla- support that phenylalanine molecules form fibrils with layers
lanine molecules assemble into fibrils and that those fibrils of four. They also consider fibrillar growth and suggest that
exhibit cellular toxicity and are present in the brains of mice the fibrils prefer to grow alongside each other with close
and humans with PKU. In addition, they showed that PHE association of aromatic rings reminiscent of the steric zipper
classically observed in amyloid fibrils.7
In recent years, much has been discovered about phenyl-
Turkish-German University, Sahinkaya Cad, 86, 34820, Beykoz, İstanbul, Turkey
KAL Research Initiatives LLC, Houston, Texas 77042, USA.
alanine self-assembly, but less is known about the other two
E-mail: aromatic amino acids. Tyrosine (TYR) has been observed to
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8cp06239k form very straight fibrils on a variety of different substrates8,9

This journal is © the Owner Societies 2018 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 30525--30536 | 30525
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An inability to break down tyrosine is associated with tyrosinemia Methods

recently suggested to fall into the category of amyloid-like
metabolic diseases.10 In alkaptonuria, the build-up of meta- We have simulated the assembly of tyrosine (TYR) and trypto-
bolite of a tyrosine, homogentisic acid,11–13 also occurs in phan (TRP) following our earlier study on phenylalanine (PHE).
typical amyloidogenic manner as evidenced by interaction with We also investigated mixtures of these amino acids in order to
Congo Red dye.10,13 explore potential relevance to disease mitigation. Our simula-
Very little work has been performed to understand trypto- tions were performed using the GROMACS software,21 OPLS-AA
phan (TRP) self-assembly and to our knowledge, no simulation force field, and TIP3P explicit water molecules. The OPLS-AA
work on this process has been performed. Due to its rare status, force field was selected as it provides good hydration properties
research on hypertryptophanemia is extremely limited but it of amino acids,22,23 and so presents greater agreement to
has been described previously in relation to tryptophan struc- experimental solubility where other force fields may under-
ture formation.14 Additionally, tryptophan has been shown to estimate.24 It was also used in studies on the effect of pH on
disrupt certain biological membranes. In fact, tryptophan the assembly of small phenylalanine containing peptides.25
disrupted the thylakoid membranes at lower concentrations We account for the periodicity by using the Particle Mesh Ewald
and to a much greater extent than did phenylalanine.15 The (PME) algorithm for calculating electrostatic interactions.26,27
difference in interaction between PHE and the membrane Consistent with our previous paper, velocities were generated
and TRP could arise from many different factors either from from a Maxwell distribution and initial configurations were
differences in monomer adsorption or possibly differences in energy minimized using steepest descent minimization with
self-assembled structures, which could potentially adsorb a 0.01 ps step size. Brief NVT and NPT equilibration runs
directly to the membrane. In a study of amino acid monomer preceded each 300 ns simulation. The Berendsen thermostat
adsorption, phenylalanine interacted with a copper substrate kept temperature constant and the Parrinello–Rahman algo-
through its termini whereas tryptophan lay flat with the indole rithm held the pressure at 1 bar.28 The integration step for all
moiety parallel to the substrate.16,17 While tryptophan has been simulations was 2 fs. Our simulations begin with 27 monomers
observed to aggregate in solution, it does not produce the positioned randomly in a 5 nm cubic box. The 27 monomers
ordered chiral structure of phenylalanine at the temperatures were selected to be consistent with a previous study4 and
considered in their work.18 results in a concentration of 360 mM. Because we chose to
Understanding the nature of these self-assembled structures simulate the individual amino acids in a neutral pH scenario,
can inform how they may interact with proteins, membranes we represented each molecule as an uncapped zwitterion.
or other aggregates (whether ordered or disordered). If these Other studies have been performed in which termini are both
assemblies contain relatively fixed domains, they may share capped and uncapped and differences in molecular inter-
some properties with molecular crystals even though they are in actions and assembly behaviour observed.29,30 The practice of
solution.19 In molecular crystals, once a trace of a thermo- capping helps prevent the unwanted interactions of charged
dynamically preferred polymorph exists in a sample, it is often termini when trying to simulate the behaviour of particular
difficult to produce other polymorphs even if they had been amino acids within a larger protein.31 A relevant example would
previously observed. In the same way that multiple polymorphs be diphenylalanine as the recognition motif of the beta-amyloid
exist in crystal structures, multiple folding arrangements are polypeptide in Alzheimer’s disease.32 However, since a number
observed in certain proteins and one arrangement can provide of diseases are connected to the accumulation of individual
a seed for the selection of that polymorph or folding pathway. amino acid molecules (e.g. phenylalanine in PKU),4 we were
In this way, the prion associated with Creutzfeld–Jakob syn- interested in the assembly of individual amino acids molecules
drome can seed the for the formation of that polymorph which at physiological pH and thus have represented the termini
progresses the course of the amyloid disease.19 This was of each isolated monomer as positive (–NH3+) and negative
observed with amyloid-like phenylalanine fibrils recently where (–COO ).
the presence of pre-formed phenylalanine fibrils directed Whereas our previous study utilized a simulated annealing
other amino acids and even large proteins to assemble into approach, this study involves constant temperature runs at 4
toxic fibrils.20 The ability of toxic assemblies to seed for and different temperatures (275 K, 300 K, 325 K, 350 K). The pure
promote other toxic assemblies reinforces the need to better systems, and then the binary mixtures, were simulated and free
resolve the assembly processes and to inform rational thera- energy landscapes were produced for each set of conditions.
peutic approaches. To produce the free energy landscapes, an in-house clustering
From molecular dynamics simulations the differences and algorithm reminiscent of the Hoshen–Kopelman algorithm was
similarities of nanostructures formed by single aromatic amino applied to each simulation after the first 100 ns. A cluster was
acids can be observed with molecular level resolution. These defined as having 4 monomers with separation distances less
observations can be used to explain physical phenomena than 6 Å if multiple clusters were within 6 Å they were merged
observed in various experimental studies from multiple fields. together and considered as one cluster. Final clusters were
Mixtures of these molecules can then be simulated to predict evaluated for the total number of monomers and the height
different microstructures expected to exhibit different behavior of the cluster. The height of the cluster was the greatest
compared to their corresponding pure systems. distance between a-carbons within the cluster. The number of

30526 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 30525--30536 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2018
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monomers and the height of each cluster are used as the x and structure. This persisted until the end of the simulation and
y axes and the z axis is the free energy as determined by results in the free energy landscape typical of these systems.
As shown in Fig. 2, the minimum exists as a rectangular block
F= kT log(P(x,y))
to the far right indicates a structure with large cluster numbers.
Using this equation, free energy landscapes were produced for The height of the zig-zag structure has a fairly variable range
the pure systems and each mixed system. (B40 Å) compared to the tubular structures, which tend to have
a narrow range (B10–15 Å) of heights associated with minimal
energy. The structure that forms at 275 K is a short four-fold
Results structure where instead of having elongation in the direction of
Phenylalanine the tubular axis, additional monomers were added to the
We have previously reported the formation of a four-fold structure laterally as described by Do et al.33 In this particular
structure via simulated annealing in which the zwitterionic simulation a point of divergence between the four-fold struc-
termini are internal to the tubular structure and aromatic ture and the zig-zag structure was observed at 180 ns in which
rings are in contact with the water molecules. In our current either structure could reasonably have formed (Fig. S1, ESI†).
simulations we observe this four-fold structure form at high There were four monomers interacting through termini like in
temperature. This four-fold structure and another ‘‘zig-zag’’ the four-fold structures but they were slightly offset to one
structure we observe throughout the study are shown in another similar to the zigzag structure. In this case monomers
Fig. 1. At 350 K, the four-fold symmetry is evident in one tube added above/below the four-fold nucleus and formed a four-
and a second cluster interacts through aromatic rings to the fold structure with several layers. The same arrangement could
side of the predominant tube. The 325 K simulation resulted in have very easily progressed toward the zig-zag structure had
a much more rapid formation (within 60 ns) of the four-fold nearby monomers approached from different directions/
symmetry compared to the higher temperature. At 300 K, a orientations. In our previous work 4 out of 5 simulated annealing
similar rate of formation was observed but with less order runs resulted in four-fold tubes with the fifth forming the
(determined by visual inspection). At 100 ns, the organization ‘‘zig-zag’’ structure giving fairly good reproducibility and relatively
of monomers developed into the zig-zag structure observed quick structure formation in 300 ns. In Fig. 3, the hydrogen bond
previously that in many ways resembles phenylalanine’s crystal formation is shown as a function of time for the constant

Fig. 1 Simplified examples of structures observed throughout the study. (a) Control showing no aggregation, (b) disordered aggregation, (c) some order
present (d) ordered structure in the commonly observed ‘‘zig-zag’’ form with the top view (left) and an angled view (right), and (e) ordered structure in the
commonly observed four-fold structure showing the side view (left) of the tube, and a top view (right).

Fig. 2 Free energy landscapes for pure phenylalanine (PHE) simulations at (a) 275 K, (b) 300 K, (c) 325 K, and (d) 350 K. Final structures are shown below
the landscape with phenylalanine displayed in red.

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Fig. 3 Number of hydrogen bonds between individual phenylalanine monomers as a function of time and temperature (left) and solvent accessible
surface areas of the monomer backbones as a function of time and temperature (right).

temperature phenylalanine self-assembly. At 300 ns it seems At 300 K, four-fold symmetry is observed but only transiently
that the assembly has not fully reached equilibrium, which and aggregation occurs but not with any significant order
aligns with visual inspection. Therefore these systems were persisting through the simulation. At the end of the simulation
extended an additional 100 ns. Also shown in Fig. 3 is the two ladder-like systems parallel to one another are present and
decrease in solvent (water) accessible backbone area as a interact laterally through aromatic rings. At 275 K, there is
function of time and temperature. As the assemblies form, aggregation but, again, a lag time before order develops. In this
the charged termini are drawn close to each other, and away case, the system has a fairly long tube formed but only one four-
from the solvent. At 400 ns we see these values beginning to fold layer exists and is perturbed by the C–N termini direction-
level indicating more complete formation. This demonstrates ality. When neighboring strands possess opposite termini
the simulated annealing is a more efficient approach to achieving directionality, distinct layers of four are present as each termini
the fully formed systems but that given a longer timescale, is in closest contact with two of the oppositely charged termini.
constant temperature can also provide substantial insight. When this is not the case and two neighboring strands possess
the same directionality, the proximity of like functional groups
Tyrosine is unfavored and so forces a shift of one strand relative to the
At 350 K, tyrosine exhibited very quick aggregation as an next. While this is quite intuitive energetically, it has the
ordered structure. A single layer of four grew to several resulting consequence of producing ‘‘layers’’ that have the four-fold
in a short three-layer, four-fold tube interacting with another symmetry from the top but that do not present as distinct
short tube through the aromatic rings. In other systems this layers from the side view as shown in Fig. S2 (ESI†). The high
orientation may well have persisted however, with tyrosine this temperatures favoring ordered structures is a very interesting
structure was short-lived and instead rearranged to a single observation especially for tyrosine which self-assembles as
elongated tube with a symmetry of four. This can be attributed a monolayer on a silver surface only above a temperature
to the hydroxyl group making the aromatic ring more polar and threshold of 320 K.34 At 350 K, we observe tyrosine adopt the
therefore more willing to be exposed to water molecules than, four-fold structure that we first presented for phenylalanine.
for example, phenylalanine under the same constant tempera- It should be noted that the concentrations are held constant
ture conditions. The formation of this four-fold structure is also throughout this study for direct comparison but that tyrosine
in agreement with some previous simulation work performed has much lower water solubility than phenylalanine or
on pure tyrosine.9 At 325 K, aggregation happens fairly quickly tryptophan. Fig. 5 shows the assembly process progress as a
but there is a lag time until order develops. In this case the function of time and temperature. The termini become buried
order is in the form of the zig-zag structure, which takes on the in the aggregate and therefore are no longer as accessible to
typical rectangular shaped-minima shown in Fig. 4. At both water and the same time as hydrogen bonds are formed
high temperatures these higher ordered structures are observed between the NH3+ and COO functionalities. It is distinctly
however additional replicates (Fig. S3 and S4, ESI†) show that clear in this result that this process occurs fastest for the
which structure forms is sensitive to an element of probability highest temperature (350 K, blue lines), followed by 325 K
similar to what was described for phenylalanine assembly. (green lines) and that it occurs more slowly in the case of the
At the two lower temperatures less order is observed in general. lower temperatures (red and black).

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Fig. 4 Free energy landscapes for pure tyrosine (TYR) simulations at (a) 275 K, (b) 300 K, (c) 325 K, and (d) 350 K. Final structures are shown below the
landscape with tyrosine displayed in green.

Fig. 5 Number of hydrogen bonds between individual tyrosine monomers as a function of time and temperature (left) and solvent accessible surface
areas of the monomer backbones as a function of time and temperature (right).

Tryptophan a distinct lack of order throughout the simulation. This is evident

At high temperature (350 K), tryptophan aggregates very quickly in Fig. 6 where lots of monomers are visibly clustered but with no
into a four-fold structure, which gains monomers throughout clear alignment of termini or rings. At 275 K, the aggregation
the simulation and ends with an impressively neat four-fold process is sluggish compared to higher temperatures (also see
tubular structure. At 325 K, the aggregation process is quick but Fig. 7) and there is a similar lack of order throughout the
there is a lag time before order develops in the system com- simulation as observed at 300 K. It is apparent that the high
pared to the higher temperature simulation. At the end of the temperature promotes both the aggregation and the degree of
simulation, two tubes with symmetry of four exist interacting organization of the tryptophan self-assembly. The fact that trypto-
through the aromatic rings. This is in contrast to the higher phan does not form structures with a high degree of order near
temperature result of tyrosine where the tubes interaction through room temperature is consistent with circular dichroism studies.18
the rings was a transient state replaced by an elongated tube with
more ring-water contact. With tryptophan, the large hydrophobic Mixtures
rings may prefer to be buried from the water and so form these Having observed the assemblies of each pure amino acid
laterally interacting clusters. At 300 K, aggregation occurs but with system at various temperatures, we sought to expand our study

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Fig. 6 Free energy landscapes for pure tryptophan (TRP) simulations at (a) 275 K, (b) 300 K, (c) 325 K, and (d) 350 K. Final structures are shown below the
landscape with tryptophan displayed in blue.

Fig. 7 Number of hydrogen bonds between individual tryptophan monomers as a function of time and temperature (left) and solvent accessible surface
areas of the monomer backbones as a function of time and temperature (right).

to mixtures of amino acids (Fig. 8–10). Mixed systems have the 5 fully formed layers and the length of the fibril is sufficiently
potential of completely changing the nature of the fibrils. When long to begin to observe slight tortuosity. When 14 molecules of
D-phenylalanine was added to L-phenylalanine the course of phenylalanine were simulated with 13 molecules of tryptophan
self-assembly was completely altered with potential implications the symmetry of four was still observed but a second isolated
in disrupting the course of a disease caused by phenylalanine cluster of 5 was present with a different organization. Seventeen
assembly.35 Doxycycline was observed to modify the growth of phenylalanine and ten tryptophan molecules formed a struc-
phenylalanine fibers.36 Most recently, several polyphenol struc- ture more reminiscent of the zigzag structure than the four fold
tures were observed to disrupt phenylalanine fibril formation in structure. With 22 molecules of phenylalanine, the zig-zag
a dose-dependent manner.37 These mixed system furthered our structure was observed with tryptophan impurities. With pure
interest for potential biological consequences. phenylalanine the symmetry of four was formed and while
At 350 K, the system containing all tryptophan contains four elements of four layers of four were present, the end layers
fully formed layers with the symmetry of 4. The replacement of were incomplete. Additionally, seven monomers were asso-
5 monomers with phenylalanine does not have an effect on the ciated as a second imperfect fibril with fibril axes rotated from
structure formed. With 10 phenylalanine molecules there are alignment.

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Fig. 8 Free energy landscapes for mixtures of tryptophan (TRP) and phenylalanine (PHE) at 275 K, 300 K, 325 K, and 350 K. Final structures are shown
beside the landscapes with tryptophan displayed in blue and phenylalanine in red.

Fig. 9 Free energy landscapes for mixtures of tyrosine (TYR) and phenylalanine (PHE) at 275 K, 300 K, 325 K, and 350 K. Final structures are shown below
the landscape with tyrosine displayed in green and phenylalanine in red.

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Fig. 10 Free energy landscapes for mixtures of tyrosine (TYR) and tryptophan (TRP) at 275 K, 300 K, 325 K, and 350 K. Final structures are shown below
the landscape with tyrosine displayed in green and tryptophan in blue.

For the tryptophan-phenylalanine mixtures at 325 K, the sensitivity is observed in the case of pure systems it is best to
four-fold structures that form at high mole fractions phenyl- consider these mixed systems as ‘‘ordered’’ or disordered
alanine suffer from parallel strand alignment (example shown aggregates.
in Fig. S2, ESI†). When neighboring strands possess opposite At high temperature both tyrosine and phenylalanine pro-
termini directionality, distinct layers of four are present as each duced structures with four-fold symmetry. Unsurprisingly,
termini is in closest contact with two of the oppositely charged every combination of these two molecules at 350 K contains
termini. When this is not the case and two neighboring strands this arrangement. In both pure systems, decreasing in tem-
possess the same directionality, the proximity of like functional perature resulted in less well-ordered assemblies. Similarly, the
groups is unfavored and so forces a shift of one strand relative mixed systems at lower temperatures showed less order than
to the next. While this is quite intuitive energetically, it has the their higher temperature counter-parts. At 350 K four-fold tubes
consequence of producing ‘‘layers’’ that have the four-fold are observed at each mole fraction. At 325 K the zig-zag
symmetry but are not clear-cut entities. This results in less structure is seen for pure tyrosine and fairly equimolar mixtures
distinct layers but also seems to increase the flexibility of strands. of the two amino acids. All other mole fractions contain four-fold
At 275 K, the pure phenylalanine system has two parallel tubes. The zig-zag structure becomes more prominent at 300 K.
four-fold structures interacting laterally as described by Do At the lowest temperature, 275 K, disordered aggregates are
et al.7 The addition of only 5 monomers of tryptophan results observed with the exception of the equimolar system for which
in a transition from the four-fold system to a disordered the zig-zag structure is present.
aggregate. In general, it seems that at low temperatures, more Both tyrosine and tryptophan form four-fold systems in their
order exists in pure phenylalanine than for tryptophan, con- pure assemblies at 350 K. Higher tryptophan content and lower
sistent with experiment.18 Under these conditions, addition of temperatures favor the formation of the disordered aggregates
tryptophan results in a considerably less ordered system. seen in the pure tryptophan systems. The larger hydrophobic
At 350 K, we observe the four-fold structure with an indication region of tryptophan molecules would be expected to increase
of lateral growth preferred over growth in the axis’ direction. the self-assembly behavior due to the entropically driven
With the addition of small amounts of tryptophan the system hydrophobic effect. In each simulation we observe tryptophan
converts to the zig-zag. With further addition of tryptophan, molecules forming assemblies as expected but the degree of
even better formed four-fold structures are observed where the order seems very much dependent on temperature. It has been
direction of growth occurs along the axis. As some degree of suggested that as peptide assemblies form and take on more of

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a solid-state character they can be reasonably compared to mole-

cular crystals for which enthalpic factors play a large role.19

Fig. 11 Final 300 ns snapshots of 27 alanine molecule simulations at each
One of the most striking observations in this study was the temperature considered in this study; 275 K, 300 K, 325 K, and 350 K.
fact that higher temperature in the case of each amino acid
promoted more ordered structures. We explain this on the
basis of diminished hydrogen bonding between termini and at low temperature in agreement with experiment18), we have
water molecules. There is great agreement in the literature to also observed a non-aromatic amino acid fail to aggregate at all.
suggest that the average number of hydrogen bonds that water In Fig. 11 we show the results of alanine controls performed at
molecules are capable of forming, decreases with increasing the different temperatures used in our study. Alanine lacks the
temperature.38–40 In a system where hydrogen bonding between large aromatic functionalities of phenylalanine, tyrosine, and
termini and water molecules is in competition with direct tryptophan and is commonly used as a negative control in
electrostatic termini interaction, the increasing temperature related experimental work.4,10,36 Without these large hydro-
suppresses the role of hydrogen bonding between water mole- phobic functionalities, we observe that alanine does not form
cules and termini and allows the interactions between termini aggregates but rather the molecules remain dispersed through-
of neighboring amino acids to become more dominant. As a out the simulations (Fig. 11). This emphasizes the importance
consequence, we observe the termini interactions form more of the hydrophobic portion of the molecules and confirms
readily at high temperatures. To capture the interaction between that while electrostatics (Fig. S5, ESI†) and hydrogen bond
water molecules and different portions of the amino acids, the formation play a role in the assembly process, they are insuffi-
solvent accessible surface area was calculated and shown for each cient on their own to produce the ordered structures we observe
pure system as a function of temperature (Fig. 3, 5, 7, and 12). In with phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan. This, and the
particular, the interaction between water and the termini (SASA of proximity of aromatic rings in our final nanostructures suggest
the Backbone) decreases as a function of time and this occurs that hydrophobic interactions including p–p stacking play an
much more dramatically at higher temperatures, in line with the important role. In line with the hydrophobic effect,41 we show
previously stated hypothesis. At the same time, as the interaction in Fig. 12 that the solvent accessible surface area of the
between the amino acid backbone and water is suppressed, side chains of the amino acids decrease as a function of time.
we show the hydrogen bond formation between amino acid As the rings come together along the length of the assembly,
molecules (Fig. 3, 5, and 7). This, again, happens more dramati- the SASA indicates that water molecules are excluded from
cally at higher temperatures as the number of interactions water these hydrophobic regions and are then free to diffuse throughout
molecules can sustain diminishes. the bulk.
Another observation was that the phenylalanine system seemed Membrane interaction of phenylalanine and related
to have not reached full self-assembly although indications of compounds have been described in the literature to gain funda-
four-fold vs. zig-zag were apparent at 300 ns, these runs were mental understanding,42–44 to understand how phenylalanine
extended to 400 ns. Our previous work5 utilized a simulated fibrils impact hemolysis in PKU patients,20 and to understand
annealing approach and at the 300 ns time-point, fully formed membrane stability of freeze resistant plants.15 Popova et al.
nanostructures had already been produced. In particular, 4 out of found that both tryptophan and phenylalanine cause membrane
5 replicates showed the four-fold symmetry and the remaining leakage and result in toxicity to plant cells.15 While the authors
trajectory formed the zig-zag structure (example in Fig. 1). This had no reason to consider aggregate formation playing a role in
potential to form different structures under the same conditions the toxicity, their work is performed in the same concentration
was described previously and is again observed in our current work range as the work produced by Abramovich et al. and it is entirely
(Fig. S1, ESI†). To probe this further under constant temperature possible that membrane disruption they observe was due to the
conditions, we selected conditions that produced a zig-zag struc- interaction of amino acid fibrils and not monomers. The concept
ture and a four-fold tube and ran multiple replicates of the same of fibrils impacting membrane function is not unfounded. Several
conditions (Fig. S3–S5, ESI†). We found that we can quite repro- studies have described fibrils disturbing membrane function and,
ducibly determine when an ordered structure (zig-zag or tube) will in particular, this has been seen with amyloid fibrils.20,45–47
form but cannot yet reproducibly predict which structure will A separate study prepared phenylalanine using a freeze-drying
form. Consistently producing one or the other nanostructure is technique within the same temperature range. They were
not achieved under our current procedure but future testing may interested in controlling the nature of the phenylalanine fibrils
determine an additional parameter (concentration, salt, pH, other and observed short fibril formation at 10 mM and straight,
compositional changes) that can provide this desired tuning of the well-aligned fibrils at 100 mM.9 This study, at comparably low
nanostructure. temperature, further suggests that the membrane damage in
In addition to being able to confidently determine when an the Popova et al. study could have been caused by phenyl-
ordered structure forms versus a disordered aggregate (e.g. TRP alanine fibrils.

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Fig. 12 Solvent accessible surface area of the hydrophobic regions for phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan at different temperatures: 275 K (black),
300 K (red), 325 K (green), and 350 K (blue).

The preference of tyrosine and tryptophan to form the four- micelles and cylinders. In each case, when this parameter is
fold assembly is increased by high temperature in our simula- less than one, the hydrophilic heads are on the outside of the
tions, which is also supported by some experimental evidence. assembly with hydrophobic tails on the inside. When this ratio
Tryptophan assemblies at room temperature do not form is greater than one (i.e. in the case of sufficiently bulky hydro-
ordered systems or this would have been evidenced by circular phobic tails), inverted structures like those in our simulation
dichroism studies.18 Tyrosine was observed to form fibrils on a results are predicted. Without the packing consideration the
silver surface above a threshold of 320 K.34 In separate work, result is indeed counterintuitive but also may explain how this
tyrosine fibrils were formed at high concentrations. To reach particular nanostructure may produce the toxic effects
the high concentrations necessary to form the amyloidogenic observed in phenylketonuria and other aromatic amino acid
fibrils, a heating step at approximately 360 K was required.10,48 related diseases. While these structures were a bit unexpected,
Due to the potential impact of mixed systems on altering this actually makes them well-suited for membrane insertion
disease pathways, it was important to investigate the mixtures and resulting leakage.6 In this work we have demonstrated the
of these systems. The mixtures of aromatic amino acids formation of this potentially toxic nanostructure in tyrosine
produced a variety of structures with the four-fold tube and and tryptophan as well. We have also described a second
the zig-zag structure being the two ordered systems common to re-occurring nanostructure, the zig-zag structure. This nano-
the aromatic amino acids. In addition to the binary systems structure may present a non-toxic form of the assembly or it
described above, we performed simulations of equimolar may have even greater biological implications. If switching
mixture of phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan and also between one nanostructure to another impacts the eventual
saw four-fold fibril formation at high temperature. Bibin Anand disease state, this will be worth additional study and compar-
et al. demonstrated that taking 15% w/w phenylalanine fibrils ison to experimental work. Many studies have shown the
(formed at 6 mM) resulted in intense aggregation behavior with differences in microstructures as a function of solvent
a mixture of 0.1 mM amino acids including tyrosine and content9,50,51 and ion content9 and these present valuable
tryptophan. This seeding behavior was also shown for larger considerations for future work. It is possible that one of these
proteins and has significant implications for the understanding factors and/or the addition of therapeutics will result in
of PKU. consistent production of one structure over another in a way
Unless the four-fold tube is considered from a purely that we have yet to achieve.
physical packing standpoint, it is indeed surprising. In related
self-assembly literature, Israelachvili describes a packing para-
meter that predicts how amphiphilic compounds tend to Conclusions
arrange upon self assembly.49 This parameter is ratio of the
volume of the hydrophobic tail compared to the area of the At high temperatures phenylalanine formed the four-fold
hydrophilic head times the length of the fully extended tail. tube previously observed in simulated annealing. At lower
In many systems, this packing parameter is less than one, and temperatures lateral growth was preferred which resulted in
a variety of assemblies can be predicted including spherical less exposure of aromatic rings to the explicit water molecules.

30534 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 30525--30536 This journal is © the Owner Societies 2018
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