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Chương 1 : New Business

Từ/ Phát âm Nghĩa tiếng Việt Từ/ Phát âm Nghĩa tiếng Việt

Low taxes Thuế thấp Exchange rate Tỷ giá

Skilled staff Nhân viên có tay nghề cao Inflation rate Tỷ lệ lạm phát

Low interest rates Lãi suất thấp Labour force Lực lượng lao động

Cheap rents Tiền thuê rẻ Tax incentives Ưu đãi thuế

Good transport links Đường giao thông tốt Government bureaucracy Thủ tục hành chính

Stable economy Kinh tế ổn định Foreign investment Đầu tư nước ngoài

Training courses Được đào tạo Balance of trade Cán cân thương mại

High unemployment rate Tỷ lệ thất nghiệp cao A tight monetary policy Chính sách tiền tệ chặt chẽ

A strong currency Tiền tệ lớn New entrepreneurs Doanh nhân mới

Government grants Trợ cấp chính phủ Obstacle Cản trở

The magic formula Công thức kì diệu The dialogue formal Đối thoại chính thức

Reputation Uy tín Stimulate= effort= encourage Khuyến khích, kích thích


Nhiệt độ: roasting(nóng), mild(ôn Sky: overcast (u ám) Độ ẩm: hazy(sương mù),

hòa), freezing(đóng băng) humid=damp(ẩm ướt),

drizzling(mưa phùn), pouring(mưa


1. Interest rate : Cost of borrowing money

2. Exchange rate : Price at which one currency can buy another

3. Inflation rate : General increase in prices

4. Labour force : People working

5. Tax incentives : Low taxes to encourage business activity

6. Government bureaucracy : Official rules/ regulations/ paperwork

7. GDP ( gross domestic product) : Total value of goods and services produced in a country

8. Unemployment rate : Percentage of people without jobs

9. Foreign investment : Money from overseas

10. Balance of trade : Difference in value between a country’s imports and exports.
Chương 2: Marketing

Distribution Phân bố Brand Loyalty >< Brand Switcher Trung thành

Hire purchase Mua trả góp Brand Image

Mail order Đặt hàng qua bưu điện Brand Name

Promotion Truyền thông Brand Stretching Chuỗi

Rival Đối thủ Brand Awareness Nhận thức

Image Ảnh Product Launch Ra mắt

Labels Nhãn hiệu Product Lifecycle Vòng đời

End-users Người tiêu dùng cuối cùng Product Range Sắp xếp

Outlets Đại lí phân phối Product Placement Qc phim ảnh. TV

Retail Bán lẻ Product Endorsement Qc người nổi tiếng

Presented Giới thiệu Hype around brand Thổi phồng thương hiệu

Assemble Sự tập hợp Multi-brand strategy Chiến lược đa thương hiệu

Component Thành phần Warranty Sự bảo đảm

Credit facilities Khả năng thanh toán Strategy Chiến lược

Typical= representative Đại diện, điển hình Chance selection=random sample Mẫu ngẫu nhiên

Slice= segment Phân khúc Poll= survey Khảo sát

Identified to be of interest= target Thị trường mục tiêu Result= finding Kết quả

Reply= respond Đáp lại Who are similar in some way= with Giống tính cách..

share characteristic

See= perceive Nhận thức

1. Brand Loyalty : The tendency (xu hướng) to always buy a particular (cụ thể) brand >< Brand switchers

2. Brand Image : The ideas and beliefs (lòng tin) people have about a brand

3. Brand Stretching : Using an existing name on another type of product

4. Brand Awareness : How familiar (quen thuộc) people are with a brand

5. Brand Name : The name given to a product by the company that makes it

6. Product Lauch : The introduction of a product to the market

7. Product Lifecycle : The length of time people coutinue to buy a product

8. Product Range : The set of products made by a company

9. Product Placement :When product are used in films or TV programmes

10. Product Endorsement : The use of a well-known person to advertise products.

1. Credit facilities: the possibility of paying for a product over an extended period (trong 1 tgian dài)

2. Warranty: a promise by a manufacturer or a seller to repair defective (bị lỗi) goods during a certain period.

3. Brand- switchers: customers who buy various competing products rather than being loyal a particular brand.

4. Market share: the sales of a company express as percentage of total sales in a given market.

5. Profitable: the extent(mức độ) to which an activity provide financial gain.

6. Niche: a small, specialized but profitable segment(bộ phận) of a market.

1. Product Line: dòng SP, chiều dọc( vd: iphone 5,6,7..là 1 dòng) >< Product range: chiều ngang(iphone, ipad, macbook…)

2. Product Mix: danh mục SP

3. Product line-filling: mở rộng: bằng cách thêm SP mới.

4. Product line stretching: nâng cấp SP cũ


1. Dustbin survey: vào nhà KH, điều tra nhìn SP mà người ta mua

2. Focus group: 1 nhóm người mua thảo luận về cảm giác, thái độ. Diễn ra bí mật, thường là quay video lại.

3. Street survey questionnaire: phỏng vấn người qua đường bằng bảng câu hỏi

4. Blind testing: cho KH thử SP, giấu tên thương hiệu

5. Individual Interview: phỏng vấn cá nhân


1. Any other business: (những điểm khác) : often the last item in a meeting, when participants discuss issues not on the agenda

2. Apologies for absence: often the first item in a meeting, concerning people who can not be present

3. Compromise : (thỏa hiệp): A way of reaching agreement in which each side concedes or gives up something it wants

4. Consensus: (Bằng lòng): The situation in which most or all of the people at a meeting agree about something

5. To digress: (lạc đề): To move off the subject and star talking about something else

6. Minutes: (biên bản cuộc họp): a written report distributes to participants after a meeting
Chương 3 : Negotiation: thương lượng

Representative Người đại diện Inquisitive Tò mò

Get down sth Bắt đầu sth In-house Nội bộ

Associate Cộng sự Opponent= rival Đối thủ

Anticipate Đoán trước Ultimately Rút cục

Concession Nhượng bộ Adversarial Đối nghịch

To set something aside Để cái gì đó sang 1 bên Co-operative Hợp tác

Parameters Phạm vi One-off 1 lần

Deal point Điểm thương lượng Haggle Mặc cả

Trade-off Đánh đổi Baigain Bán phá giá

Counter- proposal Phản hồi lời đề nghị trước đó Conflict Xung đột

To leave something hanging Trì hoãn việc ra quyết định Agenda Lịch trình

Scenario Kịch bản Good-will Thiện chí

Proposal Đề nghị

Type of negotiation:

Cách phân loại 1: Cách phân loại 2:

Customer- supplier: KH- nhà cung cấp


Merger or takeover: mua lại or sáp nhập


Wage: lương

Trade: trao đổi (bên mua- bán)


1. Counter-proposal : an offer responding to somebody else’s offer

2. Compromise : an agreement that settle an argumant when people reduce their demand in order to agree

3. To leave something hanging: to delay making ( or to forget to make ) a decision about something

4. Parameters: fixed limits within which something can or must happen or be done

5. To set something aside: to temporarily ignore or not think about a particular fact

6. Deal point: an individual item or element in negotiation

7. Scenario : a description of a possible event in the future

8. Concession: something which is accepted or given up by one side in order to end a disagreement

9. Tip : a useful piece of information or advice

10. Trade –off : an exchang involving giving up one thing to get something

PROBING: câu hỏi thăm dò

1. What is the situation on product at your plan at the moment?

2. What sort of quantities are you looking for?

3. What are we looking at in the way of discount?

4. What did you have in mind regarding specifications?

5. What were you thinking of in terms pf delivery dates?

6. How important to you is the currency for payment?


If/ As long as/ Provide that… then we will/can/could/may/might + be able to V/ agree to V/ consider Ving/ offer N/ offer to V.
Chương 4: MONEY

Gross margin Tỷ suất lợi nhuận gộp Calculate payments Tính thanh khoản

Recession Suy thoái Get funding to grow Tài trợ

Shares Cổ phiếu Stingy Keo kiệt

Debt Nợ nần Cut spending Cắt giảm chi tiêu

Stock market Thị trường chứng khoán Invest in the property market Đầu tư bất động sản

Earnings per share Thu nhập trên mỗi cổ phiếu Carry too much debt Mang nợ quá nhiều

A forecast Dự báo Break the bank Heo bỏ tiền

Bankruptcy Phá sản Balance the budget Cân bằng chi tiêu

A dividend Cổ tức Bankrupt Phá sản

Pre-tax profits Lợi nhuận trước thuế Get a loan Cho vay nặng lãi

Revenues Doanh thu Deposit Tiền cọc

Turnover Doanh số Debt collectors Người đòi nợ

Merchandise= goods Hàng hóa Price pressure

Tax refunds Withdraw Rút khỏi

Gross margin : difference between the selling price of a product and the cost of product it

Recession : a period of time when business activity decreases because the economy is doing badly

Shares : equal parts into which the capital or ownership of a company is divided

Debt : money ownd by one person or organization to another person or organization

Stock market : a place where are company shares are bought and sold

Earnings per share : a company’s profits divided by the number of its shares

A forecast : a description of what is likely to happen in the future

Bankruptcy : when a person or organization is unable to pay their debts

Pre –tax profits : the money a business makes before payment to the government
A dividend : a part of profits of a company paid to owners of shares

Revenues : Money in which businesses receive from selling goods or services

Consumer spendings: the money people spend on goods and services

Tax refunds: money given back at the end of the financial year

International division: phòng chịu trách nhiệm KD với nước ngoài: part of a company which deals with or is located overseas

Quarterly earnings: company profit for a three-month period

Price pressure: decreasing or freezing the price of goods and services in order to gain an advantage over competitors

Revenue + Other earnings

- Cost of making goods

= Gross profit ( LN thuần)

- Other costs and expenses (chi phí)

= Trading/ operating profit (LN trước thuế & lãi)

- Interest

= Pre-tax profit (LN trước thuế)

- Taxes, interest paid

= Net profit/ post-tax profit (LN sau thuế)

- Dividends

= Retained profit (LN giữ lại).


- In: turn over, revenue, earning

- Out: cost, expenses, expenditure

Unit 5: Letter
Quotation= price list Bảng báo giá Enclose Kèm

Shipment Lô hàng Concern Liên quan

Enquiry Thư đề nghị Hesitate Lưỡng lự

Further Thêm nữa Convince Thuyết phục

A1 Địa chỉ người gửi A2 Địa chỉ người nhận

A. Opening:

1. Staring a letter: xác nhận thư từ trước đó

- Thank you for your letter of June 14 in which you enclosed your …

- With reference/ Further to/ To respond/ In respond/ In reply+ to your enquiry, I…

- We thank you for the samples / price list / catalogue which you sent us

2. Giải thích lí do viết thư:

- We are writing to inform you that…

B. Middle:

+ Enquiry and Reply:

Enquiry: vô chủ đề luôn

Reply: trả lời câu hỏi của người hỏi (Ex: about price/ delivery)


- Giving a bad new: I regret to inform you that

- Giving a good new: We are please to announce

- Giving information: We are writing to give you further information about/ With reference to your enquiry of 13 May, I am enclosing details of
- Apologizing: We deeply regret any inconvenience caused by

+ Placing an Order:

1. Thái độ phản hồi lại về giá, khuyến mãi…:

- We are satisfied/ We have examined the samples and satisfied with../ We would like to say that… is quite satisfactory.

2. Đặt hàng:

- We are therefore placing an order for 600 Ps.

3. Xác nhận hoặc đề nghị các điều khoản chi trả:

- We will payment by..

- We will send a banker’s draft to…(hối phiếu NH).

- Prompt settlement: thanh toán nhanh chóng.

4. Đặt lịch giao hàng:

- Delivery before 8 Feb is a firm condition of the order.

- It is essential (cần thiết) that the goods are delivered before…

- Air freight: đường hàng không

C. Closing:

1. Mời đáp lại:

- We look forward to hearing from you.

- Do not hesitate to contact us again if you need further assistance.

- We would appreciate an early reply.

- We look forward to receiving shipment and doing business with you in future.

2. End:

- Yours Faithfully (nhớ yours có “s”)

- Yours Sincerely

3. Ending a letter:

- Do not hesitate to contact us again if you need further assistance

- If you have any further questions, please contact us

- We look forward to hearing from you…

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