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CD4 Most
Likely to Typical Clinical Presentation Preferred Treatment Regimens Alternative Treatment Regimens Clinical Pearls
Alternative or adjunctive topicals:
Painless, creamy white, plaque- Usually caused by
Oral Clotrimazole troches 5x/day or
like lesions on tongue or mucosal Fluconazole 100 mg PO QD x 1 – 2 wks Candida albicans, which
Candidiasis Nystatin suspension 4x/day swish &
surface of mouth is usually susceptible to
CD4 < 500 fluconazole
Similar plaques to oral candidiasis Above topicals should not be used
Esophageal Fluconazole 200 mg (acceptable range: Fluconazole is rough on
demonstrated in esophagus  alone for esophageal candidiasis. Can
Candidiasis 100 – 400 mg) QD x 2 – 3 wks the liver!
results in odynophagia, dysphagia be used as adjunctive therapy

70-80% of patients with

Mild-moderate: TMP/SMX 15-20 Mild-moderate: Primaquine +
Insidious onset w/ progressive AIDS developed PCP;
Pneumocystis mg/kg/day PO in 3 div’d. doses x 21 d Clindamycin, Atovaquone, Dapsone +
dyspnea, +/- productive cough
jirovecii TMP
CD4 < 200 and elevated WBC, fever, ↑LDH; Most cases occur in
(carinii) Moderate-severe: TMP/SMX 15-20
Lung radiology shows diffuse patients unaware of
pneumonia mg/kg/day IV in 3-4 div’d. doses x 21 d + Moderate-severe: Primaquine +
“ground glass” opacities status or not receiving
prednisone taper within 72 h Clindamycin, Inhaled Pentamidine
Empiric Dx often
Induction Phase: Pyrimethamine 200 mg PO once, followed by wt-based dosing: confirmed by response
- < 60 kg: Pyrimethamine 50 mg PO daily + Leucovorin 10-25 mg PO daily + to TE therapy
Focal encephalitis (most
Sulfadiazine 1000 mg PO Q6H
Toxoplasmosis common) – HA, confusion, motor
- > 60 kg: Pyrimethamine 75 mg PO daily + Leucovorin 10-25 mg PO daily + Infection occurs after
gondii CD4 < 50-100 weakness, fever;
Sulfadiazine 1500 mg PO Q6H eating undercooked
encephalitis CT scan shows ring-enhancing
meat, raw shellfish, or
Maintenance Phase: After at least 6 wks of therapy, continue w/ pyrimethamine + handling cat feces
leucovorin + sulfadiazine until asymptomatic and CD4 > 200 for 6 months
Think “PLS”
Subacute meningitis or
CD4 < 100; meningoencephalitis w/ fever, Induction phase: Liposomal amphotericin B + flucytosine x at least 2 wks
Greatest risk malaise, HA;
for brain Neck stiffness, photophobia; Consolidation Phase: Fluconazole 400 mg PO/IV once daily x at least 8 wks
dissemination If increased ICP, skin lesions
if < 50 mimicking molluscum Maintenance Phase: Fluconazole 200 mg PO x at least 1 year

Initial treatment: Ethambutol 15 mg/kg PO once daily + Macrolide (Clarithromycin
500 mg PO BID or Azithromycin 500-600 mg PO once daily)
Add 3rd or 4th drug if: CD4 < 50, high mycobacterial load, or absence of effective
Mycobacteriu Persistent fever, night sweats,
ART Think “add a MACrolide
m avium CD4 < 50 wt. loss, fatigue, diarrhea, abd.
- Rifabutin 300 mg PO daily or for MAC”
Complex (MAC) pain, anemia, ↑ Alk Phos
- Levofloxacin 500 mg PO daily or
- Moxifloxacin 400 mg PO daily or
- Amikacin 10-15 mg/kg IV daily


Primary Primary Prophylaxis Clinical Pearls
Preferred Prophylaxis
Opportunistic Infection Prophylaxis Indication to Alternative Prophylaxis Regimens
Indication to Start Discontinue
Oral Candidiasis
(Thrush) NOT recommended
Esophageal Candidiasis
 TMP-SMX 1 DS PO MWF Bactrim 1 SS or 1 DS Daily = pref
 Atovaquone 1500 mg PO QD Alternatives:
CD4 ≥ 200 for ≥ 3
Pneumocystis jiroveci CD4 count < 200 or TMP-SMX 1 DS or 1 SS  Dapsone 100 mg PO QD Dapsone
months in response to
(carinii) pneumonia CD4 % < 14% tablet PO once daily  Aerosolized pentamidine 300 mg via Atovaquone
Respigard II nebulizer Q month Pentamidine

Toxoplasmosis gondii CD4 count < 100 + CD4 ≥ 200 for ≥ 3

TMP-SMX 1 DS PO daily N/A
encephalitis Toxo IgG (+) months with ART

NOT Recommended

ART + Bactrim for

Mycobacterium avium CD4 > 100 for ≥ 3 PCP/Toxo +  Clarithromycin 500 mg PO BID
CD4 count < 50
Complex (MAC) months Azithromycin 1200 mg  Azithromycin 600 mg PO twice weekly
PO once weekly


MOA Dosing & Duration of Therapy Adverse Effects Clinical Pearls

Alters cellular membranes IV dose = PO dose because high oral
Thrush/oropharyngeal: fluconazole
resulting in increased Common Adverse Effects: ↑AST 20%, QTc bioavailability
100 mg POvQD daily x 1 – 2 weeks
membrane permeability, prolongation, GI (nausea 3.7%, abdominal
leakage of potassium and pain 1.7%, vomiting 1.7%, diarrhea 1.5%), Drug-Drug Interactions: Fluconazole
Esophageal: fluconazole 200 mg PO
Fluconazole amino acids, and impaired headache 1.9%, skin rash 1.8%, alopecia is an inhibitor of CYP2C9 (potent) and
QD x 2 – 3 weeks
uptake of purine and CYP3A4 (moderate) whose effects
pyrimidine precursors to DNA; Rare Adverse Effects: severe hepatotoxicity, persist for 4 – 5 days after completing
Vulvovaginal: fluconazole 150 mg PO
Usually fungistatic exfoliative dermatitis therapy due to fluconazole’s long half-
x 1 dose
TMP/SMX dosed from TMP component
SMX: inhibits dihydrofolic acid Mild-moderate: TMP/SMX 15-20
(SS = 80 mg TMP; DS = 160 mg TMP)
formation  interferes w/ mg/kg/day PO in 3 divided doses x
bacterial folic acid synthesis 21 days Rash (30-55%), fever (30-40%), leukopenia
Sulfamethoxazole = nephrotoxic @
TMP-SMX (30-40%), thrombocytopenia (15%), azotemia,
high doses via interstitial nephritis
(Bactrim; Septra) TMX: Inhibits dihydrofolic acid Moderate-severe: TMP/SMX 15-20 increased LFTs, hepatitis, nephrotoxicity,
reduction  inhibition of mg/kg/day IV in 3-4 divided doses x hyperkalemia
Trimethoprim inhibits tubular
enzymes in the folic acid 21 days + prednisone taper within 72
creatinine secretion = ↑SCr
pathway hours
Competitive antagonist of Rash, fever, nausea, methemoglobinemia MUST CHECK G6PD STATUS BEFORE
PCP PPx: 100 mg once daily
para-aminobenzoic acid (may present as fatigue, decreased RBC, SOB, STARTING
Dapsone (PABA)  prevents normal incr. HR, bluish lips and fingernails),
PCP Tx: 100 mg once daily (+ TMP 15
bacterial utilization of PABA decreased WBCs, sulfone syndrome (fever, If G6PD deficient, do not use  may
mg/kg/day divided into 3 doses)
 inhibits folic acid synthesis rash, jaundice, enlarged liver) lead to hemolytic anemia
Inhibits electron transport in Atovaquone 750 mg BID OR Suspension has unpalatable taste that
Rash, N/V/D, HA, dizziness, itchiness, fever,
Atovaquone mitochondria  inhibits Atovaquone 1500 mg once daily often results in poor compliance, $$$;
increased LFTs
synthesis of nucleic acids, ATP (same for Tx + PPx) Take w/ a high fat meal
Not recommended for PCP PPx;
Reversibly binds to 50S High risk for causing Clostridium
PCP Tx: Clindamycin [IV 600 mg Q6H Diarrhea (dose dependent), N/V, anorexia,
Clindamycin ribosomal subunit  inhibits difficile infection via altering GI
or 900 mg Q8H] or [PO 450 mg Q6H rash, metallic taste
bacterial protein synthesis microflora
or 600 mg Q8H] + primaquine
Nephrotoxicity, hypo/hyperglycemia,
Inhibits oxidative PCP PPx: 300 mg inhaled once daily Data insufficient to recommend
orthostatic hypoTN (if infused too rapidly),
phosphorylation of PCP Tx: 4 mg/kg IV once daily x 21 administering pentamidine by
Pentamidine N/V, ↓ Ca, Mg, K, WBCs, PLTs; pancreatitis,
nucleotides and nucleic acids days  IV should NOT be used to nebulization devices other than
hepatitis, fever, rash, confusionhallucinations,
into RNA and DNA treat PCP (limited efficacy) Respigard II nebulizer
bronchospasm, metallic taste (if inhaled)

Hemolytic anemia (if G6PD deficient),
Disrupts mitochondria and 15-30 mg primaquine base PO once Contraindicated in patients w/ G6PD
Primaquine methemoglobinemia, leukopenia, N/V,
binds to DNA daily with food (+ clindamycin) deficiency
epigastric pain, hypotension, fever, rash, HA

Toxoplasmic Encephalitis
Induction phase: LD of 200 mg x 1 Boxed Warning: Hematologic: Megaloblastic
dose, then 50-75 mg PO QD for at anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and
Inhibits parasitic dihydrofolate least 6 wks pancytopenia most commonly w/ high doses. Administered w/ leucovorin to
reductase  inhibits Monitor CBC + PLT 2x weekly in patients lessen/prevent hematologic
tetrahydrofolic acid synthesis Maintenance phase: Followed by receiving high-dose Tx (i.e. toxo) abnormalities
25-50 mg PO QD as chronic Other: photosensitive rashes, insomnia,
maintenance Tx N/V/D, rash
Active metabolite of folic acid Co-administered w/ Pyrimethamine to
Leucovorin and an essential coenzyme for lessen its hematologic toxicities as a
nucleic acid synthesis cofactor for thymidylate synthase
Drink 1 – 1.5 liters/day to prevent
Induction phase: 1-1.5 g PO Q6H for
Interferes w/ bacterial growth drug from crystallizing in urine
6 wks
by inhibiting folic acid Rash, fever, crystalluria, anemia, (crystalluria)
synthesis through competitive neutropenia, thrombocytopenia
Maintenance phase: Followed by 0.5
antagonism of PABA Contraindicated if hypersensitivity to
– 1 g PO Q6H
sulfonamides or other related drugs
Cryptococcal Meningitis

- For chills, fever, hypotension, N –

PREMEDICATE 30-60 min prior to
infusion w/ ibuprofen +/-
Amphotericin B Binds to ergosterol  alters
0.7 – 1 mg/kg IV once daily diphenhydramine +/-
deoxycholate; cell membrane permeability
Infusion related reactions (chills, fever, hydrocortisone
 leakage of cell components
Liposomal Amphotericin B 3-4 mg/kf hypotension, nausea, rigors) - For rigors, premedicate w/
Liposomal  cell death; may also
IV once daily meperidine
Amphotericin B stimulate macrophages
- PRE- and POST-HYDRATE w/ 250-
500 mL NS to reduce

Dose-related bone marrow suppression

Flucytosine 25 mg/kg QID
Converted to fluorouracil (pancytopenia, leukopenia,
If available, 5-FC levels should be
which competes w/ uracil  thrombocytopenia)
Flucytosine (5-FC) Requires renal dose adjustment in monitored w/ goal serum levels of 25-
interferes w/ fungal RNA and
pts w/ CrCl < 40 mL/min OR reduce 100 mg/dL
protein synthesis Others: hepatotoxicity, peripheral
dose 50% for every 50% CrCl decline
neuropathy, GI intolerance

Mycobacterium Avium Complex
Binds to 50S subunit of
- PPx: 1200 mg PO once weekly
Macrolides bacterial ribosome, thus N/V, abdominal pain, abnormal taste, Azithromycin has less DDI’s and has
- Tx: 500-600 mg PO/IV once daily
(Azithromycin, inhibiting translation of mRNA increased LFTs, hypersensitivity rxns, QTc less probability of ADE’s than
Clarithromycin)  interferes w/ protein prolongation (additive) Clarithromycin, but is less effective
- PPx: 500 mg PO BID
- Tx: 500 mg PO BID
At baseline and periodically during
Inhibits arabinosyl transferase Optic neuritis  get ophthalmic exams!
treatment, perform:
resulting in impaired Painless blur in vision center
Ethambutol 15 mg/kg PO once daily - Ophthalmic exams
mycobacterial cell wall Hyperuricemia (incr. in uric acid)
- LFT’s to evaluate for
synthesis N/V/D, abdominal pain
Inhibits DNA-dependent RNA
Uveitis, red-orange discoloration of fluids, Rifabutin is a major substrate of
polymerase at beta subunit
Rifabutin PPx & Tx: 300 mg once daily N/V/D, decreased WBCs and PLTs, Increased CYP3A4 and minor substrate of CYP1A2
which prevents chain
LFTs – DDI’s!
Inhibits DNA-gyrase  Boxed Warnings: Tendonitis/tendon rupture,
Fluoroquinolones Separate products containing calcium,
relaxation of supercoiled DNA Levofloxacin 500 mg once daily peripheral neuropathy, aortic tear risk
(Levofloxacin, magnesium, and iron by 2 hours (i.e.
 promotes breakage of DNA Moxifloxacin 400 mg once daily increased, hypoglycemia, CNS/mental health
Moxifloxacin) dairy products, antacids, vitamins)
strands ADE’s
Binds to 30S ribosomal Ensure that the benefits of adding
Boxed warnings for ototoxicity (irreversible),
Amikacin subunits  inhibits protein 10-15 mg/kg IV daily amikacin to treatment outweigh the
synthesis risks/toxicities

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