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Cry Freedom

By John Briley

Chapter 6, 7 , 8 and 9: Confrontation

I. Comprehension Questions

1. How did the workers at Daily Dispatch react when seeing Tenjy and Mapetla? Why do you
think they had such reaction?


2. Who were the main speakers at the black stadium? What were the main points of their


3. What happened to Biko after giving speech at the stadium?

4. How did the State Prosecutor attempt to trap Biko in the court? How did Biko respond?

5. What was the main concept that Biko tried to convince the participants in the court?


6. What happened to the church and Biko’s house after the court?
7. Who did Woods seek for help concerning the smash-up at the church? What was the
II. Quotation Explanation

1. “Where are we going” Ken demanded. “Should I have let my family know I might not
be back?” ( page 24)
2. “Why does the white man stir up trouble to us?”Because when we fight among
ourselves, he can convince our friends overseas that it is right to tell us where to live,
and how to live.” ( page 25)
3. “If the only way we can get the message to him is to make sure he can never sleep his
white bed in his big white house and know he is safe - then that is how it must be!”
( page 26)
4. “Then,” Biko declared forcefully, “then we will stand up to him in any way he chooses.
Confrontation if he likes, but an open hand, too - to say that we can both build a South
Africa worth living in. A South Africa for equal men - black or white. A South Africa as
beautiful as this land is, as beautiful as we are!” ( page 27)
5. “Come on, don’t be afraid. Once you try, you’ll see that there’s nothing to be afraid of.
We just as weak and human as you are.” ( page 30)
6. “That’s right. We will not accept society as it exists in South Africa. We demand
confrontation. “…”You and I are now in confrontation, but I see no violence.” ( page
7. “We are telling them to stop accepting those problems, to confront them. Black society
has hope in itself, it feels defeated. We believe that black people must not give in; they
must find ways-even in this situation - to develop hope. Hope for themselves, hope for
this country. That is the whole point of Black Consciousness- to build within ourselves
as a sense of our own humanity, our proper place in the world…”( page 34-35)
8. “Let me tell you, Mr. Woods, any Afrikaner family could show you the same thing. We
build this country. Do you think we are going to give all this way? This is what Mr. Biko
wants. This is a black country, he says. Gott! What is here was made by Afrikaner work
and struggle and blood. The blacks come to us for work - remember that. We did not
force them to work.” ( page 39)
9. “We know we must find a way to work and live together. We are trying to find away.
Maybe it’s a little too slow for some of them but Mr. Biko is giving them false hope. We
are not just going to roll over and give all this away.” ( page 40)
10. “Report to whoever you like. Our orders come from the very top.” ( page 43)
11. “A rotten policeman is a rotten policeman. He breaks heads for the same reasons.”(Page

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