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Stage Yellow Values:

•Nuance & complexity

•Novel concepts & POVs
•Generating fresh insights
•Systems thinking
•Nonlinear dynamics
•Sustainability, long time frames
•Going meta
•Big picture vs technical analysis
•Holistic analysis
•Connecting the dots
•Penetrating to the core of an issue
•Identifying & solving root problems
•A multi-disciplinary approach
•Mixing hard & soft sciences
•Creativity, outside-the-box solutions
•Responsible ways of being
•Studying models
•Spiral Dynamics
•Natural hierarchies
•Education, knowledge, research, reading
•Reading lots of diverse books
•Clean content, concentrated information
•Life-long learning
•Expertise, competence, experience
•Context, learning from history
•Developing skills to become an instrument for the greater whole
•Independent thinking
•Neutrality: Being objective/impartial
•Designing solutions for the entire Spiral
•Meeting people where they are at
•Building bridges
•Social engineering
•Ecological designs
•Reducing the suffering of living systems
•Pulling ideas from many sources
•Combining different ideas, models, theories
•Vision & purpose, being a visionary
•Requisite variety, mental flexibility
•Responsibility, independence, autonomy
•Being a lone-wolf

Stage Yellow Examples:

Abraham Maslow, Eben Pagan, Noam Chomsky, Fritjof Capra, Carl Sagan, quantum mechanics, fathers
of quantum mechanics, David Bohm, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrodinger, Arthur Eddington,
Richard Feynman, Freeman Dyson, John Archibald Wheeler, Paul Feyerabend, Kurt Godel, Obama,
George Soros, Joseph Campbell, Erich Fromm, Clare Graves, Don Beck, Spiral Dynamics, Ilya Prigogine,
chaos theory, cybernetics, biomimetics, NLP, Alfred Korzybski, the leading edge of academia, futurists,
StarTrek humans & Vulcans, Prime Directive, sustainable living, ecology, eco cities, conflict resolution,
Shinzen Young’s mindfulness system, Wikipedia, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Jacques Derrida, Buckminster
Fuller, W.V.O. Quine, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Steve Jobs, Paul Allen, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan

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