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김성백의 영어뉴스 핵심패턴

(26회) Cherry Blossoms and Climate Change & China’s Crackdown on Binge Eating
and Drinking

PART 1: Today’s Topics

[Cherry Blossoms and Climate Change]

Cherry blossoms are a national treasure in Japan, normally blooming at the start of spring.
But this year, Japan recorded its earliest cherry blossom bloom in 1,200 years. Now
scientists are concerned that the early arrival is due to climate change.

[News Keywords]

 cherry blossom: 벚꽃
 to bloom: 꽃이 피다

[Cherry Blossoms and Climate Change]

Cherry blossoms are a national treasure in Japan,

벚꽃은 일본에서 전국민의 사랑을 받고 있습니다.

normally blooming at the start of spring.

보통 때는 봄이 시작될 때 개화합니다.

But this year, Japan recorded its earliest cherry blossom bloom in 1,200 years.
그러나 금년에는 벚꽃이 1,200년 만에 가장 일찍 개화했습니다.

Now scientists are concerned that the early arrival is due to climate change.
과학자들은 벚꽃의 조기 개화가 기후변화 때문이라고 우려하고 있습니다.

[China’s Crackdown on Binge Eating and Drinking]

China’s anti-corruption agency has urged online video-sharing platforms to take action
against binge-eating and binge-drinking shows which have faced sharp criticism and

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regulatory crackdowns since President Xi Jinping launched a campaign to curb food wastage
last year.

[News Keywords]

 to urge: 촉구하다
 to take action: 행동에 나서다
 binge-eating: 폭식
 criticism: 비판
 crackdown: 단속, 탄압
 to launch: 시작하다
 to curb: 억제하다

[China’s Crackdown on Binge Eating and Drinking]

China’s anti-corruption agency

중국의 반부패 기관에서는

has urged online video-sharing platforms to take action

인터넷 비디오 공유 플랫폼이 행동에 나설 것을 촉구했습니다.

against binge-eating and binge-drinking shows

이는 폭식과 폭음의 먹방 단속을 위한 것으로,

which have faced sharp criticism and regulatory crackdowns

이러한 방송은 신랄한 비판과 규제당국의 단속을 받아 왔습니다.

since President Xi Jinping launched a campaign to curb food wastage last year.
지난 해 시진핑 주석이 음식 낭비를 없애고자 실시한 캠페인 이후 계속되고 있습니다.

[Today’s Patterns]

 to take action: 행동에 나서다, 조치를 취하다

- 미국은 우방 국가들이 인권 유린 해결에 나서야 할 것을 촉구했다.

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우방: ally

인권 유린: human rights abuse

촉구하다: to urge somebody to do ~, to call on somebody to do ~

The United States has urged its allies to take action against human rights abuse.

PART 2: Being An Anchor, Yourself

[Mukbang Is All The Rage]

‘먹방’은 먹는다는 말의 ‘먹’과 방송이라는 말의 ‘방’이 합쳐진 신조어로 한국에서는

사회적 트렌드가 된지 이미 오래다. 시청자들은 먹방을 통해 대리 만족을 느낀다고 한다.

‘먹방’은 먹는다는 말의 ‘먹’과 방송이라는 말의 ‘방’이 합쳐진 신조어다.

- 신조어: a newly-coined word

The newly-coined term, “Mukbang” is a combination of the Korean words for eating (muk-ja)
and broadcasting (bang-song).

한국에서는 사회적 트렌드가 된지 이미 오래다.

- 트렌드: a trend, a phenomenon

It has long been a phenomenon in South Korea.

시청자들은 먹방을 통해 대리 만족을 느낀다고 한다

- 대리 만족: vicarious pleasure, vicarious satisfaction

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Some say this performance-eating gives viewers vicarious pleasure.

The newly-coined term, “Mukbang” is a combination of the Korean words for eating (muk-ja)
and broadcasting (bang-song). It has long been a phenomenon in South Korea. Some say
this performance-eating gives viewers vicarious pleasure.

PART 3: Today’s Expressions

to urge: 촉구하다

to take action: 행동에 나서다

binge-eating: 폭식

crackdown: 단속, 탄압

a newly-coined word: 신조어

to give vicarious pleasure: 대리 만족을 안기다

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(27회) Women Losing More Jobs in Pandemic & The Maldives Preparing for Rising Sea

PART 1: Today’s Topics

[Women Losing More Jobs in Pandemic]

There’s no question the Covid-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected women.

According to a recent report, American women have lost some 5.4 million jobs during the
pandemic, nearly one million more job losses than men.

[News Keywords]

 disproportionately: 균형이 맞지 않게
 to affect: 영향을 미치다

[Women Losing More Jobs in Pandemic]

There’s no question
의심의 여지 없이

the Covid-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected women.

코로나19 팬데믹이 여성들에게 더 큰 피해를 안겼습니다.

According to a recent report,

최근 보고서에 따르면

American women have lost some 5.4 million jobs during the pandemic,
미국 여성들은 팬데믹 시기에 약 540만 명이 실직했습니다.

nearly one million more job losses than men.

남자들과 비교해 보면 대략 100만 명 더 실직한 겁니다.

실직하다: to go out of work

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[The Maldives Preparing for Rising Sea Level]

With more than 80 percent of its 1,200 islands standing less than 1 meter above sea level,
the Maldives is particularly vulnerable to sea level rise. Now it has been constructing an
artificial island for more than 20 years. The new island rises about 2 meters above sea level.

[News Keywords]

 sea level: 해수면

 vulnerable: 취약한
 artificial: 인공의

[The Maldives Preparing for Rising Sea Level]

With more than 80 percent of its 1,200 islands

1200개 섬 가운데 80% 이상이

standing less than 1 meter above sea level,

해발 1m 이하에 자리잡고 있는 상황에서

the Maldives is particularly vulnerable to sea level rise.

몰디브는 특히 해수면 상승에 취약합니다.

Now it has been constructing an artificial island for more than 20 years.
이제 몰디브는 20여 년이나 인공 섬을 건설하고 있습니다.

The new island rises about 2 meters above sea level.

이 섬은 해발 약 2m 높이입니다.

[Today’s Patterns]

 to be vulnerable to ~: ~에 취약하다 (to be more likely to be affected by ~)

- 개발도상국이 기후변화로 인한 부작용에 더욱 취약하다.

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개발도상국: developing countries

부작용: side effects, adverse effects

Developing countries are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate


- 이 나라는 지진에 취약하다.

The country is (vulnerable to, prone to) earthquakes.

PART 2: Being An Anchor, Yourself

[The Gap in Wages between Men and Women]

통계에 따르면, 서울에 사는 여성의 평균 임금은 남성의 임금 대비 겨우 64.4%에 불과하며 이

격차는 계속해서 커지고 있다.

통계에 따르면, 서울에 사는 여성의 평균 임금은 남성의 임금 대비 겨우 64.4%에 불과하다.

- 평균적으로: on average

1) Women in Seoul, on average, make 64.4% of what their male counterparts make.

2) The average woman in Seoul earns 64.4 cents for every dollar earned by the average

이 격차는 계속해서 커지고 있다

- 이 격차 → 남녀 임금 격차
the pay gap between men and women,
the gender pay gap

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And the gender pay gap is still w .

And the gender pay gap is still widening.

Women in Seoul, on average, make 64.4% of what their male counterparts make. And the
gender pay gap is still widening.

PART 3: Today’s Expressions

disproportionately: 균형이 맞지 않게

sea level: 해수면

to be vulnerable to ~: ~에 취약하다

the gender pay gap: 남녀 임금 격차

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(28회) US Recommends ‘Pause’ for J&J Vaccine & Son Heung-Min Racially Abused

PART 1: Today’s Topics

[US Recommends ‘Pause’ for J&J Vaccine]

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the US Food and Drug
Administration are recommending a pause in the use of Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus
vaccine over six reported cases of a "rare and severe" type of blood clot.

[News Keywords]

 pause: 잠시 멈춤
 blood clot: 혈전

[US Recommends ‘Pause’ for J&J Vaccine]

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the US Food and Drug
미국 질병통제예방센터와 식품의약국이

are recommending a pause in the use of Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine
존슨앤존슨의 코로나19 백신 사용을 일시 중단할 것을 권고하고 있습니다.

over six reported cases of a "rare and severe" type of blood clot.
‘드물지만 중증’ 혈전 발병 사례 6건이 보고되었기 때문입니다.

[Son Heung-Min Racially Abused Online]

Tottenham Hotspur condemned the "abhorrent" online racial abuse of South Korean forward
Son Heung-min after he was targeted following its 3-1 Premier League defeat by Manchester

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United. The defeat dealt a major blow to Tottenham's hopes of qualifying for the Champions

대북 규탄 유엔 결의안: a UN resolution condemning North Korea

a condemned prisoner: 사형수

[News Keywords]

 to condemn: 규탄하다
 abhorrent: 혐오스러운
 defeat: 패배
 to deal a blow: 타격을 가하다
 to qualify for ~: 자격을 얻다

[Son Heung-Min Racially Abused Online]

Tottenham Hotspur condemned the "abhorrent" online racial abuse of South Korean forward
Son Heung-min

토트넘 홋스퍼는 인터넷에서 손흥민 선수에게 가해진 “혐오스러운” 인종 차별을


after he was targeted following its 3-1 Premier League defeat by Manchester United.
손 선수는 프리미어리그 맨유전에서 팀이 3대1로 패배를 당한 이후 타깃이 되었습니다.

The defeat dealt a major blow to Tottenham's hopes of qualifying for the Champions League.
이번 패배로 챔피언스리그 출전을 희망했던 토트넘은 큰 타격을 입게 되었습니다.

[Today’s Patterns]

 to deal [deliver] a blow to: ~를 강타하다, 직격탄을 날리다

- 코로나19 팬데믹으로 중소기업이 큰 피해를 입었다.

중소기업: small businesess

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The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a blow to small businesses.

The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a heavy blow to small businesses.

Small businesses have been by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Small businesses have been hit hardest by the Covid-19 pandemic.

PART 2: Being An Anchor, Yourself

[Economic Ripple Effect by Son Heung-min]

손흥민 선수의 경제적 파급효과가 약 2조 원에 달한다고 추산됩니다. 손 선수가 가장 크게

기여한 부분은 국민들에 대한 희망과 동기부여 등 무형의 가치입니다.

손흥민 선수의 경제적 파급효과가 약 2조 원에 달한다고 추산됩니다.

- 파급효과: ripple effect

- 추산되다:
It is estimated that ~,
to estimate ~ at ~

It is estimated that the economic ripple effect of Son Heung-min is about 2 trillion won.

손 선수가 가장 크게 기여한 부분은 국민들에 대한 희망과 동기부여 등 무형의 가치입니다.

- 기여하다: to contribute to ~

- 무형의 가치: intangible value

(가시적인 성과를 도출하다: to produce tangible results)

Son has contributed the most in terms of creating intangible value such as hope and

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inspiration for the South Korean people.

It is estimated that the economic ripple effect of Son Heung-min is about 2 trillion won. Son
has contributed the most in terms of creating intangible value such as hope and inspiration
for the South Korean people.

PART 3: Today’s Expressions

to condemn: 규탄하다

abhorrent: 혐오스러운

to deal a blow: 타격을 가하다

to qualify for ~: 자격을 얻다

to create intangible value: 무형의 가치를 만들다

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(29회) Biden to Pull US Troops out of Afghanistan & Less Sleep in Middle Age May
Increase Dementia Risk

PART 1: Today’s Topics

[Biden to Pull US Troops out of Afghanistan]

U.S. President Joe Biden announced he will withdraw remaining U.S. troops from the
“forever war” in Afghanistan, saying that the September 11 terror attacks of 20 years ago
can’t justify American forces still dying in the country’s longest war. He plans to pull out all
U.S. troops by this September 11.

[News Keywords]

 to withdraw: 철수시키다
 troop: 군 병력
 to justify: 정당화하다

[Biden to Pull US Troops out of Afghanistan]

U.S. President Joe Biden announced

조 바이든 미국 대통령은

he will withdraw remaining U.S. troops from the “forever war” in Afghanistan,
아프가니스탄의 “끝없는 전쟁”에서 남아 있는 미군을 철수시킬 것이라고 밝혔습니다.

saying that the September 11 terror attacks of 20 years ago

덧붙여, 20년 전의 9•11 테러는

can’t justify American forces still dying in the country’s longest war.
미국의 가장 긴 전쟁으로 인해 아직도 군인들이 죽어가는 것을 정당화할 수 없다고

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He plans to pull out all U.S. troops by this September 11.

바이든 대통령은 올해 9월 11일까지 철군을 마무리할 계획입니다.

[Less Sleep in Middle Age May Increase Dementia Risk]

People in their 50s and 60s who slept six hours or less each night were more likely to be
diagnosed with dementia than those who slept seven hours, according to a study of nearly
8,000 British adults over 25 years.

[News Keywords]

 to be diagnosed with: 진단을 받다

 dementia: 치매

[Less Sleep in Middle Age May Increase Dementia Risk]

People in their 50s and 60s who slept six hours or less each night
매일 6시간 이하로 수면을 취한 50-60대의 경우

were more likely to be diagnosed with dementia

치매 발병 위험이 더 높았습니다.

than those who slept seven hours,

7시간 수면을 취한 사람들과 비교한 내용으로,

according to a study of nearly 8,000 British adults over 25 years.

25년간 약 8천 명의 영국 성인들을 대상으로 실시한 연구 결과입니다.

[Today’s Patterns]

 to be diagnosed with: 진단을 받다

- 그는 작년에 암 선고를 받았다.

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He cancer last year.

He was sentenced to cancer last year. (X)

He was diagnosed with cancer last year.

- 해마다 우리나라 여성 유방암 환자가 5.9%씩 증가하고 있다.

암 환자: cancer patients, cancer cases, people (living) with cancer.

The number of women who breast cancer has grown by 5.9% every year.

The number of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer has grown by 5.9%
every year.

PART 2: Being An Anchor, Yourself

[Lack of Sleep for Teenagers]

청소년들은 매일 8~10시간의 수면이 필요하지만 전문가들에 따르면 고등학생의 70% 이상이

만성적인 수면 부족에 시달린다고 한다.

청소년들은 매일 8~10시간의 수면이 필요하다.

Adolescents need eight to 10 hours of sleep every night.

전문가들에 따르면 고등학생의 70% 이상이 만성적인 수면 부족에 시달린다고 한다.

수면 부족: lack of sleep, sleep shortage, sleep deprivation

1) But experts say that more than 70 percent of high school students are 만성적으로 sleep-

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1) But experts say that more than 70 percent of high school students are chronically sleep-

2) But experts say that more than 70 percent of high school students 시달리다 from chronic
sleep deprivation.

2) But experts say that more than 70 percent of high school students suffer from chronic
sleep deprivation.

Adolescents need eight to 10 hours of sleep every night. But experts say that more than 70
percent of high school students are chronically sleep-deprived.

PART 3: Today’s Expressions

to justify: 정당화하다

to be diagnosed with: 진단을 받다

dementia: 치매

to be chronically sleep-deprived: 만성적인 수면 부족이다

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(30회) South Korea to Fight Japan's Fukushima Decision & CO2 Emissions to Soar in

PART 1: Today’s Topics

[South Korea to Fight Japan's Fukushima Decision]

South Korea’s president Moon Jae-in ordered officials to consider filing a complaint with an
international court over Japan’s decision to release contaminated water from its crippled
Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea.

[News Keywords]

 to file a complaint: 민원을 제기하다, 제소하다

 contaminated: 오염된
 to cripple: 제 기능을 못하게 만들다

[South Korea to Fight Japan's Fukushima Decision]

South Korea’s president Moon Jae-in

문재인 대통령은

ordered officials to consider filing a complaint with an international court

국제 법원 제소를 고려하라고 지시했습니다.

over Japan’s decision to release contaminated water from its crippled Fukushima nuclear
power plant into the sea.
이는 정상 가동이 중단 된 후쿠시마 원전에서 나온 오염수의 방류 결정으로 인한 것입니다.

[CO2 Emissions to Soar in 2021]

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The International Energy Agency says global carbon dioxide emissions are set to rise by 5%
in 2021, the second highest year-on-year increase in history. In 2020, CO2 emissions
dropped by a record 5.8% as restrictions on daily life to curb the spread of COVID-19 drove
global demand for energy down.

[News Keywords]

 emission: 배출, 배출량

 to be set to: ~하도록 예정되어 있다.
 year-on-year: 전년 대비
 to curb: 억제하다

[CO2 Emissions to Soar in 2021]

The International Energy Agency says


global carbon dioxide emissions are set to rise by 5% in 2021,

전 세계 이산화탄소 배출량이 2021년에 5% 증가할 것이라고 말했습니다.

the second highest year-on-year increase in history.

이는 역사상 두 번째로 높은 연간 증가세입니다.

In 2020, CO2 emissions dropped by a record 5.8%

2020년, 이산화탄소 배출량은 역대 최대인 5.8% 감소했는데요,

as restrictions on daily life to curb the spread of COVID-19

코로나19 확산을 막기 위해 취해진 일상생활에 대한 규제로 인해

drove global demand for energy down.

전 세계 에너지 수요가 하락했기 때문입니다.

[Today’s Patterns]

 관사의 활용: 숫자 앞에 형용사가 붙으면 ‘a/an’을 붙인다.

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- 이번 사고로 사망한 사람이 30명으로 추정된다.

추정되다, 추산되다: It is estimated that ~

추정하다, 추산하다: to estimate the number of deaths at ~

It is estimated that 30 people were killed in the accident.

An 30 people were killed in the accident.

An estimated 30 people were killed in the accident.

PART 2: Being An Anchor, Yourself

[Clean Renewable Energy]

세계 여러 나라가 석탄 사용을 점진적으로 줄이면서 재생 에너지 공급을 늘려 나가고 있다.

우리나라의 경우 2030년까지 재생에너지 발전량 비중 20%를 목표로 하고 있다.

세계 여러 나라가 1) 석탄 사용을 점진적으로 줄이면서 2) 재생 에너지 공급을 늘려 나가고


- 재생 가능한 에너지: renewable energy

Many countries around the world are gradually reducing the use of coal and increase
renewable energy supply.

우리나라의 경우 2030년까지 재생에너지 발전량 비중 20%를 목표로 하고 있다.

- 발전량: power generation, the nation’s power supply (전력 공급량)

South Korea wants renewable energy to 20% of the country’s power supply
by 2030.

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김성백의 영어뉴스 핵심패턴

South Korea wants renewable energy to account for 20% of the country’s power supply by

Many countries around the world are gradually reducing the use of coal and increase
renewable energy supply. Now South Korea wants renewable energy to account for 20% of
the country’s power supply by 2030.

PART 3: Today’s Expressions

to file a complaint: 민원을 제기하다, 제소하다

to be set to: ~하도록 예정되어 있다.

year-on-year: 전년 대비

renewable energy: 재생 에너지

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