SPEAKING 2 - Intermedio 3

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MARIA : Hi girls ! Long time no see….

VALERIE: It’s true that they have played basketball?

JUDITH: Yes! I love it! I’ve played Basketball since I was a child.
MARIA: No .I haven’t .
I have been taking swimming lesson .I take part in competitions every couple of months .My
doctor told me : I was working too hard.However I would like to participate in some
extracurricular activities at university.It just so happens that, lately,I am fairly(ferly) active
JUDITH: Fine, It's interesting.
VALERIE: I’ve never heard of it, , but I would like to try extracurricular activities to stay more
active. What about you Judith, How do you play Basketball?
JUDITH: Oh, Basketball is played in several countries around the world, especially in the
USA (yuesei)
JUDITH: It's played with a ball and two teams of 5 people. You don't need gloves or knee
pads. The game begins with a jump between two players from each team.
VALERIA : IS GREATH …What have you done recently,Maria ?
MARIA : I have visited many countries in the past year
Valeri : That's awesome Have you tried anything special ? (has probado algo especial)
MARIA : Absolutely……….I have been to China,Korea and Tailand
In Japan,I tried sushi for the first time
Valeri : Wow That's fantastic…I have always wanted to try sushi
MARIA : It has been a delicious experience……You should definitely trY it someday.
MARIA : What have you been doing ?
Valeri : Tomorrow is my english test.I have been learning tenses for the last 2 hours
JUDITH : I have been studying English for a year. If you want to learn, you must practice
speaking a lot.
Maria : You are good at english .I know you will get better grades .
You have been studying all day
JUDITH: I have to go. See you tomorrow girls! Byee
VALERIE: Well girls it was a pleasure to listen to you.
Maria : See ya'round
MARIA : Hi Valerie ! Long time no see….
JUDITH : Hi Valerie
VALERIE : Hi girls ! ………. How are you?
MARIA : I am doing great
JUDITH : I’m fine
VALERIE : what have you been up to lately?
JUDITH : We just come back from vacations
MARIA : Yes. We have visited many countries this year
VALERIE: That's awesome Have you tried anything special ?
MARIA : Absolutely……….We have been to China,Korea and Tailand
In Japan,I tried sushi for the first time.
VALERIE: Wow That's fantastic…I have always wanted to try sushi
MARIA : It has been a delicious experience……You should definitely trY it someday.
VALERIE: I almost forgot. I found tickets for NBA games…It’s true that they have played
JUDITH: Yes! I love it! I’ve played Basketball since I was a child..
MARIA: No .I haven’t .
I have been taking swimming lesson .I take part in competitions every couple of months .My
doctor told me : You were working too hard.However I would like to participate in some
extracurricular activities at university.It just so happens that, lately,I am fairly(ferly) active
JUDITH: Fine, It's interesting.
VALERIE: I’ve never heard of it, , but I would like to try extracurricular activities to stay more
active. What about you Judith, How do you play Basketball?
JUDITH: Oh, Basketball is played in several countries around the world, especially in the
USA (yuesei)
JUDITH: It's played with a ball and two teams of 5 people. You don't need gloves or knee
pads. The game begins with a jump between two players from each team.
MARIA : What have you been doing,Valerie ?
VALERIE: Tomorrow is my english test.I have been learning tenses for the last 2 hours
JUDITH : I have been studying English for a year. If you want to learn, you must practice
speaking a lot.
Maria : You are good at english .I know you will get better grades .
You have been studying all day
JUDITH: I have to go. See you tomorrow girls! Byee
VALERIE: Well girls it was a pleasure to listen to you.
Maria : See ya'round..It has been great to see you Valerie

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