Scrap Book 0.1

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 Success, Happiness, and Meaning or Purpose.

- Success is a pursuit that often aligns with personal and professional

- Happiness is a fundamental goal for many, emphasizing well-being and
- Meaning or Purpose provides a broader perspective, emphasizing the
significance and direction in one's life beyond immediate goals.

Activity 3
- Subjective
- Belief
- Perspective
- Bias
- Personal view
- Interpretation
- Judgment
- Evaluation

Activity 4
- The quote by Buddha encourages discernment between falsehood and truth,
urging introspection and alignment with one’s inner nature. The visual absence of
a picture leaves room for individual interpretation, inviting introspective reflection
on personal truths and the wisdom of recognizing falsities in one’s journey.
Activity 6
1. As a person I have many limitation but the most thing that I struggle is
about my lack of understanding to others.
2. My strength lie in helping others and being nice to others. Future
possibilities may include healthy relationship with my peers.
3. Factors affecting limitations include mental and environmental limitation.
Possibilities are influenced by my good friends and healthy relationship
with my family.
4. Improvement will be seen within 5 to 10 years if I will work hard to be a
great artist and have a perfect job for me.

Activity 7
 The picture is about a man that is confused or having a hard time making
decision. Yes I have encountered this situation. When I make decision I
first ask god how to engage my problems then I will ask for council from
my parents and from other person who have knowledge about the

Activity 8
 In every action there is a consequences. It will sometimes be painful or
sometimes great but if this will happen I will be careful in every choices I
make in the near future

Activity 12
1. For me life is simple, it is given by God to make it special and better, To make a
perfect choices from God because he knows all about me.
2. I appreciate life because even it is not perfect it will always have a good effect on
the later part of my life. For I was a person that have many problems but later in
my life I was guided and protected by my parents because of the Bible or God’s
 Love, Recognition, and Faith.

- Love is a vital aspect of human connection and fulfillment.

- Recognition adds a social dimension, reflecting the desire for acknowledgment
and validation.
- Faith extends beyond religious connotations, emphasizing trust and belief in
something greater than oneself.

Activity 3
- Objective
- Reality
- Truth
- Evidence
- Data
- Verifiable
- Information
- Accuracy

Activity 4
- The words evoke a sense of mindfulness, emphasizing the importance of
sincerity and authenticity. They suggest a path of self-awareness and inner
clarity, where acknowledging the false and embracing the true become guiding
principles. It resonates with the idea of following one’s intuition and staying true
to oneself amidst the complexities of life.

Activity 6
1. As a person my limitations may include lack of skills for example I may
struggle with public speaking due to lack of experience and confidence.
2. May strength lie in helping the other also giving empathy to my strengths
are lie in giving sympathy/ empathy to my friends and being nice to others.
My possible things to achieve in the future is to have a qualify life and
being successful.
3. Factors affecting my limitations include environmental factors and mental
possibilities are influenced by my family and close friends.
4. I can say myself improving 5 to 10 years when I have a proper job and
slowly achieving my dreams.

Activity 7
 The picture is all about a man that is confused and having a hard time
making a decision. Yes. First I keep myself to be calm before I make a
decision and I ask god for guidance and how to solve my problems and
when things go well that’s the time that I will make my decision.

Activity 8
 In every decisions or actions we made there is always a consequences
whether it is good or bad.

Activity 12
1. Life is given by God and aspect of existence
2. I appreciate life because it is fulfilling and fun, even though life is unfair
sometimes it will always it will always have a fun and beautiful moments. For
example I have a family that always supports and love me.


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