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Romblon State University- San Agustin

Institute of Criminal Justice Education

The Contemporary World

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Name: Nadine O. Deogrades
Bloc: 7

1. What did you learn in this course? Discuss three of the biggest ideas from the course.
Answer: This course, The Contemporary World, taught me the importance of
conceptualizing the world outside the Philippines, and instill knowledge about our
own global citizenship and global ethical responsibility. I also learned about how it
looks up to the use of various discipline of the social sciences, analyzing and
examining economic, social, political, and technological aspect of transformation that
create increased awareness of the interconnectedness of peoples and places around the
globe. The three of the biggest ideas from this course was; modernization,
globalization, and nationalism. Modernization wherein there was a process of social
changes that occur in a certain places around the globe. Globalization, on the other
hand, describe how trade and technology have made the world into a more connected
and interdependent place. Lastly, Nationalism which is essential function to interpret
and make sense of the modern world. Nationalism that unites people and drives them
to fight for a common goal.

2. How has your perspective or understanding of the Contemporary World been

changed, challenged, reinforced or deepened because of this idea or moment?
Answer: My perspective or understanding of the Contemporary World changed,
challenged, reinforced or deepened the moment I learned about globalization.
Globalization in which is the highlight and central idea of this course. Before I knew
about this, my understanding to the Contemporary World was just all about on the
modern society that we live in, but I was wrong because it doesn’t only focused on the
on the modernity, instead it focuses also to the global aspect of interconnectedness
among countries around the globe. This course open my mind and expanded my
knowledge about the contemporary world and it’s various discipline from the past up
to the present.

3. What did not go well this semester? What did you experience as challenging or
Answer: Because of the broader coverage of topics from this course, I encountered
confusions and minor understanding of some certain topics. I experience hard time to
understand very well some of the sub-topics. It indeed requires comprehensive or
deeper understanding. Having failing grades is challenging or undesirable experience.
4. What are you most proud of from the semester? Why does this make you proud?
Answer: My most proud of from this semester is that even it’s hard to deal with some
broader lessons, I always tried my best to cope up. This make me proud because
trying the best that you can means being serious to achieve a specific and much better
goals. The mindset that drives me to achieve higher and developed my capacity and
ability to learn. We shouldn’t be discouraged of the failures, instead we should make
it our steppingstone to achieved better.

As the semester will end, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, sir, for
imparting knowledge to us with this course. What we have learned from you will
always be remembered and carry on to the next school year and so on.

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