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Principles for success

Khansa Naz
Educationist, Principal, creative writer and graphic designer

1. Do not stop, continue working hard

Movement is the key to the existence of the universe. Same is the requirement for the human
being to be progressive and young. When there is continuous effort, hurdles come in the way
of success. But, do not stop. They are to test you. If you stay focused and continue working
hard towards your goal, nothing can stop you from achieving your goals.

2. Be expert in your field

People follow expert opinion. Only those who continue to polish their knowledge, skills and
abilities, stay prominent in their fields. Being expert in one’s field is necessary for persons,
organizations and nations. Perfection does not exist. But, if you do not continuously improve,
your expertise will lessen, as knowledge is increasing day by day. Only those who polish their
skills lead in their field.

3. Be real
Being real is the beauty of nature and universe. Fake things cannot stay alive for long. Only
real experts, only real fighters, only real persons can live long life being young. Fake persona
does not exist for long. Do not change yourself for others. Those who do not like you; they will
not like you when you change for them too. Makeup does not last on face; same is the situation
with fake, artificial, temporary, short-term facade. What you know, simply tell others that you
know about that phenomenon? What you do not know, simply tell; you do not know. If you
show off more than your knowledge, it will fade away soon; then there will be no place to hide.

4. Be social
Human nature is to be social. The people; who are social, are more likely to be fit in the
society, than those who stay away from people. Being social is being connected either in
person or online. New terms are forming due to vast exposure of social media. No nation can
survive being cut off from the world. Same is the case with people. Alone cannot be this life

5. Be practical
Being realistic and practical is the most required skill of ageing world. The world is
progressing rapidly and those who do not give importance to changing conditions, will lag
behind. The nations are falling due to ignoring the fact and significance of being practical. For
instance, Covid-19 uncertainty has shaken the nations. Only those who have started working
practically to be less possibly affected; have survived.

6. Be present on social media

Social media presence is the sign of being young and advanced. The world is changing and
advancing rapidly. We could not imagine this all 20 years ago. If we are not available on social
media, then it seems as if we do not exist. The universities who are not online available, are
almost cut off from the world. They are not up to date as per modern ageing world demands.
Now, persons, companies, schools, firms, brands and even governments of countries are
present on social media from Facebook to LinkedIn and from Twitter to Instagram.

7. Have basic knowledge of viral trends

Viral here means wide spreading, talk of the town .Have basic knowledge of viral
ideas/people/concepts of viral ideas, people, personalities, videos etc. Discussions, examples
made in public, family, job place etc; about viral videos, ideas, people, personalities etc; can
make you ignorant and not advanced. So, we can say that being young in ageing world requires
you to have basic knowledge of trending concepts. One example of viral videos ,is, Ivanka
Trump facial impressions after shaking hands with Russian president Putin.

8. Be flexible in decision making

To err is human. The decisions made by human beings may be proved wrong. It does not mean
that stick to it, rather, there should be plan B. Continuous evaluation and analysis of the
situation will show the anticipated results, so if the required results are not approaching, the
techniques may be changed.
9. See all angles
Before doing any task, completely see all angles, all pros and cons. So that decision is the best
possible solution.

10. Interact, communicate

Interact with others. Communicate with others, peers, family, friends, experts, seniors etc.
Instead of dealing wrongly or unclearly moving ahead, it will be better to discuss with others
for better options. Unity is strength. If a decision is approved by more people, it will be more

11. Put your 100%

Do in what you have command. Halfheartedly done task is not done well.

To show yourself to the world as a strong person; put your hundred percent effort; and let hope
for the best results. Every action has a reaction. So, the result will be effective.

If you do not do what you love to do, or what you need to do, none will do it for you. So,
dream can be realized if you do what is required. As life is moving fast, you will die one day.
Instead of making excuses or dying without fulfilling your desires, do what you love to do.


As young people have energy, passion and resilience, so to be young in the ageing world, “now
or never” formulae is the key to success. When you have decided to do something, get out of
the comfort zone and complete it.

14. Work on self

Work on yourself. If you do not work on self, no one else will. Give yourself importance, time,
value and special attention. You deserve it. Especially in this ageing world, one who ignores
self, cannot focus on his/her aims, as there are multiple responsibilities. So, one needs “me
time”. Workout, skincare, body shape, proper diet, full sleep etc. are the requirements of self,
which are necessary to stay focused in this era.
15. Focus on health
Health is wealth. Where there people are healthy, there is prosperity. Where there is illness, lot
of income is spent on medical treatments and medicines. For being young in this era, each
person, each nation, and to be honest whole population of the world needs to be healthy enough
to meet the requirements of the world to cope with day to day business.

16. Focus on outlook

Your outlook is the cover of your life book. If the outlook is attractive, more and more
attraction is attached with you. In this social media era, outlook is important, but it does not
mean that you start maintaining fake outlook.

17. Ensure fulfilling human rights

In whatsoever post, role or character you are, it is your sole responsibility to be fulfilling others
rights. The people and the nations; who fulfill human rights, stay on top, both socially and

18. Be global village citizen

In person: Being open minded enough that you consider yourself a global citizen, is the
requirement of this age. If a country’s people are suffering from any issue, all other countries
jointly put efforts to take that country from that crisis. YouTubers who are wandering all over
the globe, are promoting global citizenship.

Electronically: Human beings are global citizen in this tech era. All people are linked with each
other. No boundary limit disrupts the electronic movement of human beings. A person living in
one continent is linked with audio and video online within seconds to the person living in the
most far off continent, where to reach it required lot of days and resources. For being
successful, one requires to have global relations.

19. Never lose hope

AliBaba owner Jack Ma & SpaceX owner Alon Musk; are the modern day examples of never
losing hope. Same is the example of KFC owner Sanders, who came to be famous at sixty’s.
Rejection means redirection. They were rejected from simple small jobs, but they did not lose
hope, and now they are the richest amongst us.
20. Try new things
“For human is, what he makes efforts for” Allah says in Quran. Trying new things will result in
better conditions, facilities, opportunities and technologies. If no one had tried new things, we
might have been in no contact with the world at a click.

21. Challenge yourself

Fear does not mean that you stop when you feel afraid of. Instead, challenge yourself and face
the fear. Fear of losing job, failing business, fear of rejection, fear of non- acceptance etc. are
the modern day common fears. Those who underestimate themselves, live a life of fear, by not
challenging themselves. Being young in this ageing world requires being bold enough to
challenge oneself, it will enhance self-respect too. Come out of your comfort zone as it is never
confirmed that you will always be in comfort zone by default.

22. Dream big

If you can dream it, you can do it. Imagination is looking your dream coming true, in your
eyes. No one can stop you from dreaming big. There are thousands of examples of dreaming
big and then converting dreams into reality.

23. Plan for dream

If you do not plan for realizing your dreams into reality, nothing will change. Daydreaming is
wastage of time, skills and knowledge which you have. If you have a dream, start planning for
it. Step by step plan to achieve your dream will take you to the achievement of it. Those people
are progressing who dreamt and then started working on them.

24. Compete globally

Being and staying young in this world requires you to compete globally. Nine Dots prize is an
example of this global competition. Find your worth and then prove it by competing globally.

25. Use Tech for improvement

Never stop improving yourself. In all spheres of life, we need continuous improvement.
Technology is there to help us find ways and techniques to stand out of the crowd. Technology
is easy, convenient and cost effective tool for improvement.
26. Set examples
Anyone can be example for the world if he/she is willing to. Those who set their self as an
example, work too hard that not all people can do. For being prominent in this world, you need
to set examples, be an icon in the field of your interest. Your actions should speak louder than
your words.

27. Die empty

Graveyards are full of experts, role models, icons, tycoons, leaders and trend setters. You are
going to die sooner or later. What will remain; is your contribution to the world. Take each day
as your last day in the world, and put all your efforts to be your best version and convey to the
world. Whatever you know, transfer it to the world. Today’s time is the easiest one to put all of
your knowledge, skills and attributions to the world. You must not keep your knowledge to

28. Take criticism for improvement

Criticism brings improvement. When we allow others to point out deficiencies, then we can improve
more. Either it is related to personal life, social life or institutional/ national level actions. However, we
should be alert enough that criticism for the sake of criticism is neither allowed nor appreciated.

29. Be thankful to all

Being thankful brings positivity; while negativity even covers positivity. Count blessings upon you.
Look at those who are less blessed than you. Do not be in complex with others. When you will stay
away from negativity, you will be happy. When you will be happy, you will be thankful.

30. Know your worth (potential)

You should know what is your strength? Play on your strength area. It is the key to success. You
should analyze yourself all the time. All your actions bring reactions; so you should analyze yourself.
SWOT analysis of self makes you strong enough to embrace success.

31. Plan ahead/future planning

Planning is key factor for success. Those who plan before action, succeed. Without planning,
you cannot compete with the ever changing, ever progressing world. 5 year plan, 10 year plan,
20 year plan , 50 year plan ,100 year plan are examples of it. Those people, leaders,
institutions, societies and nations; who can look into future; will succeed.
In short, above mentioned are the thirty one principles for success.Keep these in record to get
motivation.If you want progress and success, read it and do wonders…. ..

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