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Shri ..........................

Editor and Publisher




Dear Sir,

Under instructions from my client Shri A, etc. of ..................... I hereby state as under:

1. In your newspaper ....................... of the ............ 19 ...... you have published an

article .......................... in which you have made the following defamatory remarks about

the said Shri A.

Shri ..........................

Editor and Publisher




Dear Sir,

Under instructions from my client Shri A, etc. of ..................... I hereby state as under:
2. In your newspaper ....................... of the ............ 19 ...... you have published an

article .......................... in which you have made the following defamatory remarks about

the said Shri A.

e claiming Damages for defamation

Date ............................

TO, Notice by Advocate claiming Damages for defamation

Date ............................


Shri ..........................

Editor and Publisher



Notice by Advocat

Notice by Advocat Notice by Advocate claiming Da


Notice by Advocat Notice by Advocate claiming Da

Notice by Advocate claiming Damages for defamation
Notice by Advocat

Notice by Advocat Notice by Advocate claiming Damages for

Notice by Advocat Notice by Advocate claiming Damages for

Notice by Advocate claiming Damages for defamation
Notice by Advocat Notice b


TO, Notice by Advocate claimi


Shri ..........................

Editor and Publisher




Dear Sir,

Under instructions from my client Shr

1. In your newspaper ..................

article .......................... in which y

the said Shri A.

Date ............................

TO, Notice by Advocate claiming Damages for defamation

Date ............................


Shri ..........................

Editor and Publisher




Dear Sir,

Under instructions from my client Shri A, etc. of ..................... I hereby state as under:

3. In your newspaper ....................... of the ............ 19 ...... you have published an

article .......................... in which you have made the following defamatory remarks about

the said Shri A.

Shri ..........................

Editor and Publisher



Dear Sir,

Under instructions from my client Shri A, etc. of ..................... I hereby state as under:

4. In your newspaper ....................... of the ............ 19 ...... you have published an

article .......................... in which you have made the following defamatory remarks about

the said Shri A.

e claiming Damages for defamation

Date ............................

TO, Notice by Advocate claiming Damages for defamation

Date ............................


Shri ..........................

Editor and Publisher




Dear Sir,
Under instructions from my client Shri A, etc. of ..................... I hereby state as under:

5. In your newspaper ....................... of the ............ 19 ...... you have published an

article .......................... in which you have made the following defamatory remarks about

the said Shri A.

Shri ..........................

Editor and Publisher




Dear Sir,

Under instructions from my client Shri A, etc. of ..................... I hereby state as under:

6. In your newspaper ....................... of the ............ 19 ...... you have published an

article .......................... in which you have made the following defamatory remarks about

the said Shri A.

Notice by Advocat

Notice by Advocat Notice by Advocate claiming Da


Notice by Advocat Notice by Advocate claiming Da

Notice by Advocate claiming Damages for defamation
Notice by Advocat

Notice by Advocat Notice by Advocate claiming Da


Notice by Advocat Notice by Advocate claiming Da

Notice by Advocate claiming Damages for defamation
Notice by Advocat

Notice by Advocat Notice by Advocate claiming Damages for

Notice by Advocat Notice by Advocate claiming Damages for

Notice by Advocate claiming Damages for defamation
Notice by Advocat Notice b


TO, Notice by Advocate claimi


Shri ..........................

Editor and Publisher




Dear Sir,

Under instructions from my client Shr

1. In your newspaper ..................

article .......................... in which y

the said Shri A.

Date ............................

TO, Notice by Advocate claiming Damages for defamation

Date ............................


Shri ..........................

Editor and Publisher




Dear Sir,

Under instructions from my client Shri A, etc. of ..................... I hereby state as under:

7. In your newspaper ....................... of the ............ 19 ...... you have published an

article .......................... in which you have made the following defamatory remarks about

the said Shri A.

Shri ..........................

Editor and Publisher



Dear Sir,

Under instructions from my client Shri A, etc. of ..................... I hereby state as under:

8. In your newspaper ....................... of the ............ 19 ...... you have published an

article .......................... in which you have made the following defamatory remarks about

the said Shri A.

e claiming Damages for defamation

Date ............................

TO, Notice by Advocate claiming Damages for defamation

Date ............................


Shri ..........................

Editor and Publisher




Dear Sir,
Under instructions from my client Shri A, etc. of ..................... I hereby state as under:

9. In your newspaper ....................... of the ............ 19 ...... you have published an

article .......................... in which you have made the following defamatory remarks about

the said Shri A.

Shri ..........................

Editor and Publisher




Dear Sir,

Under instructions from my client Shri A, etc. of ..................... I hereby state as under:

10. In your newspaper ....................... of the ............ 19 ...... you have published an

article .......................... in which you have made the following defamatory remarks about

the said Shri A.

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