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Annals of Internal Medicine ORIGINAL RESEARCH

Periconception Red Blood Cell Folate and Offspring Congenital

Heart Disease
Nested Case–Control and Mendelian Randomization Studies
Hongyan Chen, PhD*; Yi Zhang, MPH*; Dingmei Wang, MD*; Xiaotian Chen, Msc; Mengru Li, MD; Xiangyuan Huang, Msc;
Yuan Jiang, Msc; Yalan Dou, PhD; Yin Wang, PhD; Xiaojing Ma, MD; Wei Sheng, PhD; Bing Jia, MD; Weili Yan, PhD; and
Guoying Huang, MD; for the SPCC (Shanghai Preconception Cohort) Group†

Background: Periconception folic acid supplementation has per 100 nmol/L, 0.93 [95% CI, 0.89 to 0.99]). The adjusted
been suggested to protect against congenital heart disease OR for mothers with periconception RBC folate of 906 nmol/L
(CHD), but the association between maternal red blood cell or more (vs. <906 nmol/L) was 0.61 (CI, 0.40 to 0.93).
(RBC) folate, the gold-standard biomarker of folate expo- Mendelian randomization showed that each 100-nmol increase
sure, and subsequent offspring CHD risk is lacking. in maternal RBC folate concentrations was significantly associ-
ated with reduced offspring CHD risk (OR, 0.75 [CI, 0.61 to
Objective: To quantify the association between periconception 0.92]).
maternal RBC folate and offspring CHD risk.
Limitation: Potential confounding due to unmeasured cova-
Design: Prospective, nested, case–control study and 1-sample riates in the nested case–control study.
Mendelian randomization. ( NCT02737644)
Conclusion: Higher maternal RBC folate is associated with
Setting: 29 maternity institutions in 12 districts of Greater reduced offspring CHD risk. For primary CHD prevention,
Shanghai, China.
higher target RBC folate levels than currently recommended
Participants: All 197 mothers of offspring with CHD and for neural tube defect prevention may be needed and war-
788 individually matched mothers of unaffected offspring rant further study.
from the SPCC (Shanghai Preconception Cohort).
Primary Funding Source: National Key Research and
Measurements: Maternal RBC folate was measured before Development Program of China, National Natural Science
or at early pregnancy. Odds ratios [ORs] were estimated using Foundation of China, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation,
conditional logistic regression after adjustment for covariates. and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Innovation Fund
Mendelian randomization was done using the methylenetetrahy- for Medical Sciences.
drofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T as the genetic instrument.
Ann Intern Med. doi:10.7326/M22-0741
Results: Case patients had lower median maternal RBC fo- For author, article, and disclosure information, see end of text.
late concentrations than control participants (714 nmol/L This article was published at on 23 August 2022.
[interquartile range, 482 to 1008 nmol/L] vs. 788 nmol/L * Dr. H. Chen, Mr. Zhang, and Dr. D. Wang contributed equally.
[557 to 1094 nmol/L]). Maternal RBC folate concentrations † For members of the SPCC Group, see the Supplement (available at
were inversely associated with offspring CHD (adjusted OR

C ongenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common

congenital defect worldwide, affecting about 9 in
1000 newborns (1). Prenatal and postnatal screening, di-
to the outflow tract septation of the heart (8). However, evi-
dence from epidemiologic studies on CHD is conflicting.
Some studies have found significant associations between
agnosis, and surgery have been fairly successful in man- folic acid supplementation and CHD (9–13), but none
aging CHD, but strategies for primary prevention are have reported a significant association for serum folate
limited; substantial efforts are required to identify major (14–17). Methodological limitations, including the timing
modifiable risk factors. Folate is a crucial nutrient required and accuracy in folate status measurements, may contrib-
for embryonic development, and maternal folate supple- ute to the controversial findings.
mentation is well established to protect against neural Red blood cell (RBC) folate reflects the long-term fo-
tube defects (NTDs) (2, 3). Such protective effects seen in late status and is the gold-standard measure recom-
clinical trials and food-fortification programs for NTDs (4– mended by the World Health Organization (WHO) (18).
7) may extend to CHD; this is biologically plausible as neu- However, no prior studies have measured this biomarker
ral crest cells with a high demand for folate also contribute in the critical time window before or close to fetal heart
development to quantify the association between mater-
nal folate and offspring CHD. Consequently, whether
See also: and to what extent maternal folate is associated with off-
Summary for Patients spring CHD risk remains unclear. In this study, we investi-
gated the association between periconception maternal
Web-Only RBC folate and offspring CHD risk using a nested case–
Supplement control study within the SPCC (Shanghai Preconception
Cohort) (19). Considering that ethical considerations limit Annals of Internal Medicine © 2022 American College of Physicians 1

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ORIGINAL RESEARCH RBC Folate and Offspring Congenital Heart Disease

randomized controlled trials of folic acid supplementation and with a CHD diagnosis from any other hospitals after
on CHD as the primary outcome (3), we attempted to test birth were further identified. Telephone calls by trained
the causality of the maternal folate–CHD association using staff were subsequently made to confirm the informa-
the Mendelian randomization approach (20, 21). This tion from these parents about the CHD diagnosis of their
approach has been accepted as an alternative method children (see the Supplement Methods for a detailed
using genetic variants as instrumental variables to assess description).
causal relationships. Similar to random allocation of inter- The nomenclature of the International Paediatric and
vention in randomized controlled trials, Mendelian ran- Congenital Cardiac Code (of the Nomenclature Working
domization uses a person's naturally occurring randomized Group of the International Society for Nomenclature of
exposure to genetic variants that are highly associated with Paediatric and Congenital Heart Disease) was used to
lifetime RBC folate and can thus overcome the problems of define CHD (25). We excluded the following conditions:
reverse causation and confounding that are typical of con- simple patent foramen ovale, patent ductus arteriosus
ventional observational studies (22). closed within 3 months of age, physiologic pulmonary
branch stenosis resolved at postnatal follow-up, and
atrial septal defect closed within 3 months of age. In
METHODS combined cardiac defects, either the most clinically sig-
Study Population nificant structural anomaly or the defect necessitating
Initiated in March 2016, the SPCC is an ongoing pro- the earliest intervention was considered the predomi-
spective cohort study designed to investigate the associ- nant diagnosis.
ations between periconception essential nutrients and Eligible control participants were mothers of unaf-
offspring CHD risk. It recruited participants from 29 mater- fected offspring randomly selected from the cohort.
nity institutions in 12 districts of Greater Shanghai, China. Each confirmed case was matched to 4 control partici-
The rationale and methods of the SPCC have been pub- pants by maternal age (±2 years), blood collection time
lished previously (19). Briefly, couples who attended the (±3 months), participating site, and enrollment status
preconception clinics and intended to conceive within 1 (before conception or at early pregnancy).
year and early pregnant women who attended the first
prenatal examination within 14 weeks of gestation were Biomarker Measurement
recruited. Information on lifestyle, dietary supplementa- Levels of RBC folate, serum folate, and serum vitamin
tion, pregnancy history, and anthropometric data was B12 were measured by using a chemiluminescence
collected from standardized questionnaires (see the microparticle immunoassay (ARCHITECT i2000SR Analyzer;
Supplement Methods [available at] for a Abbott Laboratories) as previously described (19). The
detailed description), and blood samples were drawn at interassay coefficient of variations of QC1-QC3 for RBC
recruitments. All of the pregnancies were followed up folate, serum folate, and vitamin B12 was less than 7.5%.
with routine prenatal health care procedures. Blood The intraassay coefficient of variations was less than 6.5%
samples were treated according to the requirements of for the study population. The methylenetetrahydrofolate
RBC folate examinations and stored at the central labo- reductase (MTHFR) C677T genetic variant was geno-
ratory in 80  C freezers until analysis. As of December typed using the TaqMan allelic discrimination assay on
2021, delivery outcomes were available for 22 753 of the platform of QuantStudio Real-Time PCR software
35 166 enrolled women. The Ethics Committee of the (Applied Biosystems) with standard quality control. The
Children's Hospital of Fudan University approved the CC, CT, and TT genotypes were recoded as 0, 1, and 2.
study protocol (institutional review board number
201649). All participants provided written informed Statistical Analysis
consent before enrollment. This study followed the We assumed a 2-sided a of 0.05, an SD for estimated
STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational RBC folate concentrations scaled to a 100-nmol/L incre-
Studies in Epidemiology) reporting guideline. ment of 3.75, and an r2 of 0.06. The r2 value represents
the relationship between estimated RBC folate concen-
Identification of Case Patients and Match of tration per 100-nmol/L increment and other analyzed
Control Participants covariates estimated from a previous cohort study (26).
Case patients were defined as mothers of offspring A 100-nmol/L increment was chosen because it
with CHD, including live births, stillbirths, and abortions roughly corresponds to an average monthly increment in
because of fetal cardiac anomalies. All pregnancies had RBC folate concentrations with 400 mcg per day folic
prenatal ultrasound scans in the second trimester (around acid supplementation within 3 months (27). Based on a
20 to 24 weeks of gestation) performed by trained ultraso- conditional logistic regression model with a case to con-
nographers; abnormal findings were confirmed by author- trol ratio of 1:4, our sample size with 197 case patients
ized tertiary fetal medical centers. All newborns had routine would have 80% power to detect an odds ratio (OR) of
neonatal CHD screening, and those screened positive were smaller than 0.94 or larger than 1.06. Power calculation
subsequently sent for further echocardiographic confirma- was conducted using PASS 16.0 software (NCSS).
tion (23, 24). Those who screened negative attended rou- Our primary analysis evaluated the association of
tine child care visits at 42 days, 3 months, 6 months, and continuous maternal RBC folate concentrations (per 100
1 year after birth; those with late-presenting cardiac symp- nmol/L) with subsequent offspring CHD risk. Odds ratios
toms (such as cyanosis, tachypnea, and feeding difficulty) and 95% CIs were estimated by conditional logistic
2 Annals of Internal Medicine

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RBC Folate and Offspring Congenital Heart Disease ORIGINAL RESEARCH

Figure 1. Flow chart of the study population in the nested case–control study within the SPPC.

SPCC, March 2016 to December 2021

Preconception women of Early pregnancies, <14 weeks

reproductive age (n = 21 115) of gestation (n = 15 615)

Delivery outcomes available (n = 8732) Delivery outcomes available (n = 14 021)

Case patients with confirmed CHD (n = 197) Matched control participants (n = 788)
With valid maternal blood sample: 172 With valid maternal blood sample: 788
Without valid maternal blood sample: 25 Without valid maternal blood sample: 0

CHD = congenital heart disease; SPPC = Shanghai Preconception Cohort.

regression models, adjusting for potential confounding recommended by the WHO for primary NTD prevention
factors, including the duration between enrollment and (18). In a secondary analysis, we categorized RBC fo-
conception (months; with preconception accruals as late concentrations into 7 groups in a per 226-nmol/L
negative numbers and postconception accruals as posi- (100-ng/mL) interval to inspect changes in CHD risk to
tive numbers), prepregnancy body mass index (kg/m2), determine whether there would be a dose–response rela-
history of abortion (yes or no), smoking exposure (yes or tionship: less than 226 nmol/L, 226 to 452 nmol/L, 453 to
no), alcohol drinking (yes or no), education levels (high 679 nmol/L, 680 to 905 nmol/L, 906 to 1131 nmol/L, 1132
school or lower, college, or postgraduate), and vitamin to 1359 nmol/L, and 1360 nmol/L or more. We performed
B12 levels (per 100 pmol/L). To aid in clinical interpreta- a trend test by treating the dose group with the 7 cate-
tion and comparison with other studies, we dichotom- gories (coded as 1 to 7) as a continuous variable in the
ized RBC folate levels by the threshold of 906 nmol/L conditional logistic regression model. We estimated the
population risk in the 7 categories of RBC folate concen-
trations, assuming that the control participants would be
Table 1. Spectrum of the 197 CHD Cases
representative of the nonaffected offspring and using the
overall CHD rate of 8.98 per 1000 births in Shanghai (28).
Predominant Defect Case Patients With Risks were derived from the odds of CHD in each group
CHD, n (%)*
by dividing the number of case patients by the weighted
Simple defects 161 (82)
number of control participants, and CIs were calculated
Ventricular septal defect 82 (42)
Atrial septal defect 51 (26) assuming a Poisson distribution (29, 30) (see details
Patent ductus arteriosus 21 (11) in the Supplement Methods).
Pulmonary stenosis 7 (4) To test the causality of the association, we performed
1-sample Mendelian randomization using the MTHFR
Complex defects 36 (18)
Tetralogy of Fallot 13 (7)
C677T variant as the instrument variable. This variant is a
Vascular ring† 6 (3) well-established functional polymorphism related to fo-
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome 4 (2) late metabolism that is associated with a 10% to 35%
Double outlet right ventricle 3 (2) reduction in circulating folate and RBC folate (31, 32)
Functionally univentricular heart 3 (2)
Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection 2 (1)
and has been reported to be a risk factor for offspring
Hypoplastic right heart syndrome 2 (1) CHD (9). As an instrumental variable, the MTHFR C677T
Tricuspid atresia 1 (1) satisfied the 3 main assumptions for Mendelian random-
Persistent truncus arteriosus 1 (1) ization analysis (22): the genotype should be robustly
Tricuspid stenosis 1 (1)
associated with the intermediate phenotype, should not
Total 197 (100) be associated with confounding factors, and should
exert its effect on the outcome only through the specific
CHD = congenital heart disease. intermediate phenotype (see the detailed description in
* Because of rounding, the percentages may not total to 100.
† Including 3 cases with double aortic arch, 2 right aortic arch with the Supplement Methods).
aberrant left subclavian, and 1 pulmonary sling, all of which were CHD The Mendelian randomization estimate was com-
cases of clinical significance. puted using the adjusted 2-stage method (33). Given the Annals of Internal Medicine 3

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ORIGINAL RESEARCH RBC Folate and Offspring Congenital Heart Disease

Table 2. Characteristics of Participants in the Nested Case–Control Study Within the SPCC (n = 985)*
Characteristics Case Patients With Matched Control Participants
CHD (n = 197) (n = 788)
Median age (IQR), y 30.1 (28.3–33.1) 30.0 (27.8–32.6)
Median duration between enrollment and conception (IQR), mo†
Preconception accrual 6.1 (2.1–14.2) 5.3 (2.2–10.7)
Postconception accrual 2.8 (2.2–2.9) 2.8 (2.3–3.0)
Ethnicity, n (%)
Han 195 (99) 778 (98.7)
Others 2 (1) 10 (1.3)
Median body mass index (IQR), kg/m2‡ 20.9 (19.2–22.8) 20.7 (19.2–22.4)
History of abortion, n (%) 58 (30) 225 (30.9)
Education attainment, n (%)
High school education or lower 18 (9) 79 (10.0)
College education 141 (72) 571 (72.5)
Postgraduate education 38 (19) 138 (17.5)
Smoking exposure, n (%) 28 (14) 134 (17.0)
Alcohol drinking, n (%) 26 (13) 148 (18.8)
Folate supplement before pregnancy, n (%)§ 37 (47) 157 (47.6)
Folate supplement during early pregnancy, n (%)§ 95 (89) 409 (93.0)
Mean serum vitamin B12 (SD), pmol/L 455 (186) 490 (210)
Median serum folate (IQR), nmol/L 31 (21–38) 32 (21–39)
No folate supplement 24 (18–31) 21 (15–30)
With folate supplement 32 (25–39) 35 (29–41)
Median RBC folate (IQR), nmol/L 714 (482–1008) 788 (557–1094)
No folate supplement 490 (343–740) 566 (418–810)
With folate supplement 830 (577–1072) 877 (651–1179)
RBC folate ≥906 nmol/L, n (%) 50 (29) 303 (38.5)
CHD = congenital heart disease; IQR = interquartile range; RBC = red blood cell; SPCC = Shanghai Preconception Cohort.
* Data were missing for 2.4% (n = 24) of body mass index, 6.6% (n = 65) of history of abortion, 3.1% (n = 30) of folate supplement, 2.5% (n = 25) of
RBC folate, 5.7% (n = 56) of serum folate, and 5.3% (n = 52) of serum vitamin B12. Because of rounding, not all percentages total 100. To convert
the folate values from nmol/L to ng/mL, divide by 2.265.
† Duration between enrollment and conception was calculated as the enrolled date minus the conception date, which was a negative number for
the preconception accrual (n = 430) and a positive number for postconception accrual (n = 555). For the descriptive purpose only, we used the
absolute values with the preconception accrual indicating the month before conception.
‡ Body mass index is the weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.
§ Folate supplement before conception was available to 408 participants recruited before conception. Folate supplement during early pregnancy
was available to 547 participants recruited before 14 weeks of gestation.

skewed distribution (Supplement Figure 1, available at chained command to impute missing data of maternal, in the first stage, log-transformed maternal RBC folate (for 25 CHD cases) and missing values of
RBC folate per 100 nmol/L was regressed on MTHFR covariates based on the assumption that the data were
C677T genotypes by a linear regression model in the missing at random. We imputed the data by CHD-
control group only, based on the assumption that the affected status and included maternal RBC folate, all
distribution of the exposure in the control participants is covariates considered in the multivariable models, and
similar to that of the general population, which is true for other variables available that we thought were associ-
rare diseases (34). The P for trend across the genotypes ated with the missingness in the imputation models.
was estimated using an additive model with the geno- Because of the skewed distribution of RBC folate and
type treated as a continuous variable. The strength of serum folate, these 2 variables were log-transformed
the instrument was confirmed by F statistics from the
before imputation. Ten imputed data sets were gener-
regression (F > 10 is considered acceptable). In the
ated, with the results combined using the Rubin rule
second stage, the binary outcome of offspring CHD
(35, 36) (see the detailed Supplement Methods). We
was regressed on the back-transformed fitted RBC fo-
did a sensitivity analysis by repeating the main analyses
late (per 100 nmol/L) and the residuals from the first
stage, which served as independent variables in a logis- restricting to the 172 case patients with measured
tic regression model using the vce (robust) option in maternal RBC folate. We also assessed the association
Stata. We used the robust SEs to minimize the potential of maternal serum folate concentrations as a continuous
of heteroscedasticity and misspecification of the equa- variable with offspring CHD risk in an additional analy-
tions in the model (33). sis. All of the 95% CIs that are presented for the second-
We performed subgroup analyses to assess whether ary and subgroup analyses have not been corrected for
the associations varied by enrollment status (preconcep- multiplicity as there was no prespecified hypothesis.
tion or during early pregnancy) and CHD complexity Analyses were done using Stata 16.0 (StataCorp) and R
(simple defects and complex defects) with their respec- version 4.0.2 (R Development Core Team) for the fig-
tive matched control participants. Multiple imputation by ures. A 2-sided P value of less than 0.050 was consid-
chained equations was done using the Stata mi imputed ered statistically significant.
4 Annals of Internal Medicine

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RBC Folate and Offspring Congenital Heart Disease ORIGINAL RESEARCH
Role of the Funding Source with similar patterns seen when stratified by folate sup-
The funders had no role in the design and conduct plementation status. Only 29.1% of case patients had
of the study; collection, management, analysis, or inter- maternal RBC folate concentrations of 906 nmol/L or
pretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of higher, which was lower than that of the control partici-
the manuscript; or decision to submit the manuscript for pants (38.5%). Characteristics of persons with (n = 172)
publication. and without (n = 25) measured RBC folate were, in gen-
eral, similar (Supplement Table 1, available at Annals.
Characteristics of the Participants Maternal RBC Folate and Offspring CHD Risk
Among the 22 753 women with delivery outcomes, Each additional 100-nmol/L increase in maternal
197 CHD cases were confirmed, with 86 from mothers RBC folate concentrations was associated with a reduc-
recruited before pregnancy and 111 from mothers tion in offspring CHD (adjusted OR, 0.93 [95% CI, 0.88 to
recruited at early pregnancy (Figure 1). The most com- 0.99]), and having RBC folate concentrations of 906 nmol/L
mon subtypes of offspring CHD were ventricular septal or more was associated with an adjusted OR of 0.61 (CI,
defect (42%), followed by atrial septal defect (26%), pat- 0.40 to 0.93) (Figure 2). In our secondary analysis
ent ductus arteriosus (11%), tetralogy of Fallot (7%), pul- exploring a potential dose–response relationship, the
monary stenosis (4%), and vascular ring (3%) (Table 1). odds of CHD progressively decreased as RBC folate
The final study sample for the nested case–control study increased (P for trend = 0.007). However, the magni-
comprised 985 participants, with 788 matched control tude of reduction plateaued at levels approaching
mothers. 1360 nmol/L (Figure 2), suggesting a potential thresh-
Baseline characteristics, including maternal age, eth- old effect. Compared with those with maternal folate
nicity, prepregnancy body mass index, history of abor- levels less than 226 nmol/L, the estimated population
tion, educational levels, smoking, alcohol drinking status, CHD risk per 1000 births was less than half among
and folic acid supplement status, were similar between those with levels greater than 906 nmol/L (Table 3).
case patients and control participants (Table 2). The me- Sensitivity analyses restricted to 172 case patients with
dian duration between enrollment and conception for measured maternal RBC folate showed similar findings
the preconception accrual and postconception accrual (Supplement Figure 2 and Supplement Table 2, avail-
was 5.3 months (interquartile range [IQR], 2.2 to 11.2 able at
months) and 2.8 months (2.3 to 3.0 months), respectively,
and was similar between case patients and control partic- Mendelian Randomization
ipants. Periconception RBC folate concentrations were One-sample Mendelian randomization was done in
lower in case mothers than control mothers (714 nmol/L 170 case patients with CHD and 771 control participants
[482 to 1008 nmol/L] vs. 788 nmol/L [557 to 1094 nmol/L]), with maternal MTHFR C677T genotypes. The T allele

Figure 2. Associations between maternal RBC folate concentrations and the risk for offspring CHD.

Maternal RBC Folate Case Patients/Control Participants, n/N OR (95% CI) P Value

Continuous, per 100 nmol/L 197/788 0.93 (0.88–0.99) 0.014

Dichotomized by WHO threshold, nmol/L
<906 141/486 1
≥906 56/302 0.61 (0.40–0.93) 0.022
Groupings, nmol/L (ng/mL)
<226 (<100) 6/16 1 0.007
227–452 (100–199) 39/103 1.06 (0.34–3.23)
453–679 (200–299) 50/180 0.67 (0.21–2.13)
680–905 (300–399) 46/187 0.55 (0.18–1.76)
906–1131 (400–499) 23/126 0.40 (0.12–1.34)
1132–1359 (500–599) 15/67 0.47 (0.13–1.72)
≥1360 (≥600) 18/109 0.35 (0.10–1.26)
Mendelian randomization 170/771 0.75 (0.61–0.92) 0.007

0.03 0.10 0.30 1.00 3.00

Odds ratios for higher maternal RBC folate were calculated using conditional logistic regression models adjusting for the duration between enrollment
and conception, prepregnancy body mass index, history of abortion, maternal smoking status, alcohol drinking, educational attainment, and serum vita-
min B12 concentrations (n = 985). RBC folate was dichotomized based on the threshold value of 906 nmol/L set for primary neural tube defect preven-
tion. RBC folate concentrations were categorized into 7 groups to inspect changes in CHD risk and determine whether there would be a dose–response
relationship by performing a trend test in which the dose group with the 7 categories having values from 1 to 7 was treated as a numerical variable in
the conditional logistic regression model. The log scale was used on the x-axis. To convert the folate values from nmol/L to ng/mL, divide by 2.265. OR
= odds ratio; RBC = red blood cell; WHO = World Health Organization. Annals of Internal Medicine 5

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ORIGINAL RESEARCH RBC Folate and Offspring Congenital Heart Disease

Table 3. Distribution of Case Patients and Control Participants and Estimated Population Risk for CHD by Maternal RBC Folate
RBC Folate, nmol/L (ng/mL) Case Patients, Control Participants, Estimated Risk for CHD
n (%) n (%) per 1000 Births (95% CI)
<226 (<100) 6 (3) 16 (2.0) 13.5 (4.9–29.3)
227–452 (100–199) 39 (20) 103 (13.1) 13.6 (9.7–18.6)
453–679 (200–299) 50 (25) 180 (22.8) 10.0 (7.4–13.2)
680–905 (300–399) 46 (23) 187 (23.7) 8.8 (6.5–11.8)
906–1131 (400–499) 23 (12) 126 (16.0) 6.6 (4.2–9.8)
1132–1359 (500–599) 15 (8) 67 (8.5) 8.0 (4.5–13.3)
≥1360 (≥600) 18 (9) 109 (13.8) 5.9 (3.5–9.4)
Total 197 (100) 788 (100) 9.0 (7.8–10.3)
CHD = congenital heart disease; RBC = red blood cell.
* We estimated the population risk in the 7 categories of RBC concentrations, assuming that the control participants would be representative of the
nonaffected offspring and using the overall CHD rate of 8.98 per 1000 births in Shanghai (28). Risks were derived from the odds of CHD in each
group by dividing the number of case patients by the weighted number of control participants, and CIs were calculated assuming a Poisson distri-
bution (29, 30).

frequency of the MTHFR C677T polymorphism was 45.7% offspring CHD risk. Our findings provide strong evidence
in the control participants. This variant explained 4.4% of supporting the preventive effect of periconception folic
the variance in log maternal RBC folate with an F statistic acid supplementation on CHD prevention.
of 37.0 (P = 1.8  10 9), suggesting that it is a valid instru- The mechanism by which maternal folate exerts its
ment. Median RBC folate concentrations were 744 nmol/L effect on offspring CHD is not well understood but may
(IQR, 535 to 987 nmol/L), 714 nmol/L (508 to 988 nmol/L), be through affecting neural crest cells that have a
and 1052 nmol/L (735 to 1536 nmol/L) for the CC, CT, demand for folate, particularly during the first 12 weeks
and TT genotypes (P for trend <0.001) (Supplement after conception (8). Evidence suggests that the neural
Figure 3, available at The risk for offspring crest cells have been traced to several other parts of the
CHD was significantly lower in persons carrying the developing heart, including the inlet of the heart, semi-
MTHFR C677T risk allele (P = 0.005). In addition, known nary values, and distal aortic arch (37, 38). Limiting folate
covariates were generally evenly distributed across transport to embryonic tissues through nutritional folate
MTHFR C677T genotypes (Supplement Table 3, available deficiency or genetic alternations may thus result in the
at Each genetically associated 100-nmol development of CHD (8).
increase in maternal RBC folate concentrations was signifi- Prior observational studies have extensively investi-
cantly associated with a 25% reduction in the odds of off- gated the association of periconception folic acid intake
spring CHD (OR, 0.75 [CI, 0.61 to 0.92]) (Figure 2). on offspring CHD risk but with inconsistent findings,
whereas the few studies using blood samples have shown
Other Analyses a null association (14–17, 39). Differences in methods,
The associations were consistent with RBC folate especially measurements of maternal folate exposure and
measured before conception (adjusted OR, 0.90 [CI, the timing, could partly explain the discrepancy. Indirect
0.82 to 1.00]) or during early pregnancy (adjusted OR, measurement through self-reported folic acid intake, and
0.95 [CI, 0.89 to 1.01]) and similar between simple a single serum folate measurement that is subject to day-
defects (adjusted OR, 0.92 [CI, 0.87 to 0.99]) and complex to-day variations in folate consumption, is prone to mea-
defects (adjusted OR, 0.96 [CI, 0.86 to 1.08]) (Supplement surement error. Because fetus heart formation occurs
Figure 4, available at Maternal serum folate around the eighth week of gestation (9) and folate levels
was not significantly associated with offspring CHD risk decline after early gestation (40), folate exposure exam-
(adjusted OR, 0.99 per 1-nmol/L increase [CI, 0.98 to 1.01]). ined after this time window or measured postpartum (39)
is less likely to detect an association.
The 120-day lifespan of RBC folate enables a more
DISCUSSION comprehensive temporal data capture. It is recom-
Our prospective nested case–control study found mended by the WHO as the most accurate biomarker of
that higher periconception maternal RBC folate was sig- folate exposure (18), with the threshold of 906 nmol/L
nificantly associated with a lower risk for offspring CHD. used as an indicator of folate sufficiency status regardless
When comparing women whose RBC folate levels were of the assay (41). Our study is unique in that we used
below the threshold of clinical sufficiency (906 nmol/L), maternal RBC folate measured in the periconception pe-
we saw a significant decline of 39% fewer CHD cases riod to investigate the association between maternal fo-
among women whose RBC folate levels were above this late exposure and subsequent offspring CHD risk. We
threshold. Of note, the association showed an approxi- also took advantage of the population-based identifica-
mate threshold effect in that the reduction in CHD risk tion and an accurate diagnosis of CHD, largely minimiz-
seemed to flatten out at RBC folate levels approaching ing case selection bias and outcome misclassification.
1360 nmol/L (600 ng/mL). Mendelian randomization Overall, 8.65 per 1000 pregnancies presented with a
supported a causal role of maternal folate in reducing clinically confirmed CHD, similar to the 8.98 per 1000
6 Annals of Internal Medicine

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RBC Folate and Offspring Congenital Heart Disease ORIGINAL RESEARCH
live births previously reported in our large multicenter directly comparable to previous studies using different
screening study (28). measurement assays. In addition, estimates of CHD per
Because randomly assigning women not to take folic 1000 births may be biased if the RBC folate distribution
acid supplementation is unethical given the established from the selected matched control participants is not rep-
protective effects of maternal folate on primary NTD pre- resentative of the population at risk. Finally, unmeasured
vention (3), we used the individual-level Mendelian ran- and residual confounding cannot be ruled out in this
domization to test the causality of the association. The nested, case–control, association study. Nevertheless,
resulting estimate was consistent with our observational Mendelian randomization analysis helps mitigate such
estimate and supported a causal role of maternal folate limitations. Our findings are generalizable to other pop-
in preventing offspring CHD. Such methodological fea- ulations from regions without food fortification or with
tures enhanced the internal validity of the association we low population folate levels.
observed. In conclusion, our prospective nested case–control
Our findings have important public health implica- analysis combined with 1-sample Mendelian randomiza-
tions. Despite the unequivocal benefit of folic acid sup- tion provides direct evidence that higher maternal RBC
plementation, its preconceptional use has not increased folate is associated with reduced risk for offspring CHD.
substantially. Our previous cross-sectional study showed We propose that target RBC folate levels higher than
that only 42.6% of women took the recommended 400 mcg those currently recommended for NTD prevention be
of folic acid daily before pregnancy (42), and, more dis- considered for primary CHD prevention. Further studies
turbingly, the population RBC folate levels of women
across different populations or ethnicities would be use-
preparing for pregnancy remain at an overall geometric
ful to support the extrapolation of our findings outside of
mean of 490 nmol/L (arithmetic mean, 554 nmol/L) and
the considered contexts.
90.1% below the 906-nmol/L cutoff (43). In the context
that the folic acid recommendation from the WHO aims
primarily at preventing NTDs, we provide direct empiri- From Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Clinical Trial
cal evidence supporting that this recommendation also Unit, Children's Hospital of Fudan University, National Children's
needs to consider CHD—the most frequent and serious Medical Center, Shanghai, and Shanghai Key Laboratory of Birth
congenital defect in this era—as the second target. Defects, Shanghai, China (H.C., Y.Z., X.C., Y.J., Y.D., Y.W.);
Notably, our dose–response illustration is analogous to Pediatric Heart Center, Children's Hospital of Fudan University,
Daly and colleagues’ study of the Irish population, National Children's Medical Center, Shanghai, China (D.W.,
which assessed the association between RBC folate dur- M.L.); Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Clinical Trial
ing early pregnancy (29). In that study, RBC folate levels Unit, Children's Hospital of Fudan University, National Children's
of 906 nmol/L or more were associated with an 87.9% Medical Center, Shanghai, China (X.H.); Pediatric Heart Center,
reduction in the population risk for NTD (0.8 vs. 6.6 Children's Hospital of Fudan University, National Children's
cases per 1000 births). They further postulated that RBC Medical Center, Shanghai, and Shanghai Key Laboratory of Birth
folate levels higher than 1292 nmol/L might confer Defects, Shanghai, China (X.M., B.J.); Shanghai Key Laboratory of
additional protective effects. Our study on CHD found a Birth Defects, Shanghai, China (W.S.); Department of Clinical
51.3% reduction in the estimated population risk for Epidemiology and Clinical Trial Unit, Children's Hospital of
CHD when women could reach RBC folate levels within Fudan University, National Children's Medical Center, Shanghai,
906 to 1132 nmol/L (vs. <226 nmol/L: 6.6 vs. 13.5 per Shanghai Key Laboratory of Birth Defects, Shanghai, and
1000 births), with an additional 4.7% reduced risk with Research Unit of Early Intervention of Genetically Related
RBC levels of 1360 nmol/L or more. The effect of RBC Childhood Cardiovascular Diseases (2018RU002), Chinese
folate seems to flatten out at higher levels, suggesting Academy of Medical Sciences, Shanghai, China (W.Y.); and
an approximate threshold effect on offspring CHD risk. Pediatric Heart Center, Children's Hospital of Fudan University,
This is, indeed, consistent with the association seen for National Children's Medical Center, Shanghai, Shanghai Key
NTDs that RBC folate concentrations in excess of 1300 Laboratory of Birth Defects, Shanghai, and Research Unit of Early
to 1500 nmol/L provide little additional benefit for Intervention of Genetically Related Childhood Cardiovascular
prevention (44). Expanding on the evidence base for Diseases (2018RU002), Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,
recommendations and guidelines about primary pre- Shanghai, China (G.H.).
vention of birth defects, we propose that higher target
RBC folate levels than currently recommended might Acknowledgment: The authors would like to thank all partici-
be advisable for periconception women to achieve the pants, physicians, and nurses for their help in the recruitment,
effect of primary CHD prevention. However, before any and the whole Shanghai Preconception Cohort team, including
changes to practice guidelines are implemented, the interviewers, computer and laboratory technicians, clerical
totality of evidence on other adverse effects of exces- workers, research scientists, volunteers, managers, and recep-
sive folate levels or unabsorbed folic acid on mother tionists. The authors thank Taavi Tillmann (Institute of Family
and fetus needs to be carefully considered (45). Medicine and Public Health, University of Tartu, Estonia) for his
Our study has limitations. First, we acknowledge that support in reviewing and editing the manuscript, and Duolao
missed diagnosis of CHD, especially asymptomatic or Wang (Global Health Trials Unit, Department of Clinical Sciences,
minor CHD cases, could not be completely ruled out Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom) for his
with our screening approach, which may lead to selec- critical review, especially addressing statistical issues in the revision
tion bias. Second, RBC folate concentrations may not be of our manuscript. Annals of Internal Medicine 7

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Author Contributions: Conception and design: W. Yan, G. Sheng, B. Jia, W. Yan, G. Huang.
Huang. Provision of study materials or patients: X. Ma, W. Sheng, B. Jia,
Analysis and interpretation of the data: H. Chen, Y. Zhang, D. W. Yan, G. Huang.
Wang, X. Chen, M. Li, X. Huang, Y. Jiang, Y. Dou, Y. Wang, X. Statistical expertise: H. Chen, W. Yan.
Ma, W. Sheng, B. Jia, W. Yan, G. Huang. Obtaining of funding: H. Chen, W. Yan, G. Huang.
Drafting of the article: H. Chen, Y. Zhang, D. Wang. Administrative, technical, or logistic support: Y. Zhang, X. Ma,
Critical revision of the article for important intellectual content: W. Sheng, B. Jia, W. Yan, G. Huang.
H. Chen, Y. Zhang, D. Wang, X. Chen, M. Li, X. Ma, W. Sheng, B. Collection and assembly of data: H. Chen, Y. Zhang, D. Wang,
Jia, W. Yan, G. Huang. X. Chen, M. Li, X. Huang, Y. Jiang, Y. Dou, Y. Wang, W. Yan, G.
Final approval of the article: H. Chen, Y. Zhang, D. Wang, X. Huang.
Chen, M. Li, X. Huang, Y. Jiang, Y. Dou, Y. Wang, X. Ma, W.

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