Aditya Bayu Rivaldi - 122150091 - Tugas Methods of Paragraph Development

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Nama : Aditya Bayu Rivaldi

NIM : 122150091
TPB : 51

Tugas Methods of Paragraph Development (2)

Text 1 : Cause and effect

Letting alcohol take control over your life has many negative effects on a person and
the people around them. One important effect is the damage you can do to your body.
Drinking can lead to severe illness and even eventual death; some health consequences to
consider might be liver disease, kidney failure and, for pregnant women, the loss of their
unborn child. Another detriment is that an addiction could lead to drinking and driving;
possibly causing a fatal car accident for either yourself and/or an innocent by stander.
Another concern to consider is the relationships alcohol can destroy. Alcohol abuse can
have very serious affect on a person’s temperament, which can lead to spousal and even
child abuse. Alcohol often is the number one cause in divorce and spending time in jail. It
can also affect relationships outside of the family; many people have lost life long friends
whether it is due to foolish arguments and behavior or possibly death. Lastly, drinking has
negative effects on self-esteem and rational thinking. People become more self-centered,
develop low self-esteem, doing things or behaving in ways that they would not normally.
They have little or no regard to the outcomes of what is said or done when they grow reliant
on getting that alcohol high. The negative effects of alcohol abuse are overwhelming when
considering the many consequences that drinkers and the people around them have to deal

Topic : Alcohol
Supporting Ideas : Negattive effect of alcohol
Linking word : lead to, which can lead

Text 2 : Comparism and contrast

A problem in writing a speech is that you must understand that talking and writing are
alike in some ways and different in other ways. To help you understand, let’s look at some
ways they are similar and distinctive. They both carry main ideas and supporting ideas. They
use words the same ways. On the other hand, in talking, we use a more direct style than we
do in writing, for example, simpler sentences and more concrete words. In talking, we use
higher structure, for example, an overview at the beginning to help people organize their
listening and a summary at the end to help people get some thing they missed. By and large,
we use talking and writing to send messages to other people. However, do not get the idea
that writing is just talking put down on paper.
Topic : Writing a speech
Supporting ideas : The similaritas and different talking and writing
Linking words : They both, on the other hand

Text 3 : Narrative text

Kevin and I were pedaling fast down Radnor Avenue. He was a few yards ahead of
me, his crew-cut head pitched forward and his flannel shirt whipping up like a plaid cape.
When we got to Tilghman Road, he leaned into his turn and I followed. I was squinting so
hard from the glare of the August sun that I didn’t see the treacherous patch of gravel I was
heading for. Just when I’d twisted the handlebars sharply to the right, I heard the crunch
under my tires and felt a sick drop as the bike swept out from under me. Suddenly I was
sprawled on the macadam, my head and left leg banging with pain. Bright red blood mixed
with gravel showed through a gash in the knee of my jeans. A few feet away my Denali racer
lay on its side, the handlebars bent and the front wheel still spinning. I looked up the road.
Kevin was just starting to turn around to pedal back to me.

Topic : pedaling
Supporting ideas : The accidents that happen while pedaling
Linking word : Were, just when

Text 4 : Description text

Melbourne is considered to be the cultural center of Australia. The majority of its

theaters, museums, galleries, and other remarkable places are located in the city center, or the
Central Business District. However, it does not mean there is not much to see in Melbourne
beyond the central district. Redesigned and revived industrial and old city areas turned into
residential districts, picturesque banks of the Yarra River, spacious gardens, and other places
of interest combined with an extreme density of cultural events make Melbourne a great city
to visit for any tourist.

Topic : Melbourne as cultural centre od Australia

Supporting ideas : Description of Melbourne infrastructure
Linking Word : Is, Turned into

Text 5 : Persuasion text

Perhaps almost everyone has dreamed of having a twin in their childhood. It seemed
to be so beneficial to have an identical copy of oneself that would think and act similarly. For
children, having a twin means to have a reliable friend throughout their whole lives, a mate
for sharing numerous jokes and playing games, or an invaluable assistant who would always
come to help in the time of need. However, having a twin doesn’t lose its advantages even in
the adult age. Twins share many interests; they often form bonds that, due to their unique
nature, are not possible in any other relationship and it lasts forever. Therefore, being a twin
has many benefits.
Topic : Having a twin
Supporting ideas : Benefit of having a twin
Linking word : Therefore

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