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The Philippine Competition Act (Republic Act No.

10667) is a comprehensive law enacted in

2015 aimed at promoting and protecting fair competition in the market. Here's a summary of its
key points:

Scope and Purpose: The Act applies to all economic activities within the Philippines and seeks
to prevent anti-competitive behavior that harms consumers and stifles economic growth.

Prohibited Acts: The Act prohibits anti-competitive agreements, abuse of dominant position, and
anti-competitive mergers and acquisitions. It aims to prevent monopolies, cartels, and other
practices that restrict competition.

Competition Commission: The Act establishes the Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) as
the primary enforcement agency responsible for implementing and enforcing the provisions of
the law. The PCC has investigative and adjudicatory powers to address anti-competitive

Enforcement Mechanisms: The PCC is empowered to conduct investigations, issue subpoenas,

impose fines and penalties on violators, and recommend criminal prosecution for serious

Leniency Program: The Act provides for a leniency program where individuals or entities
involved in anti-competitive practices can receive immunity or reduced penalties in exchange for
cooperating with the PCC's investigation.

Merger Review: The Act requires pre-merger notification for certain mergers and acquisitions
that meet specified thresholds. The PCC reviews these transactions to assess their potential
impact on competition.

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