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36 The last word

When the tsunami comes

SeismoIogisis mrn Zhat a massiひe earthquaたe “′ill somedaγ hit Jhe NorthuノeSちfr嬢・ering a “mll o/

脇ter 60 /あt嬢●h, Said Eric Scigliano ;n Politico. A Coast Guard station短he onb′ line ofde/をnse

N THE NORTH shore of from Califomia’s Yurok to the

0 Washington’s wild Olympic

Peninsula, a SCimitar-
Shaped sandspit called Ediz Hook
Nuu-Chah-nulth of Vancouver
Island, tOld corroborating tales of a

great shaking and the sea pouring

arcs for 3 miles into the Strait of in and taking everything in its path
Juan de Fuca. At its tip, between The Hoh and Quileute, Who live at
SnOWy mOuntains to the south and two of the most vulnerable polntS
Vancouver Island to the north, Sits On Washington’s Olympic Coast,
What may be the nation,s most sce- credited the waves to a titanic battl
nically sited military installation- between Whale and Thunderbird.
and its most vulnerable. But the Pacific Northwestis written
history didn’t begin until the late
U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Port
1700s, and these oral histories,
Angeles is the very first of first
together with a Native tradition of
responders when something goes
locating villages safdy upland from
WrOng, aS it often does, On the
the beach, Were ignored.
State’s tangled straits and inlets and

StOmy Outer COaSt and, SOmetimes, It wasn,t until the 1980s that scien-
On the peaks and bluffs overlook- tists began piecing together the
A Coast Guaγd cormin研he coniγOhofa 45-句ct boat region,s violent seismic history
ing them. The station’s three MH-65

DoIphin helicopters are血e only aircraft the whether we’ll be first responders or victims:, They’ve now identified more than 40 earth

Coast Guard, America’s frontline coastal quakes along the subduction zone in the
BOUT 130 MIL亘S west of Ediz Hook,
defense and search-and-reSCue Service, bases

PaSt lO,000 years. “Megaquakes’’of mag-
miles past the outer coast, tWO
along Wなshington’s 3,026-mile coastline. In nitude 8.7-Plus, CaPable of generating large
重量。Slabs of planetary crust are locked
2021 , they undertook 1 95 search-and-reSCue tsunamis, have averaged 430-year intervals
in a titanic str撃gle. One, the offshore Juan
missions. Ediz Hook is also home base for Five appear to have reached the magnitude
de Fuca Plate, lS What’s left of a continent-
four seagoing c調ers, 87 to uO feet long, (9.1) of Japan’s 201 1 Tbhoku (Fukushima)
Size plate that has for the past 200 mi11ion
and one 210-foot mediun-endurance cuttel; Earthquake and the 2004 Sumatran quake
years been intermittently sliding under the Whose t?uPami killed 228,000 people in
Plus two shorトrange response boats to deal
larger North American Plate, an aCtual
Wi血Iocal emergencies. l l countrleS. After 323 quiet years, anOthei
COntinent, in a process called subduction.
COuld strike anytime.
Many Coast Guard rescues are routine- The Cascadia Subduction Zone thus formed
boats adrift with stalled motors, emPty gaS StretChes for more than 700 miles, from When it does, it will send waves surging
OutWard at initial speeds of up to 600 mile∫
tanks, Or SCrambled navigational equip- Califomia’s Cape Mendocino past the

ment. Others become Discovery Chamel northem tip of Canada’s Vmcouver Island. an hour Less than an hour after the

legend. One helicopter pilot, Lt. Thomas quake, they will inundate the coast up to
The sliding-under movement of subduction an elevation of lOO feet above sea level in
Loftis, tOld me about his first: a father and
SOn Who got swept out into Bellingham 三s very different from the side-tO-Side grind-
SOme SPOtS, mOre tyPically 30 to 60 feet,
1ng Of the San Andreas Fault to the south. depending on water depth, tides, and other
Bay, 70 miles away, On a little johnboat one
There, frequent movements, eXPerienced as factors. They will sweep up buildings, treeS
January night when the temperature was
earthquakes, release tectonic tension before Vehicles, PeOPle. Anyone along the shore
24 degrees and the wind blew 40 miles an
it builds to catastrophic levels. AIong the Who feels the shaking will need to head
hour: ``We got there in 30 minutes,,, Loftis
Subduction Zone, howeveI; this tension
SayS PrOudly.
builds for hundreds of years and releases
But those expIoits are just a warm-uP for With explosive force. The greatest strain has be damaged and even if they aren’t, traffic
the disaster to come. Someday-neXt Week, accumulated off VAshington, making it the Will quickly snarl. Those who dawdle, Walk
next yeaらmaybe next century-a Sudden likeliest target zero for the next megaquake too sIowly, Or PauSe tO CO11ect keepsakes or
and deadly marine shock will strike the and tsunami. When the Juan de Fuca Plate help the injured will com disasteL
Northwest coast: What locals call the Big jams farther under the North American According to VAshington’s Emergency
One, a Circa magnitude-9.O offshore earth- Plate, it will push it up 30 feet or more and
Management Division, 1 12,555 residents of
quake generating tsunami surges reaching displace vast quantities of seawateL And a
the four counties lining Washington’s ocean
60 feet high or more. tsunami will be bom.
COaSt and the Strait ofJuan de Fuca live in
Just how ready Coast Guard rescuers are The last Cascadia earthquake, With an the inundation zone鵜land that tsunami
for the big wave to come is a question estimated magnitude of 9.0, OCCurred WaVeS Will overrun. Ea亜er benchmarks sug-
With life-and-death implications, for them around 9 p.m. on Jan. 26, 1700, a date gest that 23 percent will be unable to reach
and for those they defend. As Lt. Kyle known precisely thanks to meticulous higher ground in time and 18 percent-
Cuttie, Who was the station’s communica-
Japanese records of an extraordinary Perhaps 20,000 people, mOre血an lO times
``orphan tsunami’’with no known source.
tions officer when I first visited it nearly the number who died in Hurricane
eight years ago, tOld me, “It’s hard to say Native peoples on this side of the Pacific, Katrina一一Will be washed out to sea or
The last word 3

crushed by debris. U.S. GeoIogical Survey duced Ian Mille与a geOmOrPhoIogist and The Pilots would love to pdss rescue hono〕

data and the current scientific consensus sug- expert on coastal hazards, Who explained on to the Maritime Force Protection Unit.
``Now that they have those Navy ships, W(
gest a 15 to 24 percent like血ood that such
the hazards and choices invoIved and
a megaquake will ∝Cur in the next 50 years. conduded, “I want you to be safe. More want to make sure we’re not the first line (

important, I want you to be functional, SO defense,,, says Pilots president Ivan CarlsoI
``We’d like to be there just as backup.’’Bul
you can save me and my family.” Cuttie and
they have no idea whether the Navy facilit

a few other Coasties then trooped down
to the Pilots’dock and boarded their boat, is ready to take on that responsibility.
marine-Safrty operation: the Puget
which shoved off. They rounded the Hook Repeated email and phone inquiries to
Sound Pilots. The Pilots are 50-Plus elite
and made it to safe water in 16 minutes.
mariners who shuttle out into the Strait Naval Base Kitsap-Bangoちthe subs’home

of Juan de Fuca to meet the freighters, That was encouraglng. But it was no guar- POrt, brought no substantive response
save one public document that’s no longer
tankers, and cruise ships steaming toward antee血at they’d be able to get血ere under

Seattle and other ports and guide them actual quake conditions-→SCaping tumbled posted online: the final envirormental
through the twisting channels of the buildings, gathering personnel scattered assessment for the Ediz Hook facility. All i
Salish Sea. Each year they guide about around various facilities, CrOSSing jmbled; says about t§unami hazards is `くIn the ever]

7,000 passages-inbound or outbound- sunken ground and roiling wateL The boats of a tsunami, for all action altematives
canying $80 billion in cargo between Ediz would have nearly no time to stop at the PerSOmel at the TPS [Transit Protection
Hook and the ports on Puget Sound. Coast Guard stationb docks on血e way out. System] pier and on TPS vessels docked at
the pier would follow the USCG emergep(
For years both the Pilots and Coasties ATHER THAN REDUC賞NG their stake

response plan in force’’at the air station.
assumed that when the ground started in Ediz Hook, the armed forces
shaking they would escape the Hook the have compounded it. In 2015, just Senior Coast Guard officers also referred
as tsunami concems were heating up,血e me to that plan, Called the Sector Puget
way they came to work: driving out on
the two-1ane road to the mainland. That’s

in keeping with the traditional advice for

U.S. Navy announced it would build a new
“Maritime Force Protection Unit’’pier and
those living in what’s called the inundation support complex at the Coast Guard base. gies. I filed an obligatory FOIA requ叩fo]

zone: As soon as you get the waming- This facility, COmPleted in 2018, ServeS aS it, Which bounced between local, reglOnal,
ational Coast Guard offices before

shaking ground, a blaring alarm, the sea an advance base for the armed escort ships
that protect the eight Trident submarines 一rejected on what seehed flimsy
pulling back from the shore-hurry to the

highest ground you can find. (which bear an estimated quarter of the
nation’s nuclear arsenal) as they shuttle
A land exit might be a reasonable ‘response
between their base at BangoちWなsh., and with minor redactions. It defines missions,
for the more common sort of waves gener- the open sea. Bangor; Situated on a long roles, COmmunicatiohs, and emergency coI
ated by a distant earthquake or voIcanic fjord called the Hood Canal, is shielded tingencies for na調ral threats ranging from
``heavy weather,, to earthquakes, tSurlami§
eruption, mOSt likely in Alaska. Not so for from tsunamis; the escort station that
the much larger tsunami generated by a and voIcanic eruptions.
guards the subs is not.
Cascadia Subduction Zone quake,
But it looks toward a smaller local
which would arrive an hour or less
after血e shaking starts. The shaking,
quake along. a Puget Sound area fault
or a tsunaml generated by an Alaskan
which can last as Iong as five minutes,
will also eat into the short window quake, Which would give several hours
waming. It does not contemplate a
of time before a wave arrives. It will
Cascadia megaquake immediately fol-
likely make driving impossible and
lowed by a tsunami.
walking and r皿ming di飴cult. The

U.S. GeoIo鏡cal Survey calculates that This outdated, inadequate plan may
it would take 90 to lOO minutes to
SOOn be replaced. Since I made my
walk from the Coast Guard station to mquiries last August, the District 1 3
Safe ground on the mainland巾early administradon has formed a T:unami
twice as Iong as the tsunami will take Wbrking Group, wi血members from tl
to arrive. A rurmer could make it-if Ⅵshington and Oregon sectors as wel

血e way is clear and he or she can sus- as district specialists. The new plan is
tain血e pace for nearly 4 miles. expected to be completed this auturm.
Sometime af亡er that,血e Coasties for心
The Jip of Ediz Hoo亙sJγet訪ng out tou肋rd 」もγt Angeles
But the Pilots’case is also special.
first time will conduct their own trial
They have two 70froot boats that
The Puget Sound Pilots were aghast at evacuation-nearly lO years after the Pilot
they use to meet incoming ships and
this decision. Then they began to see pos- first invited them aboard血eirs.
deboard from outbound ones, and those
sibilities. Unlike the Pilots, much smaller
vessels will be needed for the recovery. In Meanwhile, 130 miles to the west, a kilo-
response boats, Which would strain and
early 2015, the Pilots decided to conduct a meter deep beneath the dark Pacific, the
perhaps fail to evacuate everyone from the
trial escape in the opposite direction-Out
to sea. They decided to invite their Coastie
Hook, just one of the 250-foot escort ships
could easily accommodate everyone likely
灘豊島謹葦豊轟t 」臆・_ ▲臆_1臆臆」臆 ト

neighbors to participate. a catastrophic lreleasF.

to be on the sandbaL The escort ve§Sels are

On a crystalline moming, about 55 o飴cers also kept ready to go at all times. They’re

and seamen mustered around the Coast docked beside the Coast Guard facilities Adaクted ,.om m aγticle /海タpublished bγ

G葛]ard station,s flagI)Ole. LしCuttie intro_ and could load their DerSOnnel fasteL Politico. Used uノi初かe榊nission.

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