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Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Seaweed Extract for The

Control of Fusarium Wilt (Fusarium Oxysporum F. Sp. Cubense Tr4) of
Potted ‘Cavendish’ Banana Under Nursery Condi...

Article · July 2016

DOI: 10.12983/ijsres-2016-p0208-0218


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2 authors, including:

Leslie Ubaub
University of Southeastern Philippines


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International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences, 4(7), pp. 0208-0218, 2016
Available online at
ISSN: 2322-4983; ©2016; Author(s) retain the copyright of this article

Full Length Research Paper

Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Seaweed Extract for The Control of

Fusarium Wilt (Fusarium Oxysporum F. Sp. Cubense Tr4) of Potted ‘Cavendish’
Banana Under Nursery Condition
Leslie T. Ubaub*, Liza Belle C. Poblacion

University of Southeastern Philippines, College of Agriculture and Related Sciences, Apokon, Tagum City, Davao del Norte,
8100 Philippines
*Corresponding Author;

Received 21 July 2016; Accepted 09 November 2016

Abstract. The Philippines ranked as the third largest banana producer in the world. The data from the Bureau of Agricultural
Statistics shows banana production in Davao Region alone reached 849.24 thousand metric tons in 2014. However, in 2012,
the industry suffered from massive lost due to the disease known as Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium Oxysporum F. Sp.
Cubense Tr4. The study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi at different
rates supplemented with seaweed extract for the control of Fusarium wilt of ‗Cavendish‘ banana and to determine the growth
performance of ‗Cavendish‘ banana plantlets as affected by VAM at different rates supplemented with seaweed extract. The
experiment was laid out following the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with seven treatments replicated three times
with five samples per replication. The treatments were; T1- Negative control; T2- Positive control; T3- 5 g VAM + Foc TR4;
T4- Seaweed Extract + Foc TR4; T5- 3 g VAM + Foc TR4 + Seaweed Extract; T6- 5 g VAM + Foc TR4 + Seaweed Extract ;
T7- 7 g VAM + Foc TR4 + Seaweed Extract. Result showed that the application of VAM supplemented with Seaweed Extract
positively affects the plant height and pseudostem diameter of ‗Cavendish‘ banana seedlings under Foc TR4 disease pressure.
The rates of VAM likewise delay the days to symptoms appearance and reduce incidence and severity of Panama disease.

Keywords: ‗Cavendish‘ Banana; Fusarium wilt; Seaweed Extract; Supplement; Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi;

1. INTRODUCTION Banana production, however, is limited by a

disease called Fusarium wilt which is also known as
Banana (Musa spp.) is the fourth most important Panama disease. Fusarium wilt, caused by Fusarium
global food commodity after rice, wheat and maize in oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4 (Foc TR4),
terms of gross value production. At present, it is typically attacks the ‗Cavendish‘ variety. This is
grown in more than 120 countries throughout tropical problematic for the country‘s Cavendish-based
and subtropical regions. Banana acts as a starchy industry which provides jobs to more than 300, 000
staple food crop for approximately 500 million people and generates foreign revenues of more than
people, particularly those in the least developed 700 million US dollars (Molina et al., 2012).
countries, where many poor families are involved in It is a soil-borne fungus which remains in infected
its cultivation and many others benefit as consumers soil areas for years. Foc TR4 attacks banana plant‘s
(CGIAR, 2014). vascular system and obstruct the uptake of water and
The Philippines ranked as the third largest in the soil nutrients, resulting to wilting and death of the
world with 415, 000 hectares in 2004 and increasing plants (Provido, 2012).
at the rate of 2.2 % per year. Davao region has been Reports on Fusarium wilt shows infections on
known as the ―Banana Capital‖ in the country where more than 1,000 hectares of plantation in Mindanao;
the province of Davao del Norte being the top which have caused grave concern to the country‘s
producer. The data from the Bureau of Agricultural banana industry. The increased use of chemical
Statistics (BAS, 2014), shows banana production in fertilizers and some organic fertilizers in agriculture
Davao Region reached 849.24 thousand metric tons in helped the country in achieving self-sufficiency in
2014. This is about 38.9 % of the total Philippine food production. However, it has also polluted the
production. environment and caused slow deterioration of soil.

Ubaub and Poblacion
Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Seaweed Extract for The Control of Fusarium Wilt (Fusarium Oxysporum F. Sp.
Cubense Tr4) of Potted ‘Cavendish’ Banana Under Nursery Condition

As of now, there is no report on the total following treatments were used in the study: T1-
eradication of Foc TR4. Nowadays, great attention Negative control (without Foc TR4); T2- Positive
has been focused on the possibility of using natural control (with Foc TR4); T3- 5 g VAM + Foc TR4;
and safe agents for promoting growth and for inducing T4- Seaweed Extract + Foc TR4; T5- 3 g VAM + Foc
its resistance against different diseases such as the TR4 + Seaweed Extract; T6- 5 g VAM + Foc TR4 +
Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAM) of Seaweed Extract; T7- 7 g VAM + Foc TR4 +
which several studies reported its colonization can be Seaweed Extract.
of great importance for growth and nutrition of host
plants (Mosse, 1973). It does not only increase the 2.3. Preparation of Potting Medium
resistance of plants to soil-borne pathogens, but also
to unfavorable growth conditions and various stress The potting medium was prepared using sandy-loam
factors (Winter, 1951; Dehne, 1987). In addition, soil and was pasteurized in a drum with a temperature
VAM fungi have been reported to reduce the effect of of 60 for about 30 mins. It was done to ensure that it
Fusarium sp and Ralstonia solani on plants (Schenck is free from microorganism causing disease prior to
and Kellam, 1978). The mechanisms of control of inoculation. The pasteurized soil was allowed to cool
VAM is it increase nutrient uptake ability of plant before putting it in the prepared 12‘ x 18‘
roots, reduce access sites of root-invading pathogens polyethylene bags. The bags were placed in bigger
and stimulate host defence, changes in the microbial plastic bags without holes to make sure that Foc TR4
and composition in the mycorrhizosphere. On the will not spread in the area.
other hand, an organic foliar fertilizer derived from
the drippings of Kappaphycus alvarezii named 2.4. Preparation of Test Plant
Kappaphycus Drippings (KD) foliar fertilizer has been
proven to accelerate the health and growth of plants. It One-month old tissue cultured ‗Cavendish‘ banana
is said to contain macro and micro nutrients as a bio plantlet var. Grand Naine was used in the study. The
stimulant for the plants. Promoting seaweed extracts plantlets were transplanted from the original bag to
can reduce disease and promote plant growth. The another polyethylene bag filled with pasteurized
application of seaweed extract for different crops was potting medium. The plantlets were carefully uprooted
a great importance due to its high levels of organic to avoid root damage during transplanting. Prior to
matter, micro elements and vitamins. Hence, this inoculation and transplanting, three root hairs were
study aims to evaluate the efficacy of VAM and crushed slowly by hand to facilitate the entry of Foc
seaweed extract (KD product) for the control of TR4. To avoid intense heat from the sun, the seedlings
Fusarium wilt (fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense were placed in a partially shaded area to maintain its
TR4) of potted ‗Cavendish‘ banana under nursery moisture.
condition and determine the growth performance of
‗Cavendish‘ banana plantlets. 2.5. Source of Foc TR4

2. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY Pure culture of Foc TR4 was acquired from Panama
Research Laboratory Mabini Unit and was mass
2.1. Location and Duration of the study produced on a half strength Potato Sucrose Agar
medium. Cultured disk was obtained from pure
The nursery experiment was conducted at the Panama culture of Foc TR4 and was planted on fresh half
Research Project Area, University of Southeastern strength PSA medium using a sterile transfer needle.
Philippines, Tagum-Mabini Campus, Pindasan,
Mabini, Compostela Valley Province from 2015 to 2.6. Mass production and Inoculation of Foc TR4
2016. The area was totally cleaned by cutting grasses
using bolo. It was constructed using coconut frond as The medium for mass production of Foc TR4 was
shade and bamboo poles as foundation and support. composed of 200 g of corn grits and 1 kg of sand
The test plants were placed in an elevated table with a mixture following the methods of Mandariaga (2014).
height of 2 feet and a dimension of 8m x 6m. The mixture was put in a polypropylene bag added
with 100 ml of non-chlorinated water. The mixture
2.2. Experimental Design and Treatments was tightly losed and sterilized in the pressure cooker
at 15 psi for 30 minutes. The prepared sterilized
The experiment was laid out in a Completely medium was planted with agar blocks of 10-day old
Randomized Design (CRD) with seven treatments and Foc TR4 pure culture and incubated for two weeks at
replicated three times with 5 samples per replication. minimum room temperature. A two-week old
A total of 105 plantlets were used in the study. The inoculum of Foc TR4 in corn grits-sand medium was
International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences, 4(7), pp. 0208-0218, 2016

applied at the rate of 30 grams/plant near at the root application was after one week from transplanting of
zone of ‗Grand Naine‘ potted plantlets. plantlets.

2.7. Preparation and Pre-treatment of Plantlets 2.8. Data Gathered

with VAM and KD Foliar Fertilizer
2.8.1. Days to Appearance of Pseudostem Splitting
The VAM used in the experiment was purchased at and Yellowing Symptoms
JM Store, Bonifacio Street, Tagum City. The first
application of VAM was applied before transplanting. Days to appearance symptoms was determined by
It was buried in two inches depth and according to the counting the number of days from inoculation to first
rates per treatment. VAM was allowed to establish for appearance of yellowing and splitting symptoms. It
2 weeks before transplanting. was monitored daily.
A Kappaphycus Drippings (KD) Foliar Fertilizer
was purchased from Southern Philippines Agri- 2.8.2. Fusarium Wilt Incidence
Business and Marine and Aquatic School of
Technology (SPAMAST), Malita, Davao del Sur. This was determined by getting the number of plants
Twenty ml of KD Foliar Fertilizer was diluted into a showing disease symptoms and the total number of
one (1) L of distilled water. Each plantlet received 250 assessed plant. It was computed using this formula
ml solution throughout the study. This was applied below.
every two weeks early in the morning and the 1st

Number of plantlets showing disease symptoms

Diseased Incidence = X 100
Total number of sample plantlets

2.8.3. Disease Severity based on the Corm the disease severity was assessed based on the
Discoloration discoloration of the plant corm using the following
rating scale (Table 1) proposed by International
The data was gathered at the termination of the study. Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain
The sample plant will be cut in cross-sectioned and (INIBAP, 1996).

Based on the standard rating scale, disease severity was computed as follow:
∑ (Number on scale x Number of plantlets in that scale)
Diseased Severity = X 100
Number of treated seedlings x highest ratings
Degree of efficacy of the treatment was based on the computed disease severity for rhizome discoloration using a
rating scale (Table 2).

2.8.4. Agronomic Data 2.9. Statistical Analysis Plant Height (cm) The different data gathered from the study were
This was taken by measuring the basal portion of the analyzed using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
plant up to the apical V. It was expressed in following by Completely Randomized Design (CRD)
centimeter. The height of the plant was measured at and the difference between treatments was computed
30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting. Initial data of using Tukey‘s HSD when variances are significant.
the ‗Cavendish‘ banana plantlet was taken before
transplanting. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Pseudostem Diameter (mm) 3.1. Number of Days to Symptoms Appearance

This was obtained by measuring the diameter of the The number of days to appearance of pseudostem
pseudostem of six samples ‗Cavendish‘ banana splitting and leaf yellowing symptoms (Figure 1) in
seedlings. This was measured one inch above the ‗Cavendish‘ banana plantlets caused by Foc TR4 as
potting medium using a caliper at 30, 60 and 90 days influenced by application of different rates of VAM
after transplanting. supplemented with Seaweed Extract (Foliar) is
presented in Table 3.

Ubaub and Poblacion
Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Seaweed Extract for The Control of Fusarium Wilt (Fusarium Oxysporum F. Sp.
Cubense Tr4) of Potted ‘Cavendish’ Banana Under Nursery Condition

The result showed that at 7 g VAM + Seaweed (1998) as cited by Mandariaga (2015). The active
Extract incubation period of Foc TR4 was the longest, principles of algae are responsible for antifungal
this can be attributed to the characteristics of Vam activity. It is clear that the algae Caulerpa racemosa
fungi been shown to provide physical barrier against has the potential to control the fungal pathogen
invading pathogens resulting from restriction of Foc Fusarium oxysporum which causes the fungal disease
TR4 to easily invade the plant hosts causing the to a larger extent.
delayed of symptoms according to Jaizme-Vega

Table 1: Rating scale for disease severity for rhizome discoloration

Scale Description

1 No vascular discoloration
2 Discoloration confined in the junction of root and rhizome plexus
3 Discoloration of up to one-third of the vascular tissues
4 Discoloration between one-third and two thirds of vascular tissues
5 Discoloration of greater than two-thirds of vascular tissues
6 Total discoloration of vascular tissues

Table 2: Rating scale for the degree of efficacy of the treatments based on rhizome discoloration
Disease Index Degree of Effectiveness
1 to 1.5 Very Effective (VE)
Between 1.6 and 3 Effective (E)
Between 3.1 and 4.5 Moderately Effective (ME)
Between 4.6 and 6 Not Effective (NE)

Table 3: Mean number of days to appearance of symptoms caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp cubense in ‗Cavendish‘
banana plantlets applied with VAM and Seaweed Extract
Treatments Total Mean
T1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00c
T2 40.40 46.60 42.50 129.5 43.10 b
T3 52.50 53.50 45.30 151.30 50.40 ab
T4 48.30 50.60 50.50 149.40 49.80 ab
T5 55.30 53.00 48.00 156.30 52.10 ab
T6 58.00 55.00 47.50 160.50 53.50 a
T7 54.00 58.00 55.50 167.50 55.80a
C.V = 7.14 %; * = Significant at 5% level; Means in a column having the same letter superscripts are significantly different at 5 % level.
and Table 4). Highest disease incidence was observed
Although, it was comparable with all other in plantlets treated with VAM alone wherein at Week
treatments. Plantlets treated with 5 g VAM alone, 2, 13.33% was recorded and it progressed to 33.33%
Seaweed Extract alone and 3 g VAM + Seaweed at Week 3 and at Week 4 reached 66.66%. This was
extract showed a comparable incubation period with followed by treatment with Seaweed Extract alone
the positive control. Based on the result, it seems that wherein similar to the Treatment 3 disease incidence
VAM inoculation did not delay the appearance of Foc was recorded at Week 2 with 6.66% then progressed
even if longer time was provided for VAM to to 33.33% at Week 3 and at Week 4 it reached
establish association with banana roots. According to 46.66%. Disease incidence of all treatments with a
Davis, et. al (1978), several studies indicated that combination of different level of VAM and Seaweed
VAM may influence development of root diseases Extract were recorded starting at Week 3 with
caused by soil borne fungi. Other studies showed that 13.33%. Among these treatments, 3 g of VAM with
mycorhizzalcotton plants grew better but suffered Seaweed Extract recorded the highest incidence at
more from Verticillium wilt, compared to Week 4 with 40% while 5 g of VAM with Seaweed
nonmycorhizzal plants. Extract and 7g of VAM with Seaweed Extract both
recorded incidence of 26.66%. At Week 5 after Foc
3.2. Disease Incidence inoculation, disease incidence of plantlets treated with
7 g of VAM with Seaweed Extract, 5 g of VAM with
The Fusarium wilt incidence on ‗Cavendish‘ banana Seaweed Extract, 3 g of VAM with Seaweed Extract,
plantlets as influenced by the application of different Seaweed Extract alone and 5 g of VAM alone were
rates of VAM supplemented with Seaweed Extract stabilized at 33.33%, 46.66%, 46.66%, 53.33% and
was monitored weekly after Foc inoculation (Figure 2

International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences, 4(7), pp. 0208-0218, 2016

73.33%, respectively. While at Week 3, all plantlets in with Panama disease but percentage of disease
Positive control died and none in Negative control. incidence was significantly different with Positive
All test plants applied with different rates of VAM control with a mean of 100.00 %.
supplemented with Seaweed Extract were infected

Figure 1: External Symptoms of Fusarium Wilt of Banana. (a) Pseudostem splitting (b) Yellow streaking on leaves (c) Bunchy
appearance (d) Plant showing advanced symptoms of Fusarium wilt

Table 4: Percentage disease incidence of Fusarium wilt disease on ‗Cavendish‘ banana plantlets as influenced by VAM
supplemented with Seaweed Extract and Foc TR4 inoculation.
Treatments Total Mean*
T1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00a
T2 100.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 100.00c
T3 80.00 80.00 60.00 220.00 73.33bc
T4 60.00 60.00 40.00 160.00 53.33b
T5 60.00 80.00 20.00 160.00 53.33b
T6 40.00 60.00 40.00 140.00 46.66b
T7 40.00 20.00 40.00 100.00 33.33ab
C.V = 24.12 %; * = Significant at 5% level; Mean in a column having the same letter superscripts are significantly different at 5 % level.

Table 5: Severity of infection based on Corm discoloration of ‗Cavendish‘ banana plantlets as influenced by the different
Treatments Total Mean
T1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00a
T2 100.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 100.00c
T3 90.00 80.00 76.66 246.66 82.22b
T4 90.00 66.66 83.33 239.99 79.99b
T5 86.66 86.66 66.66 239.98 79.99 b
T6 83.33 83.33 73.33 239.99 79.99 b
T7 33.00 63.33 76.66 172.99 57.66 b
CV = 10.58 %; **= Highly significant at 1 % level; Means in a column having the same letter superscripts are highly significantly different
at 5 % level

Plantlets treated with 7 g VAM + Seaweed Extract fungi have been shown to provide physical barrier
has the lowest disease incidence of 33.33 % which against invading pathogens resulting from restriction
was comparable with Negative control (Uninoculated, of Foc TR4 to easily invade the plant hosts causing
untreated plantlets). While it was comparable with 5 g the delayed of symptoms (Jaizme-Vega et al.,1998) as
VAM with Seaweed Extract, 3 g VAM with Seaweed cited by Mandariaga (2015). In addition, seaweeds are
Extract, Seaweed alone and 5 g VAM alone. Disease the potential resource of bioactive compounds as they
incidence on plantlets treated with 5 g VAM alone are considered to produce a great variety of secondary
was statistically comparable with the Positive control. metabolites (Cox et al., 2010), special attention has
Result showed that the higher the rate of VAM been reported for antibacterial and/or antifungal
supplemented with Seaweed Extract resulted to lower activities related to marine algae against several. The
Foc incidence. This may be due to the fact that VAM active principles of algae are responsible for

Ubaub and Poblacion
Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Seaweed Extract for The Control of Fusarium Wilt (Fusarium Oxysporum F. Sp.
Cubense Tr4) of Potted ‘Cavendish’ Banana Under Nursery Condition

antifungal activity. It is clear that the algae Caulerpa (Kolanjinathan and Stella, 2009). While the absence
racemosa has the potential to control the fungal of Seaweed Extracts in Treatment with only VAM
pathogen Fusarium oxysporum which causes the results to a high disease incidence.
fungal disease to larger extent pathogens

Fig. 2: Percentage disease incidence of Fusarium wilt disease on ‗Cavendish‘ banana plantlets as influenced by VAM
supplemented with Seaweed Extract and Foc TR4 inoculation Weeks After inoculation (WAI)
*Weeks after inoculation

3.3 Disease Severity are considered to produce a great variety of secondary

metabolites (Cox et al., 2010), special attention has
Severity of infection based on corm discoloration been reported for antibacterial and/or antifungal
(Figure 3) of ‗Cavendish‘ banana plantlets as activities related to marine algae against several
influenced by application of different rates of VAM pathogens (Kolanjinathan and Stella, 2009). The
supplemented with Seaweed Extract (Table 5). active principles of algae are responsible for
Highest level of disease severity index based on antifungal activity. It is clear that the algae Caulerpa
corm discoloration was observed on untreated Positive racemosa has the potential to control the fungal
control. Foc TR4 inoculated plants (positive control) pathogen Fusarium oxysporum.
had a mean infection index of 6.0 indication of totally Results implied that treatments which were treated
severed corm and vascular discoloration resulting with different rates of VAM supplemented with
from a significant difference from the rest of the Seaweed Extract reduced the discoloration of vascular
treated sample plants. All VAM supplemented with tissues compared to positive control, indication of the
Seaweed Extract treated plants were comparable to efficacy of the treatments to reduce the effect of
each other with a mean ranging from 3.4 to 4.4 Fusarium wilt.
indicated that corm discoloration was between 1/3 and
2/3 of corm tissues. As expected, negative control did 3.4. Degree of Efficacy
not show any discolorations resulting from a highly
significant difference from the rest of the treatments. Degree of efficacy was based on the computed disease
This may be due to the fact that VAM fungi have been severity for corm discoloration as influenced by VAM
shown to provide physical barrier against invading supplemented with Seaweed Extract (Table 6). In
pathogens resulting from restriction of Foc TR4 to treatments which were treated with VAM
easily invade the plant hosts causing the delayed of supplemented with Seaweed Extract, obtained disease
symptoms according to Jaizme-Vega,(1998) as index ranged from 3.5 – 4.4 were moderately
cited by Mandariaga (2015). In addition, seaweeds are effective.
the potential resource of bioactive compounds as they

International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences, 4(7), pp. 0208-0218, 2016

Table 6: Degree of efficacy of the different treatments based on the mean number of disease index
Treatment Disease Index* Degree of Efficacy
1 0.0 -
2 6.6 -
3 5.1 Not Effective
4 4.8 Not Effective
5 4.4 Moderately Effective
6 4.4 Moderately Effective
7 3.5 Moderately Effective
CV = 42.5 %; *= significant at 1 % level; Means in a column having the same letter superscripts are significantly different at 5 % level.

Plants treated with VAM supplemented with highest mean height was observed at 5 g VAM (10
Seaweed Extract had a disease index ranging between cm) and 3 g VAM + Seaweed Extract (10 cm)
3.4 and 4.4 with a degree of effectiveness of compared to the positive control which gained the
Moderately Effective. Compared to positive control lowest height of 6.9 cm.
which had a disease index of 6.0 (Not Effective) The highest plant height at 60 DAT was observed
degree of effectiveness, All VAM supplemented with on plantlets treated 7 g VAM + Seaweed Extract (20.5
Seaweed Extract treated plants showed significant cm) followed by 5 g VAM + Seaweed Extract (20.2
difference in terms of efficacy excluding Treatment 1 cm) and the negative control gained lowest plant
(negative control) which had a disease index between height of 13.9 cm. At 90 DAT the highest plant height
1 to 1.5 revealed a Very Effective degree and showed was 7 g VAM + Seaweed Extract (25 cm) and the
highly significant difference from the rest of the negative control gained lowest plant height of 13.9
treatments. cm.
The results affirmed the efficacy of VAM
supplemented with Seaweed Extract to reduce the 3.5.2. Pseudostem Diameter (mm)
infection of Fusarium wilt. According to Jaizme-Vega, (1998) as cited by Mandariaga (2015), The pseudostem diameter of ‗Cavendish‘ banana
application of Glomus spp. (VAM fungi) to plantlets as influenced by application of VAM
micro propagated plantlets (Grand Nain) reduced the supplemented with Seaweed Extract (Figure 5). From
internal and external symptoms of Foc TR4 and the initial pseudostem diameter of plantlets increased
enhanced plant development and nutrient uptake of from 6.3 to 7.1 cm. At 30 DAT, diameter ranged 9.3
the plants as well as Seaweed extracts have been to 9.4 cm while at 60 DAT, ranged 9.9 to 14.7 cm,
shown to enhance plant defense against pest and and at 90 DAT ranged from 11.8 to 17.3 cm.
diseases reported by Allen (2001). At 30 DAT, significant differences were observed
among treatment means. However, numerically, the
3.5. Agronomic Data highest mean diameter were observed at 5 g VAM, 3
g VAM + Foc TR4 + Seaweed Extract, 5 g VAM +
3.5.1. Plant Height (cm) Seaweed Extract and 7 g VAM + Seaweed Extract
(9.4 cm) followed by 5 g VAM, Seaweed alone,
Data on height of ‗Cavendish‘ banana plantlets as numerically comparable to the positive control which
affected by the different rates of VAM supplemented gained the lowest diameter of 9.3 cm.
with Seaweed Extract against Fusarium wilt of banana The highest diameter at 60 DAT was observed on
(Figure 4). From the initial height of plantlets ranged plantlets treated 7 g VAM + Seaweed Extract (14.7
from 5.3 increased to 6.2 cm. At 30 DAT, height cm) followed by 3 g VAM + Seaweed Extract (14.5
ranged 7.9 to 9.4 cm while at 60 DAT, plant height cm) and the negative control gained lowest plant
ranged 13.9 to 20.5 cm, and at 90 DAT ranged from height of 13.9 cm. At 90 DAT the highest plant height
15.6 to 25 cm. is 7 g VAM + Seaweed Extract (25 cm) and the
At 30 DAT no significant difference was observed positive control gained lowest plant height of 9.9 cm.
among treatment means. However, numerically, the

Ubaub and Poblacion
Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Seaweed Extract for The Control of Fusarium Wilt (Fusarium Oxysporum F. Sp.
Cubense Tr4) of Potted ‘Cavendish’ Banana Under Nursery Condition

Fig. 3: Longitudinal cross-section of sample plants showing corm discoloration as influenced by the different treatments; (a)
T1, (b) T2, (c) T3, (d) T4 (e) T5 (f) T6 (g)

Based on the results 7 g VAM + Seaweed Extract from its initial diameter (6.3 mm), 30 DAT (9.2 mm),
has the highest plant height increased from the initial 60 DAT (13.8 mm) and 90 DAT (17.3 mm), which
(5.4 cm), 30 DAT (9.4 cm), 60 DAT (20.5 cm) and 90 resulted to increase plant height and pseudostem
DAT (25 cm), also with the pseudostem diameter diameter.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences, 4(7), pp. 0208-0218, 2016

Fig. 4: Mean of the plant height of ‘Cavendish‘ banana plantlets as influenced by the different treatments

It can be attributed to the characteristics of VAM 4. CONCLUSION

and Seaweed. Furthermore, the mechanisms of control
of VAM is it increase nutrient uptake ability of plant Based on the results, it can be concluded that the
roots, reduce access sites of root-invading pathogens application of VAM supplemented with seaweed
and stimulate host defence, changes in the microbial extract enhanced the plant growth and further delayed
and composition in the mycorrhizosphere according to the symptoms as well as reduced the disease incidence
Aggangan (1989) as cited by Banua (2014) and and severity of Fusarium wilt. In terms of efficacy, all
Seaweed extract also has a growth-promoting effect VAM supplemented with seaweed extract were
on plants, seaweeds also affect the physical, chemical, moderately effective. Moreover, based on its
and biological properties of soil which in turn numerical mean, the highest rates of VAM
influence plant growth. supplemented with seaweed extract exhibited great
Seaweeds and seaweed extracts enhance soil health potential to promote plant growth as well as a reduced
by improving moisture-holding capacity and by the effects of Fusarium wilt for as much as 50%.
promoting the growth of beneficial soil microbes as
reported by Craigie, J., et al. (2009).

Ubaub and Poblacion
Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Seaweed Extract for The Control of Fusarium Wilt (Fusarium Oxysporum F. Sp.
Cubense Tr4) of Potted ‘Cavendish’ Banana Under Nursery Condition

Fig. 5: Mean of the pseaudostem diameter of ‗Cavendish‘ banana plantlets as influenced by the different treatments

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Ubaub and Poblacion
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Dr. Leslie T. Ubaub is a faculty member of the College of Agriculture and Related Sciences in
the University of Southeastern Philippines, Tagum City. She finished her PhD degree in
Entomology in the University of the Philippines-Los Baños. In 2016, she was awarded a
Fulbright fellowship for six months in the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA as a visiting
scholar to do morphological and molecular identification of an Entomopathogenic Nematode
(EPN) collected from the Philippines. She was also an Erasmus Mundus Fellow wherein she
spent six months in the University of Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, Spain doing research on
EPN. Her research interest is in Integrated Pest Management particularly the use of Biological
Control Agents.

Ms. Liza Belle C. Poblacion is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture major in Plant
Pathology in the University of Southeastern Philippines, Tagum-Mabini Campus, Mabini Unit,
Compostela Valley Province. She is currently working in the same university as Staff in the
Office of Instruction, Curriculum, and Accreditation Office.

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