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My name is Akbar. I'm from Madura. I'm student of Ar Rahmah Islamic boarding school. Do you know??

I'm the one

and only student that feel sad every day. Because I have no money, my parents barely send me money. because we are
from poor family.

one day,, Akbar sits lonely and he cried because he is never sent money by his parents.

Akbar : Owh my God,,, Why is it happened to me, I feel sad in this school, I feel envy with my friends because they
can buy anything in the canteen, but I can't do that.

And that time, unintentionally Akbar finds kettle and he open it.

Jin : ha ha ha.. I give you one request. what do you want????

Akbar: I want much money... I want buy anything in the canteen.

Jin : This is the money..Sorry I have to go.. because I want take a poop. menghilang..

Akbar : Thank you om jin... I can buy anything with this money..

Akbar : Hei, Nadhif what are you doing.. come on follow me.. I Will treat you in the canteen

Nadhif : Really..are you serius..

Akbar : yes I'm so serius.. Let's go..

in the canteen

Akbar : just take what do you want.. I'll pay it for you..

Nadhif : Oke brother...Thank you so much..

Akbar : That’s okey…

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