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김성백의 영어뉴스 핵심패턴

(31회) The World’s First Part-Human, Part-Monkey Embryos & UN: Korea Has the
Lowest Birthrate, Again

PART 1: Today’s Topics

[The World’s First Part-Human, Part-Monkey Embryos]

A joint research team from the US and China has created the first part-human, part-monkey
embryos. The scientists created the embryos to uncover new ways to produce organs for
people who need transplants.

[News Keywords]

 embryo: 배아
 to uncover: (비밀 등을) 알아내다
 transplant: 이식

[The World’s First Part-Human, Part-Monkey Embryos]

A joint research team from the US and China

미국과 중국의 공동 연구진이

has created the first part-human, part-monkey embryos.

세계 최초로 ‘인간-원숭이 잡종 배아’를 만드는데 성공했습니다.

The scientists created the embryos

연구진이 문제의 배아를 만든 것은

to uncover new ways to produce organs for people who need transplants.
이식이 필요한 사람들을 위한 장기 생산의 새로운 방법을 밝히기 위함입니다.

[UN: Korea Has the Lowest Birthrate, Again]

According to a U.N. report, South Korea’s fertility rate—the average number of children a

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woman has in her lifetime—is 1.1 this year. That's the lowest rate among the 198 countries
surveyed. It is also one of the world's fastest aging countries, with senior citizens accounting
for more than 16 percent of the population.

[News Keywords]

 fertility rate: (합계) 출산율

 to account for: (비율을) 차지하다

[UN: Korea Has the Lowest Birthrate, Again]

According to a U.N. report,

유엔 보고서에 따르면

South Korea’s fertility rate—the average number of children a woman has in her lifetime—is
1.1 this year.
여성 1명이 평생 낳을 것으로 예상되는 아이 수를 뜻하는 ‘합계 출산율’은 1.1명입니다.

That's the lowest rate among the 198 countries surveyed.

이는 조사 대상 198개국 가운데 가장 낮은 비율입니다.

It is also one of the world's fastest aging countries,

또한 한국은 고령화가 가장 빠른 나라 가운데 하나이기도 한데,

with senior citizens accounting for more than 16 percent of the population.
고령 인구가 전체 인구 대비 16%를 넘는 것으로 나타났습니다.

고령화 사회: an aging society

고령 사회: an aged society
초고령 사회: a super-aged society

[Today’s Patterns]

 the highest rate & the lowest rate

- 미국의 성인 비만율은 전세계에서 가장 높다.

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비만율: the obesity rate

1) The obesity rate of American adults is the highest (rate) in the world.
2) The United States has the highest adult obesity rate in the world.

- 미국의 성인 비만율은 전세계에서 가장 높은 편이다.

1) The obesity rate of American adults is the highest (rates) in the world.

The obesity rate of American adults is among the highest (rates) in the world.

2) The United States has one of the highest adult obesity rates in the world.

PART 2: Being An Anchor, Yourself

[The Impact of Creating “Chimeras”]

이번 연구는 이식을 위한 장기 부족 문제를 해결하기 위해 시작되었지만, 덕분에 키메라에

대한 심각한 윤리 문제가 제기되었다.

이번 연구는 이식을 위한 장기 부족 문제를 해결하기 위해 시작되었다.

- 이식용 장기 부족: a shortage of organs for transplants

The new research was a at addressing the shortage of transplantable organs.

The new research was aimed at addressing the shortage of transplantable organs.

덕분에 키메라에 대한 심각한 윤리 문제가 제기되었다.

- 윤리 문제: ethical issues, ethical questions

But it has r serious ethical questions about creating chimeras.

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But it has raised serious ethical questions about creating chimeras.

The new research was aimed at addressing the shortage of transplantable organs, but it has
raised serious ethical questions about creating chimeras.

PART 3: Today’s Expressions

embryo: 배아

to uncover: (비밀 등을) 알아내다

organ transplant: 장기 이식

to account for: (비율을) 차지하다

to raise ethical questions: 윤리 문제를 제기하다

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(32회) NASA Helicopter's Historic First Flight on Mars & BOK Keeps Benchmark Rate
at 0.5%

PART 1: Today’s Topics

[NASA Helicopter's Historic First Flight on Mars]

NASA's experimental helicopter, known as Ingenuity, took its much-anticipated first test flight
on Mars. It was the first powered flight by an aircraft on another planet, and the triumph was
hailed as another “Wright brothers moment”.

[News Keywords]

 ingenuity: 독창성
 much-anticipated: 많은 기대를 모은
 planet: 행성
 triumph: 대성공, 업적
 to hail: 묘사하다, 칭송하다

[NASA Helicopter's Historic First Flight on Mars]

NASA's experimental helicopter, known as Ingenuity,

‘인지뉴이티’라고 불리는 미국 항공우주국의 실험용 헬리콥터가

took its much-anticipated first test flight on Mars.

많은 기대를 모았던 화성 최초 시험 비행에 성공했습니다.

It was the first powered flight by an aircraft on another planet,

이번 비행은 지구 밖 천체에서 최초로 이루어진 동력 비행으로

and the triumph was hailed as another “Wright brothers moment”.

또 하나의 “라이트 형제의 순간”으로 각광 받았습니다.

[BOK Keeps Benchmark Rate at 0.5%]

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South Korea's central bank has decided to keep its benchmark interest rate unchanged at a
record low of 0.5 percent. The Bank of Korea says uncertainty surrounding the economy
remains high amid the pandemic.

[News Keywords]

 benchmark interest rate: 기준 금리

 uncertainty: 불확실성

[BOK Keeps Benchmark Rate at 0.5%]

South Korea's central bank

한국의 중앙은행이

has decided to keep its benchmark interest rate unchanged

기준 금리를 동결하겠다고 결정했습니다.

at a record low of 0.5 percent.

역대 최저인 0.5%로 유지됩니다.

The Bank of Korea says


uncertainty surrounding the economy remains high amid the pandemic.

팬데믹 상황에서 한국 경제의 불확실성이 여전히 높다고 말했습니다.

동결하다: to keep ~ unchanged = to freeze ~

통화 정책: monetary policy

[Today’s Patterns]

 to hit or reach a record low: 역대 최저를 기록하다

to hit or reach a record high: 역대 최고를 기록하다

- 미국의 실업률은 작년에 14.4%로 역대 최고를 기록했다.

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실업률: the unemployment rate

The unemployment rate in the U.S. hit a record high of 14.4% last year.

- 호주의 총부채 상환 비율은 200%에 육박하는데, 역대 최고다.

총부채 상환 비율: the debt-to-income ratio

Australia’s household debt-to-income ratio is a record high of nearly 200%.

Australia’s household debt-to-income ratio is at a record high of nearly 200%.

PART 2: Being An Anchor, Yourself

[The Federal Reserve]

미국의 중앙은행인 연방준비제도는 코로나19 팬데믹으로 타격을 입은 미국 경제 부양을 위해

금리 인하를 단행했다.

미국의 중앙은행인 연방준비제도는 코로나19 팬데믹으로 타격을 입은 미국 경제 부양을 위해

금리 인하를 단행했다.

- 중앙은행: central banks

- 연방준비제도(연준): the Federal Reserve (the Fed)

- 금리 인하하다: to lower interest rates, to cut interest rates

금리 인상하다: to raise interest rates

The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the U.S., has slashed its benchmark interest rate to
s the economy hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the U.S., has slashed its benchmark interest rate to
stimulate the economy hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic.

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The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the U.S., has slashed its benchmark interest rate to
stimulate the economy hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic.

PART 3: Today’s Expressions

to keep interest rates unchanged: 금리를 동결하다

(= to freeze interest rates)

to cut interest rates: 금리를 인하하다

to raise interest rates: 금리를 인상하다

to hit a record high: 역대 최고를 기록하다

to stimulate the economy: 경제를 부양하다

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(33회) Middle East Dominates List of Top Executioners & Wealthy Mexicans Flocking
to U.S. for Shots

PART 1: Today’s Topics

[Middle East Dominates List of Top Executioners]

Amnesty International says four out of the world's five top executioners in 2020 were Middle
East states. Iran, Iraq, Egypt and Saudi Arabia accounted for 88% of the 483 reported
executions worldwide. The global total was the lowest in a decade, but it did not include

[News Keywords]

 executioner: 사형 집행인
 to account for: (비율을) 차지하다
 to pledge: 약속하다
 decade: 10년

[Middle East Dominates List of Top Executioners]

Amnesty International says

국제앰네스티(AI)에 따르면

four out of the world's five top executioners in 2020 were Middle East states.
2020년 사형 집행을 가장 많이 한 나라 5개국 중 4개국이 중동 국가라고 합니다.

Iran, Iraq, Egypt and Saudi Arabia

이란, 이라크, 이집트와 사우디아라비아가

accounted for 88% of the 483 reported executions worldwide.

지난해에 사형이 집행된 것으로 알려진 483건 가운데 88%를 차지했습니다.

The global total was the lowest in a decade,

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이 수치는 세계적으로 10년 만에 가장 낮은 수치이긴 하지만,

but it did not include China.

중국은 포함되지 않았습니다.

[Wealthy Mexicans Flocking to U.S. for Shots]

Mexico’s vaccine rollout has been painfully slow, with only 4% of the country’s 128 million
people having received at least one dose. Now many of those with means are flocking to the
United States for shots.

[News Keywords]

 rollout: 출시
 dose: 복용량, 투여량
 means: 수단, 돈
 to flock to: ~에 몰려들다

[Wealthy Mexicans Flocking to U.S. for Shots]

Mexico’s vaccine rollout has been painfully slow,

멕시코의 백신 배포가 극도로 느리게 진행되고 있습니다.

with only 4% of the country’s 128 million people having received at least one dose.
1억 2,800만 인구 가운데 겨우 4%만이 최소 한 차례 접종을 받은 상황입니다.

Now many of those with means are flocking to the United States for shots.
이제 부유한 사람들 상당 수가 백신 접종을 위해 미국으로 몰려들고 있습니다.

[Today’s Patterns]

 to flock to: ~에 몰려들다

많은 외국인들이 성형을 위해 한국을 찾고 있다.

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성형 수술: plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery

Many foreigners are flocking to South Korea for cosmetic surgery.

A large number of foreigners are h to South Korea for cosmetic surgery.

A large number of foreigners are heading to South Korea for cosmetic surgery.

PART 2: Being An Anchor, Yourself

[The Death Penalty]

사형을 지지하는 사람들은 이 제도가 강력한 범죄 억제력을 지닌다고 말하지만, 사형에

반대하는 사람들은 정부가 인간의 목숨을 빼앗는 것은 야만적이라고 주장한다.

사형을 지지하는 사람들은 이 제도가 강력한 범죄 억제력을 지닌다고 말한다.

- 사형제도: the death penalty, capital punishment, the ultimate punishment

- 지지하는 사람들: supporters of ~, proponents of ~

Supporters of the death penalty say that the system is a strong d to crime.

Supporters of the death penalty say that the system is a strong deterrent to crime.

사형에 반대하는 사람들은 정부가 인간의 목숨을 빼앗는 것은 야만적이라고 주장한다.

- 반대하는 사람들: opponents of ~, critics of ~

Opponents, however, argue that it is barbaric for a / the government to take a human life.

Opponents, however, argue that it is barbaric for a government to take a human life.

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Supporters of the death penalty say that the system is a strong deterrent to crime.
Opponents, however, argue that it is barbaric for a government to take a human life.

PART 3: Today’s Expressions

to account for: (비율을) 차지하다

rollout: 출시

dose: 복용량, 투여량

to flock to: ~에 몰려들다

supporters of the death penalty: 사형제도 지지자들

opponents of the death penalty: 사형제도 반대자들

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(34회) Youn Yuh-jung Wins Best Supporting Actress Oscar & China: Economy
Expanded 18.3% in First Quarter

PART 1: Today’s Topics

[Youn Yuh-jung Wins Best Supporting Actress Oscar]

Youn Yuh-jung won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her role as a spirited and
unconventional grandmother in “Minari” at the 93rd Academy Awards this year. She has
become the first Korean to win an Oscar trophy in an acting category.

[News Keywords]

 spirited: 활발한, 기백이 넘치는

 unconventional: 관습에 얽매이지 않는, 색다른

[Youn Yuh-jung Wins Best Supporting Actress Oscar]

Youn Yuh-jung won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress

윤여정 씨가 아카데미 여우 조연상을 수상했습니다.

for her role as a spirited and unconventional grandmother in “Minari”

영화 ‘미나리’에서 활기차면서도 이전과 다른 할머니 역할로 열연을 했는데요.

at the 93rd Academy Awards this year.

금년이 제 93회 아카데미 시상식이었습니다.

She has become the first Korean to win an Oscar trophy in an acting category.
윤여정 씨는 아카데미 연기 부문에서 수상한 한국 최초의 배우로 등극했습니다.

weapons of mass destruction 대량살상 무기 ↔ conventional weapons: 재래식 무기

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[China: Economy Expanded 18.3% in First Quarter]

China said its economy grew by 18.3% in the first quarter of 2021, the biggest jump since
records began in the early 1990s. But many say the figure is skewed, as it comes from a low
base of -7% during the first three months of last year. China announced it set a growth target
of more than six percent for 2021.

[News Keywords]

 quarter: 1/4, 분기
 to skew: 왜곡하다

[China: Economy Expanded 18.3% in First Quarter]

China said its economy grew by 18.3% in the first quarter of 2021,
중국은 중국 경제가 금년 1분기에 18.3% 성장했다고 밝혔습니다.

the biggest jump since records began in the early 1990s.

이는 90년대 초에 기록 집계가 시작된 이후 최대 상승폭입니다.

But many say the figure is skewed,

그러나 많은 이들이 수치가 왜곡되었다고 말하는데요,

as it comes from a low base of -7% during the first three months of last year.
작년 1분기에 마이너스 7% 성장에 따른 기저효과 때문입니다.

China announced it set a growth target of more than six percent for 2021.
중국은 올해 (전년 대비) 6% 이상 경제 성장을 목표로 한다고 말했습니다.

[Today’s Patterns]

 관사의 활용: 관사가 바뀌면 의미가 달라진다

- 전세계에 걸쳐 남녀 모두에게 심장 질환이 사망 원인 1위에 해당한다.

심장 질환: heart disease, 사망 원인: cause of death

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Heart disease is a vs. the leading cause of death for both men and women around the

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women around the

PART 2: Being An Anchor, Yourself

[Job Creation & Economic Recovery]

경제 회복을 앞당기기 위해서는 고용 창출 정책을 전면 개편할 필요가 있다.

경제 회복을 앞당기기 위해서는 고용 창출 정책을 전면 개편할 필요가 있다.

경제 회복: an economic recovery, an economic rebound

고용을 창출하다: create jobs

(고용 창출: job creation)

The government needs to 개편하다, 뜯어 고치다 its job creation policy to speed up the
economic recovery.

The government needs to overhaul its job creation policy to speed up the economic recovery.

The government needs to overhaul its job creation policy to speed up the economic recovery.

PART 3: Today’s Expressions

unconventional: 관습에 얽매이지 않는, 색다른

to skew: 왜곡하다

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a leading cause of death: 사망 원인

to create jobs: 일자리를 창출하다

(35회) Indonesian Submarine Found; 53 Confirmed Dead & Is College Worth the Cost?

PART 1: Today’s Topics

[Indonesian Submarine Found; 53 Confirmed Dead]

After a five-day search, Indonesia has confirmed its missing submarine sank with the loss of
all 53 crew off the coast of Bali. The submarine was discovered broken into 3 pieces. The
cause of the sinking has not been determined.

[News Keywords]

 to confirm: 확인해 주다
 missing: 실종된
 to determine: 밝히다, 확정하다

[Indonesian Submarine Found; 53 Confirmed Dead]

After a five-day search,

5일간의 수색 이후

Indonesia has confirmed its missing submarine sank

인도네시아는 실종된 잠수함이 침몰했다고 공식 발표했습니다.

with the loss of all 53 crew off the coast of Bali.

또한 53명의 승조원 전원이 발리 앞바다에서 사망했습니다.

The submarine was discovered broken into 3 pieces.

문제의 잠수함은 세 조각 난 것으로 드러났습니다.

The cause of the sinking has not been determined.

사고 원인은 아직 밝혀지지 않은 상태입니다

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[Is College Worth the Cost?]

We cannot place a value on education. But a college education comes with a price tag –
about 37,000 dollars a year for a private university in the U.S. And more than half of college
students graduate with an average of 29,000 dollars in student debt.

[News Keywords]

 price tag: 가격표

 to graduate: 졸업하다

[Is College Worth the Cost?]

We cannot place a value on education.

교육에는 가격을 매길 수 없습니다.

But a college education comes with a price tag

그러나 대학 교육에는 가격이 붙어 있습니다.

– about 37,000 dollars a year for a private university in the U.S.

미국 사립 대학의 경우 연간 3만 7천 달러 정도의 비용이 소요됩니다.

And more than half of college students

그리고 대학생의 절반 이상이

graduate with an average of 29,000 dollars in student debt.

평균 2만 9천 달러의 학자금 융자를 지닌 채 졸업합니다.

[Today’s Patterns]

 전치사 in: 금액과 설명 사이에는 전치사 in이 들어간다

- 그 영화는 1억 달러가 넘는 흥행을 기록했다.

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김성백의 영어뉴스 핵심패턴

(영화가) 돈을 벌어들이다: to make, to earn, to bring in, to take in

The movie has g more than 100 million dollars ticket sales.

The movie has grossed more than 100 million dollars in ticket sales.

(자막) 역대 최고의 흥행작: the highest grossing movie of all time

PART 2: Being An Anchor, Yourself

[Is College Worth the Cost?]

학자금 대출은 건전한 투자로, 나중에 그 돈 값을 할 것이라고 생각하는 사람들이 아직도 많다.

학자금 대출은 건전한 투자로, 나중에 그 돈 값을 할 것이라고 생각하는 사람들이 아직도 많다.

- 학자금 대출: student loan

- A를 B로 간주하다: to see [view, regard, think of] A as B

- 돈 값을 하다: It is worth it.

Still, many people see student debt as a healthy investment that can be r .

Still, many people see student debt as a healthy investment that can be recouped.

Still, many people see student debt as a healthy investment that can be recouped.

PART 3: Today’s Expressions

to confirm: 확인해 주다

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김성백의 영어뉴스 핵심패턴

missing: 실종된

to determine: 밝히다, 확정하다

student loan: 학자금 대출

to recoup: 회복하다, 되찾다

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