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Consumer Analysis (Target Customer)

The main target market of this study is the youth, especially the students. The

Bapoca chips are generally available for all ages whoever wants to satisfy their

cravings for a delicious snack. Bapoca chips are healthier compared to the

commercial chips sold in malls and stores. The reason behind it is that Bapoca chips

will not be containing any preservatives or chemicals. The Bapoca chips' main

ingredients are known to be nutritious. Mixing these ingredients will reach a healthier

output of the product. Furthermore, the Bapoca chips are cost-effective because the

researchers will use readily available raw materials and they are at low cost. The

product also comes with three different dipping sauces (classic sour cream, vegetable

sour cream, and sweet and spicy) that can possibly satisfy every desire of each

customer. The innovation of the researchers will surely satisfy the customers in terms

of taste, budget-friendliness, and health benefits.

2. Product

Picture of the product


3. Price

4. Promotion



Leaflets To introduce a 100 pieces per day First weeks of the

product to a large will be given away operation

number of target

Tarpaulins To let know the 3 pieces of 4ft” x 1 month

customers about 1ft” size banner (1 piece before the

our business. opening)

2 weeks

(2 pieces from the

day of operation)

Digital Marketing To advertise our An online Daily posting of

products by using marketing where new customers and

social networking business use updates about the

sites. internet to advertise product

the product.

Free Taste To attract Free taste of bapoca 1st day of the

customers and to chips operation

identify their

standards through

food tasting.

Buy 3 Take 1 To encourage our Every 3 packs of Every special

customers to buy chips has free 1 occasion (ex.

because the more pack Christmas, New

they buy, the more Year, Anniversary)

they save

5. Social Media Marketing

 Content Marketing

Content Marketing is a strategic marketing approach. It’s a process of

developing and distributing content in order to attract and retain customers. It’s not

only about creating good content when it comes to content marketing. The

information should be well-written and logical. Knowing what your audience exactly

wants. Using this strategy we will be able to meet our objectives by creating an

interesting blog posts, videos, podcasts, Emails, or infographics about our product,

and sharing them on different social media platforms.

 Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a type of marketing in which a company connects with

an influencer who has a loyal audience for the same product or speaks for the same

goods. Therefore as a result of this, influencers share their material with their

audience, raising brand visibility and assisting in the conversion of followers into


 Sharing a coupon code so that the influencer’s audience can get a great deal.

 Social media product review.

 Using influencers to create content for our product, such as videos, blog

posts, and social media adverts.

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